Пример #1
 /** Return a unique char buffer representing a given character sequence. */
 public char[] intern(MutableCharArray chs) {
   if (tokenCache.contains(chs)) {
     return tokenCache.lget().getBuffer();
   } else {
     final char[] tokenImage = new char[chs.length()];
     System.arraycopy(chs.getBuffer(), chs.getStart(), tokenImage, 0, chs.length());
     tokenCache.add(new MutableCharArray(tokenImage));
     return tokenImage;
Пример #2
 * Document preprocessing context provides low-level (usually integer-coded) data structures useful
 * for further processing.
 * <p><img src="doc-files/preprocessing-arrays.png" alt="Internals of PreprocessingContext"/>
public final class PreprocessingContext {
  /** Uninitialized structure constant. */
  private static final String UNINITIALIZED = "[uninitialized]";

  /** Query used to perform processing, may be <code>null</code> */
  public final String query;

  /** A list of documents to process. */
  public final List<Document> documents;

  /** Language model to be used */
  public final LanguageModel language;

   * Token interning cache. Token images are interned to save memory and allow reference
   * comparisons.
  private ObjectOpenHashSet<MutableCharArray> tokenCache = ObjectOpenHashSet.newInstance();

   * Creates a preprocessing context for the provided <code>documents</code> and with the provided
   * <code>languageModel</code>.
  public PreprocessingContext(LanguageModel languageModel, List<Document> documents, String query) {
    this.query = query;
    this.documents = documents;
    this.language = languageModel;

   * Information about all tokens of the input {@link PreprocessingContext#documents}. Each element
   * of each of the arrays corresponds to one individual token from the input or a synthetic
   * separator inserted between documents, fields and sentences. Last element of this array is a
   * special terminator entry.
   * <p>All arrays in this class have the same length and values across different arrays correspond
   * to each other for the same index.
  public class AllTokens {
     * Token image as it appears in the input. On positions where {@link #type} is equal to one of
     * {@link ITokenizer#TF_TERMINATOR}, {@link ITokenizer#TF_SEPARATOR_DOCUMENT} or {@link
     * ITokenizer#TF_SEPARATOR_FIELD} , image is <code>null</code>.
     * <p>This array is produced by {@link Tokenizer}.
    public char[][] image;

     * Token's {@link ITokenizer} bit flags.
     * <p>This array is produced by {@link Tokenizer}.
    public short[] type;

     * Document field the token came from. The index points to arrays in {@link AllFields}, equal to
     * <code>-1</code> for document and field separators.
     * <p>This array is produced by {@link Tokenizer}.
    public byte[] fieldIndex;

     * Index of the document this token came from, points to elements of {@link
     * PreprocessingContext#documents}. Equal to <code>-1</code> for document separators.
     * <p>This array is produced by {@link Tokenizer}.
     * <p>This array is accessed in in {@link CaseNormalizer} and {@link PhraseExtractor} to compute
     * by-document statistics, e.g. tf-by document, which are then needed to build a VSM or assign
     * documents to labels. An alternative to this representation would be creating an <code>
     * AllDocuments</code> holder and keep there an array of start token indexes for each document
     * and then refactor the model building code to do a binary search to determine the document
     * index given token index. This is likely to be a significant performance hit because model
     * building code accesses the documentIndex array pretty much randomly (in the suffix order), so
     * we'd be doing twice-the-number-of-tokens binary searches. Unless there's some other data
     * structure that can help us here.
    public int[] documentIndex;

     * A pointer to {@link AllWords} arrays for this token. Equal to <code>-1</code> for document,
     * field and {@link ITokenizer#TT_PUNCTUATION} tokens (including sentence separators).
     * <p>This array is produced by {@link CaseNormalizer}.
    public int[] wordIndex;

     * The suffix order of tokens. Suffixes starting with a separator come at the end of the array.
     * <p>This array is produced by {@link PhraseExtractor}.
    public int[] suffixOrder;

     * The Longest Common Prefix for the adjacent suffix-sorted token sequences.
     * <p>This array is produced by {@link PhraseExtractor}.
    public int[] lcp;

