Пример #1
  private void addStatement(GenerateNodeContext context, Node stmt) {
    CodingConvention convention = compiler.getCodingConvention();

    Node n = context.getNode();
    Node exprRoot = n;
    while (!NodeUtil.isStatementBlock(exprRoot.getParent())) {
      exprRoot = exprRoot.getParent();

    // It's important that any class-building calls (goog.inherits)
    // come right after the class definition, so move the export after that.
    while (true) {
      Node next = exprRoot.getNext();
      if (next != null
          && NodeUtil.isExprCall(next)
          && convention.getClassesDefinedByCall(next.getFirstChild()) != null) {
        exprRoot = next;
      } else {

    Node block = exprRoot.getParent();
    block.addChildAfter(stmt, exprRoot);
Пример #2
    void visitSubtree(Node n, Node parent) {
      if (n.isCall()) {
        boolean isModuleDetected = codingConvention.extractIsModuleFile(n, parent);
        if (isModuleDetected) {
          this.isModuleFile = true;

        String require = codingConvention.extractClassNameIfRequire(n, parent);
        if (require != null) {

        String provide = codingConvention.extractClassNameIfProvide(n, parent);
        if (provide != null) {
      } else if (parent != null && !parent.isExprResult() && !parent.isScript()) {

      for (Node child = n.getFirstChild(); child != null; child = child.getNext()) {
        visitSubtree(child, n);
Пример #3
   * Infer the parameter and return types of a function from the parameter and return types of the
   * function it is overriding.
   * @param oldType The function being overridden. Does nothing if this is null.
   * @param paramsParent The LP node of the function that we're assigning to. If null, that just
   *     means we're not initializing this to a function literal.
  FunctionTypeBuilder inferFromOverriddenFunction(
      @Nullable FunctionType oldType, @Nullable Node paramsParent) {
    if (oldType == null) {
      return this;

    returnType = oldType.getReturnType();
    returnTypeInferred = oldType.isReturnTypeInferred();
    if (paramsParent == null) {
      // Not a function literal.
      parametersNode = oldType.getParametersNode();
      if (parametersNode == null) {
        parametersNode = new FunctionParamBuilder(typeRegistry).build();
    } else {
      // We're overriding with a function literal. Apply type information
      // to each parameter of the literal.
      FunctionParamBuilder paramBuilder = new FunctionParamBuilder(typeRegistry);
      Iterator<Node> oldParams = oldType.getParameters().iterator();
      boolean warnedAboutArgList = false;
      boolean oldParamsListHitOptArgs = false;
      for (Node currentParam = paramsParent.getFirstChild();
          currentParam != null;
          currentParam = currentParam.getNext()) {
        if (oldParams.hasNext()) {
          Node oldParam = oldParams.next();
          Node newParam = paramBuilder.newParameterFromNode(oldParam);

          oldParamsListHitOptArgs =
              oldParamsListHitOptArgs || oldParam.isVarArgs() || oldParam.isOptionalArg();

          // The subclass method might right its var_args as individual
          // arguments.
          if (currentParam.getNext() != null && newParam.isVarArgs()) {
        } else {
          warnedAboutArgList |=
                  codingConvention.isOptionalParameter(currentParam) || oldParamsListHitOptArgs,
      parametersNode = paramBuilder.build();
    return this;
 public ConcreteType getTypeWithProperty(String field, ConcreteType type) {
   if (type.isInstance()) {
     ConcreteInstanceType instanceType = (ConcreteInstanceType) type;
     return instanceType.getInstanceTypeWithProperty(field);
   } else if (type.isFunction()) {
     if ("prototype".equals(field) || codingConvention.isSuperClassReference(field)) {
       return type;
   } else if (type.isNone()) {
     // If the receiver is none, then this code is never reached.  We will
     // return a new fake type to ensure that this access is renamed
     // differently from any other, so it can be easily removed.
     return new ConcreteUniqueType(++nextUniqueId);
   } else if (type.isUnion()) {
     // If only one has the property, return that.
     for (ConcreteType t : ((ConcreteUnionType) type).getAlternatives()) {
       ConcreteType ret = getTypeWithProperty(field, t);
       if (ret != null) {
         return ret;
   return null;
     * @return Whether the definitionSite represents a function whose call signature can be
     *     modified.
    private boolean canChangeSignature(Node function) {
      Definition definition = getFunctionDefinition(function);
      CodingConvention convention = compiler.getCodingConvention();


      Collection<UseSite> useSites = defFinder.getUseSites(definition);
      for (UseSite site : useSites) {
        Node parent = site.node.getParent();

        // This was a use site removed by something else before we run.
        // 1. By another pass before us which means the definition graph is
        //    no updated properly.
        // 2. By the continuations algorithm above.
        if (parent == null) {
          continue; // Ignore it.

