Пример #1
  private void traverseDelete() {
    RowType[] rowsThatWillDelete = all();
    if (rowsThatWillDelete == null || rowsThatWillDelete.length == 0) return;
    List<Field> fields = ClassRowConverter.getAllFields(mRowClass);

    for (RowType row : rowsThatWillDelete) {
      for (Field fld : fields) {

        ForeignKey fkAnn = fld.getAnnotation(ForeignKey.class);
        if (fkAnn != null) {
          try {
            Field rowIdField = mInquiry.getIdField(mRowClass);
            if (rowIdField == null)
              throw new IllegalStateException("No _id column field found in " + mRowClass);
            Class<?> listGenericType = Utils.getGenericTypeOfField(fld);
            long rowId = rowIdField.getLong(row);
            Inquiry fkInstance =
                    "[@fk]:" + fkAnn.tableName() + "//" + fkAnn.foreignColumnName(),
                .deleteFrom(fkAnn.tableName(), listGenericType)
                .where(fkAnn.foreignColumnName() + " = ?", rowId)
          } catch (Throwable t) {
Пример #2
 @Transactional(rollbackFor = Exception.class)
 public GeneralResponse doctorSendReportMessage(Doctor doctor, ReportChatMessage msg)
     throws Exception {
   try {
     User user = userRepo.findOne(msg.receiver.id);
     ChatParticipantInfo sender = new ChatParticipantInfo();
     sender.id = doctor.id;
     sender.role = 0;
     sender.name = doctor.name;
     sender.avatar = doctor.avatar;
     ChatParticipantInfo receiver = new ChatParticipantInfo();
     receiver.id = user.id;
     receiver.role = 1;
     receiver.name = user.name;
     ReportChatMessageResponse response = new ReportChatMessageResponse();
     response.category = 3;
     response.description = msg.description;
     response.suggestion = msg.suggestion;
     response.sender = sender;
     response.receiver = receiver;
     response.inquiryID = msg.inquiryID;
         new IMSenderMessage(user.jid, 1, user.clientID, user.deviceType, response), null);
     InquiryReport report = new InquiryReport();
     report.description = msg.description;
     report.suggestion = msg.suggestion;
     report.createTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
     Inquiry inquiry = inquiryRepo.findOne(msg.inquiryID);
     inquiry.report = report;
     inquiry.finished = true;
     ChatRecord record = new ChatRecord();
     record.category = msg.category;
     record.senderID = doctor.id;
     record.receiverID = user.id;
     record.reportID = report.id;
     record.inquiryID = msg.inquiryID;
     record.createTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
     return new GeneralResponse();
   } catch (Exception e) {
     Logger.error("Send message failed", e);
     throw new IMServerException(e.getMessage());
Пример #3
 public Query<RowType, RunReturn> atPosition(
     @IntRange(from = 0, to = Integer.MAX_VALUE) int position) {
   Cursor cursor;
   if (mContentUri != null) {
     cursor =
             .query(mContentUri, null, getWhere(), getWhereArgs(), null);
   } else {
     if (mInquiry.getDatabase() == null)
       throw new IllegalStateException("Database helper was null.");
     else if (mTableName == null) throw new IllegalStateException("Table name was null.");
     cursor = mInquiry.getDatabase().query(mTableName, null, getWhere(), getWhereArgs(), null);
   if (cursor != null) {
     if (position < 0 || position >= cursor.getCount()) {
       throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(
               "Position %d is out of bounds for cursor of size %d.",
               position, cursor.getCount()));
     if (!cursor.moveToPosition(position)) {
       throw new IllegalStateException(
               "Unable to move to position %d in cursor of size %d.",
               position, cursor.getCount()));
     final int idIndex = cursor.getColumnIndex("_id");
     if (idIndex < 0) {
       throw new IllegalStateException("Didn't find a column named _id in this Cursor.");
     int idValue = cursor.getInt(idIndex);
     appendWhere("_id = ?", new String[] {Integer.toString(idValue)}, false);
   return this;
Пример #4
  private RowType[] getInternal(int limit) {
    if (mRowClass == null) return null;
    else if (mInquiry.mContext == null) return null;
    if (mProjection == null) mProjection = ClassRowConverter.generateProjection(mRowClass);

