Пример #1
  * Gets cloned image files.
  * @return the ClonedImageFiles
  * @throws java.io.IOException
 public List<File> getClonedImageFiles() throws IOException {
   if (oimages != null) {
     if (dpiX == 0 || dpiY == 0) {
       if (rect == null || rect.isEmpty()) {
         return ImageIOHelper.createTiffFiles(oimages, index);
       } else {
         // rectangular region
         //                    BufferedImage bi = ((BufferedImage)
         // oimages.get(index).getRenderedImage()).getSubimage(rect.x, rect.y, rect.width,
         // rect.height);
         // On Linux, the standard getSubimage method has generated images that Tesseract does not
         // like.
         BufferedImage bi =
                 (BufferedImage) oimages.get(index).getRenderedImage(),
         List<IIOImage> tempList = new ArrayList<IIOImage>();
         tempList.add(new IIOImage(bi, null, null));
         return ImageIOHelper.createTiffFiles(tempList, 0);
     } else {
       // scaling
       if (rect == null || rect.isEmpty()) {
         List<IIOImage> tempList = new ArrayList<IIOImage>();
         for (IIOImage oimage : (index == -1 ? oimages : oimages.subList(index, index + 1))) {
           BufferedImage bi = (BufferedImage) oimage.getRenderedImage();
           Map<String, String> metadata = ImageIOHelper.readImageData(oimage);
           float scale = dpiX / Float.parseFloat(metadata.get("dpiX"));
           bi =
                   bi, (int) (bi.getWidth() * scale), (int) (bi.getHeight() * scale));
           tempList.add(new IIOImage(bi, null, null));
         return ImageIOHelper.createTiffFiles(tempList, (index == -1 ? index : 0), dpiX, dpiY);
       } else {
         // rectangular region
         // Cut out the subimage first and rescale that
         BufferedImage bi =
             ((BufferedImage) oimages.get(index).getRenderedImage())
                 .getSubimage(rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height);
         Map<String, String> metadata = ImageIOHelper.readImageData(oimages.get(index));
         float scale = dpiX / Float.parseFloat(metadata.get("dpiX"));
         bi =
                 bi, (int) (bi.getWidth() * scale), (int) (bi.getHeight() * scale));
         List<IIOImage> tempList = new ArrayList<IIOImage>();
         tempList.add(new IIOImage(bi, null, null));
         return ImageIOHelper.createTiffFiles(tempList, 0, dpiX, dpiY);
   } else {
     return ImageIOHelper.createTiffFiles(imageFile, index);
Пример #2
  public void test01CreateThumbnail() {

    try (final Tx tx = app.tx()) {

      TestImage img =
          (TestImage) ImageHelper.createFileBase64(securityContext, base64Image, TestImage.class);

      img.setProperty(AbstractNode.name, "test-image.png");

      assertTrue(img instanceof TestImage);

      Image tn = img.getProperty(TestImage.thumbnail);

      assertEquals(new Integer(200), tn.getWidth());
      assertEquals(new Integer(48), tn.getHeight()); // cropToFit = false
      assertEquals("image/" + Thumbnail.FORMAT, tn.getContentType());


    } catch (Exception ex) {

      logger.log(Level.SEVERE, ex.toString());
      fail("Unexpected exception");
Пример #3
  public void savePhoto(String nameFile, String urlImage) {

    File fImage = new File(getDirectory("Images") + "/" + nameFile + ".jpg");
    try {

      BitmapFactory.Options bmOptions;
      bmOptions = new BitmapFactory.Options();
      bmOptions.inSampleSize = 1;
      Bitmap image = ImageHelper.loadImage(urlImage, bmOptions);
      if (image == null) {
        image =
                activity.getResources(), R.mipmap.ic_photo_camera_grey600_48dp);

      FileOutputStream oImage = new FileOutputStream(fImage);
      image.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG, 100, oImage);
    } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
      Log.e("Error: ", e.getMessage());

    } catch (IOException e) {
      Log.e("Error: ", e.getMessage());
Пример #4
  public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) {

