Пример #1
  ESBase unshift(Call eval, int length) throws Throwable {
    ESObject obj = eval.getArg(-1).toObject();

    ESBase lenObj = obj.getProperty(LENGTH);
    int len = lenObj.toInt32();
    if (len < 0) len = 0;

    if (length == 0) return ESNumber.create(0);

    for (int i = len - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
      ESBase value = obj.getProperty(i);

      if (value == null) obj.delete(ESString.create(length + i));
      else obj.setProperty(length + i, value);

    for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
      ESBase value = eval.getArg(i);

      if (value == null) obj.delete(ESString.create(i));
      else obj.setProperty(i, value);

    ESNumber numLen = ESNumber.create(len + length);
    obj.setProperty(LENGTH, numLen);

    return numLen;
Пример #2
  ESBase splice(Call eval, int length) throws Throwable {
    if (length < 2) return esUndefined;

    ESObject obj = eval.getArg(-1).toObject();

    int index = eval.getArg(0).toInt32();
    int count = eval.getArg(1).toInt32();
    boolean single = count == 1;

    ESBase lenObj = obj.getProperty(LENGTH);
    int len = lenObj.toInt32();

    if (index < 0) index += len;
    if (index < 0) index = 0;

    if (count < 0) count = 0;
    if (index + count > len) count = len - index;

    ESBase value;

    if (count < 1) value = esUndefined;
    else {
      value = Global.getGlobalProto().createArray();

      for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) value.setProperty(i, obj.getProperty(index + i));

    int delta = length - 2 - count;
    if (delta < 0) {
      for (int i = 0; i < len - count; i++) {
        ESBase temp = obj.getProperty(i + index + count);
        if (temp == null) obj.delete(ESString.create(i + index + count + delta));
        else obj.setProperty(i + index + count + delta, temp);
    } else if (delta > 0) {
      for (int i = len - count - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
        ESBase temp = obj.getProperty(i + index + count);
        if (temp == null) obj.delete(ESString.create(i + index + count + delta));
        else obj.setProperty(i + index + count + delta, temp);

    for (int i = 0; i < length - 2; i++) obj.setProperty(i + index, eval.getArg(i + 2));

    obj.setProperty(LENGTH, ESNumber.create(len - count + length - 2));

    return value;
Пример #3
  protected boolean canPut(ESString name) {
    int hash = name.hashCode() & mask;

    while (true) {
      ESString propName = propNames[hash];

      if (name.equals(propName) && propValues[hash] != null)
        return (propFlags[hash] & READ_ONLY) == 0;
      else if (propName == null) {
        if (prototype instanceof ESObject) return ((ESObject) prototype).canPut(name);
        else return true;

      hash = (hash + 1) & mask;
Пример #4
  /** Puts a new value in the property table with the appropriate flags */
  public void setProperty(ESString name, ESBase value) throws Throwable {
    if (copyState != DIRTY) {
      if (copyState == COW) copyAll();
      copyState = DIRTY;

    if (value == esEmpty) value = esUndefined;

    int hash = name.hashCode() & mask;

    while (true) {
      ESString propName = propNames[hash];

      if (propValues[hash] == null) {
        if (!prototype.canPut(name)) return;

        if (propName == null) fill++;

        propNames[hash] = name;
        if ((propFlags[hash] & WATCH) != 0)
          value = callWatch(name, hash, value);
        propValues[hash] = value;
        propFlags[hash] = 0;


        if (propNames.length <= 4 * size) {
          resize(4 * propNames.length);
        } else if (propNames.length <= 2 * fill) refill();

      } else if (propName != name && !propName.equals(name)) {
        hash = (hash + 1) & mask;
      } else if ((propFlags[hash] & READ_ONLY) != 0) return;
      else {
        if ((propFlags[hash] & WATCH) != 0)
          value = callWatch(name, hash, value);
        propValues[hash] = value;
Пример #5
  /** Gets a property value. */
  public ESBase getProperty(ESString name) throws Throwable {
    int hash = name.hashCode() & mask;

    while (true) {
      ESString propName = propNames[hash];

      if (propName == name || name.equals(propName)) {
        ESBase value = propValues[hash];
        return value == null ? prototype.getProperty(name) : value;
      } else if (propName == null) {
        ESBase value = prototype.getProperty(name);
        if (snapPrototype) setProperty(name, value);
        return value;

      hash = (hash + 1) & mask;
Пример #6
  public void unwatch(ESString name) {
    if (copyState != DIRTY) {
      if (copyState == COW) copyAll();
      copyState = DIRTY;

    int hash = name.hashCode() & mask;

    while (true) {
      ESString propName = propNames[hash];

      if (propName == null) return;
      else if (propName.equals(name)) {
        propFlags[hash] &= ~WATCH;

