Пример #1
   * @param block The block on the cache to be written to Memory This method writes 4 words from
   *     Cache to Memory This happens during the read miss if block is dirty Data should be read
   *     from Write-Buffer For the simplicity, we are reading it from the cache before exchanging
  public void WriteBack(int block) {

    int TAG;
    String ADDR = "";
    String DATA = "";

    TAG = Integer.parseInt(TakeDataBitsFromtheBlock(block, 7, 19), 2);
    int indexStart = 20, indexEnd = 39; // first word in the CACHE

    for (int i = 1; i <= 4; i++) {
      DATA = TakeDataBitsFromtheBlock(block, i * indexStart, indexEnd + ((i - 1) * indexStart));
      ADDR = Long.toBinaryString(TAG + i - 1);
      ADDR = String.format("%0" + (20 - ADDR.length()) + "d", 0) + ADDR;
      ControlPanel.MEMORY.setDirect(DATA, ADDR);
Пример #2
   * @param WORD the data to be updated
   * @param Addr the address of the data on either Memory or Cache This is the WRITE operation of
   *     the CACHE If Address updated is on the Cache, find on the cache, and simply update it
   *     (Write Hit) Set the DIRTY BIT, UPDATE the Memory during the WRITE-BACK operation which
   *     occurs on read miss If not on the Cache (Write Miss), bring it from the Memory by using
   *     WRITE-ALLOCATE (fetch)
  public void Write(String WORD, int Addr) {

    int TAG = 0;
    String sAddr = "";
    Integer OffSet;
    boolean OntheCache = false;

    OffSet = Addr % 4;
    TAG = Addr - OffSet; // block's physical address
    String sOffSet = ""; // 00,01,10,11
    sOffSet = (OffSet <= 1) ? "0" + String.format("%s", OffSet) : Long.toBinaryString(OffSet);
    int block = 0;

    // check if it is in the CACHE block by block
    for (int i = 0; i <= 15; i++) {
      if (GetBlockTag(i) == TAG) {
         * WRITE HIT !.. we are using Write Back method if data on the cache, we will not update the
         * Memory right away instead we set dirty bit and update it while we are swapping cache
         * blocks from the memory
        CACHE_DATA[i][1] = 1; // set Dirty bit, block updated
        // Set offSet bits to select the word asked
        CACHE_DATA[i][5] = Integer.parseInt(sOffSet.substring(0, 1)); // first bit of offset 01 -> 1
        CACHE_DATA[i][6] =
            Integer.parseInt(sOffSet.substring(1, 2)); // second bit of offset 01 -> 0
        UpdateWordInBlock(i, WORD);
        //  ControlPanel.jMessages.append("Write Hit!\n");
        OntheCache = true;

    if (!OntheCache) {
       * WRITE MISS !.. Data is not on the cache so write to memory Since we are using write
       * allocate method, Fetch words from Memory
      // System.out.println("Write Miss!");
      //  ControlPanel.jMessages.append("Write Miss!\n");
      sAddr = Long.toBinaryString(Addr);
      sAddr = String.format("%0" + (20 - sAddr.length()) + "d", 0) + sAddr;
      ControlPanel.MEMORY.setDirect(WORD, sAddr);
