/** * Gets the splits of the tables that have been set on the job by reading the metadata table for * the specified ranges. * * @return the splits from the tables based on the ranges. * @throws java.io.IOException if a table set on the job doesn't exist or an error occurs * initializing the tablet locator */ @Override public List<InputSplit> getSplits(JobContext context) throws IOException { Level logLevel = getLogLevel(context); log.setLevel(logLevel); validateOptions(context); Random random = new Random(); LinkedList<InputSplit> splits = new LinkedList<InputSplit>(); Map<String, InputTableConfig> tableConfigs = getInputTableConfigs(context); for (Map.Entry<String, InputTableConfig> tableConfigEntry : tableConfigs.entrySet()) { String tableName = tableConfigEntry.getKey(); InputTableConfig tableConfig = tableConfigEntry.getValue(); Instance instance = getInstance(context); String tableId; // resolve table name to id once, and use id from this point forward if (DeprecationUtil.isMockInstance(instance)) { tableId = ""; } else { try { tableId = Tables.getTableId(instance, tableName); } catch (TableNotFoundException e) { throw new IOException(e); } } Authorizations auths = getScanAuthorizations(context); String principal = getPrincipal(context); AuthenticationToken token = getAuthenticationToken(context); boolean batchScan = InputConfigurator.isBatchScan(CLASS, context.getConfiguration()); boolean supportBatchScan = !(tableConfig.isOfflineScan() || tableConfig.shouldUseIsolatedScanners() || tableConfig.shouldUseLocalIterators()); if (batchScan && !supportBatchScan) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "BatchScanner optimization not available for offline scan, isolated, or local iterators"); boolean autoAdjust = tableConfig.shouldAutoAdjustRanges(); if (batchScan && !autoAdjust) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "AutoAdjustRanges must be enabled when using BatchScanner optimization"); List<Range> ranges = autoAdjust ? Range.mergeOverlapping(tableConfig.getRanges()) : tableConfig.getRanges(); if (ranges.isEmpty()) { ranges = new ArrayList<Range>(1); ranges.add(new Range()); } // get the metadata information for these ranges Map<String, Map<KeyExtent, List<Range>>> binnedRanges = new HashMap<String, Map<KeyExtent, List<Range>>>(); TabletLocator tl; try { if (tableConfig.isOfflineScan()) { binnedRanges = binOfflineTable(context, tableId, ranges); while (binnedRanges == null) { // Some tablets were still online, try again // sleep randomly between 100 and 200 ms sleepUninterruptibly(100 + random.nextInt(100), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); binnedRanges = binOfflineTable(context, tableId, ranges); } } else { tl = InputConfigurator.getTabletLocator(CLASS, context.getConfiguration(), tableId); // its possible that the cache could contain complete, but old information about a tables // tablets... so clear it tl.invalidateCache(); ClientContext clientContext = new ClientContext( getInstance(context), new Credentials(getPrincipal(context), getAuthenticationToken(context)), getClientConfiguration(context)); while (!tl.binRanges(clientContext, ranges, binnedRanges).isEmpty()) { if (!DeprecationUtil.isMockInstance(instance)) { if (!Tables.exists(instance, tableId)) throw new TableDeletedException(tableId); if (Tables.getTableState(instance, tableId) == TableState.OFFLINE) throw new TableOfflineException(instance, tableId); } binnedRanges.clear(); log.warn("Unable to locate bins for specified ranges. Retrying."); // sleep randomly between 100 and 200 ms sleepUninterruptibly(100 + random.nextInt(100), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); tl.invalidateCache(); } } } catch (Exception e) { throw new IOException(e); } // all of this code will add either range per each locations or split ranges and add // range-location split // Map from Range to Array of Locations, we only use this if we're don't split HashMap<Range, ArrayList<String>> splitsToAdd = null; if (!autoAdjust) splitsToAdd = new HashMap<Range, ArrayList<String>>(); HashMap<String, String> hostNameCache = new HashMap<String, String>(); for (Map.Entry<String, Map<KeyExtent, List<Range>>> tserverBin : binnedRanges.entrySet()) { String ip = tserverBin.getKey().split(":", 2)[0]; String location = hostNameCache.get(ip); if (location == null) { InetAddress inetAddress = InetAddress.getByName(ip); location = inetAddress.getCanonicalHostName(); hostNameCache.put(ip, location); } for (Map.Entry<KeyExtent, List<Range>> extentRanges : tserverBin.getValue().entrySet()) { Range ke = extentRanges.getKey().toDataRange(); if (batchScan) { // group ranges by tablet to be read by a BatchScanner ArrayList<Range> clippedRanges = new ArrayList<Range>(); for (Range r : extentRanges.getValue()) clippedRanges.add(ke.clip(r)); BatchInputSplit split = new BatchInputSplit(tableName, tableId, clippedRanges, new String[] {location}); SplitUtils.updateSplit(split, instance, tableConfig, principal, token, auths, logLevel); splits.add(split); } else { // not grouping by tablet for (Range r : extentRanges.getValue()) { if (autoAdjust) { // divide