/** Tests {@link BasicErrorManager}. */
public class BasicErrorManagerTest extends TestCase {
  private static final String NULL_SOURCE = null;

  private LeveledJSErrorComparator comparator = new LeveledJSErrorComparator();

  static final CheckLevel E = CheckLevel.ERROR;

  private static final DiagnosticType FOO_TYPE = DiagnosticType.error("TEST_FOO", "Foo");

  private static final DiagnosticType JOO_TYPE = DiagnosticType.error("TEST_JOO", "Joo");

  public void testOrderingBothNull() throws Exception {
    assertEquals(0, comparator.compare(null, null));

  public void testOrderingSourceName1() throws Exception {
    JSError e1 = JSError.make(NULL_SOURCE, -1, -1, FOO_TYPE);
    JSError e2 = JSError.make("a", -1, -1, FOO_TYPE);

    assertSmaller(error(e1), error(e2));

  public void testOrderingSourceName2() throws Exception {
    JSError e1 = JSError.make("a", -1, -1, FOO_TYPE);
    JSError e2 = JSError.make("b", -1, -1, FOO_TYPE);

    assertSmaller(error(e1), error(e2));

  public void testOrderingLineno1() throws Exception {
    JSError e1 = JSError.make(NULL_SOURCE, -1, -1, FOO_TYPE);
    JSError e2 = JSError.make(NULL_SOURCE, 2, -1, FOO_TYPE);

    assertSmaller(error(e1), error(e2));

  public void testOrderingLineno2() throws Exception {
    JSError e1 = JSError.make(NULL_SOURCE, 8, -1, FOO_TYPE);
    JSError e2 = JSError.make(NULL_SOURCE, 56, -1, FOO_TYPE);
    assertSmaller(error(e1), error(e2));

  public void testOrderingCheckLevel() throws Exception {
    JSError e1 = JSError.make(NULL_SOURCE, -1, -1, FOO_TYPE);
    JSError e2 = JSError.make(NULL_SOURCE, -1, -1, FOO_TYPE);

    assertSmaller(warning(e1), error(e2));

  public void testOrderingCharno1() throws Exception {
    JSError e1 = JSError.make(NULL_SOURCE, 5, -1, FOO_TYPE);
    JSError e2 = JSError.make(NULL_SOURCE, 5, 2, FOO_TYPE);

    assertSmaller(error(e1), error(e2));
    // CheckLevel preempts charno comparison
    assertSmaller(warning(e1), error(e2));

  public void testOrderingCharno2() throws Exception {
    JSError e1 = JSError.make(NULL_SOURCE, 8, 7, FOO_TYPE);
    JSError e2 = JSError.make(NULL_SOURCE, 8, 5, FOO_TYPE);

    assertSmaller(error(e2), error(e1));
    // CheckLevel preempts charno comparison
    assertSmaller(warning(e2), error(e1));

  public void testOrderingDescription() throws Exception {
    JSError e1 = JSError.make(NULL_SOURCE, -1, -1, FOO_TYPE);
    JSError e2 = JSError.make(NULL_SOURCE, -1, -1, JOO_TYPE);

    assertSmaller(error(e1), error(e2));

  private ErrorWithLevel error(JSError e) {
    return new ErrorWithLevel(e, CheckLevel.ERROR);

  private ErrorWithLevel warning(JSError e) {
    return new ErrorWithLevel(e, CheckLevel.WARNING);

  private void assertSmaller(ErrorWithLevel p1, ErrorWithLevel p2) {
    int p1p2 = comparator.compare(p1, p2);
    assertTrue(Integer.toString(p1p2), p1p2 < 0);
    int p2p1 = comparator.compare(p2, p1);
    assertTrue(Integer.toString(p2p1), p2p1 > 0);
Пример #2
 * Converts ES6 code to valid ES3 code.
 * @author [email protected] (Tyler Breisacher)
public class Es6ToEs3Converter implements NodeTraversal.Callback, HotSwapCompilerPass {
  private final AbstractCompiler compiler;

  static final DiagnosticType CANNOT_CONVERT =
      DiagnosticType.error("JSC_CANNOT_CONVERT", "This code cannot be converted from ES6 to ES3.");

  // TODO(tbreisacher): Remove this once all ES6 features are transpilable.
  static final DiagnosticType CANNOT_CONVERT_YET =
          "JSC_CANNOT_CONVERT_YET", "ES6-to-ES3 conversion of ''{0}'' is not yet implemented.");

  static final DiagnosticType DYNAMIC_EXTENDS_TYPE =
          "JSC_DYNAMIC_EXTENDS_TYPE", "The class in an extends clause must be a qualified name.");

  static final DiagnosticType STATIC_METHOD_REFERENCES_THIS =
          "This static method uses the 'this' keyword."
              + " The transpiled output may be incorrect.");

  // The name of the var that captures 'this' for converting arrow functions.
  private static final String THIS_VAR = "$jscomp$this";

  private static final String FRESH_SPREAD_VAR = "$jscomp$spread$args";

  private int freshSpreadVarCounter = 0;

  private static final String FRESH_COMP_PROP_VAR = "$jscomp$compprop";

  private int freshPropVarCounter = 0;

  public Es6ToEs3Converter(AbstractCompiler compiler) {
    this.compiler = compiler;

  public void process(Node externs, Node root) {
    NodeTraversal.traverse(compiler, root, this);

  public void hotSwapScript(Node scriptRoot, Node originalRoot) {
    NodeTraversal.traverse(compiler, scriptRoot, this);

   * Arrow functions must be visited pre-order in order to rewrite the references to {@code this}
   * correctly. Everything else is translated post-order in {@link #visit}.
  public boolean shouldTraverse(NodeTraversal t, Node n, Node parent) {
    switch (n.getType()) {
      case Token.FUNCTION:
        if (n.isArrowFunction()) {
          visitArrowFunction(t, n);
      case Token.ARRAY_COMP:
      case Token.ARRAY_PATTERN:
      case Token.FOR_OF:
      case Token.OBJECT_PATTERN:
      case Token.SUPER:
        cannotConvertYet(n, Token.name(n.getType()));
        // Don't bother visiting the children of a node if we
        // already know we can't convert the node itself.
        return false;
    return true;

  public void visit(NodeTraversal t, Node n, Node parent) {
    switch (n.getType()) {
      case Token.OBJECTLIT:
        for (Node child : n.children()) {
          if (child.isComputedProp()) {
            visitObjectWithComputedProperty(n, parent);
      case Token.STRING_KEY:
      case Token.CLASS:
        visitClass(n, parent);
      case Token.PARAM_LIST:
        visitParamList(n, parent);
      case Token.ARRAYLIT:
      case Token.NEW:
      case Token.CALL:
        for (Node child : n.children()) {
          if (child.isSpread()) {
            visitArrayLitOrCallWithSpread(n, parent);

  /** Converts extended object literal {a} to {a:a}. */
  private void visitStringKey(Node n) {
    if (!n.hasChildren()) {
      Node name = IR.name(n.getString());

  /** Processes trailing default and rest parameters. */
  private void visitParamList(Node paramList, Node function) {
    Node insertSpot = null;
    Node block = function.getLastChild();
    for (int i = 0; i < paramList.getChildCount(); i++) {
      Node param = paramList.getChildAtIndex(i);
      if (param.hasChildren()) { // default parameter
        Node defaultValue = param.removeFirstChild();
        // Transpile to: param === undefined && (param = defaultValue);
        Node name = IR.name(param.getString());
        Node undefined = IR.name("undefined");
        Node stm =
                IR.and(IR.sheq(name, undefined), IR.assign(name.cloneNode(), defaultValue)));
        block.addChildAfter(stm.useSourceInfoIfMissingFromForTree(param), insertSpot);
        insertSpot = stm;
      } else if (param.isRest()) { // rest parameter
        // Transpile to: param = [].slice.call(arguments, i);
        Node newArr =
                            IR.getprop(IR.arraylit(), IR.string("slice")), IR.string("call")),
        block.addChildAfter(newArr.useSourceInfoIfMissingFromForTree(param), insertSpot);
    // For now, we are running transpilation before type-checking, so we'll
    // need to make sure changes don't invalidate the JSDoc annotations.
    // Therefore we keep the parameter list the same length and only initialize
    // the values if they are set to undefined.

   * Processes array literals or calls containing spreads. Eg.: [1, 2, ...x, 4, 5] => [1,
   * 2].concat(x, [4, 5]); Eg.: f(...arr) => f.apply(null, arr) Eg.: new F(...args) => new
   * Function.prototype.bind.apply(F, [].concat(args))
  private void visitArrayLitOrCallWithSpread(Node node, Node parent) {
    Preconditions.checkArgument(node.isCall() || node.isArrayLit() || node.isNew());
    List<Node> groups = new ArrayList<>();
    Node currGroup = null;
    Node callee = node.isArrayLit() ? null : node.removeFirstChild();
    Node currElement = node.removeFirstChild();
    while (currElement != null) {
      if (currElement.isSpread()) {
        if (currGroup != null) {
          currGroup = null;
      } else {
        if (currGroup == null) {
          currGroup = IR.arraylit();
      currElement = node.removeFirstChild();
    if (currGroup != null) {
    Node result = null;
    Node joinedGroups =
            IR.getprop(IR.arraylit(), IR.string("concat")),
            groups.toArray(new Node[groups.size()]));
    if (node.isArrayLit()) {
      result = joinedGroups;
    } else if (node.isCall()) {
      if (NodeUtil.mayHaveSideEffects(callee) && callee.isGetProp()) {
        Node statement = node;
        while (!NodeUtil.isStatement(statement)) {
          statement = statement.getParent();
        Node freshVar = IR.name(FRESH_SPREAD_VAR + freshSpreadVarCounter++);
        Node n = IR.var(freshVar.cloneTree());
        statement.getParent().addChildBefore(n, statement);
        callee.addChildToFront(IR.assign(freshVar.cloneTree(), callee.removeFirstChild()));
        result = IR.call(IR.getprop(callee, IR.string("apply")), freshVar, joinedGroups);
      } else {
        Node context = callee.isGetProp() ? callee.getFirstChild().cloneTree() : IR.nullNode();
        result = IR.call(IR.getprop(callee, IR.string("apply")), context, joinedGroups);
    } else {
      Node bindApply =
              compiler.getCodingConvention(), "Function.prototype.bind.apply");
      result = IR.newNode(bindApply, callee, joinedGroups);
    parent.replaceChild(node, result);

  private void visitObjectWithComputedProperty(Node obj, Node parent) {
    List<Node> props = new ArrayList<>();
    Node currElement = obj.getFirstChild();

    while (currElement != null) {
      if (currElement.isGetterDef() || currElement.isSetterDef()) {
        currElement = currElement.getNext();
      } else {
        Node nextNode = currElement.getNext();
        currElement = nextNode;

    String objName = FRESH_COMP_PROP_VAR + freshPropVarCounter++;

    props = Lists.reverse(props);
    Node result = IR.name(objName);
    for (Node propdef : props) {
      if (propdef.isComputedProp()) {
        Node propertyExpression = propdef.removeFirstChild();
        Node value = propdef.removeFirstChild();
        result =
            IR.comma(IR.assign(IR.getelem(IR.name(objName), propertyExpression), value), result);
      } else {
        if (!propdef.hasChildren()) {
          Node name = IR.name(propdef.getString()).copyInformationFrom(propdef);
        Node val = propdef.removeFirstChild();
        int type = propdef.isQuotedString() ? Token.GETELEM : Token.GETPROP;
        Node access = new Node(type, IR.name(objName), propdef);
        result = IR.comma(IR.assign(access, val), result);

    Node statement = obj;
    while (!NodeUtil.isStatement(statement)) {
      statement = statement.getParent();

    parent.replaceChild(obj, result);

    Node var = IR.var(IR.name(objName), obj);
    statement.getParent().addChildBefore(var, statement);

  private void visitClass(Node classNode, Node parent) {
    Node className = classNode.getFirstChild();
    Node superClassName = className.getNext();
    Node classMembers = classNode.getLastChild();

    // This is a statement node. We insert methods of the
    // transpiled class after this node.
    Node insertionPoint;

    // The fully qualified name of the class, which will be used in the output.
    // May come from the class itself or the LHS of an assignment.
    String fullClassName = null;

    // Whether the constructor function in the output should be anonymous.
    boolean anonymous;

    // If this is a class statement, or a class expression in a simple
    // assignment or var statement, convert it. In any other case, the
    // code is too dynamic, so just call cannotConvert.
    if (NodeUtil.isStatement(classNode)) {
      fullClassName = className.getString();
      anonymous = false;
      insertionPoint = classNode;
    } else if (parent.isAssign() && parent.getParent().isExprResult()) {
      // Add members after the EXPR_RESULT node:
      // example.C = class {}; example.C.prototype.foo = function() {};
      fullClassName = parent.getFirstChild().getQualifiedName();
      if (fullClassName == null) {
      anonymous = true;
      insertionPoint = parent.getParent();
    } else if (parent.isName()) {
      // Add members after the 'var' statement.
      // var C = class {}; C.prototype.foo = function() {};
      fullClassName = parent.getString();
      anonymous = true;
      insertionPoint = parent.getParent();
    } else {


    Node constructor = null;
    JSDocInfo ctorJSDocInfo = null;
    for (Node member : classMembers.children()) {
      if (member.getString().equals("constructor")) {
        ctorJSDocInfo = member.getJSDocInfo();
        constructor = member.getFirstChild().detachFromParent();
        if (!anonymous) {
          constructor.replaceChild(constructor.getFirstChild(), className);
      } else {
        String qualifiedMemberName;
        if (member.isStaticMember()) {
          if (NodeUtil.referencesThis(member.getFirstChild())) {
            compiler.report(JSError.make(member, STATIC_METHOD_REFERENCES_THIS));
          qualifiedMemberName = Joiner.on(".").join(fullClassName, member.getString());
        } else {
          qualifiedMemberName = Joiner.on(".").join(fullClassName, "prototype", member.getString());
        Node assign =
                    /* basis node */ member,
                    /* original name */ member.getString()),

        JSDocInfo info = member.getJSDocInfo();
        if (info != null) {

        Node newNode = NodeUtil.newExpr(assign);
        insertionPoint.getParent().addChildAfter(newNode, insertionPoint);
        insertionPoint = newNode;

    if (constructor == null) {
      Node name = anonymous ? IR.name("").srcref(className) : className;
      constructor =
          IR.function(name, IR.paramList().srcref(classNode), IR.block().srcref(classNode));
    JSDocInfo classJSDoc = classNode.getJSDocInfo();
    JSDocInfoBuilder newInfo =
        (classJSDoc != null) ? JSDocInfoBuilder.copyFrom(classJSDoc) : new JSDocInfoBuilder(true);

    if (!superClassName.isEmpty()) {
      if (!superClassName.isQualifiedName()) {
        compiler.report(JSError.make(superClassName, DYNAMIC_EXTENDS_TYPE));

      Node superClassString = IR.string(superClassName.getQualifiedName());
      if (newInfo.isInterfaceRecorded()) {
            new JSTypeExpression(
                new Node(Token.BANG, superClassString), superClassName.getSourceFileName()));
      } else {
        // TODO(mattloring) Remove dependency on Closure Library.
        Node inherits =
            NodeUtil.newQualifiedNameNode(compiler.getCodingConvention(), "goog.inherits");
        Node inheritsCall =
            IR.exprResult(IR.call(inherits, className.cloneTree(), superClassName.cloneTree()));
        parent.addChildAfter(inheritsCall, classNode);
            new JSTypeExpression(
                new Node(Token.BANG, superClassString), superClassName.getSourceFileName()));

    // Classes are @struct by default.
    if (!newInfo.isUnrestrictedRecorded()
        && !newInfo.isDictRecorded()
        && !newInfo.isStructRecorded()) {

    if (ctorJSDocInfo != null) {
      for (String param : ctorJSDocInfo.getParameterNames()) {
        newInfo.recordParameter(param, ctorJSDocInfo.getParameterType(param));
    parent.replaceChild(classNode, constructor);

    if (NodeUtil.isStatement(constructor)) {
    } else if (parent.isName()) {
      // The constructor function is the RHS of a var statement.
      // Add the JSDoc to the VAR node.
      Node var = parent.getParent();
    } else if (parent.isAssign()) {
      // The constructor function is the RHS of an assignment.
      // Add the JSDoc to the ASSIGN node.
    } else {
      throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected parent node " + parent);


  /** Converts ES6 arrow functions to standard anonymous ES3 functions. */
  private void visitArrowFunction(NodeTraversal t, Node n) {
    Node body = n.getLastChild();
    if (!body.isBlock()) {
      Node newBody = IR.block(IR.returnNode(body).srcref(body)).srcref(body);

    UpdateThisNodes thisUpdater = new UpdateThisNodes();
    NodeTraversal.traverse(compiler, body, thisUpdater);
    if (thisUpdater.changed) {


  private void addThisVar(NodeTraversal t) {
    Scope scope = t.getScope();
    if (scope.isDeclared(THIS_VAR, false)) {

    Node parent = t.getScopeRoot();
    if (parent.isFunction()) {
      // Add the new node at the beginning of the function body.
      parent = parent.getLastChild();
    if (parent.isSyntheticBlock()) {
      // Add the new node inside the SCRIPT node instead of the
      // synthetic block that contains it.
      parent = parent.getFirstChild();

    Node name = IR.name(THIS_VAR).srcref(parent);
    Node thisVar = IR.var(name, IR.thisNode().srcref(parent));
    scope.declare(THIS_VAR, name, null, compiler.getInput(parent.getInputId()));

  private static class UpdateThisNodes implements NodeTraversal.Callback {
    private boolean changed = false;

    public void visit(NodeTraversal t, Node n, Node parent) {
      if (n.isThis()) {
        Node name = IR.name(THIS_VAR).srcref(n);
        parent.replaceChild(n, name);
        changed = true;

    public boolean shouldTraverse(NodeTraversal t, Node n, Node parent) {
      return !n.isFunction() || n.isArrowFunction();

  private void cannotConvert(Node n) {
    compiler.report(JSError.make(n, CANNOT_CONVERT));

   * Warns the user that the given ES6 feature cannot be converted to ES3 because the transpilation
   * is not yet implemented. A call to this method is essentially a "TODO(tbreisacher): Implement
   * {@code feature}" comment.
  private void cannotConvertYet(Node n, String feature) {
    compiler.report(JSError.make(n, CANNOT_CONVERT_YET, feature));
 * Creates synthetic blocks to optimizations from moving code past markers in the source.
 * @author [email protected] (John Lenz)
class CreateSyntheticBlocks implements CompilerPass {
  static final DiagnosticType UNMATCHED_START_MARKER =
      DiagnosticType.error("JSC_UNMATCHED_START_MARKER", "Unmatched {0}");

  static final DiagnosticType UNMATCHED_END_MARKER =
      DiagnosticType.error("JSC_UNMATCHED_END_MARKER", "Unmatched {1} - {0} not in the same block");

  static final DiagnosticType INVALID_MARKER_USAGE =
          "Marker {0} can only be used in a simple " + "call expression");

  private final AbstractCompiler compiler;

  /** Name of the start marker. */
  private final String startMarkerName;

  /** Name of the end marker. */
  private final String endMarkerName;

  /** Markers can be nested. */
  private final Deque<Node> markerStack = new ArrayDeque<>();

  private final List<Marker> validMarkers = new ArrayList<>();

  private static class Marker {
    final Node startMarker;
    final Node endMarker;

    public Marker(Node startMarker, Node endMarker) {
      this.startMarker = startMarker;
      this.endMarker = endMarker;

  public CreateSyntheticBlocks(
      AbstractCompiler compiler, String startMarkerName, String endMarkerName) {
    this.compiler = compiler;
    this.startMarkerName = startMarkerName;
    this.endMarkerName = endMarkerName;

  public void process(Node externs, Node root) {
    // Find and validate the markers.
    NodeTraversal.traverseEs6(compiler, root, new Callback());

    // Complain about any unmatched markers.
    for (Node node : markerStack) {
      compiler.report(JSError.make(node, UNMATCHED_START_MARKER, startMarkerName));

    // Add the block for the valid marker sets.
    for (Marker marker : validMarkers) {

  /** @param marker The marker to add synthetic blocks for. */
  private void addBlocks(Marker marker) {
    // Add block around the template section so that it looks like this:
    //  BLOCK (synthetic)
    //    START
    //      BLOCK (synthetic)
    //        BODY
    //    END
    // This prevents the start or end markers from mingling with the code
    // in the block body.

    Node originalParent = marker.endMarker.getParent();
    Node outerBlock = IR.block();
    originalParent.addChildBefore(outerBlock, marker.startMarker);

    Node innerBlock = IR.block();
    // Move everything after the start Node up to the end Node into the inner
    // block.
    moveSiblingExclusive(originalParent, innerBlock, marker.startMarker, marker.endMarker);

    // Add the start node.
    // Add the inner block
    // and finally the end node.


   * Move the Nodes between start and end from the source block to the destination block. If start
   * is null, move the first child of the block. If end is null, move the last child of the block.
  private void moveSiblingExclusive(Node src, Node dest, @Nullable Node start, @Nullable Node end) {
    while (childAfter(src, start) != end) {
      Node child = src.removeFirstOrChildAfter(start);

  /** Like Node.getNext, that null is used to signal the child before the block. */
  private static Node childAfter(Node parent, @Nullable Node siblingBefore) {
    if (siblingBefore == null) {
      return parent.getFirstChild();
    } else {
      return siblingBefore.getNext();

  private class Callback extends AbstractPostOrderCallback {
    public void visit(NodeTraversal t, Node n, Node parent) {
      if (!n.isCall() || !n.getFirstChild().isName()) {

      Node callTarget = n.getFirstChild();
      String callName = callTarget.getString();

      if (startMarkerName.equals(callName)) {
        if (!parent.isExprResult()) {
          compiler.report(t.makeError(n, INVALID_MARKER_USAGE, startMarkerName));

      if (!endMarkerName.equals(callName)) {

      Node endMarkerNode = parent;
      if (!endMarkerNode.isExprResult()) {
        compiler.report(t.makeError(n, INVALID_MARKER_USAGE, endMarkerName));

      if (markerStack.isEmpty()) {
        compiler.report(t.makeError(n, UNMATCHED_END_MARKER, startMarkerName, endMarkerName));

      Node startMarkerNode = markerStack.pop();
      if (endMarkerNode.getParent() != startMarkerNode.getParent()) {
        // The end marker isn't in the same block as the start marker.
        compiler.report(t.makeError(n, UNMATCHED_END_MARKER, startMarkerName, endMarkerName));

      // This is a valid marker set add it to the list of markers to process.
      validMarkers.add(new Marker(startMarkerNode, endMarkerNode));
 * A pass for stripping a list of provided Javascript object types.
 * <p>The stripping strategy is as follows: - Provide: 1) a list of types that should be stripped,
 * and 2) a list of suffixes of field/variable names that should be stripped. - Remove declarations
 * of variables that are initialized using static methods of strip types (e.g. var x =
 * goog.debug.Logger.getLogger(...);). - Remove all references to variables that are stripped. -
 * Remove all object literal keys with strip names. - Remove all assignments to 1) field names that
 * are strip names and 2) qualified names that begin with strip types. - Remove all statements
 * containing calls to static methods of strip types.
class StripCode implements CompilerPass {

  // TODO(user): Try eliminating the need for a list of strip names by instead
  // recording which field names are assigned to debug types in each js input.
  private final AbstractCompiler compiler;
  private final Set<String> stripTypes;
  private final Set<String> stripNameSuffixes;
  private final Set<String> stripTypePrefixes;
  private final Set<String> stripNamePrefixes;
  private final Set<Scope.Var> varsToRemove;

  static final DiagnosticType STRIP_TYPE_INHERIT_ERROR =
          "JSC_STRIP_TYPE_INHERIT_ERROR", "Non-strip type {0} cannot inherit from strip type {1}");

  static final DiagnosticType STRIP_ASSIGNMENT_ERROR =
      DiagnosticType.error("JSC_STRIP_ASSIGNMENT_ERROR", "Unable to strip assignment to {0}");

   * Creates an instance.
   * @param compiler The compiler
      AbstractCompiler compiler,
      Set<String> stripTypes,
      Set<String> stripNameSuffixes,
      Set<String> stripTypePrefixes,
      Set<String> stripNamePrefixes) {

    this.compiler = compiler;
    this.stripTypes = Sets.newHashSet(stripTypes);
    this.stripNameSuffixes = Sets.newHashSet(stripNameSuffixes);
    this.stripTypePrefixes = Sets.newHashSet(stripTypePrefixes);
    this.stripNamePrefixes = Sets.newHashSet(stripNamePrefixes);
    this.varsToRemove = Sets.newHashSet();

  /** Enables stripping of goog.tweak functions. */
  public void enableTweakStripping() {

  public void process(Node externs, Node root) {
    NodeTraversal.traverse(compiler, root, new Strip());

  // -------------------------------------------------------------------------

  /** A callback that strips debug code from a Javascript parse tree. */
  private class Strip extends AbstractPostOrderCallback {

    public void visit(NodeTraversal t, Node n, Node parent) {
      switch (n.getType()) {
        case Token.VAR:
          removeVarDeclarationsByNameOrRvalue(t, n, parent);

        case Token.NAME:
          maybeRemoveReferenceToRemovedVariable(t, n, parent);

        case Token.ASSIGN:
        case Token.ASSIGN_BITOR:
        case Token.ASSIGN_BITXOR:
        case Token.ASSIGN_BITAND:
        case Token.ASSIGN_LSH:
        case Token.ASSIGN_RSH:
        case Token.ASSIGN_URSH:
        case Token.ASSIGN_ADD:
        case Token.ASSIGN_SUB:
        case Token.ASSIGN_MUL:
        case Token.ASSIGN_DIV:
        case Token.ASSIGN_MOD:
          maybeEliminateAssignmentByLvalueName(t, n, parent);

        case Token.CALL:
        case Token.NEW:
          maybeRemoveCall(t, n, parent);

        case Token.OBJECTLIT:
          eliminateKeysWithStripNamesFromObjLit(t, n);

        case Token.EXPR_RESULT:
          maybeEliminateExpressionByName(t, n, parent);

     * Removes declarations of any variables whose names are strip names or whose whose rvalues are
     * static method calls on strip types. Builds a set of removed variables so that all references
     * to them can be removed.
     * @param t The traversal
     * @param n A VAR node
     * @param parent {@code n}'s parent
    void removeVarDeclarationsByNameOrRvalue(NodeTraversal t, Node n, Node parent) {
      for (Node nameNode = n.getFirstChild(); nameNode != null; nameNode = nameNode.getNext()) {
        String name = nameNode.getString();
        if (isStripName(name) || isCallWhoseReturnValueShouldBeStripped(nameNode.getFirstChild())) {
          // Remove the NAME.
          Scope scope = t.getScope();
      if (!n.hasChildren()) {
        // Must also remove the VAR.
        replaceWithEmpty(n, parent);

     * Removes a reference if it is a reference to a removed variable.
     * @param t The traversal
     * @param n A NAME node
     * @param parent {@code n}'s parent
    void maybeRemoveReferenceToRemovedVariable(NodeTraversal t, Node n, Node parent) {
      switch (parent.getType()) {
        case Token.VAR:
          // This is a variable decalaration, not a reference.

        case Token.GETPROP:
          // GETPROP
          //   NAME
          //   STRING (property name)
        case Token.GETELEM:
          // GETELEM
          //   NAME
          //   NUMBER|STRING|NAME|...
          if (parent.getFirstChild() == n && isReferenceToRemovedVar(t, n)) {
            replaceHighestNestedCallWithNull(parent, parent.getParent());

        case Token.ASSIGN:
        case Token.ASSIGN_BITOR:
        case Token.ASSIGN_BITXOR:
        case Token.ASSIGN_BITAND:
        case Token.ASSIGN_LSH:
        case Token.ASSIGN_RSH:
        case Token.ASSIGN_URSH:
        case Token.ASSIGN_ADD:
        case Token.ASSIGN_SUB:
        case Token.ASSIGN_MUL:
        case Token.ASSIGN_DIV:
        case Token.ASSIGN_MOD:
          if (isReferenceToRemovedVar(t, n)) {
            if (parent.getFirstChild() == n) {
              Node gramps = parent.getParent();
              if (NodeUtil.isExpressionNode(gramps)) {
                // Remove the assignment.
                Node greatGramps = gramps.getParent();
                replaceWithEmpty(gramps, greatGramps);
              } else {
                // Substitute the rvalue for the assignment.
                Node rvalue = n.getNext();
                gramps.replaceChild(parent, rvalue);
            } else {
              // The var reference is the rvalue. Replace it with null.
              replaceWithNull(n, parent);

          if (isReferenceToRemovedVar(t, n)) {
            replaceWithNull(n, parent);

     * Use a while loop to get up out of any nested calls. For example, if we have just detected
     * that we need to remove the a.b() call in a.b().c().d(), we'll have to remove all of the
     * calls, and it will take a few iterations through this loop to get up to d().
    void replaceHighestNestedCallWithNull(Node node, Node parent) {
      Node ancestor = parent;
      Node ancestorChild = node;
      while (true) {
        if (ancestor.getFirstChild() != ancestorChild) {
          replaceWithNull(ancestorChild, ancestor);
        if (NodeUtil.isExpressionNode(ancestor)) {
          // Remove the entire expression statement.
          Node ancParent = ancestor.getParent();
          replaceWithEmpty(ancestor, ancParent);
        int type = ancestor.getType();
        if (type != Token.GETPROP && type != Token.GETELEM && type != Token.CALL) {
          replaceWithNull(ancestorChild, ancestor);
        ancestorChild = ancestor;
        ancestor = ancestor.getParent();

     * Eliminates an assignment if the lvalue is: - A field name that's a strip name - A qualified
     * name that begins with a strip type
     * @param t The traversal
     * @param n An ASSIGN node
     * @param parent {@code n}'s parent
    void maybeEliminateAssignmentByLvalueName(NodeTraversal t, Node n, Node parent) {
      // ASSIGN
      //   lvalue
      //   rvalue
      Node lvalue = n.getFirstChild();
      if (nameEndsWithFieldNameToStrip(lvalue) || qualifiedNameBeginsWithStripType(lvalue)) {

        // Limit to EXPR_RESULT because it is not
        // safe to eliminate assignment in complex expressions,
        // e.g. in ((x = 7) + 8)
        if (NodeUtil.isExpressionNode(parent)) {
          Node gramps = parent.getParent();
          replaceWithEmpty(parent, gramps);
        } else {
          t.report(n, STRIP_ASSIGNMENT_ERROR, lvalue.getQualifiedName());

