Пример #1
  * Returns the file identifier of of the file containing the object.
  * @return the file identifier of of the file containing the object.
 public final long getFID() {
   if (fileFormat != null) {
     return fileFormat.getFID();
   } else {
     return -1;
Пример #2
   * New instance of {@link OGRFeatureWriter}
   * @param progressListener
   * @param schema output schema
   * @param basedir output folder
   * @param fileFormat output fileExtension
   * @param features input the set of Features to write
  public OGRFeatureWriter(
      ProgressListener progressListener,
      SimpleFeatureType schema,
      File basedir,
      FileFormat fileFormat,
      SimpleFeatureCollection features) {

    assert schema != null && basedir != null && features != null;

    this.progresListener = progresListener;
    this.schema = schema;
    this.basedir = basedir;
    this.fileFormat = fileFormat;

    this.options = fileFormat.getFormatOptions();

    this.features = features;
Пример #3
  public void testFileRead() {
    SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy/MM/dd");
    ConfigurationReader parser = new ConfigurationReader();
    try {
      FileFormat ff = parser.loadConfigurationFile("complex-example.xml");
      InputStream in = new FileInputStream("../test/resources/complex_input.txt");
      BufferedReader bufIn = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(in));

      MatchedRecord results = ff.getNextRecord(bufIn);
      assertEquals("dvd", results.getRecordName());
      Dvd dvd = (Dvd) results.getBean("dvd");
      Film film = (Film) results.getBean("film");
      assertEquals("55512121", dvd.getSku());
      assertEquals(49.95, dvd.getPrice(), 0.01);
      assertEquals("Y", dvd.getDualLayer());
      assertEquals("2004/01/15", format.format(film.getReleaseDate()));
      assertEquals("DIAL J FOR JAVA", film.getTitle());
      assertEquals("RUN ANYWHERE STUDIO", film.getStudio());

      results = ff.getNextRecord(bufIn);
      assertEquals("book", results.getRecordName());
      Book book = (Book) results.getBean("book");
      assertEquals("546234476", book.getSku());
      assertEquals("HE KNOWS WHEN YOU\"RE CODING", book.getTitle());
      assertEquals("JAVALANG OBJECT", book.getAuthor());
      assertEquals(13.95, book.getPrice(), 0.01);
      assertEquals("2003/11/10", format.format(book.getReleaseDate()));

      results = ff.getNextRecord(bufIn);
      assertEquals("videotape", results.getRecordName());
      Videotape tape = (Videotape) results.getBean("video");
      film = (Film) results.getBean("film");
      assertEquals("2346542", tape.getSku());
      assertEquals(23.55, tape.getPrice(), 0.01);
      assertEquals("2003/03/12", format.format(film.getReleaseDate()));
      assertEquals("WHEN A STRANGER IMPLEMENTS", film.getTitle());
      assertEquals("NULL POINTER PRODUCTIONS", film.getStudio());

      results = ff.getNextRecord(bufIn);
      assertEquals("book", results.getRecordName());

      results = ff.getNextRecord(bufIn);
      assertEquals("videotape", results.getRecordName());
    } catch (Exception e) {
      fail("Caught an exception of type " + e.getClass().getSimpleName());
Пример #4
   * @deprecated Not for public use in the future.<br>
   *     Using {@link #HObject(FileFormat, String, String)}
  public HObject(FileFormat theFile, String theName, String thePath, long[] oid) {
    this.fileFormat = theFile;
    this.oid = oid;

    if (fileFormat != null) {
      this.filename = fileFormat.getFilePath();
    } else {
      this.filename = null;

    // file name is packed in the full path
    if ((theName == null) && (thePath != null)) {
      if (thePath.equals(separator)) {
        theName = separator;
        thePath = null;
      } else {
        // the path must starts with "/"
        if (!thePath.startsWith(HObject.separator)) {
          thePath = HObject.separator + thePath;

        // get rid of the last "/"
        if (thePath.endsWith(HObject.separator)) {
          thePath = thePath.substring(0, thePath.length() - 1);

