Пример #1
 RFView() {
   // hide in generated query page
   _oobee._hideInQuery = true;
   _numTrees._readOnly = true;
   _job._hideInQuery = true;
   _dest._hideInQuery = true;
Пример #2
 protected Response serve() {
   InputStream s = null;
   String urlStr = _url.value();
   try {
     // if( urlStr.startsWith("file://") ) {
     // urlStr = urlStr.substring("file://".length());
     if (urlStr.startsWith("file:///")) {
       urlStr = urlStr.substring("file:///".length());
       File f = new File(urlStr);
       // urlStr = "file://"+f.getCanonicalPath();
       urlStr = "file:///" + f.getCanonicalPath();
     URL url = new URL(urlStr);
     Key k = _key.value();
     if (k == null) k = Key.make(urlStr);
     s = url.openStream();
     if (s == null) return Response.error("Unable to open stream to URL " + url.toString());
     ValueArray.readPut(k, s);
     JsonObject json = new JsonObject();
     json.addProperty(KEY, k.toString());
     json.addProperty(URL, urlStr);
     Response r = Response.done(json);
     r.setBuilder(KEY, new KeyElementBuilder());
     return r;
   } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
     return Response.error("Not a valid key: " + urlStr);
   } catch (IOException e) {
     return Response.error(e);
   } finally {
Пример #3
 public ImportUrl() {
   _requestHelp = "Imports the given URL.";
   _url._requestHelp = "URL to import.";
   _key._requestHelp = "Key to store the url contents under.";
Пример #4
  protected Response serve() {
    int tasks = 0;
    int finished = 0;
    RFModel model = _modelKey.value();
    double[] weights = _weights.value();
    // Finish refresh after rf model is done and confusion matrix for all trees is computed
    boolean done = false;
    int classCol = _classCol.specified() ? _classCol.value() : findResponseIdx(model);

    tasks = model._totalTrees;
    finished = model.size();

    // Handle cancelled/aborted jobs
    if (_job.value() != null) {
      Job jjob = Job.findJob(_job.value());
      if (jjob != null && jjob.isCancelled())
        return Response.error(
            jjob.exception == null ? "Job was cancelled by user!" : jjob.exception);

    JsonObject response = defaultJsonResponse();
    // CM return and possible computation is requested
    if (!_noCM.value() && (finished == tasks || _iterativeCM.value()) && finished > 0) {
      // Compute the highest number of trees which is less then a threshold
      int modelSize = tasks * _refreshThresholdCM.value() / 100;
      modelSize =
          modelSize == 0 || finished == tasks ? finished : modelSize * (finished / modelSize);

      // Get the computing the matrix - if no job is computing, then start a new job
      Job cmJob =
              model, modelSize, _dataKey.value()._key, classCol, weights, _oobee.value());
      // Here the the job is running - it saved a CM which can be already finished or in invalid
      // state.
      CMFinal confusion = UKV.get(cmJob.dest());
      // if the matrix is valid, report it in the JSON
      if (confusion != null && confusion.valid() && modelSize > 0) {
        // finished += 1;
        JsonObject cm = new JsonObject();
        JsonArray cmHeader = new JsonArray();
        JsonArray matrix = new JsonArray();
        cm.addProperty(JSON_CM_TYPE, _oobee.value() ? "OOB error estimate" : "full scoring");
        cm.addProperty(JSON_CM_CLASS_ERR, confusion.classError());
        cm.addProperty(JSON_CM_ROWS_SKIPPED, confusion.skippedRows());
        cm.addProperty(JSON_CM_ROWS, confusion.rows());
        // create the header
        for (String s : cfDomain(confusion, 1024)) cmHeader.add(new JsonPrimitive(s));
        cm.add(JSON_CM_HEADER, cmHeader);
        // add the matrix
        final int nclasses = confusion.dimension();
        JsonArray classErrors = new JsonArray();
        for (int crow = 0; crow < nclasses; ++crow) {
          JsonArray row = new JsonArray();
          int classHitScore = 0;
          for (int ccol = 0; ccol < nclasses; ++ccol) {
            row.add(new JsonPrimitive(confusion.matrix(crow, ccol)));
            if (crow != ccol) classHitScore += confusion.matrix(crow, ccol);
          // produce infinity members in case of 0.f/0
              new JsonPrimitive(
                  (float) classHitScore / (classHitScore + confusion.matrix(crow, crow))));
        cm.add(JSON_CM_CLASSES_ERRORS, classErrors);
        cm.add(JSON_CM_MATRIX, matrix);
        cm.addProperty(JSON_CM_TREES, modelSize);
        response.add(JSON_CM, cm);
        // Signal end only and only if all trees were generated and confusion matrix is valid
        done = finished == tasks;
    } else if (_noCM.value() && finished == tasks) done = true;

    // Trees
    JsonObject trees = new JsonObject();
    trees.addProperty(Constants.TREE_COUNT, model.size());
    if (model.size() > 0) {
      trees.add(Constants.TREE_DEPTH, model.depth().toJson());
      trees.add(Constants.TREE_LEAVES, model.leaves().toJson());
    response.add(Constants.TREES, trees);

    // Build a response
    Response r;
    if (done) {
      r = jobDone(response);
          "<div class='alert'>"
              + /*RFScore.link(MODEL_KEY, model._key, "Use this model for scoring.") */ GeneratePredictionsPage
                  .link(model._key, "Predict!")
              + " </div>");
    } else {
      r = Response.poll(response, finished, tasks);
    r.setBuilder(JSON_CM, new ConfusionMatrixBuilder());
    r.setBuilder(TREES, new TreeListBuilder());
    return r;