     * Eliminates an expression if it refers to: - A field name that's a strip name - A qualified
     * name that begins with a strip type This gets rid of construct like: a.prototype.logger; (used
     * instead of a.prototype.logger = null;) This expression is not an assignment and so will not
     * be caught by maybeEliminateAssignmentByLvalueName.
     * @param t The traversal
     * @param n An EXPR_RESULT node
     * @param parent {@code n}'s parent
    void maybeEliminateExpressionByName(NodeTraversal t, Node n, Node parent) {
      // EXPR_RESULT
      //   expression
      Node expression = n.getFirstChild();
      if (nameEndsWithFieldNameToStrip(expression)
          || qualifiedNameBeginsWithStripType(expression)) {
        if (NodeUtil.isExpressionNode(parent)) {
          Node gramps = parent.getParent();
          replaceWithEmpty(parent, gramps);
        } else {
          replaceWithEmpty(n, parent);

     * Removes a method call if {@link #isMethodOrCtorCallThatTriggersRemoval} indicates that it
     * should be removed.
     * @param t The traversal
     * @param n A CALL node
     * @param parent {@code n}'s parent
    void maybeRemoveCall(NodeTraversal t, Node n, Node parent) {
      // CALL/NEW
      //   function
      //   arguments
      if (isMethodOrCtorCallThatTriggersRemoval(t, n, parent)) {
        replaceHighestNestedCallWithNull(n, parent);

     * Eliminates any object literal keys in an object literal declaration that have strip names.
     * @param t The traversal
     * @param n An OBJLIT node
    void eliminateKeysWithStripNamesFromObjLit(NodeTraversal t, Node n) {
      // OBJLIT
      //   key1
      //     value1
      //   key2
      //   ...
      Node key = n.getFirstChild();
      while (key != null) {
        if (isStripName(key.getString())) {
          Node value = key.getFirstChild();
          Node next = key.getNext();
          key = next;
        } else {
          key = key.getNext();

     * Gets whether a node is a CALL node whose return value should be stripped. A call's return
     * value should be stripped if the function getting called is a static method in a class that
     * gets stripped. For example, if "goog.debug.Logger" is a strip name, then this function
     * returns true for a call such as "goog.debug.Logger.getLogger(...)". It may also simply be a
     * function that is getting stripped. For example, if "getLogger" is a strip name, but not
     * "goog.debug.Logger", this will still return true.
     * @param n A node (typically a CALL node)
     * @return Whether the call's return value should be stripped
    boolean isCallWhoseReturnValueShouldBeStripped(@Nullable Node n) {
      return n != null
          && (n.getType() == Token.CALL || n.getType() == Token.NEW)
          && n.hasChildren()
          && (qualifiedNameBeginsWithStripType(n.getFirstChild())
              || nameEndsWithFieldNameToStrip(n.getFirstChild()));

     * Gets whether a qualified name begins with a strip name. The names "goog.debug",
     * "goog.debug.Logger", and "goog.debug.Logger.Level" are examples of strip names that would
     * result in this function returning true for a node representing the name
     * "goog.debug.Logger.Level".
     * @param n A node (typically a NAME or GETPROP node)
     * @return Whether the name begins with a strip name
    boolean qualifiedNameBeginsWithStripType(Node n) {
      String name = n.getQualifiedName();
      return qualifiedNameBeginsWithStripType(name);

     * Gets whether a qualified name begins with a strip name. The names "goog.debug",
     * "goog.debug.Logger", and "goog.debug.Logger.Level" are examples of strip names that would
     * result in this function returning true for a node representing the name
     * "goog.debug.Logger.Level".
     * @param name A qualified class name
     * @return Whether the name begins with a strip name
    boolean qualifiedNameBeginsWithStripType(String name) {
      if (name != null) {
        for (String type : stripTypes) {
          if (name.equals(type) || name.startsWith(type + ".")) {
            return true;
        for (String type : stripTypePrefixes) {
          if (name.startsWith(type)) {
            return true;
      return false;

     * Determines whether a NAME node represents a reference to a variable that has been removed.
     * @param t The traversal
     * @param n A NAME node
     * @return Whether the variable was removed
    boolean isReferenceToRemovedVar(NodeTraversal t, Node n) {
      String name = n.getString();
      Scope scope = t.getScope();
      Scope.Var var = scope.getVar(name);
      return varsToRemove.contains(var);

     * Gets whether a CALL node triggers statement removal, based on the name of the object whose
     * method is being called, or the name of the method. Checks whether the name begins with a
     * strip type, ends with a field name that's a strip name, or belongs to the set of global
     * class-defining functions (e.g. goog.inherits).
     * @param t The traversal
     * @param n A CALL node
     * @return Whether the node triggers statement removal
    boolean isMethodOrCtorCallThatTriggersRemoval(NodeTraversal t, Node n, Node parent) {
      // CALL/NEW
      //   GETPROP (function)         <-- we're interested in this, the function
      //     GETPROP (callee object)  <-- or the object on which it is called
      //       ...
      //       STRING (field name)
      //     STRING (method name)
      //   ... (arguments)

      Node function = n.getFirstChild();
      if (function == null || function.getType() != Token.GETPROP) {
        // We are only interested in calls on object references that are
        // properties. We don't need to eliminate method calls on variables
        // that are getting removed, since that's already done by the code
        // that removes all references to those variables.
        return false;

      if (parent != null && parent.getType() == Token.NAME) {
        Node gramps = parent.getParent();
        if (gramps != null && gramps.getType() == Token.VAR) {
          // The call's return value is being used to initialize a newly
          // declared variable. We should leave the call intact for now.
          // That way, when the traversal reaches the variable declaration,
          // we'll recognize that the variable and all references to it need
          // to be eliminated.
          return false;

      Node callee = function.getFirstChild();
      return nameEndsWithFieldNameToStrip(callee)
          || nameEndsWithFieldNameToStrip(function)
          || qualifiedNameBeginsWithStripType(function)
          || actsOnStripType(t, n);

     * Gets whether a name ends with a field name that should be stripped. For example, this
     * function would return true when passed "this.logger" or "a.b.c.myLogger" if "logger" is a
     * strip name.
     * @param n A node (typically a GETPROP node)
     * @return Whether the name ends with a field name that should be stripped
    boolean nameEndsWithFieldNameToStrip(@Nullable Node n) {
      if (n != null && n.getType() == Token.GETPROP) {
        Node propNode = n.getLastChild();
        return propNode != null
            && propNode.getType() == Token.STRING
            && isStripName(propNode.getString());
      return false;

     * Determines whether the given node helps to define a strip type. For example,
     * goog.inherits(stripType, Object) would be such a call.
     * <p>Also reports an error if a non-strip type inherits from a strip type.
     * @param t The current traversal
     * @param callNode The CALL node
    private boolean actsOnStripType(NodeTraversal t, Node callNode) {
      SubclassRelationship classes =
      if (classes != null) {
        // It's okay to strip a type that inherits from a non-stripped type
        // e.g. goog.inherits(goog.debug.Logger, Object)
        if (qualifiedNameBeginsWithStripType(classes.subclassName)) {
          return true;

        // report an error if a non-strip type inherits from a
        // strip type.
        if (qualifiedNameBeginsWithStripType(classes.superclassName)) {
              callNode, STRIP_TYPE_INHERIT_ERROR, classes.subclassName, classes.superclassName);

      return false;

     * Gets whether a Javascript identifier is the name of a variable or property that should be
     * stripped.
     * @param name A Javascript identifier
     * @return Whether {@code name} is a name that triggers removal
    boolean isStripName(String name) {
      if (stripNameSuffixes.contains(name) || stripNamePrefixes.contains(name)) {
        return true;

      if ((name.length() == 0) || Character.isUpperCase(name.charAt(0))) {
        return false;

      String lcName = name.toLowerCase();
      for (String stripName : stripNamePrefixes) {
        if (lcName.startsWith(stripName.toLowerCase())) {
          return true;

      for (String stripName : stripNameSuffixes) {
        if (lcName.endsWith(stripName.toLowerCase())) {
          return true;

      return false;

     * Replaces a node with a NULL node. This is useful where a value is expected.
     * @param n A node
     * @param parent {@code n}'s parent
    void replaceWithNull(Node n, Node parent) {
      parent.replaceChild(n, new Node(Token.NULL));

     * Replaces a node with an EMPTY node. This is useful where a statement is expected.
     * @param n A node
     * @param parent {@code n}'s parent
    void replaceWithEmpty(Node n, Node parent) {
      NodeUtil.removeChild(parent, n);
Пример #5
 * Process goog.tweak primitives. Checks that:
 * <ul>
 *   <li>parameters to goog.tweak.register* are literals of the correct type.
 *   <li>the parameter to goog.tweak.get* is a string literal.
 *   <li>parameters to goog.tweak.overrideDefaultValue are literals of the correct type.
 *   <li>tweak IDs passed to goog.tweak.get* and goog.tweak.overrideDefaultValue correspond to
 *       registered tweaks.
 *   <li>all calls to goog.tweak.register* and goog.tweak.overrideDefaultValue are within the
 *       top-level context.
 *   <li>each tweak is registered only once.
 *   <li>calls to goog.tweak.overrideDefaultValue occur before the call to the corresponding
 *       goog.tweak.register* function.
 * </ul>
 * @author [email protected] (Andrew Grieve)
class ProcessTweaks implements CompilerPass {

  private final AbstractCompiler compiler;
  private final boolean stripTweaks;
  private final SortedMap<String, Node> compilerDefaultValueOverrides;

  private static final CharMatcher ID_MATCHER =
      CharMatcher.inRange('a', 'z')
          .or(CharMatcher.inRange('A', 'Z'))

  // Warnings and Errors.
  static final DiagnosticType UNKNOWN_TWEAK_WARNING =
      DiagnosticType.warning("JSC_UNKNOWN_TWEAK_WARNING", "no tweak registered with ID {0}");

  static final DiagnosticType TWEAK_MULTIPLY_REGISTERED_ERROR =
          "JSC_TWEAK_MULTIPLY_REGISTERED_ERROR", "Tweak {0} has already been registered.");

  static final DiagnosticType NON_LITERAL_TWEAK_ID_ERROR =
      DiagnosticType.error("JSC_NON_LITERAL_TWEAK_ID_ERROR", "tweak ID must be a string literal");

  static final DiagnosticType INVALID_TWEAK_DEFAULT_VALUE_WARNING =
          "tweak {0} registered with {1} must have a default value that is a "
              + "literal of type {2}");

  static final DiagnosticType NON_GLOBAL_TWEAK_INIT_ERROR =
          "tweak declaration {0} must occur in the global scope");

          "Cannot override the default value of tweak {0} after it has been " + "registered");

  static final DiagnosticType TWEAK_WRONG_GETTER_TYPE_WARNING =
          "tweak getter function {0} used for tweak registered using {1}");

  static final DiagnosticType INVALID_TWEAK_ID_ERROR =
          "tweak ID contains illegal characters. Only letters, numbers, _ " + "and . are allowed");

  /** An enum of goog.tweak functions. */
  private static enum TweakFunction {
    REGISTER_BOOLEAN("goog.tweak.registerBoolean", "boolean", Token.TRUE, Token.FALSE),
    REGISTER_NUMBER("goog.tweak.registerNumber", "number", Token.NUMBER),
    REGISTER_STRING("goog.tweak.registerString", "string", Token.STRING),
    GET_BOOLEAN("goog.tweak.getBoolean", REGISTER_BOOLEAN),
    GET_NUMBER("goog.tweak.getNumber", REGISTER_NUMBER),
    GET_STRING("goog.tweak.getString", REGISTER_STRING);

    final String name;
    final String expectedTypeName;
    final int validNodeTypeA;
    final int validNodeTypeB;
    final TweakFunction registerFunction;

    TweakFunction(String name) {
      this(name, null, Token.ERROR, Token.ERROR, null);

    TweakFunction(String name, String expectedTypeName, int validNodeTypeA) {
      this(name, expectedTypeName, validNodeTypeA, Token.ERROR, null);

    TweakFunction(String name, String expectedTypeName, int validNodeTypeA, int validNodeTypeB) {
      this(name, expectedTypeName, validNodeTypeA, validNodeTypeB, null);

    TweakFunction(String name, TweakFunction registerFunction) {
      this(name, null, Token.ERROR, Token.ERROR, registerFunction);

        String name,
        String expectedTypeName,
        int validNodeTypeA,
        int validNodeTypeB,
        TweakFunction registerFunction) {
      this.name = name;
      this.expectedTypeName = expectedTypeName;
      this.validNodeTypeA = validNodeTypeA;
      this.validNodeTypeB = validNodeTypeB;
      this.registerFunction = registerFunction;

    boolean isValidNodeType(int type) {
      return type == validNodeTypeA || type == validNodeTypeB;

    boolean isCorrectRegisterFunction(TweakFunction registerFunction) {
      return this.registerFunction == registerFunction;

    boolean isGetterFunction() {
      return registerFunction != null;

    String getName() {
      return name;

    String getExpectedTypeName() {
      return expectedTypeName;

    Node createDefaultValueNode() {
      switch (this) {
        case REGISTER_BOOLEAN:
          return IR.falseNode();
        case REGISTER_NUMBER:
          return IR.number(0);
        case REGISTER_STRING:
          return IR.string("");
          throw new IllegalStateException();

  // A map of function name -> TweakFunction.
  private static final Map<String, TweakFunction> TWEAK_FUNCTIONS_MAP;

  static {
    TWEAK_FUNCTIONS_MAP = Maps.newHashMap();
    for (TweakFunction func : TweakFunction.values()) {
      TWEAK_FUNCTIONS_MAP.put(func.getName(), func);

      AbstractCompiler compiler,
      boolean stripTweaks,
      Map<String, Node> compilerDefaultValueOverrides) {
    this.compiler = compiler;
    this.stripTweaks = stripTweaks;
    // Having the map sorted is required for the unit tests to be deterministic.
    this.compilerDefaultValueOverrides = Maps.newTreeMap();

  public void process(Node externs, Node root) {
    CollectTweaksResult result = collectTweaks(root);

    boolean changed = false;

    if (stripTweaks) {
      changed = stripAllCalls(result.tweakInfos);
    } else if (!compilerDefaultValueOverrides.isEmpty()) {
      changed = replaceGetCompilerOverridesCalls(result.getOverridesCalls);
    if (changed) {

   * Passes the compiler default value overrides to the JS by replacing calls to
   * goog.tweak.getCompilerOverrids_ with a map of tweak ID->default value;
  private boolean replaceGetCompilerOverridesCalls(List<TweakFunctionCall> calls) {
    for (TweakFunctionCall call : calls) {
      Node callNode = call.callNode;
      Node objNode = createCompilerDefaultValueOverridesVarNode(callNode);
      callNode.getParent().replaceChild(callNode, objNode);
    return !calls.isEmpty();

   * Removes all CALL nodes in the given TweakInfos, replacing calls to getter functions with the
   * tweak's default value.
  private boolean stripAllCalls(Map<String, TweakInfo> tweakInfos) {
    for (TweakInfo tweakInfo : tweakInfos.values()) {
      boolean isRegistered = tweakInfo.isRegistered();
      for (TweakFunctionCall functionCall : tweakInfo.functionCalls) {
        Node callNode = functionCall.callNode;
        Node parent = callNode.getParent();
        if (functionCall.tweakFunc.isGetterFunction()) {
          Node newValue;
          if (isRegistered) {
            newValue = tweakInfo.getDefaultValueNode().cloneNode();
          } else {
            // When we find a getter of an unregistered tweak, there has
            // already been a warning about it, so now just use a default
            // value when stripping.
            TweakFunction registerFunction = functionCall.tweakFunc.registerFunction;
            newValue = registerFunction.createDefaultValueNode();
          parent.replaceChild(callNode, newValue);
        } else {
          Node voidZeroNode = IR.voidNode(IR.number(0).srcref(callNode)).srcref(callNode);
          parent.replaceChild(callNode, voidZeroNode);
    return !tweakInfos.isEmpty();

  /** Creates a JS object that holds a map of tweakId -> default value override. */
  private Node createCompilerDefaultValueOverridesVarNode(Node sourceInformationNode) {
    Node objNode = IR.objectlit().srcref(sourceInformationNode);
    for (Entry<String, Node> entry : compilerDefaultValueOverrides.entrySet()) {
      Node objKeyNode = IR.stringKey(entry.getKey()).copyInformationFrom(sourceInformationNode);
      Node objValueNode = entry.getValue().cloneNode().copyInformationFrom(sourceInformationNode);
    return objNode;

  /** Sets the default values of tweaks based on compiler options. */
  private void applyCompilerDefaultValueOverrides(Map<String, TweakInfo> tweakInfos) {
    for (Entry<String, Node> entry : compilerDefaultValueOverrides.entrySet()) {
      String tweakId = entry.getKey();
      TweakInfo tweakInfo = tweakInfos.get(tweakId);
      if (tweakInfo == null) {
        compiler.report(JSError.make(UNKNOWN_TWEAK_WARNING, tweakId));
      } else {
        TweakFunction registerFunc = tweakInfo.registerCall.tweakFunc;
        Node value = entry.getValue();
        if (!registerFunc.isValidNodeType(value.getType())) {
        } else {
          tweakInfo.defaultValueNode = value;

   * Finds all calls to goog.tweak functions and emits warnings/errors if any of the calls have
   * issues.
   * @return A map of {@link TweakInfo} structures, keyed by tweak ID.
  private CollectTweaksResult collectTweaks(Node root) {
    CollectTweaks pass = new CollectTweaks();
    NodeTraversal.traverse(compiler, root, pass);

    Map<String, TweakInfo> tweakInfos = pass.allTweaks;
    for (TweakInfo tweakInfo : tweakInfos.values()) {
    return new CollectTweaksResult(tweakInfos, pass.getOverridesCalls);

  private static final class CollectTweaksResult {
    final Map<String, TweakInfo> tweakInfos;
    final List<TweakFunctionCall> getOverridesCalls;

        Map<String, TweakInfo> tweakInfos, List<TweakFunctionCall> getOverridesCalls) {
      this.tweakInfos = tweakInfos;
      this.getOverridesCalls = getOverridesCalls;

  /** Processes all calls to goog.tweak functions. */
  private final class CollectTweaks extends AbstractPostOrderCallback {
    final Map<String, TweakInfo> allTweaks = Maps.newHashMap();
    final List<TweakFunctionCall> getOverridesCalls = Lists.newArrayList();

    public void visit(NodeTraversal t, Node n, Node parent) {
      if (!n.isCall()) {

      String callName = n.getFirstChild().getQualifiedName();
      TweakFunction tweakFunc = TWEAK_FUNCTIONS_MAP.get(callName);
      if (tweakFunc == null) {

      if (tweakFunc == TweakFunction.GET_COMPILER_OVERRIDES) {
        getOverridesCalls.add(new TweakFunctionCall(tweakFunc, n));

      // Ensure the first parameter (the tweak ID) is a string literal.
      Node tweakIdNode = n.getFirstChild().getNext();
      if (!tweakIdNode.isString()) {
        compiler.report(t.makeError(tweakIdNode, NON_LITERAL_TWEAK_ID_ERROR));
      String tweakId = tweakIdNode.getString();

      // Make sure there is a TweakInfo structure for it.
      TweakInfo tweakInfo = allTweaks.get(tweakId);
      if (tweakInfo == null) {
        tweakInfo = new TweakInfo(tweakId);
        allTweaks.put(tweakId, tweakInfo);

      switch (tweakFunc) {
        case REGISTER_BOOLEAN:
        case REGISTER_NUMBER:
        case REGISTER_STRING:
          // Ensure the ID contains only valid characters.
          if (!ID_MATCHER.matchesAllOf(tweakId)) {
            compiler.report(t.makeError(tweakIdNode, INVALID_TWEAK_ID_ERROR));

          // Ensure tweaks are registered in the global scope.
          if (!t.inGlobalScope()) {
            compiler.report(t.makeError(n, NON_GLOBAL_TWEAK_INIT_ERROR, tweakId));

          // Ensure tweaks are registered only once.
          if (tweakInfo.isRegistered()) {
            compiler.report(t.makeError(n, TWEAK_MULTIPLY_REGISTERED_ERROR, tweakId));

          Node tweakDefaultValueNode = tweakIdNode.getNext().getNext();
          tweakInfo.addRegisterCall(t.getSourceName(), tweakFunc, n, tweakDefaultValueNode);
          // Ensure tweaks overrides occur in the global scope.
          if (!t.inGlobalScope()) {
            compiler.report(t.makeError(n, NON_GLOBAL_TWEAK_INIT_ERROR, tweakId));
          // Ensure tweak overrides occur before the tweak is registered.
          if (tweakInfo.isRegistered()) {
            compiler.report(t.makeError(n, TWEAK_OVERRIDE_AFTER_REGISTERED_ERROR, tweakId));

          tweakDefaultValueNode = tweakIdNode.getNext();
              t.getSourceName(), tweakFunc, n, tweakDefaultValueNode);
        case GET_BOOLEAN:
        case GET_NUMBER:
        case GET_STRING:
          tweakInfo.addGetterCall(t.getSourceName(), tweakFunc, n);

  /** Holds information about a call to a goog.tweak function. */
  private static final class TweakFunctionCall {
    final TweakFunction tweakFunc;
    final Node callNode;
    final Node valueNode;

    TweakFunctionCall(TweakFunction tweakFunc, Node callNode) {
      this(tweakFunc, callNode, null);

    TweakFunctionCall(TweakFunction tweakFunc, Node callNode, Node valueNode) {
      this.callNode = callNode;
      this.tweakFunc = tweakFunc;
      this.valueNode = valueNode;

    Node getIdNode() {
      return callNode.getFirstChild().getNext();

  /** Stores information about a single tweak. */
  private final class TweakInfo {
    final String tweakId;
    final List<TweakFunctionCall> functionCalls;
    TweakFunctionCall registerCall;
    Node defaultValueNode;

    TweakInfo(String tweakId) {
      this.tweakId = tweakId;
      functionCalls = Lists.newArrayList();

     * If this tweak is registered, then looks for type warnings in default value parameters and
     * getter functions. If it is not registered, emits an error for each function call.
    void emitAllWarnings() {
      if (isRegistered()) {
      } else {

     * Emits a warning for each default value parameter that has the wrong type and for each getter
     * function that was used for the wrong type of tweak.
    void emitAllTypeWarnings() {
      for (TweakFunctionCall call : functionCalls) {
        Node valueNode = call.valueNode;
        TweakFunction tweakFunc = call.tweakFunc;
        TweakFunction registerFunc = registerCall.tweakFunc;
        if (valueNode != null) {
          // For register* and overrideDefaultValue calls, ensure the default
          // value is a literal of the correct type.
          if (!registerFunc.isValidNodeType(valueNode.getType())) {
        } else if (tweakFunc.isGetterFunction()) {
          // For getter calls, ensure the correct getter was used.
          if (!tweakFunc.isCorrectRegisterFunction(registerFunc)) {

    /** Emits an error for each function call that was found. */
    void emitUnknownTweakErrors() {
      for (TweakFunctionCall call : functionCalls) {
        compiler.report(JSError.make(call.getIdNode(), UNKNOWN_TWEAK_WARNING, tweakId));

    void addRegisterCall(
        String sourceName, TweakFunction tweakFunc, Node callNode, Node defaultValueNode) {
      registerCall = new TweakFunctionCall(tweakFunc, callNode, defaultValueNode);

    void addOverrideDefaultValueCall(
        String sourceName, TweakFunction tweakFunc, Node callNode, Node defaultValueNode) {
      functionCalls.add(new TweakFunctionCall(tweakFunc, callNode, defaultValueNode));
      this.defaultValueNode = defaultValueNode;

    void addGetterCall(String sourceName, TweakFunction tweakFunc, Node callNode) {
      functionCalls.add(new TweakFunctionCall(tweakFunc, callNode));

    boolean isRegistered() {
      return registerCall != null;

    Node getDefaultValueNode() {
      // Use calls to goog.tweak.overrideDefaultValue() first.
      if (defaultValueNode != null) {
        return defaultValueNode;
      // Use the value passed to the register function next.
      if (registerCall.valueNode != null) {
        return registerCall.valueNode;
      // Otherwise, use the default value for the tweak's type.
      return registerCall.tweakFunc.createDefaultValueNode();
 * Converts ES6 code to valid ES3 code.
 * @author [email protected] (Tyler Breisacher)
public class Es6ToEs3Converter implements NodeTraversal.Callback, HotSwapCompilerPass {
  private final AbstractCompiler compiler;

  static final DiagnosticType CANNOT_CONVERT =
          "JSC_CANNOT_CONVERT", "This code cannot be converted from ES6 to ES3. {0}");

  // TODO(tbreisacher): Remove this once all ES6 features are transpilable.
  static final DiagnosticType CANNOT_CONVERT_YET =
          "JSC_CANNOT_CONVERT_YET", "ES6-to-ES3 conversion of ''{0}'' is not yet implemented.");

  static final DiagnosticType DYNAMIC_EXTENDS_TYPE =
          "JSC_DYNAMIC_EXTENDS_TYPE", "The class in an extends clause must be a qualified name.");

  static final DiagnosticType NO_SUPERTYPE =
          "The super keyword may only appear in classes with an extends clause.");

  static final DiagnosticType CLASS_REASSIGNMENT =
          "CLASS_REASSIGNMENT", "Class names defined inside a function cannot be reassigned.");

  // The name of the vars that capture 'this' and 'arguments'
  // for converting arrow functions.
  private static final String THIS_VAR = "$jscomp$this";
  private static final String ARGUMENTS_VAR = "$jscomp$arguments";

  private static final String FRESH_SPREAD_VAR = "$jscomp$spread$args";

  private static final String DESTRUCTURING_TEMP_VAR = "$jscomp$destructuring$var";

  private int destructuringVarCounter = 0;

  private static final String FRESH_COMP_PROP_VAR = "$jscomp$compprop";

  private static final String ITER_BASE = "$jscomp$iter$";

  private static final String ITER_RESULT = "$jscomp$key$";

  // These functions are defined in js/es6_runtime.js
  public static final String COPY_PROP = "$jscomp.copyProperties";
  private static final String INHERITS = "$jscomp.inherits";
  static final String MAKE_ITER = "$jscomp.makeIterator";

  public Es6ToEs3Converter(AbstractCompiler compiler) {
    this.compiler = compiler;

  public void process(Node externs, Node root) {
    NodeTraversal.traverse(compiler, root, this);

  public void hotSwapScript(Node scriptRoot, Node originalRoot) {
    NodeTraversal.traverse(compiler, scriptRoot, this);

   * Some nodes (such as arrow functions) must be visited pre-order in order to rewrite the
   * references to {@code this} correctly. Everything else is translated post-order in {@link
   * #visit}.
  public boolean shouldTraverse(NodeTraversal t, Node n, Node parent) {
    switch (n.getType()) {
      case Token.FUNCTION:
        if (n.isArrowFunction()) {
          visitArrowFunction(t, n);
      case Token.CLASS:
        // Need to check for super references before they get rewritten.
      case Token.PARAM_LIST:
        visitParamList(n, parent);
    return true;

  public void visit(NodeTraversal t, Node n, Node parent) {
    switch (n.getType()) {
      case Token.OBJECTLIT:
        for (Node child : n.children()) {
          if (child.isComputedProp()) {
            visitObjectWithComputedProperty(n, parent);
      case Token.MEMBER_DEF:
        if (parent.isObjectLit()) {
          visitMemberDefInObjectLit(n, parent);
      case Token.FOR_OF:
        visitForOf(n, parent);
      case Token.SUPER:
        visitSuper(n, parent);
      case Token.STRING_KEY:
      case Token.CLASS:
        for (Node member = n.getLastChild().getFirstChild();
            member != null;
            member = member.getNext()) {
          if (member.isGetterDef()
              || member.isSetterDef()
              || member.getBooleanProp(Node.COMPUTED_PROP_GETTER)
              || member.getBooleanProp(Node.COMPUTED_PROP_SETTER)) {
            cannotConvert(member, "getters or setters in class definitions");
        visitClass(n, parent);
      case Token.ARRAYLIT:
      case Token.NEW:
      case Token.CALL:
        for (Node child : n.children()) {
          if (child.isSpread()) {
            visitArrayLitOrCallWithSpread(n, parent);
      case Token.TEMPLATELIT:
        Es6TemplateLiterals.visitTemplateLiteral(t, n);
      case Token.ARRAY_PATTERN:
        visitArrayPattern(t, n, parent);
      case Token.OBJECT_PATTERN:
        visitObjectPattern(t, n, parent);

  private void visitObjectPattern(NodeTraversal t, Node objectPattern, Node parent) {
    Node rhs, nodeToDetach;
    if (NodeUtil.isNameDeclaration(parent) && !NodeUtil.isEnhancedFor(parent.getParent())) {
      rhs = objectPattern.getLastChild();
      nodeToDetach = parent;
    } else if (parent.isAssign() && parent.getParent().isExprResult()) {
      rhs = parent.getLastChild();
      nodeToDetach = parent.getParent();
    } else if (parent.isStringKey() || parent.isArrayPattern() || parent.isDefaultValue()) {
      // Nested object pattern; do nothing. We will visit it after rewriting the parent.
    } else if (NodeUtil.isEnhancedFor(parent) || NodeUtil.isEnhancedFor(parent.getParent())) {
    } else {
      Preconditions.checkState(parent.isCatch(), parent);
          objectPattern, "OBJECT_PATTERN that is a child of a " + Token.name(parent.getType()));

    // Convert 'var {a: b, c: d} = rhs' to:
    // var temp = rhs;
    // var b = temp.a;
    // var d = temp.c;
    String tempVarName = DESTRUCTURING_TEMP_VAR + (destructuringVarCounter++);
    Node tempDecl =
        IR.var(IR.name(tempVarName), rhs.detachFromParent())
    nodeToDetach.getParent().addChildBefore(tempDecl, nodeToDetach);

    for (Node child = objectPattern.getFirstChild(), next; child != null; child = next) {
      next = child.getNext();

      Node newLHS, newRHS;
      if (child.isStringKey()) {
        Node getprop =
            new Node(
                child.isQuotedString() ? Token.GETELEM : Token.GETPROP,

        Node value = child.removeFirstChild();
        if (!value.isDefaultValue()) {
          newLHS = value;
          newRHS = getprop;
        } else {
          newLHS = value.removeFirstChild();
          Node defaultValue = value.removeFirstChild();
          newRHS = defaultValueHook(getprop, defaultValue);
      } else if (child.isComputedProp()) {
        if (child.getLastChild().isDefaultValue()) {
          newLHS = child.getLastChild().removeFirstChild();
          Node getelem = IR.getelem(IR.name(tempVarName), child.removeFirstChild());

          String intermediateTempVarName = DESTRUCTURING_TEMP_VAR + (destructuringVarCounter++);
          Node intermediateDecl = IR.var(IR.name(intermediateTempVarName), getelem);
          nodeToDetach.getParent().addChildBefore(intermediateDecl, nodeToDetach);

          newRHS =
                  IR.name(intermediateTempVarName), child.getLastChild().removeFirstChild());
        } else {
          newRHS = IR.getelem(IR.name(tempVarName), child.removeFirstChild());
          newLHS = child.removeFirstChild();
      } else if (child.isDefaultValue()) {
        newLHS = child.removeFirstChild();
        Node defaultValue = child.removeFirstChild();
        Node getprop = IR.getprop(IR.name(tempVarName), IR.string(newLHS.getString()));
        newRHS = defaultValueHook(getprop, defaultValue);
      } else {
        throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected OBJECT_PATTERN child: " + child);

