/** * Extract the view data from the view data block. * * @param parent parent file * @param data view data */ public View8(ProjectFile parent, byte[] data) { super(parent); m_id = Integer.valueOf(MPPUtility.getInt(data, 0)); m_name = removeAmpersand(MPPUtility.getUnicodeString(data, 4)); m_type = ViewType.getInstance(MPPUtility.getShort(data, 116)); }
/** * Entry point for processing saved view state. * * @param file project file * @param varData view state var data * @param fixedData view state fixed data * @throws IOException */ public void process(ProjectFile file, Var2Data varData, byte[] fixedData) throws IOException { Props props = getProps(varData); // System.out.println(props); if (props != null) { String viewName = MPPUtility.removeAmpersands(props.getUnicodeString(VIEW_NAME)); byte[] listData = props.getByteArray(VIEW_CONTENTS); List<Integer> uniqueIdList = new LinkedList<Integer>(); if (listData != null) { for (int index = 0; index < listData.length; index += 4) { Integer uniqueID = Integer.valueOf(MPPUtility.getInt(listData, index)); // // Ensure that we have a valid task, and that if we have and // ID of zero, this is the first task shown. // if (file.getTaskByUniqueID(uniqueID) != null && (uniqueID.intValue() != 0 || index == 0)) { uniqueIdList.add(uniqueID); } } } int filterID = MPPUtility.getShort(fixedData, 128); ViewState state = new ViewState(file, viewName, uniqueIdList, filterID); file.getViews().setViewState(state); } }
/** * Creates a CostRateTable instance from a block of data. * * @param resource parent resource * @param index cost rate table index * @param data data block */ public void process(Resource resource, int index, byte[] data) { CostRateTable result = new CostRateTable(); if (data != null) { for (int i = 16; i + 44 <= data.length; i += 44) { Rate standardRate = new Rate(MPPUtility.getDouble(data, i), TimeUnit.HOURS); TimeUnit standardRateFormat = getFormat(MPPUtility.getShort(data, i + 8)); Rate overtimeRate = new Rate(MPPUtility.getDouble(data, i + 16), TimeUnit.HOURS); TimeUnit overtimeRateFormat = getFormat(MPPUtility.getShort(data, i + 24)); Double costPerUse = NumberUtility.getDouble(MPPUtility.getDouble(data, i + 32) / 100.0); Date endDate = MPPUtility.getTimestampFromTenths(data, i + 40); CostRateTableEntry entry = new CostRateTableEntry( standardRate, standardRateFormat, overtimeRate, overtimeRateFormat, costPerUse, endDate); result.add(entry); } Collections.sort(result); } else { // // MS Project economises by not actually storing the first cost rate // table if it doesn't need to, so we take this into account here. // if (index == 0) { Rate standardRate = resource.getStandardRate(); Rate overtimeRate = resource.getOvertimeRate(); Number costPerUse = resource.getCostPerUse(); CostRateTableEntry entry = new CostRateTableEntry( standardRate, standardRate.getUnits(), overtimeRate, overtimeRate.getUnits(), costPerUse, CostRateTableEntry.DEFAULT_ENTRY.getEndDate()); result.add(entry); } else { result.add(CostRateTableEntry.DEFAULT_ENTRY); } } resource.setCostRateTable(index, result); }