Пример #1
   * Get the first page link to render. Adjust the first page link based on the current
   * PageableListView page displayed.
  private void setStartIndex() {
    // Which startIndex are we currently using
    long firstListItem = startIndex;

    // How many page links shall be displayed
    int viewSize = (int) Math.min(getViewSize(), pageable.getPageCount());
    long margin = getMargin();

    // What is the PageableListView's page index to be displayed
    long currentPage = pageable.getCurrentPage();

    // Make sure the current page link index is within the current
    // window taking the left and right margin into account
    if (currentPage < (firstListItem + margin)) {
      firstListItem = currentPage - margin;
    } else if ((currentPage >= (firstListItem + viewSize - margin))) {

      firstListItem = (currentPage + margin + 1) - viewSize;

    // Make sure the first index is >= 0 and the last index is <=
    // than the last page link index.
    if ((firstListItem + viewSize) >= pageable.getPageCount()) {
      firstListItem = pageable.getPageCount() - viewSize;

    if (firstListItem < 0) {
      firstListItem = 0;

    if ((viewSize != getIterations()) || (startIndex != firstListItem)) {

      // Tell the ListView what the new start index shall be
      startIndex = firstListItem;

      setIterations((int) Math.min(viewSize, pageable.getPageCount()));


      // force all children to be re-rendered