      Node newNode;
      if (NodeUtil.isNameDeclaration(parent)) {
        newNode = IR.declaration(newLHS, newRHS, parent.getType());
      } else if (parent.isAssign()) {
        newNode = IR.exprResult(IR.assign(newLHS, newRHS));
      } else {
        throw new IllegalStateException("not reached");

      nodeToDetach.getParent().addChildBefore(newNode, nodeToDetach);

      // Explicitly visit the LHS of the new node since it may be a nested
      // destructuring pattern.
      visit(t, newLHS, newLHS.getParent());


  private void visitArrayPattern(NodeTraversal t, Node arrayPattern, Node parent) {
    Node rhs, nodeToDetach;
    if (NodeUtil.isNameDeclaration(parent) && !NodeUtil.isEnhancedFor(parent.getParent())) {
      // The array pattern is the only child, because Es6SplitVariableDeclarations
      // has already run.
      Preconditions.checkState(arrayPattern.getNext() == null);
      rhs = arrayPattern.getLastChild();
      nodeToDetach = parent;
    } else if (parent.isAssign()) {
      rhs = arrayPattern.getNext();
      nodeToDetach = parent.getParent();
    } else if (parent.isArrayPattern() || parent.isDefaultValue() || parent.isStringKey()) {
      // This is a nested array pattern. Don't do anything now; we'll visit it
      // after visiting the parent.
    } else if (NodeUtil.isEnhancedFor(parent) || NodeUtil.isEnhancedFor(parent.getParent())) {
    } else {
      Preconditions.checkState(parent.isCatch() || parent.isForOf());
          arrayPattern, "ARRAY_PATTERN that is a child of a " + Token.name(parent.getType()));

    // Convert 'var [x, y] = rhs' to:
    // var temp = rhs;
    // var x = temp[0];
    // var y = temp[1];
    String tempVarName = DESTRUCTURING_TEMP_VAR + (destructuringVarCounter++);
    Node tempDecl =
        IR.var(IR.name(tempVarName), rhs.detachFromParent())
    nodeToDetach.getParent().addChildBefore(tempDecl, nodeToDetach);

    int i = 0;
    for (Node child = arrayPattern.getFirstChild(), next; child != null; child = next, i++) {
      next = child.getNext();
      if (child.isEmpty()) {

      Node newLHS, newRHS;
      if (child.isDefaultValue()) {
        Node getElem = IR.getelem(IR.name(tempVarName), IR.number(i));
        //   [x = defaultValue] = rhs;
        // becomes
        //   var temp = rhs;
        //   x = (temp[0] === undefined) ? defaultValue : temp[0];
        newLHS = child.getFirstChild().detachFromParent();
        newRHS = defaultValueHook(getElem, child.getLastChild().detachFromParent());
      } else if (child.isRest()) {
        newLHS = child.detachFromParent();
        // [].slice.call(temp, i)
        newRHS =
                IR.getprop(IR.getprop(IR.arraylit(), IR.string("slice")), IR.string("call")),
      } else {
        newLHS = child.detachFromParent();
        newRHS = IR.getelem(IR.name(tempVarName), IR.number(i));
      Node newNode;
      if (parent.isAssign()) {
        Node assignment = IR.assign(newLHS, newRHS);
        newNode = IR.exprResult(assignment);
      } else {
        newNode = IR.declaration(newLHS, newRHS, parent.getType());

      nodeToDetach.getParent().addChildBefore(newNode, nodeToDetach);
      // Explicitly visit the LHS of the new node since it may be a nested
      // destructuring pattern.
      visit(t, newLHS, newLHS.getParent());

  private void visitDestructuringPatternInEnhancedFor(Node pattern) {
    Node forNode;
    int declarationType;
    if (NodeUtil.isEnhancedFor(pattern.getParent())) {
      forNode = pattern.getParent();
      declarationType = Token.ASSIGN;
    } else {
      forNode = pattern.getParent().getParent();
      declarationType = pattern.getParent().getType();

    String tempVarName = DESTRUCTURING_TEMP_VAR + (destructuringVarCounter++);
    Node block = forNode.getLastChild();
    if (declarationType == Token.ASSIGN) {
      pattern.getParent().replaceChild(pattern, IR.declaration(IR.name(tempVarName), Token.LET));
      block.addChildToFront(IR.exprResult(IR.assign(pattern, IR.name(tempVarName))));
    } else {
      pattern.getParent().replaceChild(pattern, IR.name(tempVarName));
      block.addChildToFront(IR.declaration(pattern, IR.name(tempVarName), declarationType));

   * Converts a member definition in an object literal to an ES3 key/value pair. Member definitions
   * in classes are handled in {@link #visitClass}.
  private void visitMemberDefInObjectLit(Node n, Node parent) {
    String name = n.getString();
    Node stringKey = IR.stringKey(name, n.getFirstChild().detachFromParent());
    parent.replaceChild(n, stringKey);

  /** Converts extended object literal {a} to {a:a}. */
  private void visitStringKey(Node n) {
    if (!n.hasChildren()) {
      Node name = IR.name(n.getString());

  private void visitForOf(Node node, Node parent) {
    Node variable = node.removeFirstChild();
    Node iterable = node.removeFirstChild();
    Node body = node.removeFirstChild();

    Node iterName = IR.name(ITER_BASE + compiler.getUniqueNameIdSupplier().get());
    Node getNext = IR.call(IR.getprop(iterName.cloneTree(), IR.string("next")));
    String variableName =
            ? variable.getQualifiedName()
            : variable.getFirstChild().getQualifiedName(); // var or let
    Node iterResult = IR.name(ITER_RESULT + variableName);

    Node makeIter =
        IR.call(NodeUtil.newQualifiedNameNode(compiler.getCodingConvention(), MAKE_ITER), iterable);

    Node init = IR.var(iterName.cloneTree(), makeIter);
    Node initIterResult = iterResult.cloneTree();

    Node cond = IR.not(IR.getprop(iterResult.cloneTree(), IR.string("done")));
    Node incr = IR.assign(iterResult.cloneTree(), getNext.cloneTree());
        IR.var(IR.name(variableName), IR.getprop(iterResult.cloneTree(), IR.string("value"))));

    Node newFor = IR.forNode(init, cond, incr, body);
    parent.replaceChild(node, newFor);

  private void checkClassReassignment(Node clazz) {
    Node name = NodeUtil.getClassNameNode(clazz);
    Node enclosingFunction = getEnclosingFunction(clazz);
    if (enclosingFunction == null) {
    CheckClassAssignments checkAssigns = new CheckClassAssignments(name);
    NodeTraversal.traverse(compiler, enclosingFunction, checkAssigns);

  private void visitSuper(Node node, Node parent) {
    Node enclosing = parent;
    Node potentialCallee = node;
    if (!parent.isCall()) {
      enclosing = parent.getParent();
      potentialCallee = parent;
    if (!enclosing.isCall() || enclosing.getFirstChild() != potentialCallee) {
      cannotConvertYet(node, "Only calls to super or to a method of super are supported.");
    Node clazz = NodeUtil.getEnclosingClass(node);
    if (clazz == null) {
      compiler.report(JSError.make(node, NO_SUPERTYPE));
    if (NodeUtil.getClassNameNode(clazz) == null) {
      // Unnamed classes of the form:
      //   f(class extends D { ... });
      // give the problem that there is no name to be used in the call to goog.base for the
      // translation of super calls.
      // This will throw an error when the class is processed.

    Node enclosingMemberDef = NodeUtil.getEnclosingClassMember(node);
    if (enclosingMemberDef.isStaticMember()) {
      Node superName = clazz.getFirstChild().getNext();
      if (!superName.isQualifiedName()) {
        // This has already been reported, just don't need to continue processing the class.
      Node callTarget;
      if (potentialCallee == node) {
        // of the form super()
        potentialCallee =
            IR.getprop(superName.cloneTree(), IR.string(enclosingMemberDef.getString()));
        enclosing.putBooleanProp(Node.FREE_CALL, false);
      } else {
        // of the form super.method()
        potentialCallee.replaceChild(node, superName.cloneTree());
      callTarget = IR.getprop(potentialCallee, IR.string("call"));
      enclosing.addChildAfter(IR.thisNode(), callTarget);

    String methodName;
    Node callName = enclosing.removeFirstChild();
    if (callName.isSuper()) {
      methodName = enclosingMemberDef.getString();
    } else {
      methodName = callName.getLastChild().getString();
    Node baseCall =
        baseCall(clazz, methodName, enclosing.removeChildren())
    enclosing.getParent().replaceChild(enclosing, baseCall);

  private Node baseCall(Node clazz, String methodName, Node arguments) {
    boolean useUnique = NodeUtil.isStatement(clazz) && !isInFunction(clazz);
    String uniqueClassString =
        useUnique ? getUniqueClassName(NodeUtil.getClassName(clazz)) : NodeUtil.getClassName(clazz);
    Node uniqueClassName =
        NodeUtil.newQualifiedNameNode(compiler.getCodingConvention(), uniqueClassString);
    Node base = IR.getprop(uniqueClassName, IR.string("base"));
    Node call = IR.call(base, IR.thisNode(), IR.string(methodName));
    if (arguments != null) {
    return call;

  /** Processes trailing default and rest parameters. */
  private void visitParamList(Node paramList, Node function) {
    Node insertSpot = null;
    Node block = function.getLastChild();
    for (int i = 0; i < paramList.getChildCount(); i++) {
      Node param = paramList.getChildAtIndex(i);
      if (param.isDefaultValue()) {
        Node nameOrPattern = param.removeFirstChild();
        Node defaultValue = param.removeFirstChild();
        Node newParam =
                ? nameOrPattern
                : IR.name(DESTRUCTURING_TEMP_VAR + (destructuringVarCounter++));

        Node lhs = nameOrPattern.cloneTree();
        Node rhs = defaultValueHook(newParam.cloneTree(), defaultValue);
        Node newStatement =
            nameOrPattern.isName() ? IR.exprResult(IR.assign(lhs, rhs)) : IR.var(lhs, rhs);
        block.addChildAfter(newStatement, insertSpot);
        insertSpot = newStatement;

        paramList.replaceChild(param, newParam);

      } else if (param.isRest()) { // rest parameter
        // Transpile to: param = [].slice.call(arguments, i);
        Node newArr =
                            IR.getprop(IR.arraylit(), IR.string("slice")), IR.string("call")),
        block.addChildAfter(newArr.useSourceInfoIfMissingFromForTree(param), insertSpot);
      } else if (param.isDestructuringPattern()) {
        String tempVarName = DESTRUCTURING_TEMP_VAR + (destructuringVarCounter++);
        paramList.replaceChild(param, IR.name(tempVarName));
        Node newDecl = IR.var(param, IR.name(tempVarName));
        block.addChildAfter(newDecl, insertSpot);
        insertSpot = newDecl;
    // For now, we are running transpilation before type-checking, so we'll
    // need to make sure changes don't invalidate the JSDoc annotations.
    // Therefore we keep the parameter list the same length and only initialize
    // the values if they are set to undefined.

   * Processes array literals or calls containing spreads. Eg.: [1, 2, ...x, 4, 5] => [1,
   * 2].concat(x, [4, 5]); Eg.: f(...arr) => f.apply(null, arr) Eg.: new F(...args) => new
   * Function.prototype.bind.apply(F, [].concat(args))
  private void visitArrayLitOrCallWithSpread(Node node, Node parent) {
    Preconditions.checkArgument(node.isCall() || node.isArrayLit() || node.isNew());
    List<Node> groups = new ArrayList<>();
    Node currGroup = null;
    Node callee = node.isArrayLit() ? null : node.removeFirstChild();
    Node currElement = node.removeFirstChild();
    while (currElement != null) {
      if (currElement.isSpread()) {
        if (currGroup != null) {
          currGroup = null;
      } else {
        if (currGroup == null) {
          currGroup = IR.arraylit();
      currElement = node.removeFirstChild();
    if (currGroup != null) {
    Node result = null;
    Node joinedGroups =
            IR.getprop(IR.arraylit(), IR.string("concat")),
            groups.toArray(new Node[groups.size()]));
    if (node.isArrayLit()) {
      result = joinedGroups;
    } else if (node.isCall()) {
      if (NodeUtil.mayHaveSideEffects(callee) && callee.isGetProp()) {
        Node statement = node;
        while (!NodeUtil.isStatement(statement)) {
          statement = statement.getParent();
        Node freshVar = IR.name(FRESH_SPREAD_VAR + compiler.getUniqueNameIdSupplier().get());
        Node n = IR.var(freshVar.cloneTree());
        statement.getParent().addChildBefore(n, statement);
        callee.addChildToFront(IR.assign(freshVar.cloneTree(), callee.removeFirstChild()));
        result = IR.call(IR.getprop(callee, IR.string("apply")), freshVar, joinedGroups);
      } else {
        Node context = callee.isGetProp() ? callee.getFirstChild().cloneTree() : IR.nullNode();
        result = IR.call(IR.getprop(callee, IR.string("apply")), context, joinedGroups);
    } else {
      Node bindApply =
              compiler.getCodingConvention(), "Function.prototype.bind.apply");
      result = IR.newNode(bindApply, callee, joinedGroups);
    parent.replaceChild(node, result);

  private void visitObjectWithComputedProperty(Node obj, Node parent) {
    List<Node> props = new ArrayList<>();
    Node currElement = obj.getFirstChild();

    while (currElement != null) {
      if (currElement.getBooleanProp(Node.COMPUTED_PROP_GETTER)
          || currElement.getBooleanProp(Node.COMPUTED_PROP_SETTER)) {
        cannotConvertYet(currElement, "computed getter/setter");
      } else if (currElement.isGetterDef() || currElement.isSetterDef()) {
        currElement = currElement.getNext();
      } else {
        Node nextNode = currElement.getNext();
        currElement = nextNode;

    String objName = FRESH_COMP_PROP_VAR + compiler.getUniqueNameIdSupplier().get();

    props = Lists.reverse(props);
    Node result = IR.name(objName);
    for (Node propdef : props) {
      if (propdef.isComputedProp()) {
        Node propertyExpression = propdef.removeFirstChild();
        Node value = propdef.removeFirstChild();
        result =
            IR.comma(IR.assign(IR.getelem(IR.name(objName), propertyExpression), value), result);
      } else {
        if (!propdef.hasChildren()) {
          Node name = IR.name(propdef.getString()).copyInformationFrom(propdef);
        Node val = propdef.removeFirstChild();
        int type = propdef.isQuotedString() ? Token.GETELEM : Token.GETPROP;
        Node access = new Node(type, IR.name(objName), propdef);
        result = IR.comma(IR.assign(access, val), result);

    Node statement = obj;
    while (!NodeUtil.isStatement(statement)) {
      statement = statement.getParent();

    parent.replaceChild(obj, result);

    Node var = IR.var(IR.name(objName), obj);
    statement.getParent().addChildBefore(var, statement);

  private void checkClassSuperReferences(Node classNode) {
    Node className = classNode.getFirstChild();
    Node superClassName = className.getNext();
    if (NodeUtil.referencesSuper(classNode) && !superClassName.isQualifiedName()) {
      compiler.report(JSError.make(classNode, NO_SUPERTYPE));

   * Classes are processed in 3 phases: 1) The class name is extracted. 2) Class members are
   * processed and rewritten. 3) The constructor is built.
  private void visitClass(Node classNode, Node parent) {
    // Collect Metadata
    Node className = classNode.getFirstChild();
    Node superClassName = className.getNext();
    Node classMembers = classNode.getLastChild();

    // This is a statement node. We insert methods of the
    // transpiled class after this node.
    Node insertionPoint;

    if (!superClassName.isEmpty() && !superClassName.isQualifiedName()) {
      compiler.report(JSError.make(superClassName, DYNAMIC_EXTENDS_TYPE));

    // The fully qualified name of the class, which will be used in the output.
    // May come from the class itself or the LHS of an assignment.
    String fullClassName = null;

    // Whether the constructor function in the output should be anonymous.
    boolean anonymous;

    // If this is a class statement, or a class expression in a simple
    // assignment or var statement, convert it. In any other case, the
    // code is too dynamic, so just call cannotConvert.
    if (NodeUtil.isStatement(classNode)) {
      fullClassName = className.getString();
      anonymous = false;
      insertionPoint = classNode;
    } else if (parent.isAssign() && parent.getParent().isExprResult()) {
      // Add members after the EXPR_RESULT node:
      // example.C = class {}; example.C.prototype.foo = function() {};
      fullClassName = parent.getFirstChild().getQualifiedName();
      if (fullClassName == null) {
            "Can only convert classes that are declarations or the right hand"
                + " side of a simple assignment.");
      anonymous = true;
      insertionPoint = parent.getParent();
    } else if (parent.isName()) {
      // Add members after the 'var' statement.
      // var C = class {}; C.prototype.foo = function() {};
      fullClassName = parent.getString();
      anonymous = true;
      insertionPoint = parent.getParent();
    } else {
          "Can only convert classes that are declarations or the right hand"
              + " side of a simple assignment.");

    if (!className.isEmpty() && !className.getString().equals(fullClassName)) {
      // cannot bind two class names in the case of: var Foo = class Bar {};
      cannotConvertYet(classNode, "named class in an assignment");

    boolean useUnique = NodeUtil.isStatement(classNode) && !isInFunction(classNode);
    String uniqueFullClassName = useUnique ? getUniqueClassName(fullClassName) : fullClassName;
    String superClassString = superClassName.getQualifiedName();


    Node constructor = null;
    JSDocInfo ctorJSDocInfo = null;
    // Process all members of the class
    for (Node member : classMembers.children()) {
      if (member.isEmpty()) {

      if (member.isMemberDef() && member.getString().equals("constructor")) {
        ctorJSDocInfo = member.getJSDocInfo();
        constructor = member.getFirstChild().detachFromParent();
        if (!anonymous) {
          constructor.replaceChild(constructor.getFirstChild(), className.cloneNode());
      } else {
        Node qualifiedMemberName;
        Node method;
        if (member.isMemberDef()) {
          if (member.isStaticMember()) {
            qualifiedMemberName =
                    Joiner.on(".").join(uniqueFullClassName, member.getString()));
          } else {
            qualifiedMemberName =
                    Joiner.on(".").join(uniqueFullClassName, "prototype", member.getString()));
          method = member.getFirstChild().detachFromParent();
        } else if (member.isComputedProp()) {
          if (member.isStaticMember()) {
            qualifiedMemberName =
                        compiler.getCodingConvention(), uniqueFullClassName),
          } else {
            qualifiedMemberName =
                        Joiner.on('.').join(uniqueFullClassName, "prototype")),
          method = member.getLastChild().detachFromParent();
        } else {
          throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected class member: " + member);
        Node assign = IR.assign(qualifiedMemberName, method);

        JSDocInfo info = member.getJSDocInfo();
        if (member.isStaticMember() && NodeUtil.referencesThis(assign.getLastChild())) {
          JSDocInfoBuilder memberDoc;
          if (info == null) {
            memberDoc = new JSDocInfoBuilder(true);
          } else {
            memberDoc = JSDocInfoBuilder.copyFrom(info);
              new JSTypeExpression(
                  new Node(Token.BANG, new Node(Token.QMARK)), member.getSourceFileName()));
          info = memberDoc.build(assign);
        if (info != null) {

        Node newNode = NodeUtil.newExpr(assign);
        insertionPoint.getParent().addChildAfter(newNode, insertionPoint);
        insertionPoint = newNode;

    // Rewrite constructor
    if (constructor == null) {
      Node body = IR.block();
      if (!superClassName.isEmpty()) {
        Node superCall = baseCall(classNode, "constructor", null);
      Node name = anonymous ? IR.name("").srcref(className) : className.detachFromParent();
      constructor =
          IR.function(name, IR.paramList(), body).useSourceInfoIfMissingFromForTree(classNode);
    JSDocInfo classJSDoc = classNode.getJSDocInfo();
    JSDocInfoBuilder newInfo =
        (classJSDoc != null) ? JSDocInfoBuilder.copyFrom(classJSDoc) : new JSDocInfoBuilder(true);

    if (!superClassName.isEmpty()) {

      if (newInfo.isInterfaceRecorded()) {
            new JSTypeExpression(
                new Node(Token.BANG, IR.string(superClassString)),
      } else {
        Node inherits =
                NodeUtil.newQualifiedNameNode(compiler.getCodingConvention(), INHERITS),
                NodeUtil.newQualifiedNameNode(compiler.getCodingConvention(), fullClassName),
                NodeUtil.newQualifiedNameNode(compiler.getCodingConvention(), superClassString));
        Node inheritsCall = IR.exprResult(inherits);
        Node enclosingStatement = NodeUtil.getEnclosingStatement(classNode);
        enclosingStatement.getParent().addChildAfter(inheritsCall, enclosingStatement);
            new JSTypeExpression(
                new Node(Token.BANG, IR.string(superClassString)),

        Node copyProps =
                NodeUtil.newQualifiedNameNode(compiler.getCodingConvention(), COPY_PROP),
                NodeUtil.newQualifiedNameNode(compiler.getCodingConvention(), fullClassName),
                NodeUtil.newQualifiedNameNode(compiler.getCodingConvention(), superClassString));
            .addChildAfter(IR.exprResult(copyProps).srcref(classNode), enclosingStatement);

    // Classes are @struct by default.
    if (!newInfo.isUnrestrictedRecorded()
        && !newInfo.isDictRecorded()
        && !newInfo.isStructRecorded()) {

    if (ctorJSDocInfo != null) {
      for (String param : ctorJSDocInfo.getParameterNames()) {
        newInfo.recordParameter(param, ctorJSDocInfo.getParameterType(param));
    insertionPoint = constructor;

    if (NodeUtil.isStatement(classNode)) {
      Node ctorVar = IR.var(IR.name(fullClassName), constructor);
      parent.replaceChild(classNode, ctorVar);
    } else {
      parent.replaceChild(classNode, constructor);

    if (NodeUtil.isStatement(constructor)) {
    } else if (parent.isName()) {
      // The constructor function is the RHS of a var statement.
      // Add the JSDoc to the VAR node.
      Node var = parent.getParent();
    } else if (constructor.getParent().isName()) {
      // Is a newly created VAR node.
      Node var = constructor.getParent().getParent();
    } else if (parent.isAssign()) {
      // The constructor function is the RHS of an assignment.
      // Add the JSDoc to the ASSIGN node.
    } else {
      throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected parent node " + parent);


  /** Converts ES6 arrow functions to standard anonymous ES3 functions. */
  private void visitArrowFunction(NodeTraversal t, Node n) {
    Node body = n.getLastChild();
    if (!body.isBlock()) {
      body = IR.block(IR.returnNode(body).srcref(body)).srcref(body);

    UpdateThisAndArgumentsReferences updater = new UpdateThisAndArgumentsReferences();
    NodeTraversal.traverse(compiler, body, updater);
    addVarDecls(t, updater.changedThis, updater.changedArguments);


  private void addVarDecls(NodeTraversal t, boolean addThis, boolean addArguments) {
    Scope scope = t.getScope();
    if (scope.isDeclared(THIS_VAR, false)) {
      addThis = false;
    if (scope.isDeclared(ARGUMENTS_VAR, false)) {
      addArguments = false;

    Node parent = t.getScopeRoot();
    if (parent.isFunction()) {
      // Add the new node at the beginning of the function body.
      parent = parent.getLastChild();
    if (parent.isSyntheticBlock() && parent.getFirstChild().isScript()) {
      // Add the new node inside the SCRIPT node instead of the
      // synthetic block that contains it.
      parent = parent.getFirstChild();

    CompilerInput input = compiler.getInput(parent.getInputId());
    if (addArguments) {
      Node name = IR.name(ARGUMENTS_VAR).srcref(parent);
      Node argumentsVar = IR.var(name, IR.name("arguments").srcref(parent));
      scope.declare(ARGUMENTS_VAR, name, null, input);
    if (addThis) {
      Node name = IR.name(THIS_VAR).srcref(parent);
      Node thisVar = IR.var(name, IR.thisNode().srcref(parent));
      scope.declare(THIS_VAR, name, null, input);

  private static String getUniqueClassName(String qualifiedName) {
    return qualifiedName;

  // TODO(mattloring) move this functionality to scopes once class scopes are computed.
  private static Node getEnclosingFunction(Node n) {
    return NodeUtil.getEnclosingType(n, Token.FUNCTION);

  private static boolean isInFunction(Node n) {
    return getEnclosingFunction(n) != null;

  /** Helper for transpiling DEFAULT_VALUE trees. */
  private static Node defaultValueHook(Node getprop, Node defaultValue) {
    return IR.hook(IR.sheq(getprop, IR.name("undefined")), defaultValue, getprop.cloneTree());

  private static class UpdateThisAndArgumentsReferences implements NodeTraversal.Callback {
    private boolean changedThis = false;
    private boolean changedArguments = false;

    public void visit(NodeTraversal t, Node n, Node parent) {
      if (n.isThis()) {
        Node name = IR.name(THIS_VAR).srcref(n);
        parent.replaceChild(n, name);
        changedThis = true;
      } else if (n.isName() && n.getString().equals("arguments")) {
        Node name = IR.name(ARGUMENTS_VAR).srcref(n);
        parent.replaceChild(n, name);
        changedArguments = true;

    public boolean shouldTraverse(NodeTraversal t, Node n, Node parent) {
      return !n.isFunction() || n.isArrowFunction();

  private class CheckClassAssignments extends NodeTraversal.AbstractPostOrderCallback {
    private Node className;

    public CheckClassAssignments(Node className) {
      this.className = className;

    public void visit(NodeTraversal t, Node n, Node parent) {
      if (!n.isAssign() || n.getFirstChild() == className) {
      if (className.matchesQualifiedName(n.getFirstChild())) {
        compiler.report(JSError.make(n, CLASS_REASSIGNMENT));

  private void cannotConvert(Node n, String message) {
    compiler.report(JSError.make(n, CANNOT_CONVERT, message));

   * Warns the user that the given ES6 feature cannot be converted to ES3 because the transpilation
   * is not yet implemented. A call to this method is essentially a "TODO(tbreisacher): Implement
   * {@code feature}" comment.
  private void cannotConvertYet(Node n, String feature) {
    compiler.report(JSError.make(n, CANNOT_CONVERT_YET, feature));
 * Replace known jQuery aliases and methods with standard conventions so that the compiler
 * recognizes them. Expected replacements include: - jQuery.fn -> jQuery.prototype - jQuery.extend
 * -> expanded into direct object assignments - jQuery.expandedEach -> expand into direct
 * assignments
 * @author [email protected] (Chad Killingsworth)
class ExpandJqueryAliases extends AbstractPostOrderCallback implements CompilerPass {
  private final AbstractCompiler compiler;
  private final CodingConvention convention;
  private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(ExpandJqueryAliases.class.getName());

          "jQuery.expandedEach call cannot be expanded because the first "
              + "argument must be an object literal or an array of strings "
              + "literal.");

          "jQuery.expandedEach expansion would result in the invalid " + "property name \"{0}\".");

  static final DiagnosticType JQUERY_USELESS_EACH_EXPANSION =
          "jQuery.expandedEach was not expanded as no valid property "
              + "assignments were encountered. Consider using jQuery.each instead.");

  private static final Set<String> JQUERY_EXTEND_NAMES =
      ImmutableSet.of("jQuery.extend", "jQuery.fn.extend", "jQuery.prototype.extend");

  private static final String JQUERY_EXPANDED_EACH_NAME = "jQuery.expandedEach";

  private final PeepholeOptimizationsPass peepholePasses;

  ExpandJqueryAliases(AbstractCompiler compiler) {
    this.compiler = compiler;
    this.convention = compiler.getCodingConvention();

    // All of the "early" peephole optimizations.
    // These passes should make the code easier to analyze.
    // Passes, such as StatementFusion, are omitted for this reason.
    final boolean late = false;
    this.peepholePasses =
        new PeepholeOptimizationsPass(
            new PeepholeMinimizeConditions(late),
            new PeepholeSubstituteAlternateSyntax(late),
            new PeepholeReplaceKnownMethods(late),
            new PeepholeRemoveDeadCode(),
            new PeepholeFoldConstants(late),
            new PeepholeCollectPropertyAssignments());

   * Check that Node n is a call to one of the jQuery.extend methods that we can expand. Valid calls
   * are single argument calls where the first argument is an object literal or two argument calls
   * where the first argument is a name and the second argument is an object literal.
  public static boolean isJqueryExtendCall(Node n, String qname, AbstractCompiler compiler) {
    if (JQUERY_EXTEND_NAMES.contains(qname)) {
      Node firstArgument = n.getNext();
      if (firstArgument == null) {
        return false;

      Node secondArgument = firstArgument.getNext();
      if ((firstArgument.isObjectLit() && secondArgument == null)
          || (firstArgument.isName()
              || NodeUtil.isGet(firstArgument)
                  && !NodeUtil.mayHaveSideEffects(firstArgument, compiler)
                  && secondArgument != null
                  && secondArgument.isObjectLit()
                  && secondArgument.getNext() == null)) {
        return true;
    return false;

  public boolean isJqueryExpandedEachCall(Node call, String qName) {
    return call.getFirstChild() != null && JQUERY_EXPANDED_EACH_NAME.equals(qName);

  public void visit(NodeTraversal t, Node n, Node parent) {
    if (n.isGetProp() && convention.isPrototypeAlias(n)) {

    } else if (n.isCall()) {
      Node callTarget = n.getFirstChild();
      String qName = callTarget.getQualifiedName();

      if (isJqueryExtendCall(callTarget, qName, this.compiler)) {

      } else if (isJqueryExpandedEachCall(n, qName)) {
        maybeExpandJqueryEachCall(t, n);

  public void process(Node externs, Node root) {
    logger.fine("Expanding Jquery Aliases");

    NodeTraversal.traverseEs6(compiler, root, this);

  private void maybeReplaceJqueryPrototypeAlias(Node n) {
    // Check to see if this is the assignment of the original alias.
    // If so, leave it intact.
    if (NodeUtil.isLValue(n)) {
      Node maybeAssign = n.getParent();
      while (!NodeUtil.isStatement(maybeAssign) && !maybeAssign.isAssign()) {
        maybeAssign = maybeAssign.getParent();

      if (maybeAssign.isAssign()) {
        maybeAssign = maybeAssign.getParent();
        if (maybeAssign.isBlock() || maybeAssign.isScript() || NodeUtil.isStatement(maybeAssign)) {

    Node fn = n.getLastChild();
    if (fn != null) {
      n.replaceChild(fn, IR.string("prototype").srcref(fn));

