  * Gets the session containing the connection's <em>current</em> state.
  * <p>This is the {@link #establishedSession} if not <code>null</code> or the session negotiated
  * in the {@link #ongoingHandshake}.
  * @return the <em>current</em> session or <code>null</code> if neither an established session nor
  *     an ongoing handshake exists
 public DTLSSession getSession() {
   if (establishedSession != null) {
     return establishedSession;
   } else if (ongoingHandshake != null) {
     return ongoingHandshake.getSession();
   } else {
     return null;
 public void handshakeStarted(Handshaker handshaker) throws HandshakeException {
   this.ongoingHandshake = handshaker;
   LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "Handshake with [{0}] has been started", handshaker.getPeerAddress());