private void handleEndpointsAdded(Network tzone, Collection<String> endpoints)
     throws IOException {
   // find if the endpoints exit in some old transport zone
   Map<String, Network> transportZoneMap =
       NetworkAssociationHelper.getNetworksMap(endpoints, dbClient);
   if (!transportZoneMap.isEmpty()) {"Added endpoints {} to transport zone {}", endpoints.toArray(), tzone.getLabel());
     // before we add the endpoints, they need to be removed from their old transport zones
         transportZoneMap, tzone, dbClient, _coordinator);
   // now, add the the endpoints
   NetworkAssociationHelper.handleEndpointsAdded(tzone, endpoints, dbClient, _coordinator);
  * Remove the transport zone for a given network system. This typically means to dis-associated it
  * unless this is the last network system associated with the transport zone. In this case, the
  * transport zone will be deleted if:
  * <ul>
  *   <li>It was discovered
  *   <li>It does not have any user-created ports
  *   <li>It does not have any registered ports
  * </ul>
  * @param tzone
  * @param uri
  * @throws IOException
 public List<String> removeNetworkSystemTransportZone(Network tzone, String uri)
     throws IOException {
   tzone.removeNetworkSystems(Collections.singletonList(uri)); // dis-associate
   // list of end points getting deleted
   ArrayList<String> toRemove = new ArrayList<String>();
   if (tzone.getNetworkSystems().isEmpty()) { // if this is the last network system
     List<String> userCreatedEndPoints = TransportZoneReconciler.getUserCreatedEndPoints(tzone);
     if (userCreatedEndPoints.isEmpty()
         && !tzone.assignedToVarray()) { // delete only if not modified by a user"Removing network {}", tzone.getLabel());
       NetworkAssociationHelper.handleEndpointsRemoved(tzone, toRemove, dbClient, _coordinator);
     } else {
           "Network {} is changed by the user and will "
               + "not be removed. Discovered end points will be removed.",
       for (String pt : tzone.retrieveEndpoints()) {
         if (!userCreatedEndPoints.contains(pt)) {
       NetworkAssociationHelper.handleEndpointsRemoved(tzone, toRemove, dbClient, _coordinator);"Discovered endpoints removed {}", toRemove.toArray());
   } else {"Removing network {} from network system {}", tzone.getLabel(), uri);
   return toRemove;
   * Looks in the topology view for endpoints that accessible by routing
   * @param networkSystem the network system being refreshed
   * @param updatedNetworks the networks that require updating
   * @param routedEndpoints the routed endpoints map of Fabric-WWN-to-endpoints-WWN
   * @throws Exception
  private void updateRoutedNetworks(
      NetworkSystem networkSystem,
      List<Network> updatedNetworks,
      Map<String, Set<String>> routedEndpoints)
      throws Exception {
    // for each network, get the list of routed ports and locate them in other networks
    StringSet routedNetworks = null;
    Network routedNetwork = null;

    // get the current networks from the database
    Map<URI, Network> allNetworks = DataObjectUtils.toMap(getCurrentTransportZones());
    for (Network network : updatedNetworks) {
      // if this network has any routed endpoints
      Set<String> netRoutedEndpoints = routedEndpoints.get(NetworkUtil.getNetworkWwn(network));
      if (netRoutedEndpoints == null || netRoutedEndpoints.isEmpty()) {
        _log.debug("No routed endpoint in network {}", network.getNativeGuid());
      } else {
            "Found {} routed endpoint in network {}", netRoutedEndpoints, network.getNativeGuid());
        routedNetworks = new StringSet();
        for (String endpoint : netRoutedEndpoints) {
          // find the source network of the routed endpoint
          routedNetwork = findNetworkForDiscoveredEndPoint(allNetworks.values(), endpoint, network);
          if (routedNetwork != null) { // it is possible we did not discover the source
      dbClient.updateAndReindexObject(network);"Updated routed networks for {} to {}", network.getNativeGuid(), routedNetworks);
    // clean up transit networks from any one-way associations.
    // Transit networks will show any endpoints routed thru them
    // which may cause one-way associations in the routedNetworks.