    View newView = convertView;
    final SelfieRecordView selfieRecordView;

    final SelfieRecord currentRecord = mRecordList.get(position);

    if (null == convertView) {
      selfieRecordView = new SelfieRecordView();
      newView = inflater.inflate(R.layout.selfie_listitem, parent, false);
      selfieRecordView.checkBoxSelected = (CheckBox) newView.findViewById(R.id.checkbox_selected);
      selfieRecordView.thumbnail = (ImageView) newView.findViewById(R.id.thumbnail);
      selfieRecordView.selfieDate = (TextView) newView.findViewById(R.id.selfie_date);
    } else {
      selfieRecordView = (SelfieRecordView) newView.getTag();

        new CompoundButton.OnCheckedChangeListener() {
          public void onCheckedChanged(CompoundButton buttonView, boolean isChecked) {

    ImageHelper.setImageFromFilePath(currentRecord.getPath(), selfieRecordView.thumbnail);

    return newView;
Пример #5
 public void paint(Graphics pG) {
   if (mCurrentHint != null) {
     for (int i = 0; i < mCurrentHint.getNbReleased(); i++) {
       for (int j = 0; j < mCurrentHint.getResult().getBlockSize(i); j++) {
             j * PuzzleBuilder.SQUARE_SIZE,
             i * PuzzleBuilder.SQUARE_SIZE,
  // Calculate the minimun width between the blog setting and picture real width
  public static int getMinimumImageWidth(Context context, Uri curStream) {
    String imageWidth = WordPress.getCurrentBlog().getMaxImageWidth();
    int imageWidthBlogSetting = Integer.MAX_VALUE;

    if (!imageWidth.equals("Original Size")) {
      try {
        imageWidthBlogSetting = Integer.valueOf(imageWidth);
      } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
        AppLog.e(T.POSTS, e);

    int[] dimensions = ImageHelper.getImageSize(curStream, context);
    int imageWidthPictureSetting = dimensions[0] == 0 ? Integer.MAX_VALUE : dimensions[0];

    if (Math.min(imageWidthPictureSetting, imageWidthBlogSetting) == Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
      // Default value in case of errors reading the picture size and the blog settings is set to
      // Original size
      return 1024;
    } else {
      return Math.min(imageWidthPictureSetting, imageWidthBlogSetting);
Пример #7
 public Bitmap getImage() {
   if (mImageHelper != null) {
     return mImageHelper.getImage();
   return null;
    public String uploadMediaFile(MediaFile mediaFile, Blog blog) {
      String content = "";

      String curImagePath = mediaFile.getFilePath();
      if (curImagePath == null) {
        return null;

      if (curImagePath.contains("video")) {
        // Upload the video
        XMLRPCClientInterface client =
            XMLRPCFactory.instantiate(blog.getUri(), blog.getHttpuser(), blog.getHttppassword());
        // create temp file for media upload
        String tempFileName = "wp-" + System.currentTimeMillis();
        try {
          context.openFileOutput(tempFileName, Context.MODE_PRIVATE);
        } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
          mErrorMessage = getResources().getString(R.string.file_error_create);
          mIsMediaError = true;
          return null;

        Uri videoUri = Uri.parse(curImagePath);
        File videoFile = null;
        String mimeType = "", xRes = "", yRes = "";

        if (videoUri.toString().contains("content:")) {

          String[] projection =
              new String[] {
                Video.Media._ID, Video.Media.DATA, Video.Media.MIME_TYPE, Video.Media.RESOLUTION
          Cursor cur = context.getContentResolver().query(videoUri, projection, null, null, null);

          if (cur != null && cur.moveToFirst()) {

            int mimeTypeColumn, resolutionColumn, dataColumn;

            dataColumn = cur.getColumnIndex(Video.Media.DATA);
            mimeTypeColumn = cur.getColumnIndex(Video.Media.MIME_TYPE);
            resolutionColumn = cur.getColumnIndex(Video.Media.RESOLUTION);

            mediaFile = new MediaFile();

            String thumbData = cur.getString(dataColumn);
            mimeType = cur.getString(mimeTypeColumn);

            videoFile = new File(thumbData);
            String resolution = cur.getString(resolutionColumn);
            if (resolution != null) {
              String[] resx = resolution.split("x");
              xRes = resx[0];
              yRes = resx[1];
            } else {
              // set the width of the video to the thumbnail width, else 640x480
              if (!blog.getMaxImageWidth().equals("Original Size")) {
                xRes = blog.getMaxImageWidth();
                yRes = String.valueOf(Math.round(Integer.valueOf(blog.getMaxImageWidth()) * 0.75));
              } else {
                xRes = "640";
                yRes = "480";
        } else { // file is not in media library
          String filePath = videoUri.toString().replace("file://", "");
          videoFile = new File(filePath);

        if (videoFile == null) {
          mErrorMessage = context.getResources().getString(R.string.error_media_upload);
          return null;

        if (TextUtils.isEmpty(mimeType)) {
          mimeType = MediaUtils.getMediaFileMimeType(videoFile);
        String videoName = MediaUtils.getMediaFileName(videoFile, mimeType);