    /** For debugging purposes. */
    public String toString() {
      StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
      TabularOutput t = new TabularOutput(sw);


      for (int i = 0; i < image.length; i++, t.nextRow()) {
            image[i] == null ? "<null>" : new String(image[i]),
            fieldIndex[i] >= 0 ? allFields.name[fieldIndex[i]] : null,
            wordIndex[i] >= 0 ? new String(allWords.image[wordIndex[i]]) : null);

      if (suffixOrder != null) {
        t = new TabularOutput(sw);

        final StringBuilder suffixImage = new StringBuilder();
        for (int i = 0; i < suffixOrder.length; i++, t.nextRow()) {
          t.rowData(i, suffixOrder[i], lcp[i]);

          int windowLength = 5;
          for (int j = suffixOrder[i],
                  max = Math.min(suffixOrder[i] + windowLength, wordIndex.length);
              j < max; ) {
                .append(wordIndex[j] >= 0 ? new String(allWords.image[wordIndex[j]]) : "|")
                .append(" ");
            if (++j == max && j != wordIndex.length) suffixImage.append(" [...]");

      return sw.toString();

  /** Information about all tokens of the input {@link PreprocessingContext#documents}. */
  public final AllTokens allTokens = new AllTokens();

   * Information about all fields processed for the input {@link PreprocessingContext#documents}.
  public static class AllFields {
     * Name of the document field. Entries of {@link AllTokens#fieldIndex} point to this array.
     * <p>This array is produced by {@link Tokenizer}.
    public String[] name;

    /** For debugging purposes. */
    public String toString() {
      StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
      TabularOutput t = new TabularOutput(sw);

      int i = 0;
      for (String n : name) {
        t.rowData(i++, n).nextRow();

      return sw.toString();

   * Information about all fields processed for the input {@link PreprocessingContext#documents}.
  public final AllFields allFields = new AllFields();

   * Information about all unique words found in the input {@link PreprocessingContext#documents}.
   * An entry in each parallel array corresponds to one conflated form of a word. For example,
   * <em>data</em> and <em>DATA</em> will most likely become a single entry in the words table.
   * However, different grammatical forms of a single lemma (like <em>computer</em> and
   * <em>computers</em>) will have different entries in the words table. See {@link AllStems} for
   * inflection-conflated versions.
   * <p>All arrays in this class have the same length and values across different arrays correspond
   * to each other for the same index.
  public class AllWords {
     * The most frequently appearing variant of the word with respect to case. E.g. if a token
     * <em>MacOS</em> appeared 12 times in the input and <em>macos</em> appeared 3 times, the image
     * will be equal to <em>MacOS</em>.
     * <p>This array is produced by {@link CaseNormalizer}.
    public char[][] image;

     * Token type of this word copied from {@link AllTokens#type}. Additional flags are set for each
     * word by {@link CaseNormalizer} and {@link LanguageModelStemmer}.
     * <p>This array is produced by {@link CaseNormalizer}. This array is modified by {@link
     * LanguageModelStemmer}.
     * @see ITokenizer
    public short[] type;

     * Term Frequency of the word, aggregated across all variants with respect to case. Frequencies
     * for each variant separately are not available.
     * <p>This array is produced by {@link CaseNormalizer}.
    public int[] tf;

     * Term Frequency of the word for each document. The length of this array is equal to the number
     * of documents this word appeared in (Document Frequency) multiplied by 2. Elements at even
     * indices contain document indices pointing to {@link PreprocessingContext#documents}, elements
     * at odd indices contain the frequency of the word in the document. For example, an array with
     * 4 values: <code>[2, 15, 138, 7]</code> means that the word appeared 15 times in document at
     * index 2 and 7 times in document at index 138.
     * <p>This array is produced by {@link CaseNormalizer}. The order of documents in this array is
     * not defined.
    public int[][] tfByDocument;

     * A pointer to the {@link AllStems} arrays for this word.
     * <p>This array is produced by {@link LanguageModelStemmer}.
    public int[] stemIndex;

     * A bit-packed indices of all fields in which this word appears at least once. Indexes
     * (positions) of selected bits are pointers to the {@link AllFields} arrays. Fast conversion
     * between the bit-packed representation and <code>byte[]</code> with index values is done by
     * {@link #toFieldIndexes(byte)}
     * <p>This array is produced by {@link CaseNormalizer}.
    public byte[] fieldIndices;

