Пример #1
 /** Check that the standard reifier will note, but not hide, reification quads. */
 public void testStandard() {
   Graph g = getGraph();
   assertFalse(ReifierStd.hasTriple(g, triple("s p o")));
   g.add(NodeCreateUtils.createTriple("x rdf:subject s"));
   assertEquals(1, g.size());
   g.add(NodeCreateUtils.createTriple("x rdf:predicate p"));
   assertEquals(2, g.size());
   g.add(NodeCreateUtils.createTriple("x rdf:object o"));
   assertEquals(3, g.size());
   g.add(NodeCreateUtils.createTriple("x rdf:type rdf:Statement"));
   assertEquals(4, g.size());
   assertTrue(ReifierStd.hasTriple(g, triple("s p o")));
Пример #2
   * Random graph. Generates randomly k directed edges out of each node. The neighbors (edge
   * targets) are chosen randomly without replacement from the nodes of the graph other than the
   * source node (i.e. no loop edge is added). If k is larger than N-1 (where N is the number of
   * nodes) then k is set to be N-1 and a complete graph is returned.
   * @param g the graph to be wired
   * @param k samples to be drawn for each node
   * @param r source of randomness
   * @return returns g for convenience
  public static Graph wireKOut(Graph g, int k, Random r) {

    final int n = g.size();
    if (n < 2) {
      return g;
    if (n <= k) {
      k = n - 1;
    int[] nodes = new int[n];
    for (int i = 0; i < nodes.length; ++i) {
      nodes[i] = i;
    for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
      int j = 0;
      while (j < k) {
        int newedge = j + r.nextInt(n - j);
        int tmp = nodes[j];
        nodes[j] = nodes[newedge];
        nodes[newedge] = tmp;
        if (nodes[j] != i) {
          g.setEdge(i, nodes[j]);
    return g;
Пример #3
 // constructr to init graph
 public PrimsArray(Graph g) {
   this.g = g;
   if (g.size() == 0) {
     System.out.println("Graph Empty!!");
   MSTree = new ArrayList<TreeEdge>();
Пример #4
   * A sink star. Wires a sink star topology adding a link to 0 from all other nodes.
   * @param g the graph to be wired
   * @return returns g for convenience
  public static Graph wireStar(Graph g) {

    final int n = g.size();
    for (int i = 1; i < n; ++i) {
      g.setEdge(i, 0);
    return g;
Пример #5
 private void reduce(Node pred) {
   ArrayList<Entity> l1 = get(pred);
   ArrayList<Entity> l2 = reduce(l1);
   put(pred, l2);
   if (l1.size() != l2.size()) {
     graph.setSize(graph.size() - (l1.size() - l2.size()));
Пример #6
 /** Test that the Standard reifier will expose implicit quads arising from reifyAs(). */
 public void testStandardExplode() {
   Graph g = getGraph();
   ReifierStd.reifyAs(g, node("a"), triple("p Q r"));
   Graph r = Factory.createDefaultGraph();
   graphAdd(r, "a rdf:type rdf:Statement; a rdf:subject p; a rdf:predicate Q; a rdf:object r");
   assertEquals(4, g.size());
   assertIsomorphic(r, g);
Пример #7
 public void testQuadRemove() {
   Graph g = getGraph();
   assertEquals(0, g.size());
   Triple s = NodeCreateUtils.createTriple("x rdf:subject s");
   Triple p = NodeCreateUtils.createTriple("x rdf:predicate p");
   Triple o = NodeCreateUtils.createTriple("x rdf:object o");
   Triple t = NodeCreateUtils.createTriple("x rdf:type rdf:Statement");
   assertEquals(4, g.size());
   assertEquals(0, g.size());
Пример #8
  /** Delete entity at index i, if it is the same as edge tags may differ according to comparator */
  Entity delete(Comparator<Entity> cmp, Entity edge, List<Entity> list, int i) {
    Entity ent = null;
    int res = cmp.compare(list.get(i), edge);

    if (res == 0) {
      ent = list.get(i);

      if (getIndex() == 0) {
        graph.setSize(graph.size() - 1);

