Пример #1
   * Process this text Token to optimize tokens and evaluate the token bounding box.
   * @param g Graphics to get the font metrics.
   * @param text Text to add to the current textTokan.
   * @param textTok Current TextToken.
   * @param isText True if the previous textToken was a Text Token so we can merge it with this.
  private void updateText(Graphics g, String text, TextToken textTok, boolean isText) {
    // The text exists!
    if (text.length() > 0) {
      FontMetrics fm = g.getFontMetrics();
      int a = fm.getAscent(), d = fm.getDescent(), w = fm.stringWidth(text), h = fm.getHeight();

      // The previous token was a text too so we must merge it with this new one.
      if (isText) {
        textTok = (TextToken) m_tokens.lastElement();

        textTok.m_text += text;
        textTok.m_bounds.width += w;
        if (textTok.m_bounds.height < h) textTok.m_bounds.height = h;
      // The previous token was a formating one.
      else {

        textTok.m_text = text;
        textTok.m_bounds = new Rectangle(0, 0, w, h);

      if (a > m_body.m_aMax) m_body.m_aMax = a;
      if (d > m_body.m_dMax) m_body.m_dMax = d;

      m_wCur += w;
Пример #2
   * Creates a new TextToken by parsing a pseudo-HTML tag.
   * @param g Graphics used to retrieve the font metric.
   * @param tag A pseudo HTML tag without '<' and '>'.
   * @return a new TextToken initialized according to the tag.
  private TextToken updateTag(Graphics g, String tag) {
    String tempTag;
    TextToken textTok = null;
    char begChar;

    if (tag.length() > 0) {
      tag = tag.toLowerCase();
      begChar = tag.charAt(0);

      // End of Tag, we returns except for the case </p>
      if (begChar == '/') {
        char nxtChar = tag.charAt(1);

        tempTag = (String) m_heap.lastElement();

        if (tempTag.charAt(0) == nxtChar) // ! very simple verification !
          textTok = closeTag(g, tempTag);
          if (nxtChar != 'p') return textTok;
        } else {
          System.out.println("[updateTag] no corresponding opened Tag : " + tag);
          return null;

      FormatToken prevTok = m_curTok;
      Insets prevMrg = prevTok.m_margin, margin = m_body.m_margin;
      int flags = m_body.m_flags,
          width = m_wCur + (prevMrg != null ? prevMrg.left + prevMrg.right : 0);

      // Start of Tag	+ </p>
      if (tag.equals("br") || begChar == 'p' || tag.equals("/p")) {
        if (tag.equals("br")) {
          if (prevMrg != null) margin = prevMrg;
          flags = prevTok.m_flags;

        // We specify new margins
        if (begChar == 'p') {
          String alignStr = readAtt(tag, "a");

          if (alignStr != null) {
            char align = Character.toLowerCase(alignStr.charAt(0));

            flags = align == 'r' ? RIGHT_BIT : (align == 'c' ? CENTER_BIT : 0);

          margin = readMargin(tag);

          if (tag.length() > 1 && alignStr == null && margin == null) {
            flags = m_body.m_flags;
            System.out.println("[updateTag] syntax error Tag : " + tag);
            return null;
          } else {

        // update pr�vious format Token
        prevTok.m_aMax = m_body.m_aMax;
        prevTok.m_dMax = m_body.m_dMax;
        prevTok.m_width = width;

        // reset current vars
        m_body.m_aMax = 0;
        m_body.m_dMax = 0;
        m_wCur = 0;

        // Stores the max width of all lines including its margins
        if (width > m_body.m_width) m_body.m_width = width;

        m_curTok = new FormatToken();
        m_curTok.m_flags = flags;
        m_curTok.m_margin = margin == null ? m_body.m_margin : margin;


        textTok = new TextToken();
        textTok.m_color = new Color(m_color);
        textTok.m_font = new Font(m_name, m_style, m_size);
      } else if (isGfx(begChar)) {
        textTok = updateGfx(g, tag);
      } else {
        System.out.println("[updateTag] Unknown Tag : " + tag);
        textTok = null;
    return textTok;