        // seperate the name and the path
        theName = thePath.substring(thePath.lastIndexOf(separator) + 1);
        thePath = thePath.substring(0, thePath.lastIndexOf(separator));
    } else if ((theName != null) && (thePath == null) && (theName.indexOf(separator) >= 0)) {
      if (theName.equals(separator)) {
        theName = separator;
        thePath = null;
      } else {
        // the full name must starts with "/"
        if (!theName.startsWith(separator)) {
          theName = separator + theName;

        // the fullname must not end with "/"
        int n = theName.length();
        if (theName.endsWith(separator)) {
          theName = theName.substring(0, n - 1);

        int idx = theName.lastIndexOf(separator);
        if (idx < 0) {
          thePath = separator;
        } else {
          thePath = theName.substring(0, idx);
          theName = theName.substring(idx + 1);

    // the path must start and end with "/"
    if (thePath != null) {
      thePath = thePath.replaceAll("//", "/");
      if (!thePath.endsWith(separator)) {
        thePath += separator;

    this.name = theName;
    this.path = thePath;

    if (thePath != null) {
      this.fullName = thePath + theName;
    } else {
      if (theName == null) {
        this.fullName = "/";
      } else if (theName.startsWith("/")) {
        this.fullName = theName;
      } else {
        this.fullName = "/" + theName;
Пример #5
  private Object traverse(Node node)
      throws FlatwormUnsetFieldValueException, FlatwormConfigurationValueException {
    int type = node.getNodeType();
    if (type == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
      String nodeName = node.getNodeName();
      if (nodeName.equals("file-format")) {
        FileFormat f = new FileFormat();
        String encoding = Charset.defaultCharset().name();
        if (hasAttributeValueNamed(node, "encoding")) {
          encoding = getAttributeValueNamed(node, "encoding");

        List<Object> children = getChildNodes(node);
        for (int i = 0; i < children.size(); i++) {
          if (children.get(i).getClass().equals(Converter.class)) {
            f.addConverter((Converter) children.get(i));
          if (children.get(i).getClass().equals(Record.class)) {
            f.addRecord((Record) children.get(i));
        return f;
      if (nodeName.equals("converter")) {
        Converter c = new Converter();
        c.setConverterClass(getAttributeValueNamed(node, "class"));
        c.setMethod(getAttributeValueNamed(node, "method"));
        c.setReturnType(getAttributeValueNamed(node, "return-type"));
        c.setName(getAttributeValueNamed(node, "name"));
        return c;
      if (nodeName.equals("record")) {
        Record r = new Record();
        r.setName(getAttributeValueNamed(node, "name"));
        Node identChild = getChildElementNodeOfType("record-ident", node);
        if (identChild != null) {
          Node fieldChild = getChildElementNodeOfType("field-ident", identChild);
          Node lengthChild = getChildElementNodeOfType("length-ident", identChild);
          if (lengthChild != null) {
            r.setLengthIdentMin(Integer.parseInt(getAttributeValueNamed(lengthChild, "minlength")));
            r.setLengthIdentMax(Integer.parseInt(getAttributeValueNamed(lengthChild, "maxlength")));
          } else if (fieldChild != null) {
                Integer.parseInt(getAttributeValueNamed(fieldChild, "field-start")));
                Integer.parseInt(getAttributeValueNamed(fieldChild, "field-length")));
            List<Node> matchNodes = getChildElementNodesOfType("match-string", fieldChild);
            for (int j = 0; j < matchNodes.size(); j++) {
        Node recordChild = getChildElementNodeOfType("record-definition", node);
        r.setRecordDefinition((RecordDefinition) traverse(recordChild));
        return r;
      if (nodeName.equals("record-definition")) {
        RecordDefinition rd = new RecordDefinition();
        List<Object> children = getChildNodes(node);
        for (int i = 0; i < children.size(); i++) {
          Object o = children.get(i);
          if (o.getClass().equals(Bean.class)) {
            rd.addBeanUsed((Bean) o);
          if (o.getClass().equals(Line.class)) {
            rd.addLine((Line) o);
        return rd;
      if (nodeName.equals("bean")) {
        Bean b = new Bean();
        b.setBeanName(getAttributeValueNamed(node, "name"));
        b.setBeanClass(getAttributeValueNamed(node, "class"));
        try {
        } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
          throw new FlatwormConfigurationValueException("Unable to load class " + b.getBeanClass());
        return b;
      if (nodeName.equals("line")) {
        Line li = new Line();