        // Ignore references within goog.inherits calls.
        if (NodeUtil.isCall(parent) && convention.getClassesDefinedByCall(parent) != null) {

        // Accessing the property directly prevents rewrite.
        if (!SimpleDefinitionFinder.isCallOrNewSite(site)) {
          if (!(NodeUtil.isGetProp(parent) && NodeUtil.isFunctionObjectCall(parent.getParent()))) {
            return false;

        if (NodeUtil.isFunctionObjectApply(parent)) {
          return false;

        // TODO(johnlenz): support specialization

        // Multiple definitions prevent rewrite.
        // Attempt to validate the state of the simple definition finder.
        Node nameNode = site.node;
        Collection<Definition> singleSiteDefinitions =
        Preconditions.checkState(singleSiteDefinitions.size() == 1);

      return true;
Пример #6
   * Determine whether this is a var args parameter.
   * @return Whether the given param is a var args param.
  private boolean isVarArgsParameter(Node param, @Nullable JSDocInfo info) {
    if (codingConvention.isVarArgsParameter(param)) {
      return true;

    String paramName = param.getString();
    return info != null
        && info.hasParameterType(paramName)
        && info.getParameterType(paramName).isVarArgs();
  private void visitCallNode(NodeTraversal t, Node call, Node parent) {
    String required = codingConvention.extractClassNameIfRequire(call, parent);
    if (required != null) {
      visitRequire(required, call);
    String provided = codingConvention.extractClassNameIfProvide(call, parent);
    if (provided != null) {

    if (codingConvention.isClassFactoryCall(call)) {
      if (parent.isName()) {
      } else if (parent.isAssign()) {

    Node callee = call.getFirstChild();
    if (callee.isName()) {
      weakUsages.put(callee.getString(), callee);
    } else if (callee.isQualifiedName()) {
      Node root = NodeUtil.getRootOfQualifiedName(callee);
      if (root.isName()) {
        Var var = t.getScope().getVar(root.getString());
        if (var == null || (!var.isExtern() && !var.isLocal())) {
          String name = getOutermostClassName(callee.getQualifiedName());
          if (name == null) {
            name = callee.getQualifiedName();
          usages.put(name, call);
  public void visit(NodeTraversal t, Node n, Node parent) {
    if (n.isGetProp() && convention.isPrototypeAlias(n)) {

    } else if (n.isCall()) {
      Node callTarget = n.getFirstChild();
      String qName = callTarget.getQualifiedName();

      if (isJqueryExtendCall(callTarget, qName, this.compiler)) {

      } else if (isJqueryExpandedEachCall(n, qName)) {
        maybeExpandJqueryEachCall(t, n);
  private boolean isRemovableVar(Var var) {
    // Global variables are off-limits if the user might be using them.
    if (!removeGlobals && var.isGlobal()) {
      return false;

    // Referenced variables are off-limits.
    if (referenced.contains(var)) {
      return false;

    // Exported variables are off-limits.
    if (codingConvention.isExported(var.getName())) {
      return false;

    return true;
   * Expand jQuery.extend (and derivative) calls into direct object assignments Example:
   * jQuery.extend(obj1, {prop1: val1, prop2: val2}) -> obj1.prop1 = val1; obj1.prop2 = val2;
  private void maybeExpandJqueryExtendCall(Node n) {
    Node callTarget = n.getFirstChild();
    Node objectToExtend = callTarget.getNext(); // first argument
    Node extendArg = objectToExtend.getNext(); // second argument
    boolean ensureObjectDefined = true;

    if (extendArg == null) {
      // Only one argument was specified, so extend jQuery namespace
      extendArg = objectToExtend;
      objectToExtend = callTarget.getFirstChild();
      ensureObjectDefined = false;
    } else if (objectToExtend.isGetProp()
        && (objectToExtend.getLastChild().getString().equals("prototype")
            || convention.isPrototypeAlias(objectToExtend))) {
      ensureObjectDefined = false;

