Пример #1
  /** Creates a PaintWindow with a picture bouncing left to right within the window. */
  public void exercise1e() {
    PaintWindow pw = new PaintWindow();
    Random rand = new Random();
    ImageIcon image =
        new ImageIcon(
            "/Users/Kristoffer/Documents/Programering/Prog. Fördjupning/Inlämningsuppgifter/src/p1/gubbe.jpg");
    int width = pw.getBackgroundWidth();
    int height = pw.getBackgroundHeight();
    // deltaX and deltaY
    int dx = -3;
    int dy = 0;
    // Start position in for the image
    int x = 250;
    int y = rand.nextInt(height - 100); // Bildens höjd är 100

    // oändlig loop, raderna 36-42 upprepas tills PaintWindow-fönstret
    // stängs
    while (true) {
      pw.showImage(image, x, y);
      PaintWindow.pause(5); // pausa exekveringen i 20 ms innan nästa
      // förflyttning
      x += dx;
      y += dy;

      // Checks if x-pos is out of the bounds of the window
      // Using width - 100 takes the size of the image in consideration
      if (x < 0) {
        dx = -dx;
      } else if (x > width - 100) {
        dx = -dx;
Пример #2
  /** Creates a PaintWindow with a picture bouncing randomly around within the window. */
  public void exercise1f() {
    PaintWindow pw = new PaintWindow();
    Random rand = new Random();
    ImageIcon image =
        new ImageIcon(
            "/Users/Kristoffer/Documents/Programering/Prog. Fördjupning/Inlämningsuppgifter/src/p1/gubbe.jpg");
    int width = pw.getBackgroundWidth();
    int height = pw.getBackgroundHeight();

    // Delta X and Y are given a random number between -3(inclusive) and 3
    // (inclusive)
    int dx = rand.nextInt(7) - 3;
    int dy = rand.nextInt(7) - 3;

    // Start position is randomly generated within the window
    int x = rand.nextInt(width - 100);
    int y = rand.nextInt(height - 100); // Bildens höjd är 100

    // oändlig loop, raderna 36-42 upprepas tills PaintWindow-fönstret
    // stängs
    while (true) {
      pw.showImage(image, x, y);
      PaintWindow.pause(20); // pausa exekveringen i 20 ms innan nästa
      // förflyttning
      x += dx;
      y += dy;

      // Checks if x-pos is out of the bounds of the window
      // Using width - 100 takes the size of the image in consideration
      if (x < 0) {
        dx = -dx;
      } else if (x > width - 100) {
        dx = -dx;

      // Checks if y-pos is out of the bounds of the window
      // Using height - 100 takes the size of the image in consideration
      if (y < 0) {
        dy = -dy;
      } else if (y > height - 100) {
        dy = -dy;