        // JBL - Determine if this line is delimited
        // Determine value of quote character, default = "
        // These field is optional
        Node delimit = getAttributeNamed(node, "delimit");
        Node quote = getAttributeNamed(node, "quote");
        if (delimit != null) {
          li.setDelimeter(getAttributeValueNamed(node, "delimit"));
        if (quote != null) {
          li.setQuoteChar(getAttributeValueNamed(node, "quote"));
        List<Object> v = getChildNodes(node);
        for (int i = 0; i < v.size(); i++) {
          Object o = v.get(i);
          if (o instanceof LineElement) {
            li.addElement((LineElement) o);
        return li;
      if (nodeName.equals("segment-element")) {
        SegmentElement segment = new SegmentElement();
        segment.setName(getAttributeValueNamed(node, "name"));
        segment.setMinCount(Integer.parseInt(getAttributeValueNamed(node, "minCount")));
        segment.setMaxCount(Integer.parseInt(getAttributeValueNamed(node, "maxCount")));
        segment.setBeanRef(getAttributeValueNamed(node, "beanref"));
        segment.setParentBeanRef(getAttributeValueNamed(node, "parent-beanref"));
        segment.setAddMethod(getAttributeValueNamed(node, "addMethod"));
        String segmentMode = getAttributeValueNamed(node, "cardinality-mode");
        if (!StringUtils.isBlank(segmentMode)) {
          if (segmentMode.toLowerCase().startsWith("strict")) {
          } else if (segmentMode.toLowerCase().startsWith("restrict")) {

        Node fieldChild = getChildElementNodeOfType("field-ident", node);
        if (fieldChild != null) {
              Integer.parseInt(getAttributeValueNamed(fieldChild, "field-start")));
              Integer.parseInt(getAttributeValueNamed(fieldChild, "field-length")));
          List<Node> matchNodes = getChildElementNodesOfType("match-string", fieldChild);
          for (int j = 0; j < matchNodes.size(); j++) {
            segment.addFieldIdentMatchString(getChildTextNodeValue((Node) matchNodes.get(j)));
        List<Object> v = getChildNodes(node);
        for (int i = 0; i < v.size(); i++) {
          Object o = v.get(i);
          if (o instanceof LineElement) {
            segment.addElement((LineElement) o);
        return segment;
      if (nodeName.equals("record-element")) {
        RecordElement re = new RecordElement();

        Node start = getAttributeNamed(node, "start");
        Node end = getAttributeNamed(node, "end");
        Node length = getAttributeNamed(node, "length");
        Node beanref = getAttributeNamed(node, "beanref");
        Node beanType = getAttributeNamed(node, "type");
        if ((end == null) && (length == null)) {
          FlatwormConfigurationValueException err =
              new FlatwormConfigurationValueException(
                  "Must set either the 'end' or 'length' properties");
          throw err;
        if ((end != null) && (length != null)) {
          FlatwormConfigurationValueException err =
              new FlatwormConfigurationValueException(
                  "Can't specify both the 'end' or 'length' properties");
          throw err;
        if (start != null) {
        if (end != null) {
        if (length != null) {
        if (beanref != null) {
        if (beanType != null) {
        List<Node> children = getChildElementNodesOfType("conversion-option", node);
        for (int i = 0; i < children.size(); i++) {
          Node o = (Node) children.get(i);

          String name = getAttributeValueNamed(o, "name");
          String value = getAttributeValueNamed(o, "value");
          ConversionOption co = new ConversionOption(name, value);

          re.addConversionOption(name, co);
        return re;
    return null;