        // try to upload the video
        Map<String, Object> m = new HashMap<String, Object>();
        m.put("name", videoName);
        m.put("type", mimeType);
        m.put("bits", mediaFile);
        m.put("overwrite", true);

        Object[] params = {1, blog.getUsername(), blog.getPassword(), m};

        FeatureSet featureSet = synchronousGetFeatureSet();
        boolean selfHosted = WordPress.currentBlog != null && !WordPress.currentBlog.isDotcomFlag();
        boolean isVideoEnabled =
            selfHosted || (featureSet != null && mFeatureSet.isVideopressEnabled());
        if (isVideoEnabled) {
          File tempFile;
          try {
            String fileExtension = MimeTypeMap.getFileExtensionFromUrl(videoName);
            tempFile = createTempUploadFile(fileExtension);
          } catch (IOException e) {
            mErrorMessage = getResources().getString(R.string.file_error_create);
            mIsMediaError = true;
            return null;

          Object result = uploadFileHelper(client, params, tempFile);
          Map<?, ?> resultMap = (HashMap<?, ?>) result;
          if (resultMap != null && resultMap.containsKey("url")) {
            String resultURL = resultMap.get("url").toString();
            if (resultMap.containsKey("videopress_shortcode")) {
              resultURL = resultMap.get("videopress_shortcode").toString() + "\n";
            } else {
              resultURL =
                      "<video width=\"%s\" height=\"%s\" controls=\"controls\"><source src=\"%s\" type=\"%s\" /><a href=\"%s\">Click to view video</a>.</video>",
                      xRes, yRes, resultURL, mimeType, resultURL);
            content = content + resultURL;
          } else {
            return null;
        } else {
          mErrorMessage = getString(R.string.media_no_video_message);
          mErrorUnavailableVideoPress = true;
          return null;
      } else {
        // Upload the image
        curImagePath = mediaFile.getFilePath();

        Uri imageUri = Uri.parse(curImagePath);
        File imageFile = null;
        String mimeType = "", path = "";
        int orientation;

        if (imageUri.toString().contains("content:")) {
          String[] projection;
          Uri imgPath;

          projection = new String[] {Images.Media._ID, Images.Media.DATA, Images.Media.MIME_TYPE};

          imgPath = imageUri;

          Cursor cur = context.getContentResolver().query(imgPath, projection, null, null, null);
          if (cur != null && cur.moveToFirst()) {
            int dataColumn, mimeTypeColumn;
            dataColumn = cur.getColumnIndex(Images.Media.DATA);
            mimeTypeColumn = cur.getColumnIndex(Images.Media.MIME_TYPE);

            String thumbData = cur.getString(dataColumn);
            mimeType = cur.getString(mimeTypeColumn);
            imageFile = new File(thumbData);
            path = thumbData;
        } else { // file is not in media library
          path = imageUri.toString().replace("file://", "");
          imageFile = new File(path);

        // check if the file exists
        if (imageFile == null) {
          mErrorMessage = context.getString(R.string.file_not_found);
          mIsMediaError = true;
          return null;

        if (TextUtils.isEmpty(mimeType)) {
          mimeType = MediaUtils.getMediaFileMimeType(imageFile);
        String fileName = MediaUtils.getMediaFileName(imageFile, mimeType);
        String fileExtension = MimeTypeMap.getFileExtensionFromUrl(fileName).toLowerCase();

        ImageHelper ih = new ImageHelper();
        orientation = ih.getImageOrientation(context, path);

        String resizedPictureURL = null;