   * Expand jQuery.extend (and derivative) calls into direct object assignments Example:
   * jQuery.extend(obj1, {prop1: val1, prop2: val2}) -> obj1.prop1 = val1; obj1.prop2 = val2;
  private void maybeExpandJqueryExtendCall(Node n) {
    Node callTarget = n.getFirstChild();
    Node objectToExtend = callTarget.getNext(); // first argument
    Node extendArg = objectToExtend.getNext(); // second argument
    boolean ensureObjectDefined = true;

    if (extendArg == null) {
      // Only one argument was specified, so extend jQuery namespace
      extendArg = objectToExtend;
      objectToExtend = callTarget.getFirstChild();
      ensureObjectDefined = false;
    } else if (objectToExtend.isGetProp()
        && (objectToExtend.getLastChild().getString().equals("prototype")
            || convention.isPrototypeAlias(objectToExtend))) {
      ensureObjectDefined = false;

    // Check for an empty object literal
    if (!extendArg.hasChildren()) {

    // Since we are expanding jQuery.extend calls into multiple statements,
    // encapsulate the new statements in a new block.
    Node fncBlock = IR.block().srcref(n);

    if (ensureObjectDefined) {
      Node assignVal = IR.or(objectToExtend.cloneTree(), IR.objectlit().srcref(n)).srcref(n);
      Node assign = IR.assign(objectToExtend.cloneTree(), assignVal).srcref(n);

    while (extendArg.hasChildren()) {
      Node currentProp = extendArg.removeFirstChild();

      Node propValue = currentProp.removeFirstChild();

      Node newProp;
      if (currentProp.isQuotedString()) {
        newProp = IR.getelem(objectToExtend.cloneTree(), currentProp).srcref(currentProp);
      } else {
        newProp = IR.getprop(objectToExtend.cloneTree(), currentProp).srcref(currentProp);

      Node assignNode = IR.assign(newProp, propValue).srcref(currentProp);

    // Check to see if the return value is used. If not, replace the original
    // call with new block. Otherwise, wrap the statements in an
    // immediately-called anonymous function.
    if (n.getParent().isExprResult()) {
      Node parent = n.getParent();
      parent.getParent().replaceChild(parent, fncBlock);
    } else {
      Node targetVal;
      if ("jQuery.prototype".equals(objectToExtend.getQualifiedName())) {
        // When extending the jQuery prototype, return the jQuery namespace.
        // This is not commonly used.
        targetVal = objectToExtend.removeFirstChild();
      } else {
        targetVal = objectToExtend.detachFromParent();

      Node fnc = IR.function(IR.name("").srcref(n), IR.paramList().srcref(n), fncBlock).srcref(n);

      // add an explicit "call" statement so that we can maintain
      // the same reference for "this"
      Node newCallTarget = IR.getprop(fnc, IR.string("call").srcref(n)).srcref(n);
      n.replaceChild(callTarget, newCallTarget);
      n.putBooleanProp(Node.FREE_CALL, false);

      // remove any other pre-existing call arguments
      while (newCallTarget.getNext() != null) {

   * Expand a jQuery.expandedEach call
   * <p>Expanded jQuery.expandedEach calls will replace the GETELEM nodes of a property assignment
   * with GETPROP nodes to allow for renaming.
  private void maybeExpandJqueryEachCall(NodeTraversal t, Node n) {
    Node objectToLoopOver = n.getChildAtIndex(1);

    if (objectToLoopOver == null) {

    Node callbackFunction = objectToLoopOver.getNext();
    if (callbackFunction == null || !callbackFunction.isFunction()) {

    // Run the peephole optimizations on the first argument to handle
    // cases like ("a " + "b").split(" ")
    peepholePasses.process(null, n.getChildAtIndex(1));

    // Create a reference tree
    Node nClone = n.cloneTree();

    objectToLoopOver = nClone.getChildAtIndex(1);

    // Check to see if the first argument is something we recognize and can
    // expand.
    if (!objectToLoopOver.isObjectLit()
        && !(objectToLoopOver.isArrayLit() && isArrayLitValidForExpansion(objectToLoopOver))) {
      t.report(n, JQUERY_UNABLE_TO_EXPAND_INVALID_LIT_ERROR, (String) null);

    // Find all references to the callback function arguments
    List<Node> keyNodeReferences = new ArrayList<>();
    List<Node> valueNodeReferences = new ArrayList<>();

    new NodeTraversal(
            new FindCallbackArgumentReferences(
            NodeUtil.getFunctionBody(callbackFunction), callbackFunction, t.getScope());

    if (keyNodeReferences.isEmpty()) {
      // We didn't do anything useful ...
      t.report(n, JQUERY_USELESS_EACH_EXPANSION, (String) null);

    Node fncBlock =
            t, nClone, callbackFunction, keyNodeReferences, valueNodeReferences);

    if (fncBlock != null && fncBlock.hasChildren()) {
      replaceOriginalJqueryEachCall(n, fncBlock);
    } else {
      // We didn't do anything useful ...
      t.report(n, JQUERY_USELESS_EACH_EXPANSION, (String) null);

  private Node tryExpandJqueryEachCall(
      NodeTraversal t, Node n, Node callbackFunction, List<Node> keyNodes, List<Node> valueNodes) {

    Node callTarget = n.getFirstChild();
    Node objectToLoopOver = callTarget.getNext();

    // New block to contain the expanded statements
    Node fncBlock = IR.block().srcref(callTarget);

    boolean isValidExpansion = true;

    // Expand the jQuery.expandedEach call
    Node key = objectToLoopOver.getFirstChild(), val = null;
    for (int i = 0; key != null; key = key.getNext(), i++) {
      if (key != null) {
        if (objectToLoopOver.isArrayLit()) {
          // Arrays have a value of their index number
          val = IR.number(i).srcref(key);
        } else {
          val = key.getFirstChild();

      // Keep track of the replaced nodes so we can reset the tree
      List<Node> newKeys = new ArrayList<>();
      List<Node> newValues = new ArrayList<>();
      List<Node> origGetElems = new ArrayList<>();
      List<Node> newGetProps = new ArrayList<>();

      // Replace all of the key nodes with the prop name
      for (int j = 0; j < keyNodes.size(); j++) {
        Node origNode = keyNodes.get(j);
        Node ancestor = origNode.getParent();

        Node newNode = IR.string(key.getString()).srcref(key);
        ancestor.replaceChild(origNode, newNode);

        // Walk up the tree to see if the key is used in a GETELEM
        // assignment
        while (ancestor != null && !NodeUtil.isStatement(ancestor) && !ancestor.isGetElem()) {
          ancestor = ancestor.getParent();

        // Convert GETELEM nodes to GETPROP nodes so that they can be
        // renamed or removed.
        if (ancestor != null && ancestor.isGetElem()) {

          Node propObject = ancestor;
          while (propObject.isGetProp() || propObject.isGetElem()) {
            propObject = propObject.getFirstChild();

          Node ancestorClone = ancestor.cloneTree();
          // Run the peephole passes to handle cases such as
          // obj['lit' + key] = val;
          peepholePasses.process(null, ancestorClone.getChildAtIndex(1));
          Node prop = ancestorClone.getChildAtIndex(1);

          if (prop.isString()
              && NodeUtil.isValidPropertyName(LanguageMode.ECMASCRIPT3, prop.getString())) {
            Node target = ancestorClone.getFirstChild();
            Node newGetProp = IR.getprop(target.detachFromParent(), prop.detachFromParent());
            ancestor.getParent().replaceChild(ancestor, newGetProp);
          } else {
            if (prop.isString()
                && !NodeUtil.isValidPropertyName(LanguageMode.ECMASCRIPT3, prop.getString())) {
              t.report(n, JQUERY_UNABLE_TO_EXPAND_INVALID_NAME_ERROR, prop.getString());
            isValidExpansion = false;

      if (isValidExpansion) {
        // Replace all of the value nodes with the prop value
        for (int j = 0; val != null && j < valueNodes.size(); j++) {
          Node origNode = valueNodes.get(j);
          Node newNode = val.cloneTree();
          origNode.getParent().replaceChild(origNode, newNode);

        // Wrap the new tree in an anonymous function call
        Node fnc =
        Node call = IR.call(fnc).srcref(key);
        call.putBooleanProp(Node.FREE_CALL, true);

      // Reset the source tree
      for (int j = 0; j < newGetProps.size(); j++) {
        newGetProps.get(j).getParent().replaceChild(newGetProps.get(j), origGetElems.get(j));
      for (int j = 0; j < newKeys.size(); j++) {
        newKeys.get(j).getParent().replaceChild(newKeys.get(j), keyNodes.get(j));
      for (int j = 0; j < newValues.size(); j++) {
        newValues.get(j).getParent().replaceChild(newValues.get(j), valueNodes.get(j));

      if (!isValidExpansion) {
        return null;
    return fncBlock;

  private void replaceOriginalJqueryEachCall(Node n, Node expandedBlock) {
    // Check to see if the return value of the original jQuery.expandedEach
    // call is used. If so, we need to wrap each loop expansion in an anonymous
    // function and return the original objectToLoopOver.
    if (n.getParent().isExprResult()) {
      Node parent = n.getParent();
      Node grandparent = parent.getParent();
      Node insertAfter = parent;
      while (expandedBlock.hasChildren()) {
        Node child = expandedBlock.getFirstChild().detachFromParent();
        grandparent.addChildAfter(child, insertAfter);
        insertAfter = child;
    } else {
      // Return the original object
      Node callTarget = n.getFirstChild();
      Node objectToLoopOver = callTarget.getNext();

      Node ret = IR.returnNode(objectToLoopOver).srcref(callTarget);

      // Wrap all of the expanded loop calls in a new anonymous function
      Node fnc =
              IR.name("").srcref(callTarget), IR.paramList().srcref(callTarget), expandedBlock);
      n.replaceChild(callTarget, fnc);
      n.putBooleanProp(Node.FREE_CALL, true);

      // remove any other pre-existing call arguments
      while (fnc.getNext() != null) {

  private boolean isArrayLitValidForExpansion(Node n) {
    Iterator<Node> iter = n.children().iterator();
    while (iter.hasNext()) {
      Node child = iter.next();
      if (!child.isString()) {
        return false;
    return true;

   * Given a jQuery.expandedEach callback function, traverse it and collect any references to its
   * parameter names.
  static class FindCallbackArgumentReferences extends AbstractPostOrderCallback
      implements ScopedCallback {

    private final String keyName;
    private final String valueName;
    private Scope startingScope;
    private List<Node> keyReferences;
    private List<Node> valueReferences;

        Node functionRoot,
        List<Node> keyReferences,
        List<Node> valueReferences,
        boolean useArrayMode) {

      String keyString = null, valueString = null;
      Node callbackParams = NodeUtil.getFunctionParameters(functionRoot);
      Node param = callbackParams.getFirstChild();
      if (param != null) {
        keyString = param.getString();

        param = param.getNext();
        if (param != null) {
          valueString = param.getString();

      this.keyName = keyString;
      this.valueName = valueString;

      // For arrays, the keyString is the index number of the element.
      // We're interested in the value of the element instead
      if (useArrayMode) {
        this.keyReferences = valueReferences;
        this.valueReferences = keyReferences;
      } else {
        this.keyReferences = keyReferences;
        this.valueReferences = valueReferences;

      this.startingScope = null;

    private boolean isShadowed(String name, Scope scope) {
      Var nameVar = scope.getVar(name);
      return nameVar != null && nameVar.getScope() != this.startingScope;

    public void visit(NodeTraversal t, Node n, Node parent) {
      // In the top scope, "this" is a reference to "value"
      boolean isThis = false;
      if (t.getScope().getClosestHoistScope() == this.startingScope) {
        isThis = n.isThis();

      if (isThis || n.isName() && !isShadowed(n.getString(), t.getScope())) {
        String nodeValue = isThis ? null : n.getString();
        if (!isThis && keyName != null && nodeValue.equals(keyName)) {
        } else if (isThis || (valueName != null && nodeValue.equals(valueName))) {

     * As we enter each scope, make sure that the scope doesn't define a local variable with the
     * same name as our original callback method parameter names.
    public void enterScope(NodeTraversal t) {
      if (this.startingScope == null) {
        this.startingScope = t.getScope();

    public void exitScope(NodeTraversal t) {}
 * Rewrites "Polymer({})" calls into a form that is suitable for type checking and dead code
 * elimination. Also ensures proper format and types.
 * <p>Only works with Polymer version: 0.8
 * @author [email protected] (Jeremy Klein)
final class PolymerPass extends AbstractPostOrderCallback implements HotSwapCompilerPass {

  // TODO(jlklein): Switch back to an error when everyone is upgraded to Polymer 1.0
  static final DiagnosticType POLYMER_DESCRIPTOR_NOT_VALID =
          "The argument to Polymer() is not an obj lit (perhaps because this is a pre-Polymer-1.0 "
              + "call). Ignoring this call.");

  static final DiagnosticType POLYMER_INVALID_DECLARATION =
          "JSC_POLYMER_INVALID_DECLARAION", "A Polymer() declaration cannot use 'let' or 'const'.");

  // Errors
  static final DiagnosticType POLYMER_MISSING_IS =
          "JSC_POLYMER_MISSING_IS", "The class descriptor must include an 'is' property.");

  static final DiagnosticType POLYMER_UNEXPECTED_PARAMS =
          "JSC_POLYMER_UNEXPECTED_PARAMS", "The class definition has too many arguments.");

  static final DiagnosticType POLYMER_MISSING_EXTERNS =
      DiagnosticType.error("JSC_POLYMER_MISSING_EXTERNS", "Missing Polymer externs.");

  static final DiagnosticType POLYMER_INVALID_PROPERTY =
          "JSC_POLYMER_INVALID_PROPERTY", "Polymer property has an invalid or missing type.");

  static final DiagnosticType POLYMER_INVALID_BEHAVIOR_ARRAY =
          "JSC_POLYMER_INVALID_BEHAVIOR_ARRAY", "The behaviors property must be an array literal.");

  static final DiagnosticType POLYMER_UNQUALIFIED_BEHAVIOR =
          "Behaviors must be global, fully qualified names which are declared as object literals or "
              + "array literals of other valid Behaviors.");

  static final DiagnosticType POLYMER_UNANNOTATED_BEHAVIOR =
          "Behavior declarations must be annotated with @polymerBehavior.");

  static final DiagnosticType POLYMER_SHORTHAND_NOT_SUPPORTED =
          "Shorthand assignment in object literal is not allowed in " + "Polymer call arguments");

  static final String VIRTUAL_FILE = "<PolymerPass.java>";

  private final AbstractCompiler compiler;
  private Node polymerElementExterns;
  private Set<String> nativeExternsAdded;
  private final Map<String, String> tagNameMap;
  private List<Node> polymerElementProps;
  private final ImmutableSet<String> behaviorNamesNotToCopy;
  private GlobalNamespace globalNames;

  public PolymerPass(AbstractCompiler compiler) {
    this.compiler = compiler;
    tagNameMap = TagNameToType.getMap();
    polymerElementProps = new ArrayList<>();
    nativeExternsAdded = new HashSet<>();
    behaviorNamesNotToCopy =

  public void process(Node externs, Node root) {
    FindPolymerExterns externsCallback = new FindPolymerExterns();
    NodeTraversal.traverse(compiler, externs, externsCallback);
    polymerElementExterns = externsCallback.polymerElementExterns;
    polymerElementProps = externsCallback.getpolymerElementProps();

    if (polymerElementExterns == null) {
      compiler.report(JSError.make(externs, POLYMER_MISSING_EXTERNS));

    globalNames = new GlobalNamespace(compiler, externs, root);

    hotSwapScript(root, null);

  /** Finds the externs for the PolymerElement base class and all of its properties. */
  private static class FindPolymerExterns extends AbstractPostOrderCallback {
    private Node polymerElementExterns;
    private ImmutableList.Builder<Node> polymerElementProps;
    private static final String POLYMER_ELEMENT_NAME = "PolymerElement";

    public FindPolymerExterns() {
      polymerElementProps = ImmutableList.builder();

    public void visit(NodeTraversal t, Node n, Node parent) {
      if (isPolymerElementExterns(n)) {
        polymerElementExterns = n;
      } else if (isPolymerElementPropExpr(n)) {

    /** @return Whether the node is the declaration of PolymerElement. */
    private boolean isPolymerElementExterns(Node value) {
      return value != null
          && value.isVar()
          && value.getFirstChild().matchesQualifiedName(POLYMER_ELEMENT_NAME);

     * @return Whether the node is an expression result of an assignment to a property of
     *     PolymerElement.
    private boolean isPolymerElementPropExpr(Node value) {
      return value != null
          && value.isExprResult()
          && value.getFirstChild().getFirstChild().isGetProp()
          && NodeUtil.getRootOfQualifiedName(value.getFirstChild().getFirstChild())

    public List<Node> getpolymerElementProps() {
      return polymerElementProps.build();

   * For every Polymer Behavior, strip property type annotations and add suppress checktypes on
   * functions.
  private static class SuppressBehaviors extends AbstractPostOrderCallback {
    private final AbstractCompiler compiler;

    public SuppressBehaviors(AbstractCompiler compiler) {
      this.compiler = compiler;

    public void visit(NodeTraversal t, Node n, Node parent) {
      if (isBehavior(n)) {
        if (!n.isVar() && !n.isAssign()) {
          compiler.report(JSError.make(n, POLYMER_UNQUALIFIED_BEHAVIOR));

        // Add @nocollapse.
        JSDocInfoBuilder newDocs = JSDocInfoBuilder.maybeCopyFrom(n.getJSDocInfo());

        Node behaviorValue = n.getChildAtIndex(1);
        if (n.isVar()) {
          behaviorValue = n.getFirstChild().getFirstChild();

    /** @return Whether the node is the declaration of a Behavior. */
    private boolean isBehavior(Node value) {
      return value.getJSDocInfo() != null && value.getJSDocInfo().isPolymerBehavior();

    /** Strip property type annotations and add suppress checkTypes and globalThis on functions. */
    private void suppressBehavior(Node behaviorValue) {
      if (behaviorValue == null) {
        compiler.report(JSError.make(behaviorValue, POLYMER_UNQUALIFIED_BEHAVIOR));

      if (behaviorValue.isArrayLit()) {
        for (Node child : behaviorValue.children()) {
      } else if (behaviorValue.isObjectLit()) {

    private void stripPropertyTypes(Node behaviorValue) {
      List<MemberDefinition> properties = extractProperties(behaviorValue);
      for (MemberDefinition property : properties) {

    private void suppressDefaultValues(Node behaviorValue) {
      for (MemberDefinition property : extractProperties(behaviorValue)) {
        if (!property.value.isObjectLit()) {

        Node defaultValue = NodeUtil.getFirstPropMatchingKey(property.value, "value");
        if (defaultValue == null || !defaultValue.isFunction()) {
        Node defaultValueKey = defaultValue.getParent();
        JSDocInfoBuilder suppressDoc =

    private void addBehaviorSuppressions(Node behaviorValue) {
      for (Node keyNode : behaviorValue.children()) {
        if (keyNode.getFirstChild().isFunction()) {
          JSDocInfoBuilder suppressDoc = new JSDocInfoBuilder(true);

  public void hotSwapScript(Node scriptRoot, Node originalRoot) {
    NodeTraversal.traverse(compiler, scriptRoot, this);
    SuppressBehaviors suppressBehaviorsCallback = new SuppressBehaviors(compiler);
    NodeTraversal.traverse(compiler, scriptRoot, suppressBehaviorsCallback);

  public void visit(NodeTraversal t, Node n, Node parent) {
    if (isPolymerCall(n)) {
      rewriteClassDefinition(n, parent, t);

  private void rewriteClassDefinition(Node n, Node parent, NodeTraversal t) {
    if (parent.getParent().isConst() || parent.getParent().isLet()) {
      compiler.report(JSError.make(n, POLYMER_INVALID_DECLARATION));
    ClassDefinition def = extractClassDefinition(n);
    if (def != null) {
      if (NodeUtil.isNameDeclaration(parent.getParent()) || parent.isAssign()) {
        rewritePolymerClass(parent.getParent(), def, t);
      } else {
        rewritePolymerClass(parent, def, t);

  private static class MemberDefinition {
    final JSDocInfo info;
    final Node name;
    final Node value;

    MemberDefinition(JSDocInfo info, Node name, Node value) {
      this.info = info;
      this.name = name;
      this.value = value;

  private static final class BehaviorDefinition {
    final List<MemberDefinition> props;
    final List<MemberDefinition> functionsToCopy;
    final List<MemberDefinition> nonPropertyMembersToCopy;
    final boolean isGlobalDeclaration;

        List<MemberDefinition> props,
        List<MemberDefinition> functionsToCopy,
        List<MemberDefinition> nonPropertyMembersToCopy,
        boolean isGlobalDeclaration) {
      this.props = props;
      this.functionsToCopy = functionsToCopy;
      this.nonPropertyMembersToCopy = nonPropertyMembersToCopy;
      this.isGlobalDeclaration = isGlobalDeclaration;

  private static final class ClassDefinition {
    /** The target node (LHS) for the Polymer element definition. */
    final Node target;

    /** The object literal passed to the call to the Polymer() function. */
    final Node descriptor;

    /** The constructor function for the element. */
    final MemberDefinition constructor;

    /** The name of the native HTML element which this element extends. */
    final String nativeBaseElement;

    /** Properties declared in the Polymer "properties" block. */
    final List<MemberDefinition> props;

    /** Flattened list of behavior definitions used by this element. */
    final List<BehaviorDefinition> behaviors;

        Node target,
        Node descriptor,
        JSDocInfo classInfo,
        MemberDefinition constructor,
        String nativeBaseElement,
        List<MemberDefinition> props,
        List<BehaviorDefinition> behaviors) {
      this.target = target;
      this.descriptor = descriptor;
      this.constructor = constructor;
      this.nativeBaseElement = nativeBaseElement;
      this.props = props;
      this.behaviors = behaviors;

   * Validates the class definition and if valid, destructively extracts the class definition from
   * the AST.
  private ClassDefinition extractClassDefinition(Node callNode) {
    Node descriptor = NodeUtil.getArgumentForCallOrNew(callNode, 0);
    if (descriptor == null || !descriptor.isObjectLit()) {
      // report bad class definition
      compiler.report(JSError.make(callNode, POLYMER_DESCRIPTOR_NOT_VALID));
      return null;

    int paramCount = callNode.getChildCount() - 1;
    if (paramCount != 1) {
      compiler.report(JSError.make(callNode, POLYMER_UNEXPECTED_PARAMS));
      return null;

    Node elName = NodeUtil.getFirstPropMatchingKey(descriptor, "is");
    if (elName == null) {
      compiler.report(JSError.make(callNode, POLYMER_MISSING_IS));
      return null;

    String elNameString = CaseFormat.LOWER_HYPHEN.to(CaseFormat.UPPER_CAMEL, elName.getString());
    elNameString += "Element";

    Node target;
    if (NodeUtil.isNameDeclaration(callNode.getParent().getParent())) {
      target = IR.name(callNode.getParent().getString());
    } else if (callNode.getParent().isAssign()) {
      target = callNode.getParent().getFirstChild().cloneTree();
    } else {
      target = IR.name(elNameString);

    JSDocInfo classInfo = NodeUtil.getBestJSDocInfo(target);

    JSDocInfo ctorInfo = null;
    Node constructor = NodeUtil.getFirstPropMatchingKey(descriptor, "factoryImpl");
    if (constructor == null) {
      constructor = IR.function(IR.name(""), IR.paramList(), IR.block());
    } else {
      ctorInfo = NodeUtil.getBestJSDocInfo(constructor);

    Node baseClass = NodeUtil.getFirstPropMatchingKey(descriptor, "extends");
    String nativeBaseElement = baseClass == null ? null : baseClass.getString();

    Node behaviorArray = NodeUtil.getFirstPropMatchingKey(descriptor, "behaviors");
    List<BehaviorDefinition> behaviors = extractBehaviors(behaviorArray);
    List<MemberDefinition> allProperties = new LinkedList<>();
    for (BehaviorDefinition behavior : behaviors) {
      overwriteMembersIfPresent(allProperties, behavior.props);
    overwriteMembersIfPresent(allProperties, extractProperties(descriptor));

    ClassDefinition def =
        new ClassDefinition(
            new MemberDefinition(ctorInfo, null, constructor),
    return def;

   * Appends a list of new MemberDefinitions to the end of a list and removes any previous
   * MemberDefinition in the list which has the same name as the new member.
  private static void overwriteMembersIfPresent(
      List<MemberDefinition> list, List<MemberDefinition> newMembers) {
    for (MemberDefinition newMember : newMembers) {
      for (MemberDefinition member : list) {
        if (member.name.getString().equals(newMember.name.getString())) {

   * Extracts all Behaviors from an array recursively. The array must be an array literal whose
   * value is known at compile-time. Entries in the array can be object literals or array literals
   * (of other behaviors). Behavior names must be global, fully qualified names.
   * @see https://github.com/Polymer/polymer/blob/0.8-preview/PRIMER.md#behaviors
   * @return A list of all {@code BehaviorDefinitions} in the array.
  private List<BehaviorDefinition> extractBehaviors(Node behaviorArray) {
    if (behaviorArray == null) {
      return ImmutableList.of();

    if (!behaviorArray.isArrayLit()) {
      compiler.report(JSError.make(behaviorArray, POLYMER_INVALID_BEHAVIOR_ARRAY));
      return ImmutableList.of();

    ImmutableList.Builder<BehaviorDefinition> behaviors = ImmutableList.builder();
    for (Node behaviorName : behaviorArray.children()) {
      if (behaviorName.isObjectLit()) {
            new BehaviorDefinition(

      Name behaviorGlobalName = globalNames.getSlot(behaviorName.getQualifiedName());
      boolean isGlobalDeclaration = true;
      if (behaviorGlobalName == null) {
        compiler.report(JSError.make(behaviorName, POLYMER_UNQUALIFIED_BEHAVIOR));

      Ref behaviorDeclaration = behaviorGlobalName.getDeclaration();

      // Use any set as a backup declaration, even if it's local.
      if (behaviorDeclaration == null) {
        List<Ref> behaviorRefs = behaviorGlobalName.getRefs();
        for (Ref ref : behaviorRefs) {
          if (ref.isSet()) {
            isGlobalDeclaration = false;
            behaviorDeclaration = ref;

      if (behaviorDeclaration == null) {
        compiler.report(JSError.make(behaviorName, POLYMER_UNQUALIFIED_BEHAVIOR));

      Node behaviorDeclarationNode = behaviorDeclaration.getNode();
      JSDocInfo behaviorInfo = NodeUtil.getBestJSDocInfo(behaviorDeclarationNode);
      if (behaviorInfo == null || !behaviorInfo.isPolymerBehavior()) {
        compiler.report(JSError.make(behaviorDeclarationNode, POLYMER_UNANNOTATED_BEHAVIOR));

      Node behaviorValue = NodeUtil.getRValueOfLValue(behaviorDeclarationNode);

      if (behaviorValue == null) {
        compiler.report(JSError.make(behaviorName, POLYMER_UNQUALIFIED_BEHAVIOR));
      } else if (behaviorValue.isArrayLit()) {
        // Individual behaviors can also be arrays of behaviors. Parse them recursively.
      } else if (behaviorValue.isObjectLit()) {
            new BehaviorDefinition(
      } else {
        compiler.report(JSError.make(behaviorName, POLYMER_UNQUALIFIED_BEHAVIOR));

    return behaviors.build();

   * @return A list of functions from a behavior which should be copied to the element prototype.
  private List<MemberDefinition> getBehaviorFunctionsToCopy(Node behaviorObjLit) {
    ImmutableList.Builder<MemberDefinition> functionsToCopy = ImmutableList.builder();

    for (Node keyNode : behaviorObjLit.children()) {
      if ((keyNode.isStringKey() && keyNode.getFirstChild().isFunction()
              || keyNode.isMemberFunctionDef())
          && !behaviorNamesNotToCopy.contains(keyNode.getString())) {
            new MemberDefinition(
                NodeUtil.getBestJSDocInfo(keyNode), keyNode, keyNode.getFirstChild()));

    return functionsToCopy.build();

   * @return A list of MemberDefinitions in a behavior which are not in the properties block, but
   *     should still be copied to the element prototype.
  private List<MemberDefinition> getNonPropertyMembersToCopy(Node behaviorObjLit) {
    ImmutableList.Builder<MemberDefinition> membersToCopy = ImmutableList.builder();

    for (Node keyNode : behaviorObjLit.children()) {
      if (keyNode.isGetterDef()
          || (keyNode.isStringKey()
              && !keyNode.getFirstChild().isFunction()
              && !behaviorNamesNotToCopy.contains(keyNode.getString()))) {
            new MemberDefinition(
                NodeUtil.getBestJSDocInfo(keyNode), keyNode, keyNode.getFirstChild()));

    return membersToCopy.build();

  private static List<MemberDefinition> extractProperties(Node descriptor) {
    Node properties = NodeUtil.getFirstPropMatchingKey(descriptor, "properties");
    if (properties == null) {
      return ImmutableList.of();

    ImmutableList.Builder<MemberDefinition> members = ImmutableList.builder();
    for (Node keyNode : properties.children()) {
          new MemberDefinition(
              NodeUtil.getBestJSDocInfo(keyNode), keyNode, keyNode.getFirstChild()));
    return members.build();

  private void rewritePolymerClass(Node exprRoot, final ClassDefinition cls, NodeTraversal t) {
    // Add {@code @lends} to the object literal.
    Node call = exprRoot.getFirstChild();
    if (call.isAssign()) {
      call = call.getChildAtIndex(1);
    } else if (call.isName()) {
      call = call.getFirstChild();

    Node objLit = cls.descriptor;
    if (hasShorthandAssignment(objLit)) {
      compiler.report(JSError.make(objLit, POLYMER_SHORTHAND_NOT_SUPPORTED));

    JSDocInfoBuilder objLitDoc = new JSDocInfoBuilder(true);
    objLitDoc.recordLends(cls.target.getQualifiedName() + ".prototype");

    this.addTypesToFunctions(objLit, cls.target.getQualifiedName());

    // For simplicity add everything into a block, before adding it to the AST.
    Node block = IR.block();

    if (cls.nativeBaseElement != null) {
    JSDocInfoBuilder constructorDoc = this.getConstructorDoc(cls);

    // Remove the original constructor JS docs from the objlit.
    Node ctorKey = cls.constructor.value.getParent();
    if (ctorKey != null) {

    if (cls.target.isGetProp()) {
      // foo.bar = Polymer({...});
      Node assign = IR.assign(cls.target.cloneTree(), cls.constructor.value.cloneTree());
      Node exprResult = IR.exprResult(assign);
    } else {
      // var foo = Polymer({...}); OR Polymer({...});
      Node var = IR.var(cls.target.cloneTree(), cls.constructor.value.cloneTree());

    appendPropertiesToBlock(cls, block, cls.target.getQualifiedName() + ".prototype.");
    appendBehaviorMembersToBlock(cls, block);
    List<MemberDefinition> readOnlyProps = parseReadOnlyProperties(cls, block);
    addInterfaceExterns(cls, readOnlyProps);

    Node stmts = block.removeChildren();
    Node parent = exprRoot.getParent();