    String sort = getSort();
    if (limit > -1) sort += String.format(Locale.getDefault(), " LIMIT %d", limit);
    Cursor cursor;
    if (mContentUri != null) {
      cursor =
              .query(mContentUri, mProjection, getWhere(), getWhereArgs(), sort);
    } else {
      if (mInquiry.getDatabase() == null)
        throw new IllegalStateException("Database helper was null.");
      else if (mTableName == null) throw new IllegalStateException("Table name was null.");
      cursor =
          mInquiry.getDatabase().query(mTableName, mProjection, getWhere(), getWhereArgs(), sort);

    if (cursor != null) {
      RowType[] results = null;
      if (cursor.getCount() > 0) {
        results = (RowType[]) Array.newInstance(mRowClass, cursor.getCount());
        int index = 0;
        while (cursor.moveToNext()) {
          results[index] = ClassRowConverter.cursorToCls(this, cursor, mRowClass);
      return results;
    return null;
Пример #5
 protected Query(
     @NonNull Inquiry inquiry,
     @NonNull String tableName,
     @QueryType int type,
     @Nullable Class<RowType> mClass) {
   mInquiry = inquiry;
   mQueryType = type;
   mRowClass = mClass;
   mTableName = tableName;
   if (inquiry.mDatabaseName == null)
     throw new IllegalStateException(
         "Inquiry was not initialized with a database name, it can only use content providers in this configuration.");
   inquiry.getDatabase().createTableIfNecessary(tableName, mClass);
Пример #6
  private void postRun(boolean updateMode, Object row, Field fld) {
    try {
      ForeignKey fkAnn = fld.getAnnotation(ForeignKey.class);
      Object fldVal = fld.get(row);

      if (updateMode && Utils.classExtendsLazyLoader(fld.getType())) {
        LazyLoaderList lazyLoader = (LazyLoaderList) fldVal;
        if (!lazyLoader.didLazyLoad()) {
          // Lazy loading didn't happen, nothing was populated, so nothing changed

      Class<?> listGenericType = Utils.getGenericTypeOfField(fld);
      Field idField = mInquiry.getIdField(row.getClass());
      Field fkIdField = mInquiry.getIdField(listGenericType);
      Field fkField =

      if (idField == null)
        throw new IllegalStateException(
            "You cannot use the @ForeignKey annotation on a field within a class that doesn't have an _id column.");
      if (fkIdField == null)
        throw new IllegalStateException(
            "The @ForeignKey annotation can only be used on fields which contain class objects that have an _id column, "
                + listGenericType
                + " does not.");
      if (fkField == null)
        throw new IllegalStateException(
            "The @ForeignKey annotation on "
                + fld.getName()
                + " references a non-existent column (or a column which can't hold an Int64 ID): "
                + fkAnn.foreignColumnName());

      long rowId = idField.getLong(row);
      if (rowId <= 0)
        throw new IllegalStateException(
            "The current row's ID is 0, you cannot insert/update @ForeignKey fields if the parent class has no ID.");

      List list = null;
      Object[] array = null;

      if (fldVal != null) {
        if (fld.getType().isArray()) array = (Object[]) fldVal;
        else if (Utils.classImplementsList(fld.getType())) list = (List) fldVal;
        else array = new Object[] {fldVal};
      Inquiry fkInstance =
              mInquiry, "[@fk]:" + fkAnn.tableName() + "//" + fkAnn.foreignColumnName(), false);

      if ((array != null && array.length > 0) || (list != null && list.size() > 0)) {
        // Update foreign row columns with this row's ID
        if (array != null) {
          for (Object child : array) ClassRowConverter.setIdField(child, fkField, rowId);
        } else {
          for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++)
            ClassRowConverter.setIdField(list.get(i), fkField, rowId);

        if (updateMode) {
          // Delete any rows in the foreign table which reference this row
              .deleteFrom(fkAnn.tableName(), listGenericType)
              .where(fkAnn.foreignColumnName() + " = ?", rowId)

        // Insert rows from this field into the foreign table
        if (array != null) {
          fkInstance.insertInto(fkAnn.tableName(), listGenericType).valuesArray(array).run();
        } else {
          fkInstance.insertInto(fkAnn.tableName(), listGenericType).values(list).run();
      } else {
        // Delete any rows in the foreign table which reference this row
            .deleteFrom(fkAnn.tableName(), listGenericType)
            .where(fkAnn.foreignColumnName() + " = ?", rowId)