    // Check for an empty object literal
    if (!extendArg.hasChildren()) {

    // Since we are expanding jQuery.extend calls into multiple statements,
    // encapsulate the new statements in a new block.
    Node fncBlock = IR.block().srcref(n);

    if (ensureObjectDefined) {
      Node assignVal = IR.or(objectToExtend.cloneTree(), IR.objectlit().srcref(n)).srcref(n);
      Node assign = IR.assign(objectToExtend.cloneTree(), assignVal).srcref(n);

    while (extendArg.hasChildren()) {
      Node currentProp = extendArg.removeFirstChild();

      Node propValue = currentProp.removeFirstChild();

      Node newProp;
      if (currentProp.isQuotedString()) {
        newProp = IR.getelem(objectToExtend.cloneTree(), currentProp).srcref(currentProp);
      } else {
        newProp = IR.getprop(objectToExtend.cloneTree(), currentProp).srcref(currentProp);

      Node assignNode = IR.assign(newProp, propValue).srcref(currentProp);

    // Check to see if the return value is used. If not, replace the original
    // call with new block. Otherwise, wrap the statements in an
    // immediately-called anonymous function.
    if (n.getParent().isExprResult()) {
      Node parent = n.getParent();
      parent.getParent().replaceChild(parent, fncBlock);
    } else {
      Node targetVal;
      if ("jQuery.prototype".equals(objectToExtend.getQualifiedName())) {
        // When extending the jQuery prototype, return the jQuery namespace.
        // This is not commonly used.
        targetVal = objectToExtend.removeFirstChild();
      } else {
        targetVal = objectToExtend.detachFromParent();

      Node fnc = IR.function(IR.name("").srcref(n), IR.paramList().srcref(n), fncBlock).srcref(n);

      // add an explicit "call" statement so that we can maintain
      // the same reference for "this"
      Node newCallTarget = IR.getprop(fnc, IR.string("call").srcref(n)).srcref(n);
      n.replaceChild(callTarget, newCallTarget);
      n.putBooleanProp(Node.FREE_CALL, false);

      // remove any other pre-existing call arguments
      while (newCallTarget.getNext() != null) {
Пример #11
  public void process(Node externs, Node root) {
    FindExportableNodes findExportableNodes = new FindExportableNodes(compiler);
    NodeTraversal.traverse(compiler, root, findExportableNodes);
    Map<String, GenerateNodeContext> exports = findExportableNodes.getExports();

    for (Map.Entry<String, GenerateNodeContext> entry : exports.entrySet()) {
      String export = entry.getKey();
      GenerateNodeContext context = entry.getValue();

      // Emit the proper CALL expression.
      // This is an optimization to avoid exporting everything as a symbol
      // because exporting a property is significantly simpler/faster.
      // Only export the property if the parent is being exported or
      // if the parent is "prototype" and the grandparent is being exported.
      String parent = null;
      String grandparent = null;

      Node node = context.getNode().getFirstChild();
      if (node.getType() == Token.GETPROP) {
        parent = node.getFirstChild().getQualifiedName();
        if (node.getFirstChild().getType() == Token.GETPROP
            && getPropertyName(node.getFirstChild()).equals(PROTOTYPE_PROPERTY)) {
          grandparent = node.getFirstChild().getFirstChild().getQualifiedName();

      boolean useExportSymbol = true;
      if (grandparent != null && exports.containsKey(grandparent)) {
        useExportSymbol = false;
      } else if (parent != null && exports.containsKey(parent)) {
        useExportSymbol = false;

      Node call;
      if (useExportSymbol) {
        // exportSymbol(publicPath, object);
        call =
            new Node(
                NodeUtil.newQualifiedNameNode(exportSymbolFunction, context.getNode(), export));
        call.addChildToBack(NodeUtil.newQualifiedNameNode(export, context.getNode(), export));
      } else {
        // exportProperty(object, publicName, symbol);
        String property = getPropertyName(node);
        call =
            new Node(
                new Node[] {
                      exportPropertyFunction, context.getNode(), exportPropertyFunction),
                  NodeUtil.newQualifiedNameNode(parent, context.getNode(), exportPropertyFunction),
                  NodeUtil.newQualifiedNameNode(export, context.getNode(), exportPropertyFunction)

