/** 以图标为中心,中心对齐,比如缩放时要以中心对齐 */ private void centerAboutIcon() { DragLayer.LayoutParams lp = (DragLayer.LayoutParams) getLayoutParams(); int width = getPaddingLeft() + getPaddingRight() + mContent.getDesiredWidth(); int height = getPaddingTop() + getPaddingBottom() + mContent.getDesiredHeight() + mFolderNameHeight; DragLayer parent = (DragLayer) mLauncher.findViewById(R.id.drag_layer); float scale = parent.getDescendantRectRelativeToSelf(mFolderIcon, mTempRect); int centerX = (int) (mTempRect.left + mTempRect.width() * scale / 2); int centerY = (int) (mTempRect.top + mTempRect.height() * scale / 2); int centeredLeft = centerX - width / 2; int centeredTop = centerY - height / 2; int currentPage = mLauncher.getWorkspace().getCurrentPage(); // In case the workspace is scrolling, we need to use the final scroll // to compute // the folders bounds. // 如果workspace正在滚动,就强制滚动到最后以计算最终的位置 mLauncher.getWorkspace().setFinalScrollForPageChange(currentPage); // We first fetch the currently visible CellLayoutChildren // 首先获取可见CellLayoutChildren CellLayout currentLayout = (CellLayout) mLauncher.getWorkspace().getChildAt(currentPage); ShortcutAndWidgetContainer boundingLayout = currentLayout.getShortcutsAndWidgets(); Rect bounds = new Rect(); parent.getDescendantRectRelativeToSelf(boundingLayout, bounds); // We reset the workspaces scroll // 强制重置workspace的滚动状态 mLauncher.getWorkspace().resetFinalScrollForPageChange(currentPage); // 重新调整folder的边界,如果有需要的话,比如实际内容比folder要更大或者更小 int left = Math.min(Math.max(bounds.left, centeredLeft), bounds.left + bounds.width() - width); int top = Math.min(Math.max(bounds.top, centeredTop), bounds.top + bounds.height() - height); // 如果实际内容比folder要更大或者更小,那么调整为实际大小 if (width >= bounds.width()) { left = bounds.left + (bounds.width() - width) / 2; } if (height >= bounds.height()) { top = bounds.top + (bounds.height() - height) / 2; } int folderPivotX = width / 2 + (centeredLeft - left); int folderPivotY = height / 2 + (centeredTop - top); // 设置Folder的锚点 setPivotX(folderPivotX); setPivotY(folderPivotY); mFolderIconPivotX = (int) (mFolderIcon.getMeasuredWidth() * (1.0f * folderPivotX / width)); mFolderIconPivotY = (int) (mFolderIcon.getMeasuredHeight() * (1.0f * folderPivotY / height)); lp.width = width; lp.height = height; lp.x = left; lp.y = top; }
private void centerAboutIcon() { DragLayer.LayoutParams lp = (DragLayer.LayoutParams) getLayoutParams(); DragLayer parent = (DragLayer) mLauncher.findViewById(R.id.drag_layer); int width = getPaddingLeft() + getPaddingRight() + mContent.getDesiredWidth(); int height = getFolderHeight(); float scale = parent.getDescendantRectRelativeToSelf(mFolderIcon, mTempRect); LauncherAppState app = LauncherAppState.getInstance(); DeviceProfile grid = app.getDynamicGrid().getDeviceProfile(); int centerX = (int) (mTempRect.left + mTempRect.width() * scale / 2); int centerY = (int) (mTempRect.top + mTempRect.height() * scale / 2); int centeredLeft = centerX - width / 2; int centeredTop = centerY - height / 2; int currentPage = mLauncher.getWorkspace().getNextPage(); // In case the workspace is scrolling, we need to use the final scroll to compute // the folders bounds. mLauncher.getWorkspace().setFinalScrollForPageChange(currentPage); // We first fetch the currently visible CellLayoutChildren CellLayout currentLayout = (CellLayout) mLauncher.getWorkspace().getChildAt(currentPage); ShortcutAndWidgetContainer boundingLayout = currentLayout.getShortcutsAndWidgets(); Rect bounds = new Rect(); parent.getDescendantRectRelativeToSelf(boundingLayout, bounds); // We reset the workspaces scroll mLauncher.getWorkspace().resetFinalScrollForPageChange(currentPage); // We need to bound the folder to the currently visible CellLayoutChildren int left = Math.min(Math.max(bounds.left, centeredLeft), bounds.left + bounds.width() - width); int top = Math.min(Math.max(bounds.top, centeredTop), bounds.top + bounds.height() - height); if (grid.isPhone() && (grid.availableWidthPx - width) < grid.iconSizePx) { // Center the folder if it is full (on phones only) left = (grid.availableWidthPx - width) / 2; } else if (width >= bounds.width()) { // If the folder doesn't fit within the bounds, center it about the desired bounds left = bounds.left + (bounds.width() - width) / 2; } if (height >= bounds.height()) { top = bounds.top + (bounds.height() - height) / 2; } int folderPivotX = width / 2 + (centeredLeft - left); int folderPivotY = height / 2 + (centeredTop - top); setPivotX(folderPivotX); setPivotY(folderPivotY); mFolderIconPivotX = (int) (mFolderIcon.getMeasuredWidth() * (1.0f * folderPivotX / width)); mFolderIconPivotY = (int) (mFolderIcon.getMeasuredHeight() * (1.0f * folderPivotY / height)); lp.width = width; lp.height = height; lp.x = left; lp.y = top; }
private void centerAboutIcon() { DragLayer.LayoutParams lp = (DragLayer.LayoutParams) getLayoutParams(); int width = getPaddingLeft() + getPaddingRight() + mContent.getDesiredWidth(); int height = getPaddingTop() + getPaddingBottom() + mContent.getDesiredHeight() + mFolderNameHeight; DragLayer parent = (DragLayer) mLauncher.findViewById(R.id.drag_layer); parent.getDescendantRectRelativeToSelf(mFolderIcon, mTempRect); int centerX = mTempRect.centerX(); int centerY = mTempRect.centerY(); int centeredLeft = centerX - width / 2; int centeredTop = centerY - height / 2; // We first fetch the currently visible CellLayoutChildren CellLayout currentPage = mLauncher.getWorkspace().getCurrentDropLayout(); CellLayoutChildren boundingLayout = currentPage.getChildrenLayout(); Rect bounds = new Rect(); parent.getDescendantRectRelativeToSelf(boundingLayout, bounds); // We need to bound the folder to the currently visible CellLayoutChildren int left = Math.min(Math.max(bounds.left, centeredLeft), bounds.left + bounds.width() - width); int top = Math.min(Math.max(bounds.top, centeredTop), bounds.top + bounds.height() - height); // If the folder doesn't fit within the bounds, center it about the desired bounds if (width >= bounds.width()) { left = bounds.left + (bounds.width() - width) / 2; } if (height >= bounds.height()) { top = bounds.top + (bounds.height() - height) / 2; } int folderPivotX = width / 2 + (centeredLeft - left); int folderPivotY = height / 2 + (centeredTop - top); setPivotX(folderPivotX); setPivotY(folderPivotY); int folderIconPivotX = (int) (mFolderIcon.getMeasuredWidth() * (1.0f * folderPivotX / width)); int folderIconPivotY = (int) (mFolderIcon.getMeasuredHeight() * (1.0f * folderPivotY / height)); mFolderIcon.setPivotX(folderIconPivotX); mFolderIcon.setPivotY(folderIconPivotY); if (mMode == PARTIAL_GROW) { lp.width = width; lp.height = height; lp.x = left; lp.y = top; } else { mNewSize.set(left, top, left + width, top + height); } }
public void onDropCompleted(View target, DragObject d, boolean isFlingToDelete, boolean success) { if (success) { if (mDeleteFolderOnDropCompleted && !mItemAddedBackToSelfViaIcon) { replaceFolderWithFinalItem(); } } else { // 拖动失败,将item还给folder。这是由Folder向外拖出时调用的 mFolderIcon.onDrop(d); // TODO // We're going to trigger a "closeFolder" which may occur before // this item has // been added back to the folder -- this could cause the folder to // be deleted if (mOnExitAlarm.alarmPending()) { mSuppressFolderDeletion = true; } } if (target != this) { if (mOnExitAlarm.alarmPending()) { mOnExitAlarm.cancelAlarm(); completeDragExit(); } } mDeleteFolderOnDropCompleted = false; mDragInProgress = false; mItemAddedBackToSelfViaIcon = false; mCurrentDragInfo = null; mCurrentDragView = null; mSuppressOnAdd = false; // 可能要重新排序,保存到数据库中 updateItemLocationsInDatabase(); }