Пример #7
  public void watch(ESString name, ESBase fun) {
    if (copyState != DIRTY) {
      if (copyState == COW) copyAll();
      copyState = DIRTY;

    int hash = name.hashCode() & mask;

    while (true) {
      ESString propName = propNames[hash];

      if (propValues[hash] == null) {
        if (!prototype.canPut(name)) return;

        if (propName == null) fill++;

        propNames[hash] = name;
        propValues[hash] = esEmpty;
        propFlags[hash] = WATCH;
        if (propWatch == null) propWatch = new ESBase[propFlags.length];
        propWatch[hash] = fun;


        if (propNames.length <= 4 * size) resize(4 * propNames.length);
        else if (propNames.length <= 2 * fill) refill();

      } else if (propName != name && !propName.equals(name)) {
        hash = (hash + 1) & mask;
      } else if ((propFlags[hash] & READ_ONLY) != 0) return;
      else {
        propFlags[hash] |= WATCH;
        if (propWatch == null) propWatch = new ESBase[propFlags.length];

        propWatch[hash] = fun;
Пример #8
  static ESBase join(ESObject array, String separator) throws Throwable {
    if (array.mark != 0) {
      return ESString.create("...");
    array.mark = -1;

    try {
      int len = array.getProperty(LENGTH).toInt32();
      StringBuffer sbuf = new StringBuffer();

      for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
        if (i != 0) sbuf.append(separator);

        ESBase value = array.hasProperty(i);

        if (value != null && value != esNull && value != esUndefined) sbuf.append(value.toString());

      return ESString.create(sbuf.toString());
    } finally {
      array.mark = 0;
Пример #9
  /** Deletes the entry. Returns true if successful. */
  public ESBase delete(ESString name) throws Throwable {
    if (copyState != DIRTY) {
      if (copyState == COW) copyAll();
      copyState = DIRTY;

    int hash = name.hashCode() & mask;

    while (true) {
      ESString hashName = propNames[hash];

      if (hashName == null) return ESBoolean.FALSE;
      else if (propValues[hash] != null && hashName.equals(name)) {
        if ((propFlags[hash] & DONT_DELETE) != 0) return ESBoolean.FALSE;
        else {
          propValues[hash] = null;
          return ESBoolean.TRUE;

      hash = (hash + 1) & mask;
Пример #10
  public void put(ESString name, ESBase value, int flags) {
    int hash = name.hashCode() & mask;

    while (true) {
      ESString propName = propNames[hash];

      if (propName == null || propValues[hash] == null || propName.equals(name)) {
        if (propName == null) fill++;
        if (propValues[hash] == null) size++;

        propNames[hash] = name;
        propValues[hash] = value;
        propFlags[hash] = flags;

        if (propNames.length <= 4 * size) {
          resize(4 * propNames.length);
        } else if (propNames.length <= 2 * fill) refill();


      hash = (hash + 1) & mask;
Пример #11
  ESBase shift(Call eval, int length) throws Throwable {
    ESObject obj = eval.getArg(-1).toObject();

    ESBase lenObj = obj.hasProperty(LENGTH);
    int len;
    if (lenObj == null || (len = (int) lenObj.toInt32()) <= 0) return esUndefined;

    ESBase value = obj.getProperty(0);

    for (int i = 1; i < len; i++) {
      ESBase temp = obj.hasProperty(i);
      if (temp == null) obj.delete(ESString.create(i - 1));
      else obj.setProperty(i - 1, temp);

    obj.setProperty(LENGTH, ESNumber.create(len - 1));

    return value;
Пример #12
  public ESString toSource(IntMap map, boolean isLoopPass) throws Throwable {
    CharBuffer cb = new CharBuffer();
    Global resin = Global.getGlobalProto();

    int mark = map.get(this);

    if (mark > 0 && isLoopPass) return null;
    else if (mark > 0) {
      cb.append("#" + mark + "=");
      map.put(this, -mark);
    } else if (mark == 0 && isLoopPass) {
      map.put(this, resin.addMark());
      return null;
    } else if (mark < 0 && !isLoopPass) {
      return ESString.create("#" + -mark + "#");


    if (isLoopPass) map.put(this, 0);

    Iterator e = keys();

    boolean isFirst = true;
    while (e.hasNext()) {
      if (!isFirst) cb.append(", ");
      isFirst = false;

      ESString key = (ESString) e.next();

      ESBase value = getProperty(key);
      if (isLoopPass) value.toSource(map, isLoopPass);
      else cb.append(value.toSource(map, isLoopPass));


    return new ESString(cb.toString());
Пример #13
 public ESBase typeof() throws ESException {
   return ESString.create("object");
Пример #14
 /** Sets the named property */
 public void put(int i, ESBase value, int flags) {
   put(ESString.create(i), value, flags);
 /** returns the string representation */
 public ESString toStr() throws ESException {
   return ESString.create("[global]");
 /** Returns the string representation of the type. */
 public ESBase typeof() throws ESException {
   return ESString.create("function");