    /** For debugging purposes. */
    public String toString() {
      StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
      TabularOutput t = new TabularOutput(sw);

      if (stemIndex != null) {

      for (int i = 0; i < image.length; i++, t.nextRow()) {
            image[i] == null ? "<null>" : new String(image[i]),

        t.rowData(Arrays.toString(toFieldIndexes(fieldIndices[i])).replace(" ", ""));

        if (stemIndex != null) {
          t.rowData(new String(allStems.image[stemIndex[i]]));

      return sw.toString();

   * Information about all unique words found in the input {@link PreprocessingContext#documents}.
  public final AllWords allWords = new AllWords();

   * Information about all unique stems found in the input {@link PreprocessingContext#documents}.
   * Each entry in each array corresponds to one base form different words can be transformed to by
   * the {@link IStemmer} used while processing. E.g. the English <em>mining</em> and <em>mine</em>
   * will be aggregated to one entry in the arrays, while they will have separate entries in {@link
   * AllWords}.
   * <p>All arrays in this class have the same length and values across different arrays correspond
   * to each other for the same index.
  public class AllStems {
     * Stem image as produced by the {@link IStemmer}, may not correspond to any correct word.
     * <p>This array is produced by {@link LanguageModelStemmer}.
    public char[][] image;

     * Pointer to the {@link AllWords} arrays, to the most frequent original form of the stem.
     * Pointers to the less frequent variants are not available.
     * <p>This array is produced by {@link LanguageModelStemmer}.
    public int[] mostFrequentOriginalWordIndex;

     * Term frequency of the stem, i.e. the sum of all {@link AllWords#tf} values for which the
     * {@link AllWords#stemIndex} points to this stem.
     * <p>This array is produced by {@link LanguageModelStemmer}.
    public int[] tf;

     * Term frequency of the stem for each document. For the encoding of this array, see {@link
     * AllWords#tfByDocument}.
     * <p>This array is produced by {@link LanguageModelStemmer}. The order of documents in this
     * array is not defined.
    public int[][] tfByDocument;

     * A bit-packed indices of all fields in which this word appears at least once. Indexes
     * (positions) of selected bits are pointers to the {@link AllFields} arrays. Fast conversion
     * between the bit-packed representation and <code>byte[]</code> with index values is done by
     * {@link #toFieldIndexes(byte)}
     * <p>This array is produced by {@link LanguageModelStemmer}
    public byte[] fieldIndices;

    /** For debugging purposes. */
    public String toString() {
      StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
      TabularOutput t = new TabularOutput(sw);

      for (int i = 0; i < image.length; i++, t.nextRow()) {
            image[i] == null ? "<null>" : new String(image[i]),
            new String(allWords.image[mostFrequentOriginalWordIndex[i]]),
            Arrays.toString(toFieldIndexes(fieldIndices[i])).replace(" ", ""));

      return sw.toString();

   * Information about all unique stems found in the input {@link PreprocessingContext#documents}.
  public final AllStems allStems = new AllStems();

   * Information about all frequently appearing sequences of words found in the input {@link
   * PreprocessingContext#documents}. Each entry in each array corresponds to one sequence.
   * <p>All arrays in this class have the same length and values across different arrays correspond
   * to each other for the same index.
  public class AllPhrases {
     * Pointers to {@link AllWords} for each word in the phrase sequence.
     * <p>This array is produced by {@link PhraseExtractor}.
    public int[][] wordIndices;

     * Term frequency of the phrase.
     * <p>This array is produced by {@link PhraseExtractor}.
    public int[] tf;

     * Term frequency of the phrase for each document. The encoding of this array is similar to
     * {@link AllWords#tfByDocument}: consecutive pairs of: document index, frequency.
     * <p>This array is produced by {@link PhraseExtractor}. The order of documents in this array is
     * not defined.
    public int[][] tfByDocument;

    /** For debugging purposes. */
    public String toString() {
      if (wordIndices == null) {
        return "";

      StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
      TabularOutput t = new TabularOutput(sw);

      for (int i = 0; i < wordIndices.length; i++, t.nextRow()) {
            Arrays.toString(wordIndices[i]).replace(" ", ""),

      return sw.toString();

    /** Returns space-separated words that constitute this phrase. */
    public CharSequence getPhrase(int index) {
      StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
      for (int i = 0; i < wordIndices[index].length; i++) {
        if (i > 0) sb.append(" ");
        sb.append(new String(allWords.image[wordIndices[index][i]]));
      return sb;