    // If the call to Polymer() is not in the global scope and the assignment target is not
    // namespaced (which likely means it's exported to the global scope), put the type declaration
    // into the global scope at the start of the current script.
    // This avoids unknown type warnings which are a result of the compiler's poor understanding of
    // types declared inside IIFEs or any non-global scope. We should revisit this decision after
    // moving to the new type inference system which should be able to infer these types better.
    if (!t.getScope().isGlobal() && !cls.target.isGetProp()) {
      Node scriptNode = NodeUtil.getEnclosingScript(exprRoot);
    } else {
      Node beforeRoot = parent.getChildBefore(exprRoot);
      if (beforeRoot == null) {
      } else {
        parent.addChildrenAfter(stmts, beforeRoot);

    if (exprRoot.isVar()) {
      Node assignExpr = varToAssign(exprRoot);
      parent.replaceChild(exprRoot, assignExpr);


  /** Add an @this annotation to all functions in the objLit. */
  private void addTypesToFunctions(Node objLit, String thisType) {
    for (Node keyNode : objLit.children()) {
      Node value = keyNode.getLastChild();
      if (value != null && value.isFunction()) {
        JSDocInfoBuilder fnDoc = JSDocInfoBuilder.maybeCopyFrom(keyNode.getJSDocInfo());
            new JSTypeExpression(new Node(Token.BANG, IR.string(thisType)), VIRTUAL_FILE));

    // Add @this and @return to default property values.
    for (MemberDefinition property : extractProperties(objLit)) {
      if (!property.value.isObjectLit()) {
      if (hasShorthandAssignment(property.value)) {
        compiler.report(JSError.make(property.value, POLYMER_SHORTHAND_NOT_SUPPORTED));

      Node defaultValue = NodeUtil.getFirstPropMatchingKey(property.value, "value");
      if (defaultValue == null || !defaultValue.isFunction()) {
      Node defaultValueKey = defaultValue.getParent();
      JSDocInfoBuilder fnDoc = JSDocInfoBuilder.maybeCopyFrom(defaultValueKey.getJSDocInfo());
          new JSTypeExpression(new Node(Token.BANG, IR.string(thisType)), VIRTUAL_FILE));

  /** Switches all "this.$.foo" to "this.$['foo']". */
  private void switchDollarSignPropsToBrackets(Node objLit) {
    for (Node keyNode : objLit.children()) {
      Node value = keyNode.getFirstChild();
      if (value != null && value.isFunction()) {
            new NodeUtil.Visitor() {
              public void visit(Node n) {
                if (n.isString()
                    && n.getString().equals("$")
                    && n.getParent().isGetProp()
                    && n.getParent().getParent().isGetProp()) {
                  Node dollarChildProp = n.getParent().getParent();

   * Makes sure that the keys for listeners and hostAttributes blocks are quoted to avoid renaming.
  private void quoteListenerAndHostAttributeKeys(Node objLit) {
    for (Node keyNode : objLit.children()) {
      if (keyNode.isComputedProp()) {
      if (!keyNode.getString().equals("listeners")
          && !keyNode.getString().equals("hostAttributes")) {
      for (Node keyToQuote : keyNode.getFirstChild().children()) {

  /** Appends all properties in the ClassDefinition to the prototype of the custom element. */
  private void appendPropertiesToBlock(final ClassDefinition cls, Node block, String basePath) {
    for (MemberDefinition prop : cls.props) {
      Node propertyNode =
          IR.exprResult(NodeUtil.newQName(compiler, basePath + prop.name.getString()));
      JSDocInfoBuilder info = JSDocInfoBuilder.maybeCopyFrom(prop.info);

      JSTypeExpression propType = getTypeFromProperty(prop);
      if (propType == null) {


  /** Remove all JSDocs from properties of a class definition */
  private void removePropertyDocs(final Node objLit) {
    for (MemberDefinition prop : extractProperties(objLit)) {

  /** Appends all required behavior functions and non-property members to the given block. */
  private void appendBehaviorMembersToBlock(final ClassDefinition cls, Node block) {
    String qualifiedPath = cls.target.getQualifiedName() + ".prototype.";
    Map<String, Node> nameToExprResult = new HashMap<>();
    for (BehaviorDefinition behavior : cls.behaviors) {
      for (MemberDefinition behaviorFunction : behavior.functionsToCopy) {
        String fnName = behaviorFunction.name.getString();
        // Don't copy functions already defined by the element itself.
        if (NodeUtil.getFirstPropMatchingKey(cls.descriptor, fnName) != null) {

        // Avoid copying over the same function twice. The last definition always wins.
        if (nameToExprResult.containsKey(fnName)) {

        Node fnValue = behaviorFunction.value.cloneTree();
        Node exprResult =
            IR.exprResult(IR.assign(NodeUtil.newQName(compiler, qualifiedPath + fnName), fnValue));
        JSDocInfoBuilder info = JSDocInfoBuilder.maybeCopyFrom(behaviorFunction.info);

        // Behaviors whose declarations are not in the global scope may contain references to
        // symbols which do not exist in the element's scope. Only copy a function stub. See
        if (!behavior.isGlobalDeclaration) {

        nameToExprResult.put(fnName, exprResult);

      // Copy other members.
      for (MemberDefinition behaviorProp : behavior.nonPropertyMembersToCopy) {
        String propName = behaviorProp.name.getString();
        if (nameToExprResult.containsKey(propName)) {

        Node exprResult = IR.exprResult(NodeUtil.newQName(compiler, qualifiedPath + propName));
        JSDocInfoBuilder info = JSDocInfoBuilder.maybeCopyFrom(behaviorProp.info);

        if (behaviorProp.name.isGetterDef()) {
          info = new JSDocInfoBuilder(true);
          if (behaviorProp.info != null && behaviorProp.info.getReturnType() != null) {

        nameToExprResult.put(propName, exprResult);

   * Generates the _set* setters for readonly properties and appends them to the given block.
   * @return A List of all readonly properties.
  private List<MemberDefinition> parseReadOnlyProperties(final ClassDefinition cls, Node block) {
    String qualifiedPath = cls.target.getQualifiedName() + ".prototype.";
    ImmutableList.Builder<MemberDefinition> readOnlyProps = ImmutableList.builder();

    for (MemberDefinition prop : cls.props) {
      // Generate the setter for readOnly properties.
      if (prop.value.isObjectLit()) {
        Node readOnlyValue = NodeUtil.getFirstPropMatchingKey(prop.value, "readOnly");
        if (readOnlyValue != null && readOnlyValue.isTrue()) {
          block.addChildToBack(makeReadOnlySetter(prop.name.getString(), qualifiedPath));

    return readOnlyProps.build();

   * Gets the JSTypeExpression for a given property using its "type" key.
   * @see https://github.com/Polymer/polymer/blob/0.8-preview/PRIMER.md#configuring-properties
  private JSTypeExpression getTypeFromProperty(MemberDefinition property) {
    if (property.info != null && property.info.hasType()) {
      return property.info.getType();

    String typeString = "";
    if (property.value.isObjectLit()) {
      Node typeValue = NodeUtil.getFirstPropMatchingKey(property.value, "type");
      if (typeValue == null || !typeValue.isName()) {
        compiler.report(JSError.make(property.name, POLYMER_INVALID_PROPERTY));
        return null;
      typeString = typeValue.getString();
    } else if (property.value.isName()) {
      typeString = property.value.getString();

    Node typeNode = null;
    switch (typeString) {
      case "Boolean":
      case "String":
      case "Number":
        typeNode = IR.string(typeString.toLowerCase());
      case "Array":
      case "Function":
      case "Object":
      case "Date":
        typeNode = new Node(Token.BANG, IR.string(typeString));
        compiler.report(JSError.make(property.name, POLYMER_INVALID_PROPERTY));
        return null;

    return new JSTypeExpression(typeNode, VIRTUAL_FILE);

   * Adds the generated setter for a readonly property.
   * @see https://www.polymer-project.org/0.8/docs/devguide/properties.html#read-only
  private Node makeReadOnlySetter(String propName, String qualifiedPath) {
    String setterName = "_set" + propName.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + propName.substring(1);
    Node fnNode = IR.function(IR.name(""), IR.paramList(IR.name(propName)), IR.block());
    Node exprResNode =
        IR.exprResult(IR.assign(NodeUtil.newQName(compiler, qualifiedPath + setterName), fnNode));

    JSDocInfoBuilder info = new JSDocInfoBuilder(true);
    // This is overriding a generated function which was added to the interface in
    // {@code addInterfaceExterns}.

    return exprResNode;

   * Duplicates the PolymerElement externs with a different element base class if needed. For
   * example, if the base class is HTMLInputElement, then a class PolymerInputElement will be added.
   * If the element does not extend a native HTML element, this method is a no-op.
  private void appendPolymerElementExterns(final ClassDefinition cls) {
    if (!nativeExternsAdded.add(cls.nativeBaseElement)) {

    Node block = IR.block();

    Node baseExterns = polymerElementExterns.cloneTree();
    String polymerElementType = getPolymerElementType(cls);

    String elementType = tagNameMap.get(cls.nativeBaseElement);
    JSTypeExpression elementBaseType =
        new JSTypeExpression(new Node(Token.BANG, IR.string(elementType)), VIRTUAL_FILE);
    JSDocInfoBuilder baseDocs = JSDocInfoBuilder.copyFrom(baseExterns.getJSDocInfo());

    for (Node baseProp : polymerElementProps) {
      Node newProp = baseProp.cloneTree();
      Node newPropRootName =

    Node parent = polymerElementExterns.getParent();
    Node stmts = block.removeChildren();
    parent.addChildrenAfter(stmts, polymerElementExterns);


   * Adds an interface for the given ClassDefinition to externs. This allows generated setter
   * functions for read-only properties to avoid renaming altogether.
   * @see https://www.polymer-project.org/0.8/docs/devguide/properties.html#read-only
  private void addInterfaceExterns(
      final ClassDefinition cls, List<MemberDefinition> readOnlyProps) {
    Node block = IR.block();

    String interfaceName = getInterfaceName(cls);
    Node fnNode = IR.function(IR.name(""), IR.paramList(), IR.block());
    Node varNode = IR.var(NodeUtil.newQName(compiler, interfaceName), fnNode);

    JSDocInfoBuilder info = new JSDocInfoBuilder(true);

    appendPropertiesToBlock(cls, block, interfaceName + ".prototype.");
    for (MemberDefinition prop : readOnlyProps) {
      // Add all _set* functions to avoid renaming.
      String propName = prop.name.getString();
      String setterName = "_set" + propName.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + propName.substring(1);
      Node setterExprNode =
          IR.exprResult(NodeUtil.newQName(compiler, interfaceName + ".prototype." + setterName));

      JSDocInfoBuilder setterInfo = new JSDocInfoBuilder(true);
      JSTypeExpression propType = getTypeFromProperty(prop);
      setterInfo.recordParameter(propName, propType);


    Node parent = polymerElementExterns.getParent();
    Node stmts = block.removeChildren();


  /** @return The name of the generated extern interface which the element implements. */
  private String getInterfaceName(final ClassDefinition cls) {
    return "Polymer" + cls.target.getQualifiedName().replaceAll("\\.", "_") + "Interface";

  /** @return The proper constructor doc for the Polymer call. */
  private JSDocInfoBuilder getConstructorDoc(final ClassDefinition cls) {
    JSDocInfoBuilder constructorDoc = JSDocInfoBuilder.maybeCopyFrom(cls.constructor.info);

    JSTypeExpression baseType =
        new JSTypeExpression(
            new Node(Token.BANG, IR.string(getPolymerElementType(cls))), VIRTUAL_FILE);

    String interfaceName = getInterfaceName(cls);
    JSTypeExpression interfaceType =
        new JSTypeExpression(new Node(Token.BANG, IR.string(interfaceName)), VIRTUAL_FILE);

    return constructorDoc;

  /** @return An assign replacing the equivalent var declaration. */
  private static Node varToAssign(Node var) {
    Node assign =
        IR.assign(IR.name(var.getFirstChild().getString()), var.getFirstChild().removeFirstChild());
    return IR.exprResult(assign).useSourceInfoFromForTree(var);

  /** @return The PolymerElement type string for a class definition. */
  private static String getPolymerElementType(final ClassDefinition cls) {
    return String.format(
        cls.nativeBaseElement == null
            ? ""
            : CaseFormat.LOWER_HYPHEN.to(CaseFormat.UPPER_CAMEL, cls.nativeBaseElement));

  /** @return Whether the call represents a call to Polymer. */
  private static boolean isPolymerCall(Node value) {
    return value != null && value.isCall() && value.getFirstChild().matchesQualifiedName("Polymer");

  private boolean hasShorthandAssignment(Node objLit) {
    for (Node property : objLit.children()) {
      if (property.isStringKey() && !property.hasChildren()) {
        return true;
    return false;
Пример #9
 * Checks that the code obeys the static restrictions of strict mode:
 * <ol>
 *   <li>No use of "with".
 *   <li>No deleting variables, functions, or arguments.
 *   <li>No re-declarations or assignments of "eval" or arguments.
 *   <li>No use of arguments.callee
 *   <li>No use of arguments.caller
 *   <li>Class: Always under strict mode
 *   <li>In addition, no duplicate class method names
 * </ol>
class StrictModeCheck extends AbstractPostOrderCallback implements CompilerPass {

  static final DiagnosticType USE_OF_WITH =
          "JSC_USE_OF_WITH", "The 'with' statement cannot be used in ES5 strict mode.");

  static final DiagnosticType EVAL_DECLARATION =
          "JSC_EVAL_DECLARATION", "\"eval\" cannot be redeclared in ES5 strict mode");

  static final DiagnosticType EVAL_ASSIGNMENT =
          "JSC_EVAL_ASSIGNMENT", "the \"eval\" object cannot be reassigned in ES5 strict mode");

  static final DiagnosticType ARGUMENTS_DECLARATION =
          "JSC_ARGUMENTS_DECLARATION", "\"arguments\" cannot be redeclared in ES5 strict mode");

  static final DiagnosticType ARGUMENTS_ASSIGNMENT =
          "the \"arguments\" object cannot be reassigned in ES5 strict mode");

  static final DiagnosticType ARGUMENTS_CALLEE_FORBIDDEN =
          "\"arguments.callee\" cannot be used in ES5 strict mode");

  static final DiagnosticType ARGUMENTS_CALLER_FORBIDDEN =
          "\"arguments.caller\" cannot be used in ES5 strict mode");

  static final DiagnosticType FUNCTION_CALLER_FORBIDDEN =
          "A function''s \"caller\" property cannot be used in ES5 strict mode");

  static final DiagnosticType FUNCTION_ARGUMENTS_PROP_FORBIDDEN =
          "A function''s \"arguments\" property cannot be used in ES5 strict mode");

  static final DiagnosticType DELETE_VARIABLE =
          "variables, functions, and arguments cannot be deleted in " + "ES5 strict mode");

  static final DiagnosticType DUPLICATE_OBJECT_KEY =
          "object literals cannot contain duplicate keys in ES5 strict mode");

  static final DiagnosticType DUPLICATE_CLASS_METHODS =
          "JSC_DUPLICATE_CLASS_METHODS", "Classes cannot contain duplicate method names");

  static final DiagnosticType BAD_FUNCTION_DECLARATION =
          "functions can only be declared at top level or immediately within "
              + "another function in ES5 strict mode");

  private final AbstractCompiler compiler;
  private final boolean noVarCheck;

  StrictModeCheck(AbstractCompiler compiler) {
    this(compiler, false);

  StrictModeCheck(AbstractCompiler compiler, boolean noVarCheck) {
    this.compiler = compiler;
    this.noVarCheck = noVarCheck;

  public void process(Node externs, Node root) {
    NodeTraversal.traverseRoots(compiler, this, externs, root);
    NodeTraversal.traverseEs6(compiler, root, new NonExternChecks());

  public void visit(NodeTraversal t, Node n, Node parent) {
    if (n.isFunction()) {
      checkFunctionUse(t, n);
    } else if (n.isAssign()) {
      checkAssignment(t, n);
    } else if (n.isDelProp()) {
      checkDelete(t, n);
    } else if (n.isObjectLit()) {
      checkObjectLiteralOrClass(t, n);
    } else if (n.isClass()) {
      checkObjectLiteralOrClass(t, n.getLastChild());
    } else if (n.isWith()) {
      checkWith(t, n);

  /** Reports a warning for with statements. */
  private static void checkWith(NodeTraversal t, Node n) {
    JSDocInfo info = n.getJSDocInfo();
    boolean allowWith = info != null && info.getSuppressions().contains("with");
    if (!allowWith) {
      t.report(n, USE_OF_WITH);

  /** Checks that the function is used legally. */
  private static void checkFunctionUse(NodeTraversal t, Node n) {
    if (NodeUtil.isFunctionDeclaration(n) && !NodeUtil.isHoistedFunctionDeclaration(n)) {
      t.report(n, BAD_FUNCTION_DECLARATION);

   * Determines if the given name is a declaration, which can be a declaration of a variable,
   * function, or argument.
  private static boolean isDeclaration(Node n) {
    switch (n.getParent().getType()) {
      case Token.LET:
      case Token.CONST:
      case Token.VAR:
      case Token.FUNCTION:
      case Token.CATCH:
        return true;

      case Token.PARAM_LIST:
        return n.getParent().getParent().isFunction();

        return false;

  /** Checks that an assignment is not to the "arguments" object. */
  private static void checkAssignment(NodeTraversal t, Node n) {
    if (n.getFirstChild().isName()) {
      if ("arguments".equals(n.getFirstChild().getString())) {
        t.report(n, ARGUMENTS_ASSIGNMENT);
      } else if ("eval".equals(n.getFirstChild().getString())) {
        // Note that assignment to eval is already illegal because any use of
        // that name is illegal.
        t.report(n, EVAL_ASSIGNMENT);

  /** Checks that variables, functions, and arguments are not deleted. */
  private static void checkDelete(NodeTraversal t, Node n) {
    if (n.getFirstChild().isName()) {
      Var v = t.getScope().getVar(n.getFirstChild().getString());
      if (v != null) {
        t.report(n, DELETE_VARIABLE);

  /** Checks that object literal keys or class method names are valid. */
  private static void checkObjectLiteralOrClass(NodeTraversal t, Node n) {
    Set<String> getters = new HashSet<>();
    Set<String> setters = new HashSet<>();
    for (Node key = n.getFirstChild(); key != null; key = key.getNext()) {
      if (!key.isSetterDef()) {
        // normal property and getter cases
        if (!getters.add(key.getString())) {
          if (n.isClassMembers()) {
            t.report(key, DUPLICATE_CLASS_METHODS);
          } else {
            t.report(key, DUPLICATE_OBJECT_KEY);
      if (!key.isGetterDef()) {
        // normal property and setter cases
        if (!setters.add(key.getString())) {
          if (n.isClassMembers()) {
            t.report(key, DUPLICATE_CLASS_METHODS);
          } else {
            t.report(key, DUPLICATE_OBJECT_KEY);

  /** Checks that are performed on non-extern code only. */
  private static class NonExternChecks extends AbstractPostOrderCallback {
    public void visit(NodeTraversal t, Node n, Node parent) {
      if ((n.isName()) && isDeclaration(n)) {
        checkDeclaration(t, n);
      } else if (n.isGetProp()) {
        checkGetProp(t, n);

    /** Checks for illegal declarations. */
    private void checkDeclaration(NodeTraversal t, Node n) {
      if ("eval".equals(n.getString())) {
        t.report(n, EVAL_DECLARATION);
      } else if ("arguments".equals(n.getString())) {
        t.report(n, ARGUMENTS_DECLARATION);

    /** Checks that the arguments.callee is not used. */
    private void checkGetProp(NodeTraversal t, Node n) {
      Node target = n.getFirstChild();
      Node prop = n.getLastChild();
      if (prop.getString().equals("callee")) {
        if (target.isName() && target.getString().equals("arguments")) {
          t.report(n, ARGUMENTS_CALLEE_FORBIDDEN);
      } else if (prop.getString().equals("caller")) {
        if (target.isName() && target.getString().equals("arguments")) {
          t.report(n, ARGUMENTS_CALLER_FORBIDDEN);
        } else if (isFunctionType(target)) {
          t.report(n, FUNCTION_CALLER_FORBIDDEN);
      } else if (prop.getString().equals("arguments") && isFunctionType(target)) {

  private static boolean isFunctionType(Node n) {
    TypeI type = n.getTypeI();
    return (type != null && type.isFunctionType());
Пример #10
 * NodeTraversal allows an iteration through the nodes in the parse tree, and facilitates the
 * optimizations on the parse tree.
public class NodeTraversal {
  private final AbstractCompiler compiler;
  private final Callback callback;

  /** Contains the current node */
  private Node curNode;

  public static final DiagnosticType NODE_TRAVERSAL_ERROR =
      DiagnosticType.error("JSC_NODE_TRAVERSAL_ERROR", "{0}");

   * Stack containing the Scopes that have been created. The Scope objects are lazily created; so
   * the {@code scopeRoots} stack contains the Nodes for all Scopes that have not been created yet.
  private final Deque<Scope> scopes = new ArrayDeque<>();

   * A stack of scope roots. All scopes that have not been created are represented in this Deque.
  private final Deque<Node> scopeRoots = new ArrayDeque<>();

   * A stack of scope roots that are valid cfg roots. All cfg roots that have not been created are
   * represented in this Deque.
  private final Deque<Node> cfgRoots = new ArrayDeque<>();

   * Stack of control flow graphs (CFG). There is one CFG per scope. CFGs are lazily populated:
   * elements are {@code null} until requested by {@link #getControlFlowGraph()}. Note that {@link
   * ArrayDeque} does not allow {@code null} elements, so {@link LinkedList} is used instead.
  Deque<ControlFlowGraph<Node>> cfgs = new LinkedList<>();

  /** The current source file name */
  private String sourceName;

  /** The current input */
  private InputId inputId;

  /** The scope creator */
  private final ScopeCreator scopeCreator;

  private final boolean useBlockScope;

  /** Possible callback for scope entry and exist * */
  private ScopedCallback scopeCallback;

  /** Callback for passes that iterate over a list of functions */
  public interface FunctionCallback {
    void visit(AbstractCompiler compiler, Node fnRoot);

  /** Callback for tree-based traversals */
  public interface Callback {
     * Visits a node in pre order (before visiting its children) and decides whether this node's
     * children should be traversed. If children are traversed, they will be visited by {@link
     * #visit(NodeTraversal, Node, Node)} in postorder.
     * <p>Implementations can have side effects (e.g. modifying the parse tree).
     * @return whether the children of this node should be visited
    boolean shouldTraverse(NodeTraversal nodeTraversal, Node n, Node parent);

     * Visits a node in postorder (after its children have been visited). A node is visited only if
     * all its parents should be traversed ({@link #shouldTraverse(NodeTraversal, Node, Node)}).
     * <p>Implementations can have side effects (e.g. modifying the parse tree).
    void visit(NodeTraversal t, Node n, Node parent);

  /** Callback that also knows about scope changes */
  public interface ScopedCallback extends Callback {

     * Called immediately after entering a new scope. The new scope can be accessed through
     * t.getScope()
    void enterScope(NodeTraversal t);

     * Called immediately before exiting a scope. The ending scope can be accessed through
     * t.getScope()
    void exitScope(NodeTraversal t);

  /** Abstract callback to visit all nodes in postorder. */
  public abstract static class AbstractPostOrderCallback implements Callback {
    public final boolean shouldTraverse(NodeTraversal nodeTraversal, Node n, Node parent) {
      return true;

  /** Abstract callback to visit all nodes in preorder. */
  public abstract static class AbstractPreOrderCallback implements Callback {
    public void visit(NodeTraversal t, Node n, Node parent) {}

  /** Abstract scoped callback to visit all nodes in postorder. */
  public abstract static class AbstractScopedCallback implements ScopedCallback {
    public final boolean shouldTraverse(NodeTraversal nodeTraversal, Node n, Node parent) {
      return true;

    public void enterScope(NodeTraversal t) {}

    public void exitScope(NodeTraversal t) {}

  /** Abstract callback to visit all nodes but not traverse into function bodies. */
  public abstract static class AbstractShallowCallback implements Callback {
    public final boolean shouldTraverse(NodeTraversal nodeTraversal, Node n, Node parent) {
      // We do want to traverse the name of a named function, but we don't
      // want to traverse the arguments or body.
      return parent == null || !parent.isFunction() || n == parent.getFirstChild();

   * Abstract callback to visit all structure and statement nodes but doesn't traverse into
   * functions or expressions.
  public abstract static class AbstractShallowStatementCallback implements Callback {
    public final boolean shouldTraverse(NodeTraversal nodeTraversal, Node n, Node parent) {
      return parent == null
          || NodeUtil.isControlStructure(parent)
          || NodeUtil.isStatementBlock(parent);

  /** Abstract callback to visit a pruned set of nodes. */
  public abstract static class AbstractNodeTypePruningCallback implements Callback {
    private final Set<Integer> nodeTypes;
    private final boolean include;

     * Creates an abstract pruned callback.
     * @param nodeTypes the nodes to include in the traversal
    public AbstractNodeTypePruningCallback(Set<Integer> nodeTypes) {
      this(nodeTypes, true);

     * Creates an abstract pruned callback.
     * @param nodeTypes the nodes to include/exclude in the traversal
     * @param include whether to include or exclude the nodes in the traversal
    public AbstractNodeTypePruningCallback(Set<Integer> nodeTypes, boolean include) {
      this.nodeTypes = nodeTypes;
      this.include = include;

    public boolean shouldTraverse(NodeTraversal nodeTraversal, Node n, Node parent) {
      return include == nodeTypes.contains(n.getType());

  /** Creates a node traversal using the specified callback interface. */
  public NodeTraversal(AbstractCompiler compiler, Callback cb) {
            ? new Es6SyntacticScopeCreator(compiler)
            : SyntacticScopeCreator.makeUntyped(compiler));

  /** Creates a node traversal using the specified callback interface and the scope creator. */
  public NodeTraversal(AbstractCompiler compiler, Callback cb, ScopeCreator scopeCreator) {
    this.callback = cb;
    if (cb instanceof ScopedCallback) {
      this.scopeCallback = (ScopedCallback) cb;
    this.compiler = compiler;
    this.inputId = null;
    this.sourceName = "";
    this.scopeCreator = scopeCreator;
    this.useBlockScope = scopeCreator.hasBlockScope();

  private void throwUnexpectedException(Exception unexpectedException) {
    // If there's an unexpected exception, try to get the
    // line number of the code that caused it.
    String message = unexpectedException.getMessage();

    // TODO(user): It is possible to get more information if curNode or
    // its parent is missing. We still have the scope stack in which it is still
    // very useful to find out at least which function caused the exception.
    if (inputId != null) {
      message =
              + "\n"
              + formatNodeContext("Node", curNode)
              + (curNode == null ? "" : formatNodeContext("Parent", curNode.getParent()));
    compiler.throwInternalError(message, unexpectedException);

  private String formatNodeContext(String label, Node n) {
    if (n == null) {
      return "  " + label + ": NULL";
    return "  " + label + "(" + n.toString(false, false, false) + "): " + formatNodePosition(n);

  /** Traverses a parse tree recursively. */
  public void traverse(Node root) {
    try {
      inputId = NodeUtil.getInputId(root);
      sourceName = "";
      curNode = root;
      // null parent ensures that the shallow callbacks will traverse root
      traverseBranch(root, null);
    } catch (Exception unexpectedException) {

  void traverseRoots(Node externs, Node root) {
    try {
      Node scopeRoot = externs.getParent();
      Preconditions.checkState(scopeRoot != null);

      inputId = NodeUtil.getInputId(scopeRoot);
      sourceName = "";
      curNode = scopeRoot;

      traverseBranch(externs, scopeRoot);
      Preconditions.checkState(root.getParent() == scopeRoot);
      traverseBranch(root, scopeRoot);

    } catch (Exception unexpectedException) {

  private static final String MISSING_SOURCE = "[source unknown]";

  private String formatNodePosition(Node n) {
    String sourceFileName = getBestSourceFileName(n);
    if (sourceFileName == null) {
      return MISSING_SOURCE + "\n";

    int lineNumber = n.getLineno();
    int columnNumber = n.getCharno();
    String src = compiler.getSourceLine(sourceFileName, lineNumber);
    if (src == null) {
      src = MISSING_SOURCE;
    return sourceFileName + ":" + lineNumber + ":" + columnNumber + "\n" + src + "\n";

   * Traverses a parse tree recursively with a scope, starting with the given root. This should only
   * be used in the global scope. Otherwise, use {@link #traverseAtScope}.
  void traverseWithScope(Node root, Scope s) {
    try {
      inputId = null;
      sourceName = "";
      curNode = root;
      traverseBranch(root, null);
    } catch (Exception unexpectedException) {

  /** Traverses a parse tree recursively with a scope, starting at that scope's root. */
  void traverseAtScope(Scope s) {
    Node n = s.getRootNode();
    if (n.isFunction()) {
      // We need to do some extra magic to make sure that the scope doesn't
      // get re-created when we dive into the function.
      if (inputId == null) {
        inputId = NodeUtil.getInputId(n);
      sourceName = getSourceName(n);
      curNode = n;

      Node args = n.getFirstChild().getNext();
      Node body = args.getNext();
      traverseBranch(args, n);
      traverseBranch(body, n);

    } else if (n.isBlock()) {
      if (inputId == null) {
        inputId = NodeUtil.getInputId(n);
      sourceName = getSourceName(n);
      curNode = n;
      traverseBranch(n, n.getParent());

    } else {
      Preconditions.checkState(s.isGlobal(), "Expected global scope. Got:", s);
      traverseWithScope(n, s);

   * Traverse a function out-of-band of normal traversal.
   * @param node The function node.
   * @param scope The scope the function is contained in. Does not fire enter/exit callback events
   *     for this scope.
  public void traverseFunctionOutOfBand(Node node, Scope scope) {
    Preconditions.checkState(scope.getRootNode() != null);
    if (inputId == null) {
      inputId = NodeUtil.getInputId(node);
    curNode = node.getParent();
    pushScope(scope, true /* quietly */);
    traverseBranch(node, curNode);
    popScope(true /* quietly */);

   * Traverses an inner node recursively with a refined scope. An inner node may be any node with a
   * non {@code null} parent (i.e. all nodes except the root).
   * @param node the node to traverse
   * @param parent the node's parent, it may not be {@code null}
   * @param refinedScope the refined scope of the scope currently at the top of the scope stack or
   *     in trivial cases that very scope or {@code null}
  protected void traverseInnerNode(Node node, Node parent, Scope refinedScope) {
    if (inputId == null) {
      inputId = NodeUtil.getInputId(node);
    if (refinedScope != null && getScope() != refinedScope) {
      curNode = node;
      traverseBranch(node, parent);
    } else {
      traverseBranch(node, parent);

  public AbstractCompiler getCompiler() {
    return compiler;

   * Gets the current line number, or zero if it cannot be determined. The line number is retrieved
   * lazily as a running time optimization.
  public int getLineNumber() {
    Node cur = curNode;
    while (cur != null) {
      int line = cur.getLineno();
      if (line >= 0) {
        return line;
      cur = cur.getParent();
    return 0;