        // We need to upload a resized version of the picture when the blog settings != original
        // size, or when
        // the user has selected a smaller size for the current picture in the picture settings
        // screen
        // We won't resize gif images to keep them awesome.
        boolean shouldUploadResizedVersion = false;
        // If it's not a gif and blog don't keep original size, there is a chance we need to resize
        if (!mimeType.equals("image/gif") && !blog.getMaxImageWidth().equals("Original Size")) {
          // check the picture settings
          int pictureSettingWidth = mediaFile.getWidth();
          BitmapFactory.Options options = new BitmapFactory.Options();
          options.inJustDecodeBounds = true;
          BitmapFactory.decodeFile(path, options);
          int imageHeight = options.outHeight;
          int imageWidth = options.outWidth;
          int[] dimensions = {imageWidth, imageHeight};
          if (dimensions[0] != 0 && dimensions[0] != pictureSettingWidth) {
            shouldUploadResizedVersion = true;

        boolean shouldAddImageWidthCSS = false;

        if (shouldUploadResizedVersion) {
          MediaFile resizedMediaFile = new MediaFile(mediaFile);
          // Create resized image
          byte[] bytes =
                  context, imageUri, resizedMediaFile.getWidth(), fileExtension, orientation);

          if (bytes == null) {
            // We weren't able to resize the image, so we will upload the full size image with css
            // to resize it
            shouldUploadResizedVersion = false;
            shouldAddImageWidthCSS = true;
          } else {
            // Save temp image
            String tempFilePath;
            File resizedImageFile;
            try {
              resizedImageFile = File.createTempFile("wp-image-", fileExtension);
              FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(resizedImageFile);
              tempFilePath = resizedImageFile.getPath();
            } catch (IOException e) {
              AppLog.w(T.POSTS, "failed to create image temp file");
              mErrorMessage = context.getString(R.string.error_media_upload);
              mIsMediaError = true;
              return null;

            // upload resized picture
            if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(tempFilePath)) {
              Map<String, Object> parameters = new HashMap<String, Object>();

              parameters.put("name", fileName);
              parameters.put("type", mimeType);
              parameters.put("bits", resizedMediaFile);
              parameters.put("overwrite", true);
              resizedPictureURL = uploadPicture(parameters, resizedMediaFile, blog);
              if (resizedPictureURL == null) {
                AppLog.w(T.POSTS, "failed to upload resized picture");
                return null;
              } else if (resizedImageFile != null && resizedImageFile.exists()) {
            } else {
              AppLog.w(T.POSTS, "failed to create resized picture");
              mErrorMessage = context.getString(R.string.out_of_memory);
              mIsMediaError = true;
              return null;

        String fullSizeUrl = null;
        // Upload the full size picture if "Original Size" is selected in settings, or if 'link to
        // full size' is checked.
        if (!shouldUploadResizedVersion || blog.isFullSizeImage()) {
          // try to upload the image
          Map<String, Object> parameters = new HashMap<String, Object>();
          parameters.put("name", fileName);
          parameters.put("type", mimeType);
          parameters.put("bits", mediaFile);
          parameters.put("overwrite", true);

          fullSizeUrl = uploadPicture(parameters, mediaFile, blog);
          if (fullSizeUrl == null) return null;

        String alignment = "";
        switch (mediaFile.getHorizontalAlignment()) {
          case 0:
            alignment = "alignnone";
          case 1:
            alignment = "alignleft";
          case 2:
            alignment = "aligncenter";
          case 3:
            alignment = "alignright";

        String alignmentCSS = "class=\"" + alignment + " size-full\" ";

        if (shouldAddImageWidthCSS) {
          alignmentCSS += "style=\"max-width: " + mediaFile.getWidth() + "px\" ";

        // Check if we uploaded a featured picture that is not added to the post content (normal
        // case)
        if ((fullSizeUrl != null && fullSizeUrl.equalsIgnoreCase(""))
            || (resizedPictureURL != null && resizedPictureURL.equalsIgnoreCase(""))) {
          return ""; // Not featured in post. Do not add to the content.

        if (fullSizeUrl == null && resizedPictureURL != null) {
          fullSizeUrl = resizedPictureURL;
        } else if (fullSizeUrl != null && resizedPictureURL == null) {
          resizedPictureURL = fullSizeUrl;

        String mediaTitle = TextUtils.isEmpty(mediaFile.getTitle()) ? "" : mediaFile.getTitle();

        content =
                + "<a href=\""
                + fullSizeUrl
                + "\"><img title=\""
                + mediaTitle
                + "\" "
                + alignmentCSS
                + "alt=\"image\" src=\""
                + resizedPictureURL
                + "\" /></a>";

        if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(mediaFile.getCaption())) {
          content =
                  "[caption id=\"\" align=\"%s\" width=\"%d\" caption=\"%s\"]%s[/caption]",
      return content;