    return ent;
Пример #9
   * A regular rooted tree. Wires a regular rooted tree. The root is 0, it has links to 1,...,k. In
   * general, node i has links to i*k+1,...,i*k+k.
   * @param g the graph to be wired
   * @param k the number of outgoing links of nodes in the tree (except leaves that have zero
   *     out-links, and exactly one node that might have less than k).
   * @return returns g for convenience
  public static Graph wireRegRootedTree(Graph g, int k) {

    if (k == 0) {
      return g;
    final int n = g.size();
    int i = 0; // node we wire
    int j = 1; // next free node to link to
    while (j < n) {
      for (int l = 0; l < k && j < n; ++l, ++j) {
        g.setEdge(i, j);
    return g;
Пример #10
   * This contains the implementation of the Barabasi-Albert model of growing scale free networks.
   * The original model is described in <a href="http://arxiv.org/abs/cond-mat/0106096">
   * http://arxiv.org/abs/cond-mat/0106096</a>. It also works if the graph is directed, in which
   * case the model is a variation of the BA model described in <a
   * href="http://arxiv.org/pdf/cond-mat/0408391">http://arxiv.org/pdf/cond-mat/0408391</a>. In both
   * cases, the number of the initial set of nodes is the same as the degree parameter, and no links
   * are added. The first added node is connected to all of the initial nodes, and after that the BA
   * model is used normally.
   * @param k the number of edges that are generated for each new node, also the number of initial
   *     nodes (that have no edges).
   * @param r the randomness to be used
   * @return returns g for convenience
  public static Graph wireScaleFreeBA(Graph g, int k, Random r) {

    final int nodes = g.size();
    if (nodes <= k) {
      return g;

    // edge i has ends (ends[2*i],ends[2*i+1])
    int[] ends = new int[2 * k * (nodes - k)];

    // Add initial edges from k to 0,1,...,k-1
    for (int i = 0; i < k; i++) {
      g.setEdge(k, i);
      ends[2 * i] = k;
      ends[2 * i + 1] = i;

    int len = 2 * k; // edges drawn so far is len/2
    for (int i = k + 1; i < nodes; i++) // over the remaining nodes
      for (int j = 0; j < k; j++) // over the new edges
        int target;
        do {
          target = ends[r.nextInt(len)];
          int m = 0;
          while (m < j && ends[len + 2 * m + 1] != target) {
          if (m == j) {
          // we don't check in the graph because
          // this wire method should accept graphs
          // that already have edges.
        } while (true);
        g.setEdge(i, target);
        ends[len + 2 * j] = i;
        ends[len + 2 * j + 1] = target;
      len += 2 * k;

    return g;
Пример #11
   * Wires a ring lattice. The added connections are defined as follows. If k is even, links to
   * i-k/2, i-k/2+1, ..., i+k/2 are added (but not to i), thus adding an equal number of
   * predecessors and successors. If k is odd, then we add one more successors than predecessors.
   * For example, for k=4: 2 predecessors, 2 successors. For k=5: 2 predecessors, 3 successors. For
   * k=1: each node is linked only to its successor. All values are understood mod n to make the
   * lattice circular, where n is the number of nodes in g.
   * @param g the graph to be wired
   * @param k lattice parameter
   * @return returns g for convenience
  public static Graph wireRingLattice(Graph g, int k) {

    final int n = g.size();

    int pred = k / 2;
    int succ = k - pred;

    for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
      for (int j = -pred; j <= succ; ++j) {
        if (j == 0) {
        final int v = (i + j + n) % n;
        g.setEdge(i, v);
    return g;
Пример #12
   * A hypercube. Wires a hypercube. For a node i the following links are added: i xor 2^0, i xor
   * 2^1, etc. this define a log(graphsize) dimensional hypercube (if the log is an integer).
   * @param g the graph to be wired
   * @return returns g for convenience
  public static Graph wireHypercube(Graph g) {