   * Gets the current char number, or zero if it cannot be determined. The line number is retrieved
   * lazily as a running time optimization.
  public int getCharno() {
    Node cur = curNode;
    while (cur != null) {
      int line = cur.getCharno();
      if (line >= 0) {
        return line;
      cur = cur.getParent();
    return 0;

   * Gets the current input source name.
   * @return A string that may be empty, but not null
  public String getSourceName() {
    return sourceName;

  /** Gets the current input source. */
  public CompilerInput getInput() {
    return compiler.getInput(inputId);

  /** Gets the current input module. */
  public JSModule getModule() {
    CompilerInput input = getInput();
    return input == null ? null : input.getModule();

  /** Returns the node currently being traversed. */
  public Node getCurrentNode() {
    return curNode;

   * Traversal for passes that work only on changed functions. Suppose a loopable pass P1 uses this
   * traversal. Then, if a function doesn't change between two runs of P1, it won't look at the
   * function the second time. (We're assuming that P1 runs to a fixpoint, o/w we may miss
   * optimizations.)
   * <p>Most changes are reported with calls to Compiler.reportCodeChange(), which doesn't know
   * which scope changed. We keep track of the current scope by calling Compiler.setScope inside
   * pushScope and popScope. The automatic tracking can be wrong in rare cases when a pass changes
   * scope w/out causing a call to pushScope or popScope. It's very hard to find the places where
   * this happens unless a bug is triggered. Passes that do cross-scope modifications call
   * Compiler.reportChangeToEnclosingScope(Node n).
  public static void traverseChangedFunctions(
      AbstractCompiler compiler, FunctionCallback callback) {
    final AbstractCompiler comp = compiler;
    final FunctionCallback cb = callback;
    final Node jsRoot = comp.getJsRoot();
    NodeTraversal t =
        new NodeTraversal(
            new AbstractPreOrderCallback() {
              public final boolean shouldTraverse(NodeTraversal t, Node n, Node p) {
                if ((n == jsRoot || n.isFunction()) && comp.hasScopeChanged(n)) {
                  cb.visit(comp, n);
                return true;

  /** Traverses a node recursively. */
  public static void traverse(AbstractCompiler compiler, Node root, Callback cb) {
    NodeTraversal t = new NodeTraversal(compiler, cb);

  public static void traverseTyped(AbstractCompiler compiler, Node root, Callback cb) {
    NodeTraversal t = new NodeTraversal(compiler, cb, SyntacticScopeCreator.makeTyped(compiler));

  public static void traverseRoots(
      AbstractCompiler compiler, Callback cb, Node externs, Node root) {
    NodeTraversal t = new NodeTraversal(compiler, cb);
    t.traverseRoots(externs, root);

  static void traverseRootsTyped(AbstractCompiler compiler, Callback cb, Node externs, Node root) {
    NodeTraversal t = new NodeTraversal(compiler, cb, SyntacticScopeCreator.makeTyped(compiler));
    t.traverseRoots(externs, root);

  /** Traverses a branch. */
  private void traverseBranch(Node n, Node parent) {
    int type = n.getType();
    if (type == Token.SCRIPT) {
      inputId = n.getInputId();
      sourceName = getSourceName(n);

    curNode = n;
    if (!callback.shouldTraverse(this, n, parent)) {

    if (type == Token.FUNCTION) {
      traverseFunction(n, parent);
    } else if (useBlockScope && NodeUtil.createsBlockScope(n)) {
    } else {
      for (Node child = n.getFirstChild(); child != null; ) {
        // child could be replaced, in which case our child node
        // would no longer point to the true next
        Node next = child.getNext();
        traverseBranch(child, n);
        child = next;

    curNode = n;
    callback.visit(this, n, parent);

  /** Traverses a function. */
  private void traverseFunction(Node n, Node parent) {
    Preconditions.checkState(n.getChildCount() == 3);

    final Node fnName = n.getFirstChild();
    boolean isFunctionExpression = (parent != null) && NodeUtil.isFunctionExpression(n);

    if (!isFunctionExpression) {
      // Functions declarations are in the scope containing the declaration.
      traverseBranch(fnName, n);

    curNode = n;

    if (isFunctionExpression) {
      // Function expression names are only accessible within the function
      // scope.
      traverseBranch(fnName, n);

    final Node args = fnName.getNext();
    final Node body = args.getNext();

    // Args
    traverseBranch(args, n);

    // Body
    // ES6 "arrow" function may not have a block as a body.
    traverseBranch(body, n);


  /** Traverses a non-function block. */
  private void traverseBlockScope(Node n) {
    for (Node child : n.children()) {
      traverseBranch(child, n);

  /** Examines the functions stack for the last instance of a function node. */
  public Node getEnclosingFunction() {
    Node root = getCfgRoot();
    return root.isFunction() ? root : null;

  /** Creates a new scope (e.g. when entering a function). */
  private void pushScope(Node node) {
    Preconditions.checkState(curNode != null);
    if (NodeUtil.isValidCfgRoot(node)) {
    if (scopeCallback != null) {

  /** Creates a new scope (e.g. when entering a function). */
  private void pushScope(Scope s) {
    pushScope(s, false);

   * Creates a new scope (e.g. when entering a function).
   * @param quietly Don't fire an enterScope callback.
  private void pushScope(Scope s, boolean quietly) {
    Preconditions.checkState(curNode != null);
    if (NodeUtil.isValidCfgRoot(s.getRootNode())) {
    if (!quietly && scopeCallback != null) {

  private void popScope() {

   * Pops back to the previous scope (e.g. when leaving a function).
   * @param quietly Don't fire the exitScope callback.
  private void popScope(boolean quietly) {
    if (!quietly && scopeCallback != null) {
    Node scopeRoot;
    if (scopeRoots.isEmpty()) {
      scopeRoot = scopes.pop().getRootNode();
    } else {
      scopeRoot = scopeRoots.pop();
    if (NodeUtil.isValidCfgRoot(scopeRoot)) {
      if (!cfgRoots.isEmpty()) {
        Preconditions.checkState(cfgRoots.pop() == scopeRoot);
    if (hasScope()) {

  /** Gets the current scope. */
  public Scope getScope() {
    Scope scope = scopes.isEmpty() ? null : scopes.peek();
    if (scopeRoots.isEmpty()) {
      return scope;

    Iterator<Node> it = scopeRoots.descendingIterator();
    while (it.hasNext()) {
      scope = scopeCreator.createScope(it.next(), scope);
    // No need to call compiler.setScope; the top scopeRoot is now the top scope
    return scope;

  public TypedScope getTypedScope() {
    Scope s = getScope();
    Preconditions.checkState(s instanceof TypedScope, "getTypedScope called for untyped traversal");
    return (TypedScope) s;

  /** Gets the control flow graph for the current JS scope. */
  public ControlFlowGraph<Node> getControlFlowGraph() {
    if (cfgs.peek() == null) {
      ControlFlowAnalysis cfa = new ControlFlowAnalysis(compiler, false, true);
      cfa.process(null, getCfgRoot());
    return cfgs.peek();

  /** Returns the current scope's root. */
  public Node getScopeRoot() {
    if (scopeRoots.isEmpty()) {
      return scopes.peek().getRootNode();
    } else {
      return scopeRoots.peek();

  private Node getCfgRoot() {
    if (cfgRoots.isEmpty()) {
      Scope currScope = scopes.peek();
      while (currScope.isBlockScope()) {
        currScope = currScope.getParent();
      return currScope.getRootNode();
    } else {
      return cfgRoots.peek();

  /** Determines whether the traversal is currently in the global scope. */
  boolean inGlobalScope() {
    return getScopeDepth() <= 1;

  // Not dual of inGlobalScope, because of block scoping.
  // They both return false in an inner block at top level.
  boolean inFunction() {
    return getCfgRoot().isFunction();

  int getScopeDepth() {
    return scopes.size() + scopeRoots.size();

  public boolean hasScope() {
    return !(scopes.isEmpty() && scopeRoots.isEmpty());

  /** Reports a diagnostic (error or warning) */
  public void report(Node n, DiagnosticType diagnosticType, String... arguments) {
    JSError error = JSError.make(n, diagnosticType, arguments);

  private static String getSourceName(Node n) {
    String name = n.getSourceFileName();
    return name == null ? "" : name;

  InputId getInputId() {
    return inputId;

   * Creates a JSError during NodeTraversal.
   * @param n Determines the line and char position within the source file name
   * @param type The DiagnosticType
   * @param arguments Arguments to be incorporated into the message
  public JSError makeError(Node n, CheckLevel level, DiagnosticType type, String... arguments) {
    return JSError.make(n, level, type, arguments);

   * Creates a JSError during NodeTraversal.
   * @param n Determines the line and char position within the source file name
   * @param type The DiagnosticType
   * @param arguments Arguments to be incorporated into the message
  public JSError makeError(Node n, DiagnosticType type, String... arguments) {
    return JSError.make(n, type, arguments);

  private String getBestSourceFileName(Node n) {
    return n == null ? sourceName : n.getSourceFileName();
 * Converts ES6 code to valid ES5 code. This class does most of the transpilation, and
 * https://github.com/google/closure-compiler/wiki/ECMAScript6 lists which ES6 features are
 * supported. Other classes that start with "Es6" do other parts of the transpilation.
 * <p>In most cases, the output is valid as ES3 (hence the class name) but in some cases, if the
 * output language is set to ES5, we rely on ES5 features such as getters, setters, and
 * Object.defineProperties.
 * @author [email protected] (Tyler Breisacher)
public final class Es6ToEs3Converter implements NodeTraversal.Callback, HotSwapCompilerPass {
  private final AbstractCompiler compiler;

  static final DiagnosticType CANNOT_CONVERT =
      DiagnosticType.error("JSC_CANNOT_CONVERT", "This code cannot be converted from ES6. {0}");

  // TODO(tbreisacher): Remove this once we have implemented transpilation for all the features
  // we intend to support.
  static final DiagnosticType CANNOT_CONVERT_YET =
          "JSC_CANNOT_CONVERT_YET", "ES6 transpilation of ''{0}'' is not yet implemented.");

  static final DiagnosticType DYNAMIC_EXTENDS_TYPE =
          "JSC_DYNAMIC_EXTENDS_TYPE", "The class in an extends clause must be a qualified name.");

  static final DiagnosticType CLASS_REASSIGNMENT =
          "CLASS_REASSIGNMENT", "Class names defined inside a function cannot be reassigned.");

  static final DiagnosticType CONFLICTING_GETTER_SETTER_TYPE =
          "The types of the getter and setter for property ''{0}'' do not match.");

  static final DiagnosticType BAD_REST_PARAMETER_ANNOTATION =
          "Missing \"...\" in type annotation for rest parameter.");

  // The name of the index variable for populating the rest parameter array.
  private static final String REST_INDEX = "$jscomp$restIndex";

  // The name of the placeholder for the rest parameters.
  private static final String REST_PARAMS = "$jscomp$restParams";

  private static final String FRESH_SPREAD_VAR = "$jscomp$spread$args";

  private static final String FRESH_COMP_PROP_VAR = "$jscomp$compprop";

  private static final String ITER_BASE = "$jscomp$iter$";

  private static final String ITER_RESULT = "$jscomp$key$";

  // These functions are defined in js/es6_runtime.js
  static final String INHERITS = "$jscomp.inherits";
  static final String MAKE_ITER = "$jscomp.makeIterator";

  public Es6ToEs3Converter(AbstractCompiler compiler) {
    this.compiler = compiler;

  public void process(Node externs, Node root) {
    NodeTraversal.traverseEs6(compiler, externs, this);
    NodeTraversal.traverseEs6(compiler, root, this);

  public void hotSwapScript(Node scriptRoot, Node originalRoot) {
    NodeTraversal.traverseEs6(compiler, scriptRoot, this);

   * Some nodes must be visited pre-order in order to rewrite the references to {@code this}
   * correctly. Everything else is translated post-order in {@link #visit}.
  public boolean shouldTraverse(NodeTraversal t, Node n, Node parent) {
    switch (n.getType()) {
      case Token.REST:
        visitRestParam(n, parent);
      case Token.GETTER_DEF:
      case Token.SETTER_DEF:
        if (compiler.getOptions().getLanguageOut() == LanguageMode.ECMASCRIPT3) {
          cannotConvert(n, "ES5 getters/setters (consider using --language_out=ES5)");
          return false;
    return true;

  public void visit(NodeTraversal t, Node n, Node parent) {
    switch (n.getType()) {
      case Token.OBJECTLIT:
        for (Node child : n.children()) {
          if (child.isComputedProp()) {
            visitObjectWithComputedProperty(n, parent);
      case Token.MEMBER_FUNCTION_DEF:
        if (parent.isObjectLit()) {
          visitMemberDefInObjectLit(n, parent);
      case Token.FOR_OF:
        visitForOf(n, parent);
      case Token.STRING_KEY:
      case Token.CLASS:
        for (Node member = n.getLastChild().getFirstChild();
            member != null;
            member = member.getNext()) {
          if (member.getBooleanProp(Node.COMPUTED_PROP_GETTER)
              || member.getBooleanProp(Node.COMPUTED_PROP_SETTER)) {
            cannotConvert(member, "computed getter or setter in class definition");
        visitClass(n, parent);
      case Token.ARRAYLIT:
      case Token.NEW:
      case Token.CALL:
        for (Node child : n.children()) {
          if (child.isSpread()) {
            visitArrayLitOrCallWithSpread(n, parent);
      case Token.TAGGED_TEMPLATELIT:
        Es6TemplateLiterals.visitTaggedTemplateLiteral(t, n);
      case Token.TEMPLATELIT:
        if (!parent.isTaggedTemplateLit()) {
          Es6TemplateLiterals.visitTemplateLiteral(t, n);

   * Converts a member definition in an object literal to an ES3 key/value pair. Member definitions
   * in classes are handled in {@link #visitClass}.
  private void visitMemberDefInObjectLit(Node n, Node parent) {
    String name = n.getString();
    Node stringKey = IR.stringKey(name, n.getFirstChild().detachFromParent());
    parent.replaceChild(n, stringKey);

  /** Converts extended object literal {a} to {a:a}. */
  private void visitStringKey(Node n) {
    if (!n.hasChildren()) {
      Node name = IR.name(n.getString());

  private void visitForOf(Node node, Node parent) {
    Node variable = node.removeFirstChild();
    Node iterable = node.removeFirstChild();
    Node body = node.removeFirstChild();

    Node iterName = IR.name(ITER_BASE + compiler.getUniqueNameIdSupplier().get());
    Node getNext = IR.call(IR.getprop(iterName.cloneTree(), IR.string("next")));
    String variableName;
    int declType;
    if (variable.isName()) {
      declType = Token.NAME;
      variableName = variable.getQualifiedName();
    } else {
          NodeUtil.isNameDeclaration(variable), "Expected var, let, or const. Got %s", variable);
      declType = variable.getType();
      variableName = variable.getFirstChild().getQualifiedName();
    Node iterResult = IR.name(ITER_RESULT + variableName);

    Node makeIter = IR.call(NodeUtil.newQName(compiler, MAKE_ITER), iterable);
    compiler.needsEs6Runtime = true;

    Node init = IR.var(iterName.cloneTree(), makeIter);
    Node initIterResult = iterResult.cloneTree();

    Node cond = IR.not(IR.getprop(iterResult.cloneTree(), IR.string("done")));
    Node incr = IR.assign(iterResult.cloneTree(), getNext.cloneTree());

    Node declarationOrAssign;
    if (declType == Token.NAME) {
      declarationOrAssign =
                  IR.name(variableName), IR.getprop(iterResult.cloneTree(), IR.string("value"))));
    } else {
      declarationOrAssign = new Node(declType, IR.name(variableName));
          .addChildToBack(IR.getprop(iterResult.cloneTree(), IR.string("value")));

    Node newFor = IR.forNode(init, cond, incr, body);
    parent.replaceChild(node, newFor);

  private void checkClassReassignment(Node clazz) {
    Node name = NodeUtil.getClassNameNode(clazz);
    Node enclosingFunction = NodeUtil.getEnclosingFunction(clazz);
    if (enclosingFunction == null) {
    CheckClassAssignments checkAssigns = new CheckClassAssignments(name);
    NodeTraversal.traverseEs6(compiler, enclosingFunction, checkAssigns);

  /** Processes a rest parameter */
  private void visitRestParam(Node restParam, Node paramList) {
    Node functionBody = paramList.getLastSibling();


    // Make sure rest parameters are typechecked
    JSTypeExpression type = null;
    JSDocInfo info = restParam.getJSDocInfo();
    String paramName = restParam.getString();
    if (info != null) {
      type = info.getType();
    } else {
      JSDocInfo functionInfo = paramList.getParent().getJSDocInfo();
      if (functionInfo != null) {
        type = functionInfo.getParameterType(paramName);
    if (type != null && type.getRoot().getType() != Token.ELLIPSIS) {
      compiler.report(JSError.make(restParam, BAD_REST_PARAMETER_ANNOTATION));

    if (!functionBody.hasChildren()) {
      // If function has no body, we are done!

    Node newBlock = IR.block().useSourceInfoFrom(functionBody);
    Node name = IR.name(paramName);
    Node let = IR.let(name, IR.name(REST_PARAMS)).useSourceInfoIfMissingFromForTree(functionBody);

    for (Node child : functionBody.children()) {

    if (type != null) {
      Node arrayType = IR.string("Array");
      Node typeNode = type.getRoot();
      Node memberType =
          typeNode.getType() == Token.ELLIPSIS
              ? typeNode.getFirstChild().cloneNode()
              : typeNode.cloneNode();
          new Node(Token.BLOCK, memberType).useSourceInfoIfMissingFrom(typeNode));
      JSDocInfoBuilder builder = new JSDocInfoBuilder(false);
          new JSTypeExpression(new Node(Token.BANG, arrayType), restParam.getSourceFileName()));

    int restIndex = paramList.getIndexOfChild(restParam);
    Node newArr = IR.var(IR.name(REST_PARAMS), IR.arraylit());
    Node init = IR.var(IR.name(REST_INDEX), IR.number(restIndex));
    Node cond = IR.lt(IR.name(REST_INDEX), IR.getprop(IR.name("arguments"), IR.string("length")));
    Node incr = IR.inc(IR.name(REST_INDEX), false);
    Node body =
                        IR.name(REST_PARAMS), IR.sub(IR.name(REST_INDEX), IR.number(restIndex))),
                    IR.getelem(IR.name("arguments"), IR.name(REST_INDEX)))));
        IR.forNode(init, cond, incr, body).useSourceInfoIfMissingFromForTree(restParam), newArr);

    // For now, we are running transpilation before type-checking, so we'll
    // need to make sure changes don't invalidate the JSDoc annotations.
    // Therefore we keep the parameter list the same length and only initialize
    // the values if they are set to undefined.

   * Processes array literals or calls containing spreads. Eg.: [1, 2, ...x, 4, 5] => [1,
   * 2].concat(x, [4, 5]); Eg.: f(...arr) => f.apply(null, arr) Eg.: new F(...args) => new
   * Function.prototype.bind.apply(F, [].concat(args))
  private void visitArrayLitOrCallWithSpread(Node node, Node parent) {
    Preconditions.checkArgument(node.isCall() || node.isArrayLit() || node.isNew());
    List<Node> groups = new ArrayList<>();
    Node currGroup = null;
    Node callee = node.isArrayLit() ? null : node.removeFirstChild();
    Node currElement = node.removeFirstChild();
    while (currElement != null) {
      if (currElement.isSpread()) {
        if (currGroup != null) {
          currGroup = null;
      } else {
        if (currGroup == null) {
          currGroup = IR.arraylit();
      currElement = node.removeFirstChild();
    if (currGroup != null) {
    Node result = null;
    Node joinedGroups =
            IR.getprop(IR.arraylit(), IR.string("concat")),
            groups.toArray(new Node[groups.size()]));
    if (node.isArrayLit()) {
      result = joinedGroups;
    } else if (node.isCall()) {
      if (NodeUtil.mayHaveSideEffects(callee) && callee.isGetProp()) {
        Node statement = node;
        while (!NodeUtil.isStatement(statement)) {
          statement = statement.getParent();
        Node freshVar = IR.name(FRESH_SPREAD_VAR + compiler.getUniqueNameIdSupplier().get());
        Node n = IR.var(freshVar.cloneTree());
        statement.getParent().addChildBefore(n, statement);
        callee.addChildToFront(IR.assign(freshVar.cloneTree(), callee.removeFirstChild()));
        result = IR.call(IR.getprop(callee, IR.string("apply")), freshVar, joinedGroups);
      } else {
        Node context = callee.isGetProp() ? callee.getFirstChild().cloneTree() : IR.nullNode();
        result = IR.call(IR.getprop(callee, IR.string("apply")), context, joinedGroups);
    } else {
      Node bindApply = NodeUtil.newQName(compiler, "Function.prototype.bind.apply");
      result = IR.newNode(bindApply, callee, joinedGroups);
    parent.replaceChild(node, result);

  private void visitObjectWithComputedProperty(Node obj, Node parent) {
    List<Node> props = new ArrayList<>();
    Node currElement = obj.getFirstChild();

    while (currElement != null) {
      if (currElement.getBooleanProp(Node.COMPUTED_PROP_GETTER)
          || currElement.getBooleanProp(Node.COMPUTED_PROP_SETTER)) {
        cannotConvertYet(currElement, "computed getter/setter");
      } else if (currElement.isGetterDef() || currElement.isSetterDef()) {
        currElement = currElement.getNext();
      } else {
        Node nextNode = currElement.getNext();
        currElement = nextNode;

    String objName = FRESH_COMP_PROP_VAR + compiler.getUniqueNameIdSupplier().get();

    props = Lists.reverse(props);
    Node result = IR.name(objName);
    for (Node propdef : props) {
      if (propdef.isComputedProp()) {
        Node propertyExpression = propdef.removeFirstChild();
        Node value = propdef.removeFirstChild();
        result =
            IR.comma(IR.assign(IR.getelem(IR.name(objName), propertyExpression), value), result);
      } else {
        if (!propdef.hasChildren()) {
          Node name = IR.name(propdef.getString()).useSourceInfoIfMissingFrom(propdef);
        Node val = propdef.removeFirstChild();
        int type = propdef.isQuotedString() ? Token.GETELEM : Token.GETPROP;
        Node access = new Node(type, IR.name(objName), propdef);
        result = IR.comma(IR.assign(access, val), result);

    Node statement = obj;
    while (!NodeUtil.isStatement(statement)) {
      statement = statement.getParent();

    parent.replaceChild(obj, result);

    Node var = IR.var(IR.name(objName), obj);
    statement.getParent().addChildBefore(var, statement);

   * Classes are processed in 3 phases:
   * <ol>
   *   <li>The class name is extracted.
   *   <li>Class members are processed and rewritten.
   *   <li>The constructor is built.
   * </ol>
  private void visitClass(Node classNode, Node parent) {
    // Collect Metadata
    ClassDeclarationMetadata metadata = ClassDeclarationMetadata.create(classNode, parent);

    if (metadata == null || metadata.fullClassName == null) {
          "Can only convert classes that are declarations or the right hand"
              + " side of a simple assignment.");
    if (metadata.hasSuperClass() && !metadata.superClassNameNode.isQualifiedName()) {
      compiler.report(JSError.make(metadata.superClassNameNode, DYNAMIC_EXTENDS_TYPE));

    boolean useUnique = NodeUtil.isStatement(classNode) && !NodeUtil.isInFunction(classNode);
    String uniqueFullClassName =
        useUnique ? getUniqueClassName(metadata.fullClassName) : metadata.fullClassName;
    Node classNameAccess = NodeUtil.newQName(compiler, uniqueFullClassName);
    Node prototypeAccess = NodeUtil.newPropertyAccess(compiler, classNameAccess, "prototype");

        "insertion point must be a statement: %s",

    Node constructor = null;
    JSDocInfo ctorJSDocInfo = null;
    // Process all members of the class
    Node classMembers = classNode.getLastChild();
    Map<String, JSDocInfo> prototypeMembersToDeclare = new LinkedHashMap<>();
    Map<String, JSDocInfo> classMembersToDeclare = new LinkedHashMap<>();
    for (Node member : classMembers.children()) {
      if (member.isEmpty()) {
              || member.isGetterDef()
              || member.isSetterDef()
              || (member.isComputedProp() && !member.getBooleanProp(Node.COMPUTED_PROP_VARIABLE)),
          "Member variables should have been transpiled earlier: ",

      if (member.isGetterDef() || member.isSetterDef()) {
        JSTypeExpression typeExpr = getTypeFromGetterOrSetter(member).clone();
        addToDefinePropertiesObject(metadata, member);

        Map<String, JSDocInfo> membersToDeclare =
            member.isStaticMember() ? classMembersToDeclare : prototypeMembersToDeclare;
        JSDocInfo existingJSDoc = membersToDeclare.get(member.getString());
        JSTypeExpression existingType = existingJSDoc == null ? null : existingJSDoc.getType();
        if (existingType != null && !existingType.equals(typeExpr)) {
          compiler.report(JSError.make(member, CONFLICTING_GETTER_SETTER_TYPE, member.getString()));
        } else {
          JSDocInfoBuilder jsDoc = new JSDocInfoBuilder(false);
          if (member.getJSDocInfo() != null && member.getJSDocInfo().isExport()) {
          if (member.isStaticMember()) {
          membersToDeclare.put(member.getString(), jsDoc.build());
      } else if (member.isMemberFunctionDef() && member.getString().equals("constructor")) {
        ctorJSDocInfo = member.getJSDocInfo();
        constructor = member.getFirstChild().detachFromParent();
        if (!metadata.anonymous) {
          // Turns class Foo { constructor: function() {} } into function Foo() {},
          // i.e. attaches the name the ctor function.
          constructor.replaceChild(constructor.getFirstChild(), metadata.classNameNode.cloneNode());
      } else {
        Node qualifiedMemberAccess =
            getQualifiedMemberAccess(compiler, member, classNameAccess, prototypeAccess);
        Node method = member.getLastChild().detachFromParent();

        Node assign = IR.assign(qualifiedMemberAccess, method);

        JSDocInfo info = member.getJSDocInfo();
        if (member.isStaticMember() && NodeUtil.referencesThis(assign.getLastChild())) {
          JSDocInfoBuilder memberDoc = JSDocInfoBuilder.maybeCopyFrom(info);
              new JSTypeExpression(
                  new Node(Token.BANG, new Node(Token.QMARK)), member.getSourceFileName()));
          info = memberDoc.build();
        if (info != null) {

        Node newNode = NodeUtil.newExpr(assign);

    // Add declarations for properties that were defined with a getter and/or setter,
    // so that the typechecker knows those properties exist on the class.
    // This is a temporary solution. Eventually, the type checker should understand
    // Object.defineProperties calls directly.
    for (Map.Entry<String, JSDocInfo> entry : prototypeMembersToDeclare.entrySet()) {
      String declaredMember = entry.getKey();
      Node declaration = IR.getprop(prototypeAccess.cloneTree(), IR.string(declaredMember));
    for (Map.Entry<String, JSDocInfo> entry : classMembersToDeclare.entrySet()) {
      String declaredMember = entry.getKey();
      Node declaration = IR.getprop(classNameAccess.cloneTree(), IR.string(declaredMember));

    if (metadata.definePropertiesObjForPrototype.hasChildren()) {
      Node definePropsCall =
                  NodeUtil.newQName(compiler, "Object.defineProperties"),

    if (metadata.definePropertiesObjForClass.hasChildren()) {
      Node definePropsCall =
                  NodeUtil.newQName(compiler, "Object.defineProperties"),


    JSDocInfo classJSDoc = NodeUtil.getBestJSDocInfo(classNode);
    JSDocInfoBuilder newInfo = JSDocInfoBuilder.maybeCopyFrom(classJSDoc);


    if (metadata.hasSuperClass()) {
      String superClassString = metadata.superClassNameNode.getQualifiedName();
      if (newInfo.isInterfaceRecorded()) {
            new JSTypeExpression(
                new Node(Token.BANG, IR.string(superClassString)),
      } else {
        Node inherits =
                NodeUtil.newQName(compiler, INHERITS),
                NodeUtil.newQName(compiler, metadata.fullClassName),
                NodeUtil.newQName(compiler, superClassString));
        Node inheritsCall = IR.exprResult(inherits);
        compiler.needsEs6Runtime = true;

        Node enclosingStatement = NodeUtil.getEnclosingStatement(classNode);
        enclosingStatement.getParent().addChildAfter(inheritsCall, enclosingStatement);
            new JSTypeExpression(
                new Node(Token.BANG, IR.string(superClassString)),

    // Classes are @struct by default.
    if (!newInfo.isUnrestrictedRecorded()
        && !newInfo.isDictRecorded()
        && !newInfo.isStructRecorded()) {

    if (ctorJSDocInfo != null) {
      for (String param : ctorJSDocInfo.getParameterNames()) {
        newInfo.recordParameter(param, ctorJSDocInfo.getParameterType(param));

    if (NodeUtil.isStatement(classNode)) {
      Node ctorVar = IR.let(metadata.classNameNode.cloneNode(), constructor);
      parent.replaceChild(classNode, ctorVar);
    } else {
      parent.replaceChild(classNode, constructor);

    if (NodeUtil.isStatement(constructor)) {
    } else if (parent.isName()) {
      // The constructor function is the RHS of a var statement.
      // Add the JSDoc to the VAR node.
      Node var = parent.getParent();
    } else if (constructor.getParent().isName()) {
      // Is a newly created VAR node.
      Node var = constructor.getParent().getParent();
    } else if (parent.isAssign()) {
      // The constructor function is the RHS of an assignment.
      // Add the JSDoc to the ASSIGN node.
    } else {
      throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected parent node " + parent);


  /** @param node A getter or setter node. */
  private JSTypeExpression getTypeFromGetterOrSetter(Node node) {
    JSDocInfo info = node.getJSDocInfo();

    if (info != null) {
      if (node.isGetterDef() && info.getReturnType() != null) {
        return info.getReturnType();
      } else {
        Set<String> paramNames = info.getParameterNames();
        if (paramNames.size() == 1) {
          return info.getParameterType(Iterables.getOnlyElement(info.getParameterNames()));

    return new JSTypeExpression(new Node(Token.QMARK), node.getSourceFileName());

  private void addToDefinePropertiesObject(ClassDeclarationMetadata metadata, Node member) {
    Node obj =
            ? metadata.definePropertiesObjForClass
            : metadata.definePropertiesObjForPrototype;
    Node prop = NodeUtil.getFirstPropMatchingKey(obj, member.getString());
    if (prop == null) {
      prop =
              IR.stringKey("configurable", IR.trueNode()),
              IR.stringKey("enumerable", IR.trueNode()));
      obj.addChildToBack(IR.stringKey(member.getString(), prop));

