Пример #1
  private boolean checkAnimationTime() {
    if (!(effector instanceof Player) || skillMethod != SkillMethod.CAST) // TODO item skills?
    return true;
    Player player = (Player) effector;

    // if player is without weapon, dont check animation time
    if (player.getEquipment().getMainHandWeaponType() == null) return true;

    /** exceptions for certain skills -herb and mana treatment -traps */
    // dont check herb , mana treatment and concentration enhancement
    switch (this.getSkillId()) {
      case 1803: // bandage heal
      case 1804: // herb treatment
      case 1805:
      case 1825:
      case 1827:
      case 2672:
      case 1823: // mana treatment
      case 1824:
      case 1826:
      case 1828:
      case 2673:
      case 1078: // concentration enhancement
      case 1125:
      case 1468:
      case 11580:
        return true;
    if (this.getSkillTemplate().getSubType() == SkillSubType.SUMMONTRAP) return true;

    Motion motion = this.getSkillTemplate().getMotion();

    if (motion == null || motion.getName() == null) {
      log.warn("missing motion for skillId: " + this.getSkillId());
      return true;

    if (motion.getInstantSkill() && hitTime != 0) {
          "Instant and hitTime not 0! modified client_skills? player objectid: "
              + player.getObjectId());
      return false;
    } else if (!motion.getInstantSkill() && hitTime == 0) {
      log.warn("modified client_skills! player objectid: " + player.getObjectId());
      return false;

    MotionTime motionTime = DataManager.MOTION_DATA.getMotionTime(motion.getName());

    if (motionTime == null) {
          "missing motiontime for motionName: "
              + motion.getName()
              + " skillId: "
              + this.getSkillId());
      return true;

    WeaponTypeWrapper weapons =
        new WeaponTypeWrapper(
    float serverTime = motionTime.getTimeForWeapon(player.getRace(), player.getGender(), weapons);
    int clientTime = hitTime;

    if (serverTime == 0) {
          "missing weapon time for motionName: "
              + motion.getName()
              + " weapons: "
              + weapons.toString()
              + " skillId: "
              + this.getSkillId());
      return true;

    // adjust client time with ammotime
    long ammoTime = 0;
    double distance = MathUtil.getDistance(effector, firstTarget);
    if (getSkillTemplate().getAmmoSpeed() != 0)
      ammoTime =
          Math.round(distance / getSkillTemplate().getAmmoSpeed() * 1000); // checked with client
    clientTime -= ammoTime;

    // adjust servertime with motion play speed
    if (motion.getSpeed() != 100) {
      serverTime /= 100f;
      serverTime *= (float) motion.getSpeed();

    Stat2 attackSpeed = player.getGameStats().getAttackSpeed();

    // adjust serverTime with attackSpeed
    if (attackSpeed.getBase() != attackSpeed.getCurrent())
      serverTime *= ((float) attackSpeed.getCurrent() / (float) attackSpeed.getBase());

    // tolerance
    if (duration == 0) serverTime *= 0.9f;
    else serverTime *= 0.5f;

    int finalTime = Math.round(serverTime);
    if (motion.getInstantSkill() && hitTime == 0) {
      this.serverTime = (int) ammoTime;
    } else {
      if (clientTime < finalTime) {
        // check for no animation Hacks
        if (SecurityConfig.NO_ANIMATION) {
          float clientTme = clientTime;
          float serverTme = serverTime;
          float checkTme = clientTme / serverTme;
          // check if values are too low
          if (clientTime < 0 || checkTme < SecurityConfig.NO_ANIMATION_VALUE) {
            if (SecurityConfig.NO_ANIMATION_KICK) {
              player.getClientConnection().close(new SM_QUIT_RESPONSE(), false);
                  "Modified client_skills:"
                      + this.getSkillId()
                      + " (clientTime<finalTime:"
                      + clientTime
                      + "/"
                      + finalTime
                      + ") Kicking Player: "
                      + player.getName());
            } else {
                  "Modified client_skills:"
                      + this.getSkillId()
                      + " (clientTime<finalTime:"
                      + clientTime
                      + "/"
                      + finalTime
                      + ")");
            return false;
            "Possible modified client_skills:"
                + this.getSkillId()
                + " (clientTime<finalTime:"
                + clientTime
                + "/"
                + finalTime
                + ") player Name: "
                + player.getName());
      this.serverTime = hitTime;
    player.setNextSkillUse(System.currentTimeMillis() + duration + finalTime);
    return true;