public void onDropCompleted(View target, DragObject d, boolean success) { if (success) { if (mDeleteFolderOnDropCompleted && !mItemAddedBackToSelfViaIcon) { replaceFolderWithFinalItem(); } } else { // The drag failed, we need to return the item to the folder mFolderIcon.onDrop(d); // We're going to trigger a "closeFolder" which may occur before this item has // been added back to the folder -- this could cause the folder to be deleted if (mOnExitAlarm.alarmPending()) { mSuppressFolderDeletion = true; } } if (target != this) { if (mOnExitAlarm.alarmPending()) { mOnExitAlarm.cancelAlarm(); completeDragExit(); } } mDeleteFolderOnDropCompleted = false; mDragInProgress = false; mItemAddedBackToSelfViaIcon = false; mCurrentDragInfo = null; mCurrentDragView = null; mSuppressOnAdd = false; // Reordering may have occured, and we need to save the new item locations. We do this once // at the end to prevent unnecessary database operations. updateItemLocationsInDatabase(); }
void addAllAppsFolder( IconCache iconCache, ArrayList<AppInfo> allApps, ArrayList<ComponentName> onWorkspace, Launcher launcher, Workspace workspace) { if (AppsCustomizePagedView.DISABLE_ALL_APPS) { FolderInfo fi = new FolderInfo(); fi.cellX = getCellXFromOrder(mAllAppsButtonRank); fi.cellY = getCellYFromOrder(mAllAppsButtonRank); fi.spanX = 1; fi.spanY = 1; fi.container = LauncherSettings.Favorites.CONTAINER_HOTSEAT; fi.screenId = mAllAppsButtonRank; fi.itemType = LauncherSettings.Favorites.ITEM_TYPE_FOLDER; fi.title = "More Apps"; LauncherModel.addItemToDatabase( launcher, fi, fi.container, fi.screenId, fi.cellX, fi.cellY, false); FolderIcon folder = FolderIcon.fromXml(R.layout.folder_icon, launcher, getLayout(), fi, iconCache); workspace.addInScreen( folder, fi.container, fi.screenId, fi.cellX, fi.cellY, fi.spanX, fi.spanY); for (AppInfo info : allApps) { ComponentName cn = info.intent.getComponent(); if (!onWorkspace.contains(cn)) { Log.d(TAG, "Adding to 'more apps': " + info.intent); ShortcutInfo si = info.makeShortcut(); fi.add(si); } } } }
private void replaceFolderWithFinalItem() { // Add the last remaining child to the workspace in place of the folder Runnable onCompleteRunnable = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { CellLayout cellLayout = mLauncher.getCellLayout(mInfo.container, mInfo.screenId); View child = null; // Move the item from the folder to the workspace, in the position of the folder if (getItemCount() == 1) { ShortcutInfo finalItem = mInfo.contents.get(0); child = mLauncher.createShortcut(R.layout.application, cellLayout, finalItem); LauncherModel.addOrMoveItemInDatabase( mLauncher, finalItem, mInfo.container, mInfo.screenId, mInfo.cellX, mInfo.cellY); } if (getItemCount() <= 1) { // Remove the folder LauncherModel.deleteItemFromDatabase(mLauncher, mInfo); if (cellLayout != null) { // b/12446428 -- sometimes the cell layout has already gone away? cellLayout.removeView(mFolderIcon); } if (mFolderIcon instanceof DropTarget) { mDragController.removeDropTarget((DropTarget) mFolderIcon); } mLauncher.removeFolder(mInfo); } // We add the child after removing the folder to prevent both from existing at // the same time in the CellLayout. We need to add the new item with // addInScreenFromBind() // to ensure that hotseat items are placed correctly. if (child != null) { mLauncher .getWorkspace() .addInScreenFromBind( child, mInfo.container, mInfo.screenId, mInfo.cellX, mInfo.cellY, mInfo.spanX, mInfo.spanY); } } }; View finalChild = getItemAt(0); if (finalChild != null) { mFolderIcon.performDestroyAnimation(finalChild, onCompleteRunnable); } else { onCompleteRunnable.run(); } mDestroyed = true; }
