Пример #1
 public Expression bindKeyVariable(Value var, Value val) {
   // handle the strange case of using a constant path to bind a
   // variable; in these cases the variable acts like an unbound
   // variable that we limit by using an IN clause on the constant
   // value collection
   if (val instanceof Const) {
     PCPath path = new PCPath(_type, (Variable) var);
     return new InKeyExpression(path, (Const) val);
   return new BindVariableExpression((Variable) var, (PCPath) val, true);
Пример #2
  private void verifyTypeOperation(Value val, Value param, boolean isNotEqual) {
    if (val.getPath() == null) return;
    PCPath path = (PCPath) val.getPath();
    Discriminator disc = ((Type) val).getDiscriminator();
    if (disc == null
        || !(val.getMetaData().getPCSuperclass() != null
            || val.getMetaData().getPCSubclasses().length > 0))
      throw new UserException(
              path.last() != null ? path.getPCPathString() : path.getSchemaAlias()));

    if (disc.getColumns().length == 0) {
      if (disc.getStrategy() instanceof NoneDiscriminatorStrategy) {
        // limited support for table per class inheritance hierarchy
        if (path.last() != null)
          throw new UserException(_loc.get("type-argument-unsupported", path.last().getName()));
        if (isNotEqual) {
          if (param != null && param instanceof Null)
            throw new UserException(
                _loc.get("type-in-expression-unsupported", path.getSchemaAlias()));
            throw new UserException(_loc.get("type-not-equal-unsupported", path.getSchemaAlias()));
      if (param != null && param instanceof CollectionParam)
        throw new UserException(_loc.get("collection-param-unsupported"));
Пример #3
  public void appendTo(Select sel, ExpContext ctx, ExpState state, SQLBuffer sql, int index) {
    if (!(_map instanceof PCPath)) throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
    if (!(_key instanceof Const)) throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

    GetMapValueExpState gstate = (GetMapValueExpState) state;
    PCPath map = (PCPath) _map;
    Object key = ((Const) _key).getValue(ctx, gstate.keyState);
    FieldMapping field = map.getFieldMapping(gstate.mapState);
    if (!(field.getStrategy() instanceof LRSMapFieldStrategy))
      throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

    LRSMapFieldStrategy strat = (LRSMapFieldStrategy) field.getStrategy();
    ClassMapping[] clss = strat.getIndependentValueMappings(true);
    if (clss != null && clss.length > 1) throw RelationStrategies.unjoinable(field);

    ClassMapping cls = (clss == null || clss.length == 0) ? null : clss[0];
    ForeignKey fk = strat.getJoinForeignKey(cls);

    // manually create a subselect for the Map's value
    sql.append("(SELECT ");
    Column[] values = field.getElementMapping().getColumns();
    for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
      if (i > 0) sql.append(", ");
    sql.append(" FROM ").append(values[0].getTable());
    sql.append(" WHERE ");

    // add in the joins
        sql, sel, null, ctx.store.getDBDictionary(), field, fk);
    sql.append(" AND ");

    key = strat.toKeyDataStoreValue(key, ctx.store);
    Column[] cols = strat.getKeyColumns(cls);
    Object[] vals = (cols.length == 1) ? null : (Object[]) key;

    for (int i = 0; i < cols.length; i++) {
      if (vals == null) sql.append((key == null) ? " IS " : " = ").appendValue(key, cols[i]);
      else sql.append((vals[i] == null) ? " IS " : " = ").appendValue(vals[i], cols[i]);
Пример #4
 public Value getKey(Value val) {
   ((PCPath) val).getKey();
   return val;
Пример #5
 public Value index(Value val) {
   ((PCPath) val).verifyIndexedField();
   return new Index((Val) val);