    // For example if network A has ep1 and B has ep2 and there is
    // a routed zone between A and B, the transit network C will
    // reports ep1 and ep2 but there is not actual routing between
    // C and A or C and B, so we want to remove these associations.
    for (URI id : allNetworks.keySet()) {
      Network net = allNetworks.get(id);
      boolean updated = false;
      if (net.getRoutedNetworks() != null) {
        routedNetworks = new StringSet(net.getRoutedNetworks());
        // for each network this network is pointing to
        for (String strUri : net.getRoutedNetworks()) {
          // get the opposite network
          Network opNet = allNetworks.get(URI.create(strUri));
          if (opNet != null // it is possible this network is getting removed - the next discovery
              // cleans up
              && opNet.getRoutedNetworks()
                  != null // check for null in case the other network routed eps are not yet visible
              && !opNet
                  .contains(net.getId().toString())) { // if the opposite network is not seeing this
            // one
            // remove this association because the opposite network is does not have the matching
            // association
            updated = true;
        if (updated) {
"Reconciled routed networks for {} to {}", net.getNativeGuid(), routedNetworks);
    for (Network network : allNetworks.values()) {
      NetworkAssociationHelper.setNetworkConnectedVirtualArrays(network, false, dbClient);
     * COP-23266, COP-20698: Fix the problem that ViPR could not create IVR zone between VSANs routed by
     * transit VSAN(network), the "routedNetwork" field of "Network" data object should be updated based
     * on the transit network(s) if there is.
   * Given the updated list of end points for one network system, this function will update the
   * transport zones. Require lock when reconciles vsan in fabrics that are linked through ISL.
   * Without locking, multiple VSANs could have same native gui id within the same fabric.
   * @param networkSystem the network system
   * @param routedEndpoints IN/OUT parameter to get the routed endpoints map of
   *     Fabric-WWN-to-endpoints-WWN
   * @throws ControllerException
  private void reconcileTransportZones(
      NetworkSystem networkSystem, Map<String, Set<String>> routedEndpoints)
      throws ControllerException {"reconcileTransportZones for networkSystem {}", networkSystem.getId());
    ControllerServiceImpl.Lock lock =
    try {
          "Acquiring lock to reconcile transport zone for networkSystem {}", networkSystem.getId());
          "Acquired lock to reconcile transport zone for networkSystem {}", networkSystem.getId());

      // get the network system's connections from the database
      Iterator<FCEndpoint> iNewEndPoints = getNetworkSystemEndPoints(networkSystem);
      // get all the transport zones we have in the DB
      List<Network> oldTransportZones = getCurrentTransportZones();"Found {} existing transport zones", oldTransportZones.size());
      // get the fabrics that exist on the network system
      Map<String, String> fabricIdsMap = getDevice().getFabricIdsMap(networkSystem);
      // get the list of fabrics added, removed, changed
      TransportZoneReconciler reconciler = new TransportZoneReconciler();
      TransportZoneReconciler.Results results =
          reconciler.reconcile(networkSystem, iNewEndPoints, fabricIdsMap, oldTransportZones);
      String networkSystemUri = networkSystem.getId().toString();
      for (Network tzone : results.getRemoved()) {
        List<String> removedEps = removeNetworkSystemTransportZone(tzone, networkSystemUri);
            "Removed network {} which removed discovered endpoints {}",
      for (Network tzone : results.getAdded()) {
        handleEndpointsAdded(tzone, tzone.retrieveEndpoints());
        saveTransportZone(tzone, true);
      for (Network tzone : results.getModified()) {
        if (results.getRemovedEndPoints().get(tzone) != null) {
              tzone, results.getRemovedEndPoints().get(tzone), dbClient, _coordinator);
        if (results.getAddedEndPoints().get(tzone) != null) {
          handleEndpointsAdded(tzone, results.getAddedEndPoints().get(tzone));
        saveTransportZone(tzone, false);
      // update routed networks for routed and modified networks
      updateRoutedNetworks(networkSystem, results.getAddedAndModified(), routedEndpoints);
    } catch (Exception ex) {
      throw NetworkDeviceControllerException.exceptions.reconcileTransportZonesFailedExc(
          new Date().toString(), ex);
    } finally {
      try {
            "Releasing reconcile transport zone lock for networkSystem {}", networkSystem.getId());
            "Released reconcile transport zone lock for networkSystem {}", networkSystem.getId());
      } catch (Exception e) {
            "Failed to release  Lock while reconcile transport zone for network {} -->{}",