Пример #1
   * Creates a new Maze object. Sets up the maze to be generated and generates a maze starting at
   * (1, 1) of the maze.
   * @param res The resolution that the maze will be including walls. The maze is a square.
   * @param inW The character that will represent walls in the final maze.
   * @param inH The character that will represent halls in the final maze.
  public Maze(int res, char inW, char inH) {
    // initialize the array lists to track past positions to aid with the recursion process
    pastX = new ArrayList<Integer>();
    pastY = new ArrayList<Integer>();

    wall = inW; // sets the wall symbol to the one indicated in the parameters
    hall = inH; // sets the hall symbol to the one indicated in the parameters

    setup(res); // setsup the maze for the generation
    generate(1, 1); // generates the maze using recursive backtracking
Пример #2
   * Generates the maze part of the maze using recursive backtracking to break down walls until a
   * perfect maze has been created.
   * @param xPos The x coordinate to break a wall from
   * @param yPos The y coordinate to break a wall from
  private void generate(int xPos, int yPos) {
    1. set current spot to visited and opened
    2. select a random direction to try to move in
    3. for the selected direction: go there if it: is not visited, is a wall, it is not touching any other opened spaces on the 3 other sides
    4. if it is not a valid spot, pick another direction
    5. if there is no valid direction, go back to the previous section and try again


    // Part 1
    visited[xPos][yPos] = true; // Sets the current position to visited
    maze[xPos][yPos] = hall; // Sets the current position to a hall
    // End Part 1
    // These booleans will be used so that the program knows when it needs to backtrack
    boolean cannotGoN = false;
    boolean cannotGoS = false;
    boolean cannotGoE = false;
    boolean cannotGoW = false;

    boolean canGoSomewhere =
        true; // this will be false once the program knows that it can not move in any direction and
              // will triger the recursion
    // Part 4
    while (canGoSomewhere) { // this loop runs until it is known that the computer cannot validly
                             // break a wall
      // Part 2
      // generates a random direction to try to break a wall and move in
      Random rand = new Random();
      int goThisWay = rand.nextInt(4);
      // Part 3
      // It now attempts to go in the direction mentioned in the comment after each of the first if
      // statements.
      // I am not going to comment all four directions. Each is similar.
      // the nested if statements could be formatted as one using the && oporater but it is easier
      // to read and comment with three seperate ones
      if (goThisWay == 0) { // attempt to go north
        if (maze[xPos][yPos - 1] == wall
            && !visited[xPos][
                    - 1]) { // checks to see if the spot that they are trying to break is a wall and
                            // not already visited
          if (maze[xPos][yPos - 2] == wall
              && maze[xPos - 1][yPos - 1] == wall
              && maze[xPos + 1][yPos - 1]
                  == wall) { // checks to see if the spots around the spot it is trying to move into
                             // are walls (not including the current spot)
                xPos); // puts the current x coordinate into the past x coordinates to prepare to
                       // break the wall
                yPos); // puts the current y coordinate into the past x coordinates to prepare to
                       // break the wall
                    - 1); // goes to the next spot where it will break the wall and try to move
                          // again
            canGoSomewhere = false;
          } else { // if the spot was not able to be turned into a hall because a spot next to it
                   // was a hall then it cannot move in this direction
            cannotGoN =
                true; // makes sure the program does not try again so that it can eventually recurse
        } else { // if the spot was not able to be turned into a hall because it was an already
                 // visited wall
          cannotGoN =
              true; // makes sure the program does not try again so that it can eventually recurse
      } else if (goThisWay == 1) { // east
        if (maze[xPos + 1][yPos] == wall && !visited[xPos + 1][yPos]) {
          if (maze[xPos + 2][yPos] == wall
              && maze[xPos + 1][yPos + 1] == wall
              && maze[xPos + 1][yPos - 1] == wall) {
            generate(xPos + 1, yPos);
            canGoSomewhere = false;
          } else {
            cannotGoE = true;
        } else {
          cannotGoE = true;
      } else if (goThisWay == 2) { // south
        if (maze[xPos][yPos + 1] == wall && !visited[xPos][yPos + 1]) {
          if (maze[xPos][yPos + 2] == wall
              && maze[xPos - 1][yPos + 1] == wall
              && maze[xPos + 1][yPos + 1] == wall) {
            generate(xPos, yPos + 1);
            canGoSomewhere = false;
          } else {
            cannotGoS = true;
        } else {
          cannotGoS = true;
      } else if (goThisWay == 3) { // west
        if (maze[xPos - 1][yPos] == wall && !visited[xPos - 1][yPos]) {
          if (maze[xPos - 2][yPos] == wall
              && maze[xPos - 1][yPos + 1] == wall
              && maze[xPos - 1][yPos - 1] == wall) {
            generate(xPos - 1, yPos);
            canGoSomewhere = false;
          } else {
            cannotGoW = true;
        } else {
          cannotGoW = true;
      // End Part 3
      // Part 5
      if (cannotGoN && cannotGoS && cannotGoE
          && cannotGoW) { // if the program cannot break a wall in any direction
        canGoSomewhere =
            false; // this tells the program that it cannot recurse (the while loop will now stop
                   // repeating)
      // End Part 5
    // the recursion process
    if (pastX.size() > 0
        && pastY.size()
            > 0) { // if the program is not done creating the maze because it is not yet back at (1,
                   // 1)
      int tempX = pastX.get(pastX.size() - 1); // store the x coordinate of the spot to recur to
      int tempY = pastY.get(pastY.size() - 1); // store the y coordinate of the spot to recur to
              - 1); // remove the x coordinate of the spot to recur to from the list of past
                    // positions
              - 1); // remove the y coordinate of the spot to recur to from the list of past
                    // positions
      generate(tempX, tempY); // recurse to the previous position