void addAppsToAllAppsFolder(ArrayList<AppInfo> apps) { if (AppsCustomizePagedView.DISABLE_ALL_APPS) { View v = mContent.getChildAt( getCellXFromOrder(mAllAppsButtonRank), getCellYFromOrder(mAllAppsButtonRank)); FolderIcon fi = null; if (v instanceof FolderIcon) { fi = (FolderIcon) v; } else { return; } FolderInfo info = fi.getFolderInfo(); for (AppInfo a : apps) { ShortcutInfo si = a.makeShortcut(); info.add(si); } } }
public void onDropCompleted( final View target, final DragObject d, final boolean isFlingToDelete, final boolean success) { if (mDeferDropAfterUninstall) { Log.d(TAG, "Deferred handling drop because waiting for uninstall."); mDeferredAction = new Runnable() { public void run() { onDropCompleted(target, d, isFlingToDelete, success); mDeferredAction = null; } }; return; } boolean beingCalledAfterUninstall = mDeferredAction != null; boolean successfulDrop = success && (!beingCalledAfterUninstall || mUninstallSuccessful); if (successfulDrop) { if (mDeleteFolderOnDropCompleted && !mItemAddedBackToSelfViaIcon && target != this) { replaceFolderWithFinalItem(); } } else { setupContentForNumItems(getItemCount()); // The drag failed, we need to return the item to the folder mFolderIcon.onDrop(d); } if (target != this) { if (mOnExitAlarm.alarmPending()) { mOnExitAlarm.cancelAlarm(); if (!successfulDrop) { mSuppressFolderDeletion = true; } completeDragExit(); } } mDeleteFolderOnDropCompleted = false; mDragInProgress = false; mItemAddedBackToSelfViaIcon = false; mCurrentDragInfo = null; mCurrentDragView = null; mSuppressOnAdd = false; // Reordering may have occured, and we need to save the new item locations. We do this once // at the end to prevent unnecessary database operations. updateItemLocationsInDatabaseBatch(); }
void bind(FolderInfo info) { mInfo = info; ArrayList<ShortcutInfo> children = info.contents; ArrayList<ShortcutInfo> overflow = new ArrayList<ShortcutInfo>(); setupContentForNumItems(children.size()); placeInReadingOrder(children); int count = 0; for (int i = 0; i < children.size(); i++) { ShortcutInfo child = (ShortcutInfo) children.get(i); if (createAndAddShortcut(child) == null) { overflow.add(child); } else { count++; } } // We rearrange the items in case there are any empty gaps setupContentForNumItems(count); // If our folder has too many items we prune them from the list. This is an issue // when upgrading from the old Folders implementation which could contain an unlimited // number of items. for (ShortcutInfo item : overflow) { mInfo.remove(item); LauncherModel.deleteItemFromDatabase(mLauncher, item); } mItemsInvalidated = true; updateTextViewFocus(); mInfo.addListener(this); if (!sDefaultFolderName.contentEquals(mInfo.title)) { mFolderName.setText(mInfo.title); } else { mFolderName.setText(""); } updateItemLocationsInDatabase(); // In case any children didn't come across during loading, clean up the folder accordingly mFolderIcon.post( new Runnable() { public void run() { if (getItemCount() <= 1) { replaceFolderWithFinalItem(); } } }); }
/** 用最后一个剩余的item代替当前folder显示在桌面上,这发生在Folder里面只有一个item的时候 */ private void replaceFolderWithFinalItem() { Runnable onCompleteRunnable = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { CellLayout cellLayout = mLauncher.getCellLayout(mInfo.container, mInfo.screen); View child = null; // 将最后一个item从Folder移动到桌面上,与Folder一个位置。 // 但是在这个if块里面并没有实际移动,而仅仅是生成数据并放到了数据库中。 if (getItemCount() == 1) { ShortcutInfo finalItem = mInfo.contents.get(0); child = mLauncher.createShortcut(R.layout.application, cellLayout, finalItem); LauncherModel.addOrMoveItemInDatabase( mLauncher, finalItem, mInfo.container, mInfo.screen, mInfo.cellX, mInfo.cellY); } if (getItemCount() <= 1) { // 删除Folder LauncherModel.deleteItemFromDatabase(mLauncher, mInfo); cellLayout.removeView(mFolderIcon); if (mFolderIcon instanceof DropTarget) { mDragController.removeDropTarget((DropTarget) mFolderIcon); } mLauncher.removeFolder(mInfo); } // 在删除文件夹后才添加最后一个item到桌面,这是为了防止在同一时间同一位置有两个item if (child != null) { mLauncher .getWorkspace() .addInScreen( child, mInfo.container, mInfo.screen, mInfo.cellX, mInfo.cellY, mInfo.spanX, mInfo.spanY); } } }; View finalChild = getItemAt(0); if (finalChild != null) { // 文件夹销毁动画 mFolderIcon.performDestroyAnimation(finalChild, onCompleteRunnable); } mDestroyed = true; }
