/** Test of extendFeature method, of class FeatureCollection. */
 @Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class)
 public void testExtendFeatureWrongFeature() {
   String feature = "hoi";
   FeatureCollection instance = new FeatureCollection();
   String[] expResult = new String[] {"growthHeight", "growthWeight", "growthOther"};
   String[] result = instance.extendFeature(feature);
   assertArrayEquals(expResult, result);
 /** Test of extendFeature method, of class FeatureCollection. */
 public void testExtendFeature() {
   String feature = "growth";
   FeatureCollection instance = new FeatureCollection();
   String[] expResult = new String[] {"growthHeight", "growthWeight", "growthOther"};
   String[] result = instance.extendFeature(feature);
   assertArrayEquals(expResult, result);