  public boolean addJobToCurrent(Job j) throws Exception {

    IAtomicReference<Job> r = h.getAtomicReference("job-" + j.getWorkerId());

    if (r.get() != null || !r.isNull()) {
      boolean sent = false;
      while (!sent) {
        // always update
        for (String s : workers()) {
          if (jobFor(s) == null) {
                "Redirecting worker "
                    + j.getWorkerId()
                    + " to "
                    + s
                    + " due to work already being allocated");
            r = h.getAtomicReference("job-" + s);
            sent = true;


    // iterate over jobs without the work/data


    return true;
 public boolean isDone() {
   // reason being that isDone() may getFromOrigin called and throw errors
   // this ensures a safe method call happens and just silently
   // returns true in case hazelcast is shutdown
   try {
     return done.get();
   } catch (Exception e) {
     log.warn("Hazelcast already shutdown...returning true on isDone()");
     return true;
  * Creates a training evaluator using the given neural network
  * @param network the neural network to use
  * @return a training evaluator based on the configuration of the state tracker and the given
  *     network
 public TrainingEvaluator create(BaseMultiLayerNetwork network) {
   OutputLayerTrainingEvaluator eval =
       new OutputLayerTrainingEvaluator.Builder()
   return eval;
 public int runPreTrainIterations() {
   return numTimesPretrain.get();
 public Job jobFor(String id) {
   IAtomicReference<Job> j = h.getAtomicReference("job-" + id);
   if (j.isNull() || isCurrentlyJob(id)) return null;
   return j.get();
 public boolean isPretrain() {
   return isPretrain.get();
 public E getCurrent() throws Exception {
   E u = (E) master.get();
   if (u == null) return null;
   return u;
  * The input split to use. This means that each data applyTransformToDestination that is trained
  * on and loaded will be this batch size or lower per worker
  * @return the input split to use
 public int inputSplit() {
   return (miniBatchSize.get() * numWorkers()) / numWorkers();
  * Increments the number of batches ran. This is purely a count and does not necessarily mean
  * progress.
  * @param numBatchesRan the number of batches ran to increment by
 public void incrementBatchesRan(int numBatchesRan) {
   numBatches.set(numBatchesRan + numBatches.get());
  * The number of epochs to test on
  * @return the number of epochs to test on
 public int validationEpochs() {
   return validationEpochs.get();
  * The best validation loss so far
  * @return the best validation loss so far
 public double bestLoss() {
   return bestLoss.get();
  * Improvement threshold for early stopping, aka the minimum
  * @return
 public double improvmentThreshold() {
   return improvementThreshold.get();
  * Patience is what controls early stopping
  * @return the patience for the trainer
 public double patience() {
   return patience.get();
  * Whether the cluster has begun training
  * @return whether the cluster has begun training
 public boolean hasBegun() {
   return begunTraining.get();
  * Current mini batch size
  * @return
 public int miniBatchSize() {
   return miniBatchSize.get();
 public int numTimesPreTrainRun() {
   return numTimesPretrainRan.get();
  * Whether to validate against a held out test applyTransformToDestination and test for validation
  * error.
  * @return whether to validate against a held out test applyTransformToDestination and test for
  *     validation error.
 public boolean isEarlyStopTesting() {
   return earlyStop.get();
  * Number of batches ran so far
  * @return the number of batches ran so far
 public int numBatchesRan() {
   return numBatches.get();