ranges into smaller ranges, based on the tablets RangeInputSplit split = new RangeInputSplit(tableName, tableId, ke.clip(r), new String[] {location}); SplitUtils.updateSplit( split, instance, tableConfig, principal, token, auths, logLevel); split.setOffline(tableConfig.isOfflineScan()); split.setIsolatedScan(tableConfig.shouldUseIsolatedScanners()); split.setUsesLocalIterators(tableConfig.shouldUseLocalIterators()); splits.add(split); } else { // don't divide ranges ArrayList<String> locations = splitsToAdd.get(r); if (locations == null) locations = new ArrayList<String>(1); locations.add(location); splitsToAdd.put(r, locations); } } } } } if (!autoAdjust) for (Map.Entry<Range, ArrayList<String>> entry : splitsToAdd.entrySet()) { RangeInputSplit split = new RangeInputSplit( tableName, tableId, entry.getKey(), entry.getValue().toArray(new String[0])); SplitUtils.updateSplit(split, instance, tableConfig, principal, token, auths, logLevel); split.setOffline(tableConfig.isOfflineScan()); split.setIsolatedScan(tableConfig.shouldUseIsolatedScanners()); split.setUsesLocalIterators(tableConfig.shouldUseLocalIterators()); splits.add(split); } } return splits; }
@Override public void initialize(InputSplit inSplit, TaskAttemptContext attempt) throws IOException { split = (RangeInputSplit) inSplit; log.debug("Initializing input split: " + split.toString()); Instance instance = split.getInstance(getClientConfiguration(attempt)); if (null == instance) { instance = getInstance(attempt); } String principal = split.getPrincipal(); if (null == principal) { principal = getPrincipal(attempt); } AuthenticationToken token = split.getToken(); if (null == token) { token = getAuthenticationToken(attempt); } Authorizations authorizations = split.getAuths(); if (null == authorizations) { authorizations = getScanAuthorizations(attempt); } String classLoaderContext = getClassLoaderContext(attempt); String table = split.getTableName(); // in case the table name changed, we can still use the previous name for terms of // configuration, // but the scanner will use the table id resolved at job setup time InputTableConfig tableConfig = getInputTableConfig(attempt, split.getTableName()); log.debug("Creating connector with user: "******"Creating scanner for table: " + table); log.debug("Authorizations are: " + authorizations); if (split instanceof BatchInputSplit) { BatchInputSplit batchSplit = (BatchInputSplit) split; BatchScanner scanner; try { // Note: BatchScanner will use at most one thread per tablet, currently BatchInputSplit // will not span tablets int scanThreads = 1; scanner = instance .getConnector(principal, token) .createBatchScanner(split.getTableName(), authorizations, scanThreads); setupIterators(attempt, scanner, split.getTableName(), split); if (null != classLoaderContext) { scanner.setClassLoaderContext(classLoaderContext); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new IOException(e); } scanner.setRanges(batchSplit.getRanges()); scannerBase = scanner; } else { Scanner scanner; Boolean isOffline = split.isOffline(); if (null == isOffline) { isOffline = tableConfig.isOfflineScan(); } Boolean isIsolated = split.isIsolatedScan(); if (null == isIsolated) { isIsolated = tableConfig.shouldUseIsolatedScanners(); } Boolean usesLocalIterators = split.usesLocalIterators(); if (null == usesLocalIterators) { usesLocalIterators = tableConfig.shouldUseLocalIterators(); } try { if (isOffline) { scanner = new OfflineScanner( instance, new Credentials(principal, token), split.getTableId(), authorizations); } else if (DeprecationUtil.isMockInstance(instance)) { scanner = instance .getConnector(principal, token) .createScanner(split.getTableName(), authorizations); } else { ClientConfiguration clientConf = getClientConfiguration(attempt); ClientContext context = new ClientContext(instance, new Credentials(principal, token), clientConf); scanner = new ScannerImpl(context, split.getTableId(), authorizations); } if (isIsolated) { log.info("Creating isolated scanner"); scanner = new IsolatedScanner(scanner); } if (usesLocalIterators) { log.info("Using local iterators"); scanner = new ClientSideIteratorScanner(scanner); } setupIterators(attempt, scanner, split.getTableName(), split); } catch (Exception e) { throw new IOException(e); } scanner.setRange(split.getRange()); scannerBase = scanner; } Collection<Pair<Text, Text>> columns = split.getFetchedColumns(); if (null == columns) { columns = tableConfig.getFetchedColumns(); } // setup a scanner within the bounds of this split for (Pair<Text, Text> c : columns) { if (c.getSecond() != null) { log.debug("Fetching column " + c.getFirst() + ":" + c.getSecond()); scannerBase.fetchColumn(c.getFirst(), c.getSecond()); } else { log.debug("Fetching column family " + c.getFirst()); scannerBase.fetchColumnFamily(c.getFirst()); } } SamplerConfiguration samplerConfig = split.getSamplerConfiguration(); if (null == samplerConfig) { samplerConfig = tableConfig.getSamplerConfiguration(); } if (samplerConfig != null) { scannerBase.setSamplerConfiguration(samplerConfig); } scannerIterator = scannerBase.iterator(); numKeysRead = 0; }