    /** Returns length of all arrays in this {@link AllPhrases}. */
    public int size() {
      return wordIndices.length;

   * Information about all frequently appearing sequences of words found in the input {@link
   * PreprocessingContext#documents}.
  public AllPhrases allPhrases = new AllPhrases();

   * Information about words and phrases that might be good cluster label candidates. Each entry in
   * each array corresponds to one label candidate.
   * <p>All arrays in this class have the same length and values across different arrays correspond
   * to each other for the same index.
  public class AllLabels {
     * Feature index of the label candidate. Features whose values are less than the size of {@link
     * AllWords} arrays are single word features and point to entries in {@link AllWords}. Features
     * whose values are larger or equal to the size of {@link AllWords}, after subtracting the size
     * of {@link AllWords}, point to {@link AllPhrases}.
     * <p>This array is produced by {@link LabelFilterProcessor}.
    public int[] featureIndex;

     * Indices of documents assigned to the label candidate.
     * <p>This array is produced by {@link DocumentAssigner}.
    public BitSet[] documentIndices;

     * The first index in {@link #featureIndex} which points to {@link AllPhrases}, or -1 if there
     * are no phrases in {@link #featureIndex}.
     * <p>This value is set by {@link LabelFilterProcessor}.
     * @see #featureIndex
    public int firstPhraseIndex;

    /** For debugging purposes. */
    public String toString() {
      if (featureIndex == null) return UNINITIALIZED;

      StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
      TabularOutput t = new TabularOutput(sw);

      for (int i = 0; i < featureIndex.length; i++, t.nextRow()) {
            documentIndices != null ? documentIndices[i].toString().replace(" ", "") : "");

      return t.toString();

    private CharSequence getLabel(int index) {
      final int wordsSize = allWords.image.length;
      if (featureIndex[index] < wordsSize) return new String(allWords.image[featureIndex[index]]);
      else return allPhrases.getPhrase(featureIndex[index] - wordsSize);

  /** Information about words and phrases that might be good cluster label candidates. */
  public final AllLabels allLabels = new AllLabels();

  /** Returns <code>true</code> if this context contains any words. */
  public boolean hasWords() {
    return allWords.image.length > 0;

  /** Returns <code>true</code> if this context contains any label candidates. */
  public boolean hasLabels() {
    return allLabels.featureIndex != null && allLabels.featureIndex.length > 0;

  public String toString() {
    return "PreprocessingContext 0x"
        + Integer.toHexString(this.hashCode())
        + "\n"
        + "== Fields:\n"
        + this.allFields.toString()
        + "== Tokens:\n"
        + this.allTokens.toString()
        + "== Words:\n"
        + this.allWords.toString()
        + "== Stems:\n"
        + this.allStems.toString()
        + "== Phrases:\n"
        + this.allPhrases.toString()
        + "== Labels:\n"
        + this.allLabels.toString();

  /** Static conversion between selected bits and an array of indexes of these bits. */
  private static final int[][] bitsCache;

  static {
    bitsCache = new int[0x100][];
    for (int i = 0; i < 0x100; i++) {
      bitsCache[i] = new int[Integer.bitCount(i & 0xFF)];
      for (int v = 0, bit = 0, j = i & 0xff; j != 0; j >>>= 1, bit++) {
        if ((j & 0x1) != 0) bitsCache[i][v++] = bit;

  /** Convert the selected bits in a byte to an array of indexes. */
  public static int[] toFieldIndexes(byte b) {
    return bitsCache[b & 0xff];

   * These should really be package-private, shouldn't they? We'd need to move classes under pipeline.
   * here for accessibility.

   * This method should be invoked after all preprocessing contributors have been executed to
   * release temporary data structures.
  public void preprocessingFinished() {
    this.tokenCache = null;

  /** Return a unique char buffer representing a given character sequence. */
  public char[] intern(MutableCharArray chs) {
    if (tokenCache.contains(chs)) {
      return tokenCache.lget().getBuffer();
    } else {
      final char[] tokenImage = new char[chs.length()];
      System.arraycopy(chs.getBuffer(), chs.getStart(), tokenImage, 0, chs.length());
      tokenCache.add(new MutableCharArray(tokenImage));
      return tokenImage;