      Node expression = new Node(Token.EXPR_RESULT, call);

      // It's important that any class-building calls (goog.inherits)
      // come right after the class definition, so move the export after that.
      Node insertionPoint = context.getContextNode().getNext();
      CodingConvention convention = compiler.getCodingConvention();
      while (insertionPoint != null
          && NodeUtil.isExprCall(insertionPoint)
          && convention.getClassesDefinedByCall(insertionPoint.getFirstChild()) != null) {
        insertionPoint = insertionPoint.getNext();

      if (insertionPoint == null) {
      } else {
        context.getScriptNode().addChildBefore(expression, insertionPoint);
Пример #12
   * Traverses everything in the current scope and marks variables that are referenced.
   * <p>During traversal, we identify subtrees that will only be referenced if their enclosing
   * variables are referenced. Instead of traversing those subtrees, we create a continuation for
   * them, and traverse them lazily.
  private void traverseNode(Node n, Node parent, Scope scope) {
    int type = n.getType();
    Var var = null;
    switch (type) {
      case Token.FUNCTION:
        // If this function is a removable var, then create a continuation
        // for it instead of traversing immediately.
        if (NodeUtil.isFunctionDeclaration(n)) {
          var = scope.getVar(n.getFirstChild().getString());

        if (var != null && isRemovableVar(var)) {
          continuations.put(var, new Continuation(n, scope));
        } else {
          traverseFunction(n, scope);

      case Token.ASSIGN:
        Assign maybeAssign = Assign.maybeCreateAssign(n);
        if (maybeAssign != null) {
          // Put this in the assign map. It might count as a reference,
          // but we won't know that until we have an index of all assigns.
          var = scope.getVar(maybeAssign.nameNode.getString());
          if (var != null) {
            assignsByVar.put(var, maybeAssign);
            assignsByNode.put(maybeAssign.nameNode, maybeAssign);

            if (isRemovableVar(var) && !maybeAssign.mayHaveSecondarySideEffects) {
              // If the var is unreferenced and performing this assign has
              // no secondary side effects, then we can create a continuation
              // for it instead of traversing immediately.
              continuations.put(var, new Continuation(n, scope));

      case Token.CALL:
        // Look for calls to inheritance-defining calls (such as goog.inherits).
        SubclassRelationship subclassRelationship = codingConvention.getClassesDefinedByCall(n);
        if (subclassRelationship != null) {
          Var subclassVar = scope.getVar(subclassRelationship.subclassName);
          // Don't try to track the inheritance calls for non-globals. It would
          // be more correct to only not track when the subclass does not
          // reference a constructor, but checking that it is a global is
          // easier and mostly the same.
          if (subclassVar != null && subclassVar.isGlobal() && !referenced.contains(subclassVar)) {
            // Save a reference to the EXPR node.
            inheritsCalls.put(subclassVar, parent);
            continuations.put(subclassVar, new Continuation(n, scope));

      case Token.NAME:
        var = scope.getVar(n.getString());
        if (parent.getType() == Token.VAR) {
          Node value = n.getFirstChild();
          if (value != null
              && var != null
              && isRemovableVar(var)
              && !NodeUtil.mayHaveSideEffects(value)) {
            // If the var is unreferenced and creating its value has no side
            // effects, then we can create a continuation for it instead
            // of traversing immediately.
            continuations.put(var, new Continuation(n, scope));
        } else {

          // If arguments is escaped, we just assume the worst and continue
          // on all the parameters.
          if ("arguments".equals(n.getString()) && scope.isLocal()) {
            Node lp = scope.getRootNode().getFirstChild().getNext();
            for (Node a = lp.getFirstChild(); a != null; a = a.getNext()) {

          // All name references that aren't declarations or assigns
          // are references to other vars.
          if (var != null) {
            // If that var hasn't already been marked referenced, then
            // start tracking it.  If this is an assign, do nothing
            // for now.
            if (isRemovableVar(var)) {
              if (!assignsByNode.containsKey(n)) {
            } else {

    for (Node c = n.getFirstChild(); c != null; c = c.getNext()) {
      traverseNode(c, n, scope);