    Node function = member.getLastChild();
    JSDocInfoBuilder info = JSDocInfoBuilder.maybeCopyFrom(NodeUtil.getBestJSDocInfo(function));

        new JSTypeExpression(
            new Node(Token.BANG, IR.string(metadata.fullClassName)), member.getSourceFileName()));
    Node stringKey =
        IR.stringKey(member.isGetterDef() ? "get" : "set", function.detachFromParent());

   * Constructs a Node that represents an access to the given class member, qualified by either the
   * static or the instance access context, depending on whether the member is static.
   * <p><b>WARNING:</b> {@code member} may be modified/destroyed by this method, do not use it
   * afterwards.
  static Node getQualifiedMemberAccess(
      AbstractCompiler compiler, Node member, Node staticAccess, Node instanceAccess) {
    Node context = member.isStaticMember() ? staticAccess : instanceAccess;
    context = context.cloneTree();
    if (member.isComputedProp()) {
      return IR.getelem(context, member.removeFirstChild());
    } else {
      return NodeUtil.newPropertyAccess(compiler, context, member.getString());

  private static String getUniqueClassName(String qualifiedName) {
    return qualifiedName;

  private class CheckClassAssignments extends NodeTraversal.AbstractPostOrderCallback {
    private Node className;

    public CheckClassAssignments(Node className) {
      this.className = className;

    public void visit(NodeTraversal t, Node n, Node parent) {
      if (!n.isAssign() || n.getFirstChild() == className) {
      if (className.matchesQualifiedName(n.getFirstChild())) {
        compiler.report(JSError.make(n, CLASS_REASSIGNMENT));

  private void cannotConvert(Node n, String message) {
    compiler.report(JSError.make(n, CANNOT_CONVERT, message));

   * Warns the user that the given ES6 feature cannot be converted to ES3 because the transpilation
   * is not yet implemented. A call to this method is essentially a "TODO(tbreisacher): Implement
   * {@code feature}" comment.
  private void cannotConvertYet(Node n, String feature) {
    compiler.report(JSError.make(n, CANNOT_CONVERT_YET, feature));

   * Represents static metadata on a class declaration expression - i.e. the qualified name that a
   * class declares (directly or by assignment), whether it's anonymous, and where transpiled code
   * should be inserted (i.e. which object will hold the prototype after transpilation).
  static class ClassDeclarationMetadata {
    /** A statement node. Transpiled methods etc of the class are inserted after this node. */
    private Node insertionPoint;

     * An object literal node that will be used in a call to Object.defineProperties, to add getters
     * and setters to the prototype.
    private final Node definePropertiesObjForPrototype;

     * An object literal node that will be used in a call to Object.defineProperties, to add getters
     * and setters to the class.
    private final Node definePropertiesObjForClass;

     * The fully qualified name of the class, which will be used in the output. May come from the
     * class itself or the LHS of an assignment.
    final String fullClassName;
    /** Whether the constructor function in the output should be anonymous. */
    final boolean anonymous;

    final Node classNameNode;
    final Node superClassNameNode;

    private ClassDeclarationMetadata(
        Node insertionPoint,
        String fullClassName,
        boolean anonymous,
        Node classNameNode,
        Node superClassNameNode) {
      this.insertionPoint = insertionPoint;
      this.definePropertiesObjForClass = IR.objectlit();
      this.definePropertiesObjForPrototype = IR.objectlit();
      this.fullClassName = fullClassName;
      this.anonymous = anonymous;
      this.classNameNode = classNameNode;
      this.superClassNameNode = superClassNameNode;

    static ClassDeclarationMetadata create(Node classNode, Node parent) {
      Node classNameNode = classNode.getFirstChild();
      Node superClassNameNode = classNameNode.getNext();

      // If this is a class statement, or a class expression in a simple
      // assignment or var statement, convert it. In any other case, the
      // code is too dynamic, so return null.
      if (NodeUtil.isStatement(classNode)) {
        return new ClassDeclarationMetadata(
            classNode, classNameNode.getString(), false, classNameNode, superClassNameNode);
      } else if (parent.isAssign() && parent.getParent().isExprResult()) {
        // Add members after the EXPR_RESULT node:
        // example.C = class {}; example.C.prototype.foo = function() {};
        String fullClassName = parent.getFirstChild().getQualifiedName();
        if (fullClassName == null) {
          return null;
        return new ClassDeclarationMetadata(
            parent.getParent(), fullClassName, true, classNameNode, superClassNameNode);
      } else if (parent.isName()) {
        // Add members after the 'var' statement.
        // var C = class {}; C.prototype.foo = function() {};
        return new ClassDeclarationMetadata(
            parent.getParent(), parent.getString(), true, classNameNode, superClassNameNode);
      } else {
        // Cannot handle this class declaration.
        return null;

    void insertNodeAndAdvance(Node newNode) {
      insertionPoint.getParent().addChildAfter(newNode, insertionPoint);
      insertionPoint = newNode;

    boolean hasSuperClass() {
      return !superClassNameNode.isEmpty();
Пример #12
 * A builder for FunctionTypes, because FunctionTypes are so ridiculously complex. All methods
 * return {@code this} for ease of use.
 * <p>Right now, this mostly uses JSDocInfo to infer type information about functions. In the long
 * term, developers should extend it to use other signals by overloading the various "inferXXX"
 * methods. For example, we might want to use {@code goog.inherits} calls as a signal for
 * inheritance, or {@code return} statements as a signal for return type.
 * <p>NOTE(nicksantos): Organizationally, this feels like it should be in Rhino. But it depends on
 * some coding convention stuff that's really part of JSCompiler.
 * @author [email protected] (Nick Santos)
 * @author [email protected] (Pascal-Louis Perez)
final class FunctionTypeBuilder {

  private final String fnName;
  private final AbstractCompiler compiler;
  private final CodingConvention codingConvention;
  private final JSTypeRegistry typeRegistry;
  private final Node errorRoot;
  private final String sourceName;
  private final Scope scope;

  private JSType returnType = null;
  private boolean returnTypeInferred = false;
  private List<ObjectType> implementedInterfaces = null;
  private ObjectType baseType = null;
  private ObjectType thisType = null;
  private boolean isConstructor = false;
  private boolean isInterface = false;
  private Node parametersNode = null;
  private Node sourceNode = null;
  private String templateTypeName = null;

  static final DiagnosticType EXTENDS_WITHOUT_TYPEDEF =
          "@extends used without @constructor or @interface for {0}");

  static final DiagnosticType EXTENDS_NON_OBJECT =
      DiagnosticType.warning("JSC_EXTENDS_NON_OBJECT", "{0} @extends non-object type {1}");

  static final DiagnosticType RESOLVED_TAG_EMPTY =
      DiagnosticType.warning("JSC_RESOLVED_TAG_EMPTY", "Could not resolve type in {0} tag of {1}");

  static final DiagnosticType IMPLEMENTS_WITHOUT_CONSTRUCTOR =
          "@implements used without @constructor or @interface for {0}");

  static final DiagnosticType VAR_ARGS_MUST_BE_LAST =
      DiagnosticType.warning("JSC_VAR_ARGS_MUST_BE_LAST", "variable length argument must be last");

  static final DiagnosticType OPTIONAL_ARG_AT_END =
      DiagnosticType.warning("JSC_OPTIONAL_ARG_AT_END", "optional arguments must be at the end");

  static final DiagnosticType INEXISTANT_PARAM =
          "JSC_INEXISTANT_PARAM", "parameter {0} does not appear in {1}''s parameter list");

  static final DiagnosticType TYPE_REDEFINITION =
          "attempted re-definition of type {0}\n" + "found   : {1}\n" + "expected: {2}");

  static final DiagnosticType TEMPLATE_TYPE_DUPLICATED =
          "JSC_TEMPLATE_TYPE_DUPLICATED", "Only one parameter type must be the template type");

  static final DiagnosticType TEMPLATE_TYPE_EXPECTED =
          "JSC_TEMPLATE_TYPE_EXPECTED", "The template type must be a parameter type");

  static final DiagnosticType THIS_TYPE_NON_OBJECT =
          "@this type of a function must be an object\n" + "Actual type: {0}");

  private class ExtendedTypeValidator implements Predicate<JSType> {
    public boolean apply(JSType type) {
      ObjectType objectType = ObjectType.cast(type);
      if (objectType == null) {
        reportWarning(EXTENDS_NON_OBJECT, fnName, type.toString());
      } else if (objectType.isUnknownType()
          // If this has a supertype that hasn't been resolved yet,
          // then we can assume this type will be ok once the super
          // type resolves.
          (objectType.getImplicitPrototype() == null
              || objectType.getImplicitPrototype().isResolved())) {
        reportWarning(RESOLVED_TAG_EMPTY, "@extends", fnName);
      } else {
        return true;
      return false;

  private class ImplementedTypeValidator implements Predicate<JSType> {
    public boolean apply(JSType type) {
      ObjectType objectType = ObjectType.cast(type);
      if (objectType == null) {
        reportError(BAD_IMPLEMENTED_TYPE, fnName);
      } else if (objectType.isUnknownType()
          // If this has a supertype that hasn't been resolved yet,
          // then we can assume this type will be ok once the super
          // type resolves.
          (objectType.getImplicitPrototype() == null
              || objectType.getImplicitPrototype().isResolved())) {
        reportWarning(RESOLVED_TAG_EMPTY, "@implements", fnName);
      } else {
        return true;
      return false;

  private class ThisTypeValidator implements Predicate<JSType> {
    public boolean apply(JSType type) {
      // TODO(user): Doing an instanceof check here is too
      // restrictive as (Date,Error) is, for instance, an object type
      // even though its implementation is a UnionType. Would need to
      // create interfaces JSType, ObjectType, FunctionType etc and have
      // separate implementation instead of the class hierarchy, so that
      // union types can also be object types, etc.
      if (!type.restrictByNotNullOrUndefined().isSubtype(typeRegistry.getNativeType(OBJECT_TYPE))) {
        reportWarning(THIS_TYPE_NON_OBJECT, type.toString());
        return false;
      return true;

   * @param fnName The function name.
   * @param compiler The compiler.
   * @param errorRoot The node to associate with any warning generated by this builder.
   * @param sourceName A source name for associating any warnings that we have to emit.
   * @param scope The syntactic scope.
      String fnName, AbstractCompiler compiler, Node errorRoot, String sourceName, Scope scope) {

    this.fnName = fnName == null ? "" : fnName;
    this.codingConvention = compiler.getCodingConvention();
    this.typeRegistry = compiler.getTypeRegistry();
    this.errorRoot = errorRoot;
    this.sourceName = sourceName;
    this.compiler = compiler;
    this.scope = scope;

  /** Sets the FUNCTION node of this function. */
  FunctionTypeBuilder setSourceNode(@Nullable Node sourceNode) {
    this.sourceNode = sourceNode;
    return this;

   * Infer the parameter and return types of a function from the parameter and return types of the
   * function it is overriding.
   * @param oldType The function being overridden. Does nothing if this is null.
   * @param paramsParent The LP node of the function that we're assigning to. If null, that just
   *     means we're not initializing this to a function literal.
  FunctionTypeBuilder inferFromOverriddenFunction(
      @Nullable FunctionType oldType, @Nullable Node paramsParent) {
    if (oldType == null) {
      return this;

    returnType = oldType.getReturnType();
    returnTypeInferred = oldType.isReturnTypeInferred();
    if (paramsParent == null) {
      // Not a function literal.
      parametersNode = oldType.getParametersNode();
      if (parametersNode == null) {
        parametersNode = new FunctionParamBuilder(typeRegistry).build();
    } else {
      // We're overriding with a function literal. Apply type information
      // to each parameter of the literal.
      FunctionParamBuilder paramBuilder = new FunctionParamBuilder(typeRegistry);
      Iterator<Node> oldParams = oldType.getParameters().iterator();
      boolean warnedAboutArgList = false;
      boolean oldParamsListHitOptArgs = false;
      for (Node currentParam = paramsParent.getFirstChild();
          currentParam != null;
          currentParam = currentParam.getNext()) {
        if (oldParams.hasNext()) {
          Node oldParam = oldParams.next();
          Node newParam = paramBuilder.newParameterFromNode(oldParam);

          oldParamsListHitOptArgs =
              oldParamsListHitOptArgs || oldParam.isVarArgs() || oldParam.isOptionalArg();

          // The subclass method might right its var_args as individual
          // arguments.
          if (currentParam.getNext() != null && newParam.isVarArgs()) {
        } else {
          warnedAboutArgList |=
                  codingConvention.isOptionalParameter(currentParam) || oldParamsListHitOptArgs,
      parametersNode = paramBuilder.build();
    return this;

  /** Infer the return type from JSDocInfo. */
  FunctionTypeBuilder inferReturnType(@Nullable JSDocInfo info) {
    if (info != null && info.hasReturnType()) {
      returnType = info.getReturnType().evaluate(scope, typeRegistry);
      returnTypeInferred = false;

    if (templateTypeName != null
        && returnType != null
        && returnType.restrictByNotNullOrUndefined().isTemplateType()) {
      reportError(TEMPLATE_TYPE_EXPECTED, fnName);
    return this;

   * If we haven't found a return value yet, try to look at the "return" statements in the function.
  FunctionTypeBuilder inferReturnStatementsAsLastResort(@Nullable Node functionBlock) {
    if (functionBlock == null || compiler.getInput(sourceName).isExtern()) {
      return this;
    Preconditions.checkArgument(functionBlock.getType() == Token.BLOCK);
    if (returnType == null) {
      boolean hasNonEmptyReturns = false;
      List<Node> worklist = Lists.newArrayList(functionBlock);
      while (!worklist.isEmpty()) {
        Node current = worklist.remove(worklist.size() - 1);
        int cType = current.getType();
        if (cType == Token.RETURN && current.getFirstChild() != null || cType == Token.THROW) {
          hasNonEmptyReturns = true;
        } else if (NodeUtil.isStatementBlock(current) || NodeUtil.isControlStructure(current)) {
          for (Node child = current.getFirstChild(); child != null; child = child.getNext()) {

      if (!hasNonEmptyReturns) {
        returnType = typeRegistry.getNativeType(VOID_TYPE);
        returnTypeInferred = true;
    return this;

   * Infer the role of the function (whether it's a constructor or interface) and what it inherits
   * from in JSDocInfo.
  FunctionTypeBuilder inferInheritance(@Nullable JSDocInfo info) {
    if (info != null) {
      isConstructor = info.isConstructor();
      isInterface = info.isInterface();

      // base type
      if (info.hasBaseType()) {
        if (isConstructor || isInterface) {
          JSType maybeBaseType = info.getBaseType().evaluate(scope, typeRegistry);
          if (maybeBaseType != null && maybeBaseType.setValidator(new ExtendedTypeValidator())) {
            baseType = (ObjectType) maybeBaseType;
        } else {
          reportWarning(EXTENDS_WITHOUT_TYPEDEF, fnName);

      // implemented interfaces
      if (isConstructor || isInterface) {
        implementedInterfaces = Lists.newArrayList();
        for (JSTypeExpression t : info.getImplementedInterfaces()) {
          JSType maybeInterType = t.evaluate(scope, typeRegistry);
          if (maybeInterType != null
              && maybeInterType.setValidator(new ImplementedTypeValidator())) {
            implementedInterfaces.add((ObjectType) maybeInterType);
        if (baseType != null) {
          JSType maybeFunctionType = baseType.getConstructor();
          if (maybeFunctionType instanceof FunctionType) {
            FunctionType functionType = baseType.getConstructor();
            Iterables.addAll(implementedInterfaces, functionType.getImplementedInterfaces());
      } else if (info.getImplementedInterfaceCount() > 0) {
        reportWarning(IMPLEMENTS_WITHOUT_CONSTRUCTOR, fnName);

    return this;

   * Infers the type of {@code this}.
   * @param type The type of this.
  FunctionTypeBuilder inferThisType(JSDocInfo info, JSType type) {
    ObjectType objType = ObjectType.cast(type);
    if (objType != null && (info == null || !info.hasType())) {
      thisType = objType;
    return this;

   * Infers the type of {@code this}.
   * @param info The JSDocInfo for this function.
   * @param owner The node for the object whose prototype "owns" this function. For example, {@code
   *     A} in the expression {@code A.prototype.foo}. May be null to indicate that this is not a
   *     prototype property.
  FunctionTypeBuilder inferThisType(JSDocInfo info, @Nullable Node owner) {
    ObjectType maybeThisType = null;
    if (info != null && info.hasThisType()) {
      maybeThisType = ObjectType.cast(info.getThisType().evaluate(scope, typeRegistry));
    if (maybeThisType != null) {
      thisType = maybeThisType;
      thisType.setValidator(new ThisTypeValidator());
    } else if (owner != null && (info == null || !info.hasType())) {
      // If the function is of the form:
      // x.prototype.y = function() {}
      // then we can assume "x" is the @this type. On the other hand,
      // if it's of the form:
      // /** @type {Function} */ x.prototype.y;
      // then we should not give it a @this type.
      String ownerTypeName = owner.getQualifiedName();
      ObjectType ownerType =
                  scope, ownerTypeName, sourceName, owner.getLineno(), owner.getCharno()));
      if (ownerType != null) {
        thisType = ownerType;

    return this;

  /** Infer the parameter types from the doc info alone. */
  FunctionTypeBuilder inferParameterTypes(JSDocInfo info) {
    // Create a fake args parent.
    Node lp = new Node(Token.LP);
    for (String name : info.getParameterNames()) {
      lp.addChildToBack(Node.newString(Token.NAME, name));

    return inferParameterTypes(lp, info);

  /** Infer the parameter types from the list of argument names and the doc info. */
  FunctionTypeBuilder inferParameterTypes(@Nullable Node argsParent, @Nullable JSDocInfo info) {
    if (argsParent == null) {
      if (info == null) {
        return this;
      } else {
        return inferParameterTypes(info);

    // arguments
    Node oldParameterType = null;
    if (parametersNode != null) {
      oldParameterType = parametersNode.getFirstChild();

    FunctionParamBuilder builder = new FunctionParamBuilder(typeRegistry);
    boolean warnedAboutArgList = false;
    Set<String> allJsDocParams =
        (info == null) ? Sets.<String>newHashSet() : Sets.newHashSet(info.getParameterNames());
    boolean foundTemplateType = false;
    for (Node arg : argsParent.children()) {
      String argumentName = arg.getString();

      // type from JSDocInfo
      JSType parameterType = null;
      boolean isOptionalParam = isOptionalParameter(arg, info);
      boolean isVarArgs = isVarArgsParameter(arg, info);
      if (info != null && info.hasParameterType(argumentName)) {
        parameterType = info.getParameterType(argumentName).evaluate(scope, typeRegistry);
      } else if (oldParameterType != null && oldParameterType.getJSType() != null) {
        parameterType = oldParameterType.getJSType();
        isOptionalParam = oldParameterType.isOptionalArg();
        isVarArgs = oldParameterType.isVarArgs();
      } else {
        parameterType = typeRegistry.getNativeType(UNKNOWN_TYPE);

      if (templateTypeName != null
          && parameterType.restrictByNotNullOrUndefined().isTemplateType()) {
        if (foundTemplateType) {
          reportError(TEMPLATE_TYPE_DUPLICATED, fnName);
        foundTemplateType = true;
      warnedAboutArgList |=
          addParameter(builder, parameterType, warnedAboutArgList, isOptionalParam, isVarArgs);

      if (oldParameterType != null) {
        oldParameterType = oldParameterType.getNext();

    if (templateTypeName != null && !foundTemplateType) {
      reportError(TEMPLATE_TYPE_EXPECTED, fnName);

    for (String inexistentName : allJsDocParams) {
      reportWarning(INEXISTANT_PARAM, inexistentName, fnName);

    parametersNode = builder.build();
    return this;

  /** @return Whether the given param is an optional param. */
  private boolean isOptionalParameter(Node param, @Nullable JSDocInfo info) {
    if (codingConvention.isOptionalParameter(param)) {
      return true;

    String paramName = param.getString();
    return info != null
        && info.hasParameterType(paramName)
        && info.getParameterType(paramName).isOptionalArg();

   * Determine whether this is a var args parameter.
   * @return Whether the given param is a var args param.
  private boolean isVarArgsParameter(Node param, @Nullable JSDocInfo info) {
    if (codingConvention.isVarArgsParameter(param)) {
      return true;

    String paramName = param.getString();
    return info != null
        && info.hasParameterType(paramName)
        && info.getParameterType(paramName).isVarArgs();

  /** Infer the template type from the doc info. */
  FunctionTypeBuilder inferTemplateTypeName(@Nullable JSDocInfo info) {
    if (info != null) {
      templateTypeName = info.getTemplateTypeName();
    return this;

   * Add a parameter to the param list.
   * @param builder A builder.
   * @param paramType The parameter type.
   * @param warnedAboutArgList Whether we've already warned about arg ordering issues (like if
   *     optional args appeared before required ones).
   * @param isOptional Is this an optional parameter?
   * @param isVarArgs Is this a var args parameter?
   * @return Whether a warning was emitted.
  private boolean addParameter(
      FunctionParamBuilder builder,
      JSType paramType,
      boolean warnedAboutArgList,
      boolean isOptional,
      boolean isVarArgs) {
    boolean emittedWarning = false;
    if (isOptional) {
      // Remembering that an optional parameter has been encountered
      // so that if a non optional param is encountered later, an
      // error can be reported.
      if (!builder.addOptionalParams(paramType) && !warnedAboutArgList) {
        emittedWarning = true;
    } else if (isVarArgs) {
      if (!builder.addVarArgs(paramType) && !warnedAboutArgList) {
        emittedWarning = true;
    } else {
      if (!builder.addRequiredParams(paramType) && !warnedAboutArgList) {
        // An optional parameter was seen and this argument is not an optional
        // or var arg so it is an error.
        if (builder.hasVarArgs()) {
        } else {
        emittedWarning = true;
    return emittedWarning;

  /** Builds the function type, and puts it in the registry. */
  FunctionType buildAndRegister() {
    if (returnType == null) {
      returnType = typeRegistry.getNativeType(UNKNOWN_TYPE);

    if (parametersNode == null) {
      throw new IllegalStateException("All Function types must have params and a return type");

    FunctionType fnType;
    if (isConstructor) {
      fnType = getOrCreateConstructor();
    } else if (isInterface) {
      fnType = typeRegistry.createInterfaceType(fnName, sourceNode);
      if (getScopeDeclaredIn().isGlobal() && !fnName.isEmpty()) {
        typeRegistry.declareType(fnName, fnType.getInstanceType());
    } else {
      fnType =
          new FunctionBuilder(typeRegistry)
              .withReturnType(returnType, returnTypeInferred)

    if (implementedInterfaces != null) {


    return fnType;

  private void maybeSetBaseType(FunctionType fnType) {
    if (baseType != null) {

   * Returns a constructor function either by returning it from the registry if it exists or
   * creating and registering a new type. If there is already a type, then warn if the existing type
   * is different than the one we are creating, though still return the existing function if
   * possible. The primary purpose of this is that registering a constructor will fail for all
   * built-in types that are initialized in {@link JSTypeRegistry}. We a) want to make sure that the
   * type information specified in the externs file matches what is in the registry and b) annotate
   * the externs with the {@link JSType} from the registry so that there are not two separate JSType
   * objects for one type.
  private FunctionType getOrCreateConstructor() {
    FunctionType fnType =
        typeRegistry.createConstructorType(fnName, sourceNode, parametersNode, returnType);
    JSType existingType = typeRegistry.getType(fnName);

    if (existingType != null) {
      boolean isInstanceObject = existingType instanceof InstanceObjectType;
      if (isInstanceObject || fnName.equals("Function")) {
        FunctionType existingFn =
                ? ((InstanceObjectType) existingType).getConstructor()
                : typeRegistry.getNativeFunctionType(FUNCTION_FUNCTION_TYPE);

        if (existingFn.getSource() == null) {

        if (!existingFn.hasEqualCallType(fnType)) {
          reportWarning(TYPE_REDEFINITION, fnName, fnType.toString(), existingFn.toString());

        return existingFn;
      } else {
        // We fall through and return the created type, even though it will fail
        // to register. We have no choice as we have to return a function. We
        // issue an error elsewhere though, so the user should fix it.


    if (getScopeDeclaredIn().isGlobal() && !fnName.isEmpty()) {
      typeRegistry.declareType(fnName, fnType.getInstanceType());
    return fnType;

  private void reportWarning(DiagnosticType warning, String... args) {
    compiler.report(JSError.make(sourceName, errorRoot, warning, args));

  private void reportError(DiagnosticType error, String... args) {
    compiler.report(JSError.make(sourceName, errorRoot, error, args));

  /** Determines whether the given jsdoc info declares a function type. */
  static boolean isFunctionTypeDeclaration(JSDocInfo info) {
    return info.getParameterCount() > 0
        || info.hasReturnType()
        || info.hasThisType()
        || info.isConstructor()
        || info.isInterface();

   * The scope that we should declare this function in, if it needs to be declared in a scope.
   * Notice that TypedScopeCreator takes care of most scope-declaring.
  private Scope getScopeDeclaredIn() {
    int dotIndex = fnName.indexOf(".");
    if (dotIndex != -1) {
      String rootVarName = fnName.substring(0, dotIndex);
      Var rootVar = scope.getVar(rootVarName);
      if (rootVar != null) {
        return rootVar.getScope();
    return scope;
 * Records all of the symbols and properties that should be exported.
 * <p>Currently applies to: - function foo() {} - var foo = function() {} - foo.bar = function() {}
 * - var FOO = ...; - foo.BAR = ...;
 * <p>FOO = BAR = 5; and var FOO = BAR = 5; are not supported because the annotation is ambiguous to
 * whether it applies to all the variables or only the first one.
class FindExportableNodes extends AbstractPostOrderCallback {

  static final DiagnosticType NON_GLOBAL_ERROR =
          "@export only applies to symbols/properties defined in the " + "global scope.");

  static final DiagnosticType EXPORT_ANNOTATION_NOT_ALLOWED =
          "JSC_EXPORT_ANNOTATION_NOT_ALLOWED", "@export is not supported on this expression.");

  private final AbstractCompiler compiler;

   * It's convenient to be able to iterate over exports in the order in which they are encountered.
  private final LinkedHashMap<String, GenerateNodeContext> exports = new LinkedHashMap<>();

  private final boolean allowLocalExports;

  FindExportableNodes(AbstractCompiler compiler, boolean allowLocalExports) {
    this.compiler = compiler;
    this.allowLocalExports = allowLocalExports;

  public void visit(NodeTraversal t, Node n, Node parent) {
    JSDocInfo docInfo = n.getJSDocInfo();
    if (docInfo != null && docInfo.isExport()) {

      if (parent.isAssign() && (n.isFunction() || n.isClass())) {
        JSDocInfo parentInfo = parent.getJSDocInfo();
        if (parentInfo != null && parentInfo.isExport()) {
          // ScopedAliases produces export annotations on both the function/class
          // node and assign node, we only want to visit the assign node.