private void onCloseComplete() { DragLayer parent = (DragLayer) getParent(); parent.removeView(this); mDragController.removeDropTarget((DropTarget) this); clearFocus(); mFolderIcon.requestFocus(); if (mRearrangeOnClose) { setupContentForNumItems(getItemCount()); mRearrangeOnClose = false; } if (getItemCount() <= 1) { if (!mDragInProgress && !mSuppressFolderDeletion) { replaceFolderWithFinalItem(); } else if (mDragInProgress) { mDeleteFolderOnDropCompleted = true; } } mSuppressFolderDeletion = false; }
@Override public void onThemeChanged() { /*mModel.resetLoadedState(false, true); //##date:2013/12/08 ##author:hongxing.whx ##bugid: 72248 mModel.setThemeChanged(true); YUNOS END mModel.startLoaderFromBackground();*/ /*YUNOS BEGIN*/ // ##date:2014/8/1 ##author:zhangqiang.zq // favorite app GadgetCardHelper.onThemeChanged(); LauncherGadgetHelper.cleanUp(); mRecommendTask.refreshFavoriteAppIcons(); /* YUNOS END */ ThemeResources.reset(); FolderIcon.onThemeChanged(); mModel.onThemeChange(); LauncherAnimUtils.onDestroyActivity(); }
public void onDrop( DragSource source, int x, int y, int xOffset, int yOffset, DragView dragView, Object dragInfo) { // get workspace ViewParent parent = getParent(); if (parent == null) { return; } Workspace mTargetWorkspace = (Workspace) parent.getParent(); final int workspaceType = mTargetWorkspace.getType(); int container = 0; switch (workspaceType) { case Workspace.WORKSPACE_NAVIGATEBAR: container = LauncherSettings.Favorites.CONTAINER_NAVIGATEBAR; break; case Workspace.WORKSPACE_WORKSPACE: container = LauncherSettings.Favorites.CONTAINER_DESKTOP; break; default: return; } final CellLayout.LayoutParams currentLp = (CellLayout.LayoutParams) getLayoutParams(); // CellLayout targetCelllayout = (CellLayout) getParent(); // remove my in parent removeSelfInParent(mLauncher.getDragController()); // clearAnimation(); // targetCelllayout.removeView(this); // make the folder info. final UserFolderInfo folderInfo = new UserFolderInfo(); folderInfo.title = getResources().getText(R.string.folder_name); // add folder into db LauncherModel.addItemToDatabase( getContext(), folderInfo, container, mTargetWorkspace.getCurrentScreen(), currentLp.cellX, currentLp.cellY, true); // add into new folder // CellLayout.CellInfo cellInfo = mSourceWorkspace.getCurrentDragInfo(); final ShortcutInfo thisTag = (ShortcutInfo) getTag(); final ShortcutInfo sourceTag = (ShortcutInfo) dragInfo; final int oldSourceScreen = sourceTag.screen; folderInfo.add(thisTag); folderInfo.add(sourceTag); // add folder items into db LauncherModel.addOrMoveItemInDatabase(mLauncher, thisTag, folderInfo.id, 0, 0, 0); LauncherModel.addOrMoveItemInDatabase(mLauncher, sourceTag, folderInfo.id, 0, 0, 0); // Create the view final FolderIcon newFolder = FolderIcon.fromXml( R.layout.folder_icon, mLauncher, (ViewGroup) mTargetWorkspace.getChildAt(mTargetWorkspace.getCurrentScreen()), folderInfo); // add into target cell mTargetWorkspace.addInCurrentScreen(newFolder, currentLp.cellX, currentLp.cellY, 1, 1, false); // start anim AnimManager.getInstance().startSingle(newFolder); // range cell Workspace sourceWorkspace = (Workspace) source; CellLayout sourceCellLayout = (CellLayout) sourceWorkspace.getChildAt(oldSourceScreen); sourceCellLayout.rangeChilds(false); // open folder mTargetWorkspace .getHandler() .postDelayed( new Runnable() { public void run() { mLauncher.handleIphoneFolderClick(folderInfo, newFolder); } }, 200); }