    } catch (Throwable t) {
Пример #7
  public RunReturn run() {
    if (mQueryType != DELETE && (mValues == null || mValues.length == 0))
      throw new IllegalStateException("No values were provided for this query to run.");
    else if (mInquiry.mContext == null) {
      try {
        return (RunReturn) (Integer) 0;
      } catch (Throwable t) {
        return (RunReturn) (Long) 0L;

    final ContentResolver cr = mInquiry.mContext.getContentResolver();
    final List<Field> clsFields = ClassRowConverter.getAllFields(mRowClass);
    if (mTableName == null) throw new IllegalStateException("The table name cannot be null.");
    Field rowIdField = mInquiry.getIdField(mRowClass);

    try {
      switch (mQueryType) {
        case INSERT:
          Long[] insertedIds = new Long[mValues.length];
          if (mInquiry.getDatabase() != null) {
            for (int i = 0; i < mValues.length; i++) {
              final RowType row = mValues[i];
              if (row == null) continue;
              insertedIds[i] =
                          ClassRowConverter.clsToVals(this, row, null, clsFields, false));
              ClassRowConverter.setIdField(row, rowIdField, insertedIds[i]);
          } else if (mContentUri != null) {
            for (int i = 0; i < mValues.length; i++) {
              final RowType row = mValues[i];
              if (row == null) continue;
              final Uri uri =
                      mContentUri, ClassRowConverter.clsToVals(this, row, null, clsFields, false));
              if (uri == null) return (RunReturn) (Long) (-1L);
              insertedIds[i] = Long.parseLong(uri.getLastPathSegment());
              ClassRowConverter.setIdField(row, rowIdField, insertedIds[i]);
          } else throw new IllegalStateException("Database helper was null.");
          return (RunReturn) insertedIds;
        case UPDATE:
            boolean allHaveIds = rowIdField != null;
            if (rowIdField != null && mValues != null) {
              for (RowType mValue : mValues) {
                if (mValue == null) continue;
                long id = ClassRowConverter.getRowId(mValue, rowIdField);
                if (id <= 0) {
                  allHaveIds = false;

            if (allHaveIds) {
              // We want to update each object as themselves
              if (getWhere() != null && !getWhere().trim().isEmpty()) {
                throw new IllegalStateException(
                    "You want to update rows which have IDs, but specified a where statement.");

              int updatedCount = 0;
              for (RowType row : mValues) {
                if (row == null) continue;
                long rowId = ClassRowConverter.getRowId(row, rowIdField);
                ContentValues values =
                    ClassRowConverter.clsToVals(this, row, mProjection, clsFields, true);
                if (mInquiry.getDatabase() != null) {
                  updatedCount +=
                          .update(mTableName, values, "_id = ?", new String[] {rowId + ""});
                } else if (mContentUri != null) {
                  updatedCount +=
                      cr.update(mContentUri, values, "_id = ?", new String[] {rowId + ""});
                } else throw new IllegalStateException("Database helper was null.");

              return (RunReturn) (Integer) updatedCount;

            RowType firstNotNull = mValues[mValues.length - 1];
            if (firstNotNull == null) {
              for (int i = mValues.length - 2; i >= 0; i--) {
                firstNotNull = mValues[i];
                if (firstNotNull != null) break;
            if (firstNotNull == null)
              throw new IllegalStateException("No non-null values specified to update.");

            ContentValues values =
                ClassRowConverter.clsToVals(this, firstNotNull, mProjection, clsFields, true);
            if (mInquiry.getDatabase() != null) {
              RunReturn value =
                              .update(mTableName, values, getWhere(), getWhereArgs());
              return value;
            } else if (mContentUri != null)
              return (RunReturn)
                  (Integer) cr.update(mContentUri, values, getWhere(), getWhereArgs());
            else throw new IllegalStateException("Database helper was null.");
        case DELETE:
            Long[] idsToDelete = null;
            if (rowIdField != null && mValues != null) {
              int nonNullFound = 0;
              idsToDelete = new Long[mValues.length];
              for (int i = 0; i < mValues.length; i++) {
                if (mValues[i] == null) continue;
                long id = ClassRowConverter.getRowId(mValues[i], rowIdField);
                idsToDelete[i] = id;
                if (id <= 0) {
                  idsToDelete = null;
              if (nonNullFound == 0) idsToDelete = null;

            if (idsToDelete != null) {
              // We want to update each object as themselves
              if (getWhere() != null && !getWhere().trim().isEmpty()) {
                throw new IllegalStateException(
                    "You want to delete rows which have IDs, but specified a where statement.");
              //noinspection CheckResult,ConfusingArgumentToVarargsMethod
              whereIn("_id", idsToDelete);

            if (mInquiry.getDatabase() != null) {
              RunReturn value =
                          mInquiry.getDatabase().delete(mTableName, getWhere(), getWhereArgs());
              return value;
            } else if (mContentUri != null)
              return (RunReturn) (Integer) cr.delete(mContentUri, getWhere(), getWhereArgs());
            else throw new IllegalStateException("Database helper was null.");
    } catch (Throwable t) {
    return null;