      String export = null;
      GenerateNodeContext context = null;

      switch (n.getType()) {
        case Token.FUNCTION:
        case Token.CLASS:
          if (parent.isScript()) {
            export = NodeUtil.getName(n);
            context = new GenerateNodeContext(n, Mode.EXPORT);

        case Token.MEMBER_FUNCTION_DEF:
          export = n.getString();
          context = new GenerateNodeContext(n, Mode.EXPORT);

        case Token.ASSIGN:
          Node grandparent = parent.getParent();
          if (parent.isExprResult() && !n.getLastChild().isAssign()) {
            if (grandparent != null
                && grandparent.isScript()
                && n.getFirstChild().isQualifiedName()) {
              export = n.getFirstChild().getQualifiedName();
              context = new GenerateNodeContext(n, Mode.EXPORT);
            } else if (allowLocalExports && n.getFirstChild().isGetProp()) {
              Node target = n.getFirstChild();
              export = target.getLastChild().getString();
              context = new GenerateNodeContext(n, Mode.EXTERN);

        case Token.VAR:
        case Token.LET:
        case Token.CONST:
          if (parent.isScript()) {
            if (n.getFirstChild().hasChildren() && !n.getFirstChild().getFirstChild().isAssign()) {
              export = n.getFirstChild().getString();
              context = new GenerateNodeContext(n, Mode.EXPORT);

        case Token.GETPROP:
          if (allowLocalExports && parent.isExprResult()) {
            export = n.getLastChild().getString();
            context = new GenerateNodeContext(n, Mode.EXTERN);

        case Token.STRING_KEY:
        case Token.GETTER_DEF:
        case Token.SETTER_DEF:
          if (allowLocalExports) {
            export = n.getString();
            context = new GenerateNodeContext(n, Mode.EXTERN);

      if (export != null) {
        exports.put(export, context);
      } else {
        // Don't produce extra warnings for functions values of object literals
        if (!n.isFunction() || !NodeUtil.isObjectLitKey(parent)) {
          if (allowLocalExports) {
            compiler.report(t.makeError(n, EXPORT_ANNOTATION_NOT_ALLOWED));
          } else {
            compiler.report(t.makeError(n, NON_GLOBAL_ERROR));

  LinkedHashMap<String, GenerateNodeContext> getExports() {
    return exports;

  static enum Mode {

  /** Context holding the node references required for generating the export calls. */
  static class GenerateNodeContext {
    private final Node node;
    private final Mode mode;

    GenerateNodeContext(Node node, Mode mode) {
      this.node = node;
      this.mode = mode;

    Node getNode() {
      return node;

    public Mode getMode() {
      return mode;
Пример #14
 * A compiler pass that verifies the structure of the AST conforms to a number of invariants.
 * Because this can add a lot of overhead, we only run this in development mode.
class SanityCheck implements CompilerPass {

  static final DiagnosticType CANNOT_PARSE_GENERATED_CODE =
          "Internal compiler error. Cannot parse generated code: {0}");

  static final DiagnosticType GENERATED_BAD_CODE =
          "Internal compiler error. Generated bad code."
              + "----------------------------------------\n"
              + "Expected:\n{0}\n"
              + "----------------------------------------\n"
              + "Actual:\n{1}");

  private final AbstractCompiler compiler;

  SanityCheck(AbstractCompiler compiler) {
    this.compiler = compiler;

  public void process(Node externs, Node root) {
    sanityCheckNormalization(externs, root);

   * Sanity checks code generation by performing it once, parsing the result, then generating code
   * from the second parse tree to verify that it matches the code generated from the first parse
   * tree.
   * @return The regenerated parse tree. Null on error.
  private Node sanityCheckCodeGeneration(Node root) {
    if (compiler.hasHaltingErrors()) {
      // Don't even bother checking code generation if we already know the
      // the code is bad.
      return null;

    String source = compiler.toSource(root);
    Node root2 = compiler.parseSyntheticCode(source);
    if (compiler.hasHaltingErrors()) {
              CANNOT_PARSE_GENERATED_CODE, Strings.truncateAtMaxLength(source, 100, true)));

      // Throw an exception, so that the infrastructure will tell us
      // which pass violated the sanity check.
      throw new IllegalStateException("Sanity Check failed");

    String source2 = compiler.toSource(root2);
    if (!source.equals(source2)) {
              Strings.truncateAtMaxLength(source, 1000, true),
              Strings.truncateAtMaxLength(source2, 1000, true)));

      // Throw an exception, so that the infrastructure will tell us
      // which pass violated the sanity check.
      throw new IllegalStateException("Sanity Check failed");

    return root2;

  /** Sanity checks the AST. This is by verifing the normalization passes do nothing. */
  private void sanityCheckNormalization(Node externs, Node root) {
    // Verify nothing has inappropriately denormalize the AST.
    CodeChangeHandler handler = new CodeChangeHandler.ForbiddenChange();

    // TODO(johnlenz): Change these normalization checks Preconditions and
    // Exceptions into Errors so that it is easier to find the root cause
    // when there are cascading issues.
    new PrepareAst(compiler, true).process(null, root);
    if (compiler.isNormalized()) {
      (new Normalize(compiler, true)).process(externs, root);

      boolean checkUserDeclarations = true;
      CompilerPass pass = new Normalize.VerifyConstants(compiler, checkUserDeclarations);
      pass.process(externs, root);

 * Provides a framework for checking code against a set of user configured conformance rules. The
 * rules are specified by the ConformanceConfig proto, which allows for both standard checks
 * (forbidden properties, variables, or dependencies) and allow for more complex checks using custom
 * rules than specify
public final class CheckConformance implements Callback, CompilerPass {

  static final DiagnosticType CONFORMANCE_VIOLATION =
      DiagnosticType.warning("JSC_CONFORMANCE_VIOLATION", "Violation: {0}{1}{2}");

  static final DiagnosticType CONFORMANCE_POSSIBLE_VIOLATION =
      DiagnosticType.warning("JSC_CONFORMANCE_POSSIBLE_VIOLATION", "Possible violation: {0}{1}{2}");

  static final DiagnosticType INVALID_REQUIREMENT_SPEC =
          "Invalid requirement. Reason: {0}\nRequirement spec:\n{1}");

  private final AbstractCompiler compiler;
  private final ImmutableList<Rule> rules;

  public static interface Rule {
    /** Perform conformance check */
    void check(NodeTraversal t, Node n);

  /** @param configs The rules to check. */
  CheckConformance(AbstractCompiler compiler, ImmutableList<ConformanceConfig> configs) {
    this.compiler = compiler;
    // Initialize the map of functions to inspect for renaming candidates.
    this.rules = initRules(compiler, configs);

  public void process(Node externs, Node root) {
    if (!rules.isEmpty()) {
      NodeTraversal.traverseRootsEs6(compiler, this, externs, root);

  public final boolean shouldTraverse(NodeTraversal t, Node n, Node parent) {
    // Don't inspect extern files
    return !n.isScript() || !t.getInput().getSourceFile().isExtern();

  public void visit(NodeTraversal t, Node n, Node parent) {
    for (int i = 0, len = rules.size(); i < len; i++) {
      Rule rule = rules.get(i);
      rule.check(t, n);

  /** Build the data structures need by this pass from the provided configurations. */
  private static ImmutableList<Rule> initRules(
      AbstractCompiler compiler, ImmutableList<ConformanceConfig> configs) {
    ImmutableList.Builder<Rule> builder = ImmutableList.builder();
    List<Requirement> requirements = mergeRequirements(compiler, configs);
    for (Requirement requirement : requirements) {
      Rule rule = initRule(compiler, requirement);
      if (rule != null) {
    return builder.build();

  private static final Set<String> EXTENDABLE_FIELDS =
          "extends", "whitelist", "whitelist_regexp", "only_apply_to", "only_apply_to_regexp");

   * Gets requirements from all configs. Merges whitelists of requirements with 'extends' equal to
   * 'rule_id' of other rule.
  static List<Requirement> mergeRequirements(
      AbstractCompiler compiler, List<ConformanceConfig> configs) {
    List<Requirement.Builder> builders = new ArrayList<>();
    Map<String, Requirement.Builder> extendable = new HashMap<>();
    for (ConformanceConfig config : configs) {
      for (Requirement requirement : config.getRequirementList()) {
        Requirement.Builder builder = requirement.toBuilder();
        if (requirement.hasRuleId()) {
          if (requirement.getRuleId().isEmpty()) {
            reportInvalidRequirement(compiler, requirement, "empty rule_id");
          if (extendable.containsKey(requirement.getRuleId())) {
                "two requirements with the same rule_id: " + requirement.getRuleId());
          extendable.put(requirement.getRuleId(), builder);
        if (!requirement.hasExtends()) {

    for (ConformanceConfig config : configs) {
      for (Requirement requirement : config.getRequirementList()) {
        if (requirement.hasExtends()) {
          Requirement.Builder existing = extendable.get(requirement.getExtends());
          if (existing == null) {
                compiler, requirement, "no requirement with rule_id: " + requirement.getExtends());
          for (Descriptors.FieldDescriptor field : requirement.getAllFields().keySet()) {
            if (!EXTENDABLE_FIELDS.contains(field.getName())) {
                  compiler, requirement, "extending rules allow only " + EXTENDABLE_FIELDS);

    List<Requirement> requirements = new ArrayList<>(builders.size());
    for (Requirement.Builder builder : builders) {
      Requirement requirement = builder.build();
      checkRequirementList(compiler, requirement, "whitelist");
      checkRequirementList(compiler, requirement, "whitelist_regexp");
      checkRequirementList(compiler, requirement, "only_apply_to");
      checkRequirementList(compiler, requirement, "only_apply_to_regexp");
    return requirements;

  private static void checkRequirementList(
      AbstractCompiler compiler, Requirement requirement, String field) {
    Set<String> existing = new HashSet<>();
    for (String value : getRequirementList(requirement, field)) {
      if (!existing.add(value)) {
        reportInvalidRequirement(compiler, requirement, "duplicate " + field + " value: " + value);

  private static List<String> getRequirementList(Requirement requirement, String field) {
    switch (field) {
      case "whitelist":
        return requirement.getWhitelistList();
      case "whitelist_regexp":
        return requirement.getWhitelistRegexpList();
      case "only_apply_to":
        return requirement.getOnlyApplyToList();
      case "only_apply_to_regexp":
        return requirement.getOnlyApplyToRegexpList();
        throw new AssertionError("Unrecognized field: " + field);

  private static Rule initRule(AbstractCompiler compiler, Requirement requirement) {
    try {
      switch (requirement.getType()) {
        case CUSTOM:
          return new ConformanceRules.CustomRuleProxy(compiler, requirement);
          return new ConformanceRules.BannedCodePattern(compiler, requirement);
          return new ConformanceRules.BannedDependency(compiler, requirement);
        case BANNED_NAME:
          return new ConformanceRules.BannedName(compiler, requirement);
        case BANNED_PROPERTY:
          return new ConformanceRules.BannedProperty(compiler, requirement);
          return new ConformanceRules.RestrictedNameCall(compiler, requirement);
          return new ConformanceRules.RestrictedMethodCall(compiler, requirement);
          reportInvalidRequirement(compiler, requirement, "unknown requirement type");
          return null;
    } catch (InvalidRequirementSpec e) {
      reportInvalidRequirement(compiler, requirement, e.getMessage());
      return null;

  public static class InvalidRequirementSpec extends Exception {
    InvalidRequirementSpec(String message) {

  /** @param requirement */
  private static void reportInvalidRequirement(
      AbstractCompiler compiler, Requirement requirement, String reason) {
        JSError.make(INVALID_REQUIREMENT_SPEC, reason, TextFormat.printToString(requirement)));
 * The syntactic scope creator scans the parse tree to create a Scope object containing all the
 * variable declarations in that scope.
 * <p>This implementation is not thread-safe.
class SyntacticScopeCreator implements ScopeCreator {
  private final AbstractCompiler compiler;
  private Scope scope;
  private String sourceName;
  private final RedeclarationHandler redeclarationHandler;

  // The arguments variable is special, in that it's declared in every local
  // scope, but not explicitly declared.
  private static final String ARGUMENTS = "arguments";

  public static final DiagnosticType VAR_MULTIPLY_DECLARED_ERROR =
      DiagnosticType.error("JSC_VAR_MULTIPLY_DECLARED_ERROR", "Variable {0} first declared in {1}");

  public static final DiagnosticType VAR_ARGUMENTS_SHADOWED_ERROR =
          "JSC_VAR_ARGUMENTS_SHADOWED_ERROR", "Shadowing \"arguments\" is not allowed");

  /** Creates a ScopeCreator. */
  SyntacticScopeCreator(AbstractCompiler compiler) {
    this.compiler = compiler;
    this.redeclarationHandler = new DefaultRedeclarationHandler();

  SyntacticScopeCreator(AbstractCompiler compiler, RedeclarationHandler redeclarationHandler) {
    this.compiler = compiler;
    this.redeclarationHandler = redeclarationHandler;

  public Scope createScope(Node n, Scope parent) {
    sourceName = null;
    if (parent == null) {
      scope = new Scope(n, compiler);
    } else {
      scope = new Scope(parent, n);

    scanRoot(n, parent);

    sourceName = null;
    Scope returnedScope = scope;
    scope = null;
    return returnedScope;

  private void scanRoot(Node n, Scope parent) {
    if (n.getType() == Token.FUNCTION) {
      sourceName = (String) n.getProp(Node.SOURCENAME_PROP);

      final Node fnNameNode = n.getFirstChild();
      final Node args = fnNameNode.getNext();
      final Node body = args.getNext();

      // Bleed the function name into the scope, if it hasn't
      // been declared in the outer scope.
      String fnName = fnNameNode.getString();
      if (!fnName.isEmpty() && NodeUtil.isFunctionExpression(n)) {
        declareVar(fnName, fnNameNode, n, null, null, n);

      // Args: Declare function variables
      Preconditions.checkState(args.getType() == Token.LP);
      for (Node a = args.getFirstChild(); a != null; a = a.getNext()) {
        Preconditions.checkState(a.getType() == Token.NAME);
        declareVar(a.getString(), a, args, n, null, n);

      // Body
      scanVars(body, n);
    } else {
      // It's the global block
      Preconditions.checkState(scope.getParent() == null);
      scanVars(n, null);

  /** Scans and gather variables declarations under a Node */
  private void scanVars(Node n, Node parent) {
    switch (n.getType()) {
      case Token.VAR:
        // Declare all variables. e.g. var x = 1, y, z;
        for (Node child = n.getFirstChild(); child != null; ) {
          Node next = child.getNext();
          Preconditions.checkState(child.getType() == Token.NAME);

          String name = child.getString();
          declareVar(name, child, n, parent, null, n);
          child = next;

      case Token.FUNCTION:
        if (NodeUtil.isFunctionExpression(n)) {

        String fnName = n.getFirstChild().getString();
        if (fnName.isEmpty()) {
          // This is invalid, but allow it so the checks can catch it.
        declareVar(fnName, n.getFirstChild(), n, parent, null, n);
        return; // should not examine function's children

      case Token.CATCH:
        Preconditions.checkState(n.getChildCount() == 2);
        Preconditions.checkState(n.getFirstChild().getType() == Token.NAME);
        // the first child is the catch var and the third child
        // is the code block

        final Node var = n.getFirstChild();
        final Node block = var.getNext();

        declareVar(var.getString(), var, n, parent, null, n);
        scanVars(block, n);
        return; // only one child to scan

      case Token.SCRIPT:
        sourceName = (String) n.getProp(Node.SOURCENAME_PROP);

    // Variables can only occur in statement-level nodes, so
    // we only need to traverse children in a couple special cases.
    if (NodeUtil.isControlStructure(n) || NodeUtil.isStatementBlock(n)) {
      for (Node child = n.getFirstChild(); child != null; ) {
        Node next = child.getNext();
        scanVars(child, n);
        child = next;

  /** Interface for injectable duplicate handling. */
  interface RedeclarationHandler {
    void onRedeclaration(
        Scope s, String name, Node n, Node parent, Node gramps, Node nodeWithLineNumber);

  /** The default handler for duplicate declarations. */
  private class DefaultRedeclarationHandler implements RedeclarationHandler {
    public void onRedeclaration(
        Scope s, String name, Node n, Node parent, Node gramps, Node nodeWithLineNumber) {
      // Don't allow multiple variables to be declared at the top level scope
      if (scope.isGlobal()) {
        Scope.Var origVar = scope.getVar(name);
        Node origParent = origVar.getParentNode();
        if (origParent.getType() == Token.CATCH && parent.getType() == Token.CATCH) {
          // Okay, both are 'catch(x)' variables.

        boolean allowDupe = false;
        JSDocInfo info = n.getJSDocInfo();
        if (info == null) {
          info = parent.getJSDocInfo();
        allowDupe = info != null && info.getSuppressions().contains("duplicate");

        if (!allowDupe) {
                  (origVar.input != null ? origVar.input.getName() : "??")));
      } else if (name.equals(ARGUMENTS) && !NodeUtil.isVarDeclaration(n)) {
        // Disallow shadowing "arguments" as we can't handle with our current
        // scope modeling.
        compiler.report(JSError.make(sourceName, nodeWithLineNumber, VAR_ARGUMENTS_SHADOWED_ERROR));

   * Declares a variable.
   * @param name The variable name
   * @param n The node corresponding to the variable name (usually a NAME node)
   * @param parent The parent node of {@code n}
   * @param gramps The parent node of {@code parent}
   * @param declaredType The variable's type, according to JSDoc
   * @param nodeWithLineNumber The node to use to access the line number of the variable
   *     declaration, if needed
  private void declareVar(
      String name, Node n, Node parent, Node gramps, JSType declaredType, Node nodeWithLineNumber) {
    if (scope.isDeclared(name, false) || (scope.isLocal() && name.equals(ARGUMENTS))) {
      redeclarationHandler.onRedeclaration(scope, name, n, parent, gramps, nodeWithLineNumber);
    } else {
      scope.declare(name, n, declaredType, compiler.getInput(sourceName));
 * Rewrites "goog.defineClass" into a form that is suitable for type checking and dead code
 * elimination.
 * @author [email protected] (John Lenz)
class ClosureRewriteClass extends AbstractPostOrderCallback implements HotSwapCompilerPass {

  // Errors
  static final DiagnosticType GOOG_CLASS_TARGET_INVALID =
          "JSC_GOOG_CLASS_TARGET_INVALID", "Unsupported class definition expression.");

  static final DiagnosticType GOOG_CLASS_SUPER_CLASS_NOT_VALID =
          "The super class must be null or a valid name reference");

  static final DiagnosticType GOOG_CLASS_DESCRIPTOR_NOT_VALID =
          "JSC_GOOG_CLASS_DESCRIPTOR_NOT_VALID", "The class descriptor must be an object literal");

  static final DiagnosticType GOOG_CLASS_CONSTRUCTOR_MISSING =
          "The constructor expression is missing for the class descriptor");

  static final DiagnosticType GOOG_CLASS_CONSTRUCTOR_ON_INTERFACE =
          "Should not have a constructor expression for an interface");

  static final DiagnosticType GOOG_CLASS_STATICS_NOT_VALID =
          "The class statics descriptor must be an object or function literal");

  static final DiagnosticType GOOG_CLASS_UNEXPECTED_PARAMS =
          "JSC_GOOG_CLASS_UNEXPECTED_PARAMS", "The class definition has too many arguments.");

  // Warnings
  static final DiagnosticType GOOG_CLASS_NG_INJECT_ON_CLASS =
          "@ngInject should be declared on the constructor, not on the class.");

  private final AbstractCompiler compiler;

  public ClosureRewriteClass(AbstractCompiler compiler) {
    this.compiler = compiler;

  public void process(Node externs, Node root) {
    hotSwapScript(root, null);

  public void hotSwapScript(Node scriptRoot, Node originalRoot) {
    NodeTraversal.traverse(compiler, scriptRoot, this);

  public void visit(NodeTraversal t, Node n, Node parent) {
    if (n.isCall() && isGoogDefineClass(n)) {
      if (!validateUsage(n)) {
        compiler.report(JSError.make(n, GOOG_CLASS_TARGET_INVALID));

  private boolean validateUsage(Node n) {
    // There are only three valid usage patterns for of goog.defineClass
    //   var ClassName = googDefineClass
    //   namespace.ClassName = googDefineClass
    //   and within an objectlit, used by the goog.defineClass.
    Node parent = n.getParent();
    switch (parent.getType()) {
      case Token.NAME:
        return true;
      case Token.ASSIGN:
        return n == parent.getLastChild() && parent.getParent().isExprResult();
      case Token.STRING_KEY:
        return isContainedInGoogDefineClass(parent);
    return false;

  private boolean isContainedInGoogDefineClass(Node n) {
    while (n != null) {
      n = n.getParent();
      if (n.isCall()) {
        if (isGoogDefineClass(n)) {
          return true;
      } else if (!n.isObjectLit() && !n.isStringKey()) {
    return false;

  private void maybeRewriteClassDefinition(Node n) {
    if (n.isVar()) {
      Node target = n.getFirstChild();
      Node value = target.getFirstChild();
      maybeRewriteClassDefinition(n, target, value);
    } else if (NodeUtil.isExprAssign(n)) {
      Node assign = n.getFirstChild();
      Node target = assign.getFirstChild();
      Node value = assign.getLastChild();
      maybeRewriteClassDefinition(n, target, value);

  private void maybeRewriteClassDefinition(Node n, Node target, Node value) {
    if (isGoogDefineClass(value)) {
      if (!target.isQualifiedName()) {
        compiler.report(JSError.make(n, GOOG_CLASS_TARGET_INVALID));
      ClassDefinition def = extractClassDefinition(target, value);
      if (def != null) {
        rewriteGoogDefineClass(n, def);

  private static class MemberDefinition {
    final JSDocInfo info;
    final Node name;
    final Node value;

    MemberDefinition(JSDocInfo info, Node name, Node value) {
      this.info = info;
      this.name = name;
      this.value = value;

  private static final class ClassDefinition {
    final Node name;
    final JSDocInfo classInfo;
    final Node superClass;
    final MemberDefinition constructor;
    final List<MemberDefinition> staticProps;
    final List<MemberDefinition> props;
    final Node classModifier;

        Node name,
        JSDocInfo classInfo,
        Node superClass,
        MemberDefinition constructor,
        List<MemberDefinition> staticProps,
        List<MemberDefinition> props,
        Node classModifier) {
      this.name = name;
      this.classInfo = classInfo;
      this.superClass = superClass;
      this.constructor = constructor;
      this.staticProps = staticProps;
      this.props = props;
      this.classModifier = classModifier;

   * Validates the class definition and if valid, destructively extracts the class definition from
   * the AST.
  private ClassDefinition extractClassDefinition(Node targetName, Node callNode) {

    JSDocInfo classInfo = NodeUtil.getBestJSDocInfo(targetName);

    // name = goog.defineClass(superClass, {...}, [modifier, ...])
    Node superClass = NodeUtil.getArgumentForCallOrNew(callNode, 0);
    if (superClass == null || (!superClass.isNull() && !superClass.isQualifiedName())) {
      compiler.report(JSError.make(callNode, GOOG_CLASS_SUPER_CLASS_NOT_VALID));
      return null;

    if (NodeUtil.isNullOrUndefined(superClass) || superClass.matchesQualifiedName("Object")) {
      superClass = null;

    Node description = NodeUtil.getArgumentForCallOrNew(callNode, 1);
    if (description == null || !description.isObjectLit() || !validateObjLit(description)) {
      // report bad class definition
      compiler.report(JSError.make(callNode, GOOG_CLASS_DESCRIPTOR_NOT_VALID));
      return null;

    int paramCount = callNode.getChildCount() - 1;
    if (paramCount > 2) {
      compiler.report(JSError.make(callNode, GOOG_CLASS_UNEXPECTED_PARAMS));
      return null;

    Node constructor = extractProperty(description, "constructor");
    if (classInfo != null && classInfo.isInterface()) {
      if (constructor != null) {
        compiler.report(JSError.make(description, GOOG_CLASS_CONSTRUCTOR_ON_INTERFACE));
        return null;
    } else if (constructor == null) {
      // report missing constructor
      compiler.report(JSError.make(description, GOOG_CLASS_CONSTRUCTOR_MISSING));
      return null;
    if (constructor == null) {
      constructor =

    JSDocInfo info = NodeUtil.getBestJSDocInfo(constructor);

    Node classModifier = null;
    Node statics = null;
    Node staticsProp = extractProperty(description, "statics");
    if (staticsProp != null) {
      if (staticsProp.isObjectLit() && validateObjLit(staticsProp)) {
        statics = staticsProp;
      } else if (staticsProp.isFunction()) {
        classModifier = staticsProp;
      } else {
        compiler.report(JSError.make(staticsProp, GOOG_CLASS_STATICS_NOT_VALID));
        return null;

    if (statics == null) {
      statics = IR.objectlit();

    // Ok, now rip apart the definition into its component pieces.
    // Remove the "special" property key nodes.
    if (classModifier != null) {
    ClassDefinition def =
        new ClassDefinition(
            new MemberDefinition(info, null, maybeDetach(constructor)),
    return def;

  private static Node maybeDetach(Node node) {
    if (node != null && node.getParent() != null) {
    return node;

  // Only unquoted plain properties are currently supported.
  private static boolean validateObjLit(Node objlit) {
    for (Node key : objlit.children()) {
      if (!key.isStringKey() || key.isQuotedString()) {
        return false;
    return true;

  /** @return The first property in the objlit that matches the key. */
  private static Node extractProperty(Node objlit, String keyName) {
    for (Node keyNode : objlit.children()) {
      if (keyNode.getString().equals(keyName)) {
        return keyNode.isStringKey() ? keyNode.getFirstChild() : null;
    return null;

  private static List<MemberDefinition> objectLitToList(Node objlit) {
    List<MemberDefinition> result = Lists.newArrayList();
    for (Node keyNode : objlit.children()) {
          new MemberDefinition(
              NodeUtil.getBestJSDocInfo(keyNode), keyNode, keyNode.removeFirstChild()));
    return result;

  private void rewriteGoogDefineClass(Node exprRoot, final ClassDefinition cls) {
    // For simplicity add everything into a block, before adding it to the AST.
    Node block = IR.block();

    // remove the original jsdoc info if it was attached to the value.
    if (exprRoot.isVar()) {
      // example: var ctr = function(){}
      Node var = IR.var(cls.name.cloneTree(), cls.constructor.value).srcref(exprRoot);
      JSDocInfo mergedClassInfo = mergeJsDocFor(cls, var);
    } else {
      // example: ns.ctr = function(){}
      Node assign =
          IR.assign(cls.name.cloneTree(), cls.constructor.value)

      JSDocInfo mergedClassInfo = mergeJsDocFor(cls, assign);

      Node expr = IR.exprResult(assign).srcref(exprRoot);

    if (cls.superClass != null) {
      // example: goog.inherits(ctr, superClass)
                          NodeUtil.newQName(compiler, "goog.inherits").srcrefTree(cls.superClass),

    for (MemberDefinition def : cls.staticProps) {
      // remove the original jsdoc info if it was attached to the value.

      // example: ctr.prop = value
      // Handle inner class definitions.

    for (MemberDefinition def : cls.props) {
      // remove the original jsdoc info if it was attached to the value.

      // example: ctr.prototype.prop = value
      // Handle inner class definitions.

    if (cls.classModifier != null) {
      // Inside the modifier function, replace references to the argument
      // with the class name.
      //   function(cls) { cls.Foo = bar; }
      // becomes
      //   function(cls) { theClassName.Foo = bar; }
      // The cls parameter is unused, but leave it there so that it
      // matches the JsDoc.
      // TODO(tbreisacher): Add a warning if the param is shadowed or reassigned.
      Node argList = cls.classModifier.getFirstChild().getNext();
      Node arg = argList.getFirstChild();
      final String argName = arg.getString();
          new AbstractPostOrderCallback() {
            public void visit(NodeTraversal t, Node n, Node parent) {
              if (n.isName() && n.getString().equals(argName)) {
                parent.replaceChild(n, cls.name.cloneTree());

                      IR.call(cls.classModifier, cls.name.cloneTree()).srcref(cls.classModifier)))

    Node parent = exprRoot.getParent();
    Node stmts = block.removeChildren();
    parent.addChildrenAfter(stmts, exprRoot);


  private static Node fixupSrcref(Node node) {
    return node;

  private static Node fixupFreeCall(Node call) {
    call.putBooleanProp(Node.FREE_CALL, true);
    return call;

  /** @return Whether the call represents a class definition. */
  private static boolean isGoogDefineClass(Node value) {
    if (value != null && value.isCall()) {
      return value.getFirstChild().matchesQualifiedName("goog.defineClass");
    return false;

  static final String VIRTUAL_FILE = "<ClosureRewriteClass.java>";

  private JSDocInfo mergeJsDocFor(ClassDefinition cls, Node associatedNode) {
    // avoid null checks
    JSDocInfo classInfo = (cls.classInfo != null) ? cls.classInfo : new JSDocInfo(true);

    JSDocInfo ctorInfo =
        (cls.constructor.info != null) ? cls.constructor.info : new JSDocInfo(true);

    Node superNode = cls.superClass;

    // Start with a clone of the constructor info if there is one.
    JSDocInfoBuilder mergedInfo =
        cls.constructor.info != null
            ? JSDocInfoBuilder.copyFrom(ctorInfo)
            : new JSDocInfoBuilder(true);

    // merge block description
    String blockDescription =
            .join(classInfo.getBlockDescription(), ctorInfo.getBlockDescription());
    if (!blockDescription.isEmpty()) {

    // merge suppressions
    Set<String> suppressions = Sets.newHashSet();
    if (!suppressions.isEmpty()) {

    // Use class deprecation if set.
    if (classInfo.isDeprecated()) {

    String deprecationReason = null;
    if (classInfo.getDeprecationReason() != null) {
      deprecationReason = classInfo.getDeprecationReason();

    // Use class visibility if specifically set
    Visibility visibility = classInfo.getVisibility();
    if (visibility != null && visibility != JSDocInfo.Visibility.INHERITED) {

    if (classInfo.isConstant()) {

    if (classInfo.isExport()) {

    // If @ngInject is on the ctor, it's already been copied above.
    if (classInfo.isNgInject()) {
      compiler.report(JSError.make(associatedNode, GOOG_CLASS_NG_INJECT_ON_CLASS));

    // @constructor is implied, @interface must be explicit
    boolean isInterface = classInfo.isInterface() || ctorInfo.isInterface();
    if (isInterface) {
      List<JSTypeExpression> extendedInterfaces = null;
      if (classInfo.getExtendedInterfacesCount() > 0) {
        extendedInterfaces = classInfo.getExtendedInterfaces();
      } else if (ctorInfo.getExtendedInterfacesCount() == 0 && superNode != null) {
        extendedInterfaces =
                new JSTypeExpression(
                    new Node(Token.BANG, IR.string(superNode.getQualifiedName())), VIRTUAL_FILE));
      if (extendedInterfaces != null) {
        for (JSTypeExpression extend : extendedInterfaces) {
    } else {
      // @constructor by default
      if (classInfo.makesUnrestricted() || ctorInfo.makesUnrestricted()) {
      } else if (classInfo.makesDicts() || ctorInfo.makesDicts()) {
      } else {
        // @struct by default

      if (classInfo.getBaseType() != null) {
      } else if (superNode != null) {
        // a "super" implies @extends, build a default.
        JSTypeExpression baseType =
            new JSTypeExpression(
                new Node(Token.BANG, IR.string(superNode.getQualifiedName())), VIRTUAL_FILE);

      // @implements from the class if they exist
      List<JSTypeExpression> interfaces = classInfo.getImplementedInterfaces();
      for (JSTypeExpression implemented : interfaces) {

    // merge @template types if they exist
    List<String> templateNames = new ArrayList<>();
    for (String typeName : templateNames) {
    return mergedInfo.build(associatedNode);
 * Checks that goog.module() is used correctly.
 * <p>Note that this file only does checks that can be done per-file. Whole program checks happen
 * during goog.module rewriting, in {@link ClosureRewriteModule}.
public final class ClosureCheckModule implements Callback, HotSwapCompilerPass {
  static final DiagnosticType MULTIPLE_MODULES_IN_FILE =
          "There should only be a single goog.module() statement per file.");

  static final DiagnosticType MODULE_AND_PROVIDES =
          "A file using goog.module() may not also use goog.provide() statements.");

  static final DiagnosticType GOOG_MODULE_REFERENCES_THIS =
          "JSC_GOOG_MODULE_REFERENCES_THIS", "The body of a goog.module cannot reference 'this'.");

  static final DiagnosticType GOOG_MODULE_USES_THROW =
          "JSC_GOOG_MODULE_USES_THROW", "The body of a goog.module cannot use 'throw'.");

  static final DiagnosticType REQUIRE_NOT_AT_TOP_LEVEL =
          "JSC_REQUIRE_NOT_AT_TOP_LEVEL", "goog.require() must be called at file scope.");

  static final DiagnosticType ONE_REQUIRE_PER_DECLARATION =
          "There may only be one goog.require() per var/let/const declaration.");

  private final AbstractCompiler compiler;

  private Node currentModule = null;

  public ClosureCheckModule(AbstractCompiler compiler) {
    this.compiler = compiler;

  public void process(Node externs, Node root) {
    NodeTraversal.traverseEs6(compiler, root, this);

  public void hotSwapScript(Node scriptRoot, Node originalRoot) {
    NodeTraversal.traverseEs6(compiler, scriptRoot, this);

  public boolean shouldTraverse(NodeTraversal t, Node n, Node parent) {
    if (n.isScript()) {
      return NodeUtil.isModuleFile(n);
    return true;

  public void visit(NodeTraversal t, Node n, Node parent) {
    switch (n.getType()) {
      case Token.CALL:
        Node callee = n.getFirstChild();
        if (callee.matchesQualifiedName("goog.module")) {
          if (currentModule == null) {
            currentModule = n;
          } else {
            t.report(n, MULTIPLE_MODULES_IN_FILE);
        } else if (callee.matchesQualifiedName("goog.provide")) {
          t.report(n, MODULE_AND_PROVIDES);
        } else if (callee.matchesQualifiedName("goog.require")) {
          checkRequireCall(t, n, parent);
      case Token.THIS:
        if (t.inGlobalHoistScope()) {
          t.report(n, GOOG_MODULE_REFERENCES_THIS);
      case Token.THROW:
        if (t.inGlobalHoistScope()) {
          t.report(n, GOOG_MODULE_USES_THROW);
      case Token.SCRIPT:
        currentModule = null;

  private void checkRequireCall(NodeTraversal t, Node callNode, Node parent) {
    switch (parent.getType()) {
      case Token.EXPR_RESULT:
      case Token.GETPROP:
        if (parent.getParent().isName()) {
          checkRequireCall(t, callNode, parent.getParent());
      case Token.NAME:
      case Token.OBJECT_PATTERN:
          Node declaration = parent.getParent();
          if (declaration.getChildCount() != 1) {
            t.report(declaration, ONE_REQUIRE_PER_DECLARATION);
    t.report(callNode, REQUIRE_NOT_AT_TOP_LEVEL);