@Ignore @Test public void shouldConnectToEmptyDatabase() throws SQLException { try (MySQLConnection conn = MySQLConnection.forTestDatabase("emptydb"); ) { conn.connect(); } }
@Ignore @Test public void shouldConnectToDefaulDatabase() throws SQLException { try (MySQLConnection conn = MySQLConnection.forTestDatabase("mysql"); ) { conn.connect(); } }
@Test public void shouldDoStuffWithDatabase() throws SQLException { try (MySQLConnection conn = MySQLConnection.forTestDatabase("readbinlog_test"); ) { conn.connect(); // Set up the table as one transaction and wait to see the events ... conn.execute( "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS person", "CREATE TABLE person (" + " name VARCHAR(255) primary key," + " birthdate DATE NULL," + " age INTEGER NULL DEFAULT 10," + " salary DECIMAL(5,2)," + " bitStr BIT(18)" + ")"); conn.execute("SELECT * FROM person"); try (ResultSet rs = conn.connection().getMetaData().getColumns("readbinlog_test", null, null, null)) { // if ( Testing.Print.isEnabled() ) conn.print(rs); } } }