/** for snapshot file while modifying file after snapshot. */
  @Test(timeout = 15000)
  public void testSnapshotPathINodesAfterModification() throws Exception {
    // First check the INode for /TestSnapshot/sub1/file1
    String[] names = INode.getPathNames(file1.toString());
    byte[][] components = INode.getPathComponents(names);
    INodesInPath nodesInPath = INodesInPath.resolve(fsdir.rootDir, components, false);
    // The number of inodes should be equal to components.length
    assertEquals(nodesInPath.length(), components.length);

    // The last INode should be associated with file1
    assertEquals(nodesInPath.getINode(components.length - 1).getFullPathName(), file1.toString());
    // record the modification time of the inode
    final long modTime = nodesInPath.getINode(nodesInPath.length() - 1).getModificationTime();

    // Create a snapshot for the dir, and check the inodes for the path
    // pointing to a snapshot file
    hdfs.createSnapshot(sub1, "s3");

    // Modify file1
    DFSTestUtil.appendFile(hdfs, file1, "the content for appending");

    // Check the INodes for snapshot of file1
    String snapshotPath = sub1.toString() + "/.snapshot/s3/file1";
    names = INode.getPathNames(snapshotPath);
    components = INode.getPathComponents(names);
    INodesInPath ssNodesInPath = INodesInPath.resolve(fsdir.rootDir, components, false);
    // Length of ssInodes should be (components.length - 1), since we will
    // ignore ".snapshot"
    assertEquals(ssNodesInPath.length(), components.length - 1);
    final Snapshot s3 = getSnapshot(ssNodesInPath, "s3", 3);
    assertSnapshot(ssNodesInPath, true, s3, 3);
    // Check the INode for snapshot of file1
    INode snapshotFileNode = ssNodesInPath.getLastINode();
    assertEquals(snapshotFileNode.getLocalName(), file1.getName());
    // The modification time of the snapshot INode should be the same with the
    // original INode before modification
    assertEquals(modTime, snapshotFileNode.getModificationTime(ssNodesInPath.getPathSnapshotId()));

    // Check the INode for /TestSnapshot/sub1/file1 again
    names = INode.getPathNames(file1.toString());
    components = INode.getPathComponents(names);
    INodesInPath newNodesInPath = INodesInPath.resolve(fsdir.rootDir, components, false);
    assertSnapshot(newNodesInPath, false, s3, -1);
    // The number of inodes should be equal to components.length
    assertEquals(newNodesInPath.length(), components.length);
    // The last INode should be associated with file1
    final int last = components.length - 1;
    assertEquals(newNodesInPath.getINode(last).getFullPathName(), file1.toString());
    // The modification time of the INode for file3 should have been changed
    Assert.assertFalse(modTime == newNodesInPath.getINode(last).getModificationTime());
    hdfs.deleteSnapshot(sub1, "s3");
 static void assertSnapshot(
     INodesInPath inodesInPath, boolean isSnapshot, final Snapshot snapshot, int index) {
   assertEquals(isSnapshot, inodesInPath.isSnapshot());
       Snapshot.getSnapshotId(isSnapshot ? snapshot : null), inodesInPath.getPathSnapshotId());
   if (!isSnapshot) {
     assertEquals(Snapshot.getSnapshotId(snapshot), inodesInPath.getLatestSnapshotId());
   if (isSnapshot && index >= 0) {
     assertEquals(Snapshot.Root.class, inodesInPath.getINode(index).getClass());