    final int n = g.size();
    if (n <= 1) {
      return g;
    final int highestone = Integer.highestOneBit(n - 1); // not zero
    for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
      int mask = highestone;
      while (mask > 0) {
        int j = i ^ mask;
        if (j < n) {
          g.setEdge(i, j);
        mask = mask >> 1;
    return g;
Пример #13
  * Watts-Strogatz model. A bit modified though: by default assumes a directed graph. This means
  * that directed links are re-wired, and the undirected edges in the original (undirected) lattice
  * are modeled by double directed links pointing in opposite directions. Rewiring is done with
  * replacement, so the possibility of wiring two links to the same target is positive (though very
  * small).
  * <p>Note that it is possible to pass an undirected graph as a parameter. In that case the output
  * is the directed graph produced by the method, converted to an undirected graph by dropping
  * directionality of the edges. This graph is still not from the original undirected WS model
  * though.
  * @param g the graph to be wired
  * @param k lattice parameter: this is the out-degree of a node in the ring lattice before
  *     rewiring
  * @param p the probability of rewiring each
  * @param r source of randomness
  * @return returns g for convenience
 public static Graph wireWS(Graph g, int k, double p, Random r) {
   // XXX unintuitive to call it WS due to the slight mods
   final int n = g.size();
   for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
     for (int j = -k / 2; j <= k / 2; ++j) {
       if (j == 0) {
       int newedge = (i + j + n) % n;
       if (r.nextDouble() < p) {
         newedge = r.nextInt(n - 1);
         if (newedge >= i) {
           newedge++; // random _other_ node
       g.setEdge(i, newedge);
   return g;
 public final int size() {
   return g.size();
Пример #15
  // it finds mst with the graph provided to class
  public void findMST() throws InterruptedException {
    int root = 0;
    int count = 0;
    int currentVertex = root;
    long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
    HashSet<Integer> VerticeAlreadyInQueue = new HashSet<Integer>();
    ArrayList<Edges> adjacentVerticesToTree = new ArrayList<Edges>();
    Edges temp = new Edges(currentVertex, g.getEdgesWithWeight(currentVertex));
    Entry<Integer, Double> min;
    HashSet<Integer> VerticesInTree = new HashSet<Integer>();
    int minCorrespondingVertexIndex = -1;
    while (count != g.size() - 1) {
      min = null;
      int MinVertex;
      double MinWeight;
      int minCorrespondingVertex = -1;
      //			Entry<Integer, Double> minEntry;
      for (int index = 0; index < adjacentVerticesToTree.size(); index++) {
        //				System.out.print("Current Vertex updated to " + currentVertex + " => ");
        currentVertex = adjacentVerticesToTree.get(index).vertex;
        for (Entry<Integer, Double> entry :
            adjacentVerticesToTree.get(index).adjacentVertices.entrySet()) {
          //					System.out.print(entry.getKey() + " : " + entry.getValue() + " , ");
          if (min == null || min.getValue() > entry.getValue()) {
            min = entry;
            minCorrespondingVertex = currentVertex;
            minCorrespondingVertexIndex = index;
        //		System.out.println();
      //			System.out.println("Found Min AT " + minCorrespondingVertex + " " + min.getKey() + " " +
      // min.getValue());
      MinVertex = min.getKey();
      MinWeight = min.getValue();

      //			System.out.println("Adding " + minCorrespondingVertex + " " + MinVertex);
      if (count == 0
          || (VerticesInTree.contains(minCorrespondingVertex)
              && !VerticesInTree.contains(MinVertex))
          || ((!VerticesInTree.contains(minCorrespondingVertex)
              && VerticesInTree.contains(MinVertex)))) {
        if (!VerticeAlreadyInQueue.contains(MinVertex)) {
          temp = new Edges(MinVertex, g.getEdgesWithWeight(MinVertex));
        removeEdgeByIndex(adjacentVerticesToTree, minCorrespondingVertexIndex, MinVertex);
        removeEdge(adjacentVerticesToTree, MinVertex, minCorrespondingVertex);
        /*	if(adjacentVerticesToTree.get(minCorrespondingVertex).isEmpty())
        	adjacentVerticesToTree.remove(MinVertex); */
        TreeEdge temp2 = new TreeEdge(minCorrespondingVertex, MinVertex, MinWeight);
        count += 1;
        TreeWeight += MinWeight;
        //			System.out.println("Count = " + count);
      } else {
        //		System.out.println("Did not add!!");
        //	Thread.sleep(3000);
        removeEdgeByIndex(adjacentVerticesToTree, minCorrespondingVertexIndex, MinVertex);
        /*	if(adjacentVerticesToTree.get(minCorrespondingVertex).isEmpty())
        adjacentVerticesToTree.remove(minCorrespondingVertex); */
    genTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - start;
 public final int size(byte flags) {
   return g.size(flags);
Пример #17
 public int size() {
   return base.size();