static String getNetworkType(TelephonyManager paramTelephonyManager) {
   try {
     if (Localytics.appContext
                 "android.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE", Localytics.appContext.getPackageName())
         == 0) {
       NetworkInfo localNetworkInfo =
           ((ConnectivityManager) Localytics.appContext.getSystemService("connectivity"))
       if (localNetworkInfo != null) {
         boolean bool = localNetworkInfo.isConnectedOrConnecting();
         if (bool) {
           return "wifi";
     } else {
           "Application does not have one more more of the following permissions: ACCESS_WIFI_STATE. Determining Wi-Fi connectivity is unavailable");
   } catch (SecurityException localSecurityException) {
         "Application does not have the permission ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE. Determining Wi-Fi connectivity is unavailable",
   return "android_network_type_" + paramTelephonyManager.getNetworkType();
 static AdvertisingInfo getAdvertisingInfo() {
   for (; ; ) {
     try {
       Object localObject1 = Localytics.appContext;
       Object localObject2 =
               new Class[] {Context.class},
               new Object[] {localObject1});
       if (localObject2 != null) {
         localObject1 =
             (String) ReflectionUtils.tryInvokeInstance(localObject2, "getId", null, null);
         boolean bool =
                         localObject2, "isLimitAdTrackingEnabled", null, null))
         if (!TextUtils.isEmpty((CharSequence) localObject1)) {
           break label96;
         localObject1 = null;
         localObject1 = new AdvertisingInfo((String) localObject1, bool);
         return localObject1;
     } catch (Exception localException) {
       Localytics.Log.w("Device doesn't have Google Play Services installed");
     return null;
 static int getApiLevel() {
   try {
     i = Integer.parseInt((String) Build.VERSION.class.getField("SDK").get(null));
     return i;
   } catch (Exception localException1) {
     int i;
     Localytics.Log.w("Caught exception", localException1);
     try {
       i = Build.VERSION.class.getField("SDK_INT").getInt(null);
       return i;
     } catch (Exception localException2) {
       Localytics.Log.w("Caught exception", localException2);
   return 3;
 static String getManufacturer() {
   if (Constants.CURRENT_API_LEVEL > 3) {
     try {
       String str = (String) Build.class.getField("MANUFACTURER").get(null);
       return str;
     } catch (Exception localException) {
       Localytics.Log.w("Caught exception", localException);
   return "unknown";
 static String getTelephonyDeviceIdOrNull() {
   if ((Constants.CURRENT_API_LEVEL >= 7)
       && (!((Boolean)
           .booleanValue())) {
     Localytics.Log.i("Device does not have telephony; cannot read telephony id");
     return null;
   if (Localytics.appContext
               "android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE", Localytics.appContext.getPackageName())
       == 0) {
     return ((TelephonyManager) Localytics.appContext.getSystemService("phone")).getDeviceId();
       "Application does not have permission READ_PHONE_STATE; determining device id is not possible.  Please consider requesting READ_PHONE_STATE in the AndroidManifest");
   return null;
 static String getAppVersion() {
   Object localObject = Localytics.appContext.getPackageManager();
   try {
     localObject =
         ((PackageManager) localObject)
             .getPackageInfo(Localytics.appContext.getPackageName(), 0)
     if (localObject == null) {
           "versionName was null--is a versionName attribute set in the Android Manifest?");
       return "unknown";
     return localObject;
   } catch (PackageManager.NameNotFoundException localNameNotFoundException) {
     throw new RuntimeException(localNameNotFoundException);
 static String getFBAttribution() {
   Object localObject6 = null;
   Object localObject7 = null;
   Object localObject4 = Localytics.appContext.getContentResolver();
   Object localObject5 = Uri.parse("content://com.facebook.katana.provider.AttributionIdProvider");
   Object localObject3 = null;
   Object localObject1 = null;
   try {
     localObject5 =
         ((ContentResolver) localObject4)
             .query((Uri) localObject5, new String[] {"aid"}, null, null, null);
     localObject4 = localObject7;
     if (localObject5 != null) {
       localObject4 = localObject7;
       localObject1 = localObject5;
       localObject3 = localObject5;
       if (((Cursor) localObject5).moveToFirst()) {
         localObject1 = localObject5;
         localObject3 = localObject5;
         localObject4 =
             ((Cursor) localObject5).getString(((Cursor) localObject5).getColumnIndex("aid"));
     localObject3 = localObject4;
     if (localObject5 != null) {
       ((Cursor) localObject5).close();
       return localObject4;
   } catch (Exception localException) {
     localObject3 = localObject1;
     Localytics.Log.w("Error reading FB attribution", localException);
     localObject3 = localObject6;
     return null;
   } finally {
     if (localObject3 != null) {
   return localObject3;
 static String getAndroidIdOrNull() {
   File localFile = new File(Localytics.appContext.getFilesDir() + "/localytics/device_id");
   if ((localFile.exists()) && (localFile.length() > 0L)) {
     String str2 = null;
     BufferedReader localBufferedReader2 = null;
     BufferedReader localBufferedReader1 = localBufferedReader2;
     Object localObject1 = str2;
     try {
       char[] arrayOfChar = new char[100];
       localBufferedReader1 = localBufferedReader2;
       localObject1 = str2;
       localBufferedReader2 = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(localFile), 128);
       localBufferedReader1 = localBufferedReader2;
       localObject1 = localBufferedReader2;
       str2 = String.copyValueOf(arrayOfChar, 0,;
       localBufferedReader1 = localBufferedReader2;
       localObject1 = localBufferedReader2;
       if (localBufferedReader2 != null) {}
       str1 = Settings.Secure.getString(Localytics.appContext.getContentResolver(), "android_id");
     } catch (FileNotFoundException localFileNotFoundException) {
       localFileNotFoundException = localFileNotFoundException;
       localObject1 = localBufferedReader1;
       Localytics.Log.w("Caught exception", localFileNotFoundException);
       if (localBufferedReader1 != null) {
     } finally {
       if (localObject1 != null) {
         ((BufferedReader) localObject1).close();
   String str1;
   if ((str1 == null) || (str1.toLowerCase().equals("9774d56d682e549c"))) {
     return null;
   return str1;
 static String getLocalyticsAppKeyOrNull(Context paramContext) {
   if (paramContext == null) {
         "Context passed to getLocalyticsAppKeyOrNull() is NULL. Please pass a valid context.");
     return null;
   try {
     paramContext = paramContext.getApplicationContext();
     paramContext =
         paramContext.getPackageManager().getApplicationInfo(paramContext.getPackageName(), 128);
     if (paramContext.metaData != null) {
       paramContext = paramContext.metaData.get("LOCALYTICS_APP_KEY");
       if ((paramContext instanceof String)) {
         paramContext = (String) paramContext;
         return paramContext;
   } catch (PackageManager.NameNotFoundException paramContext) {
     throw new RuntimeException(paramContext);
   return null;