public static Set<DefaultRule> selectNonisomorphicDefaultRules(
     Iterable<DefaultRule> defaultRules) {
   List<Clause> candidates = new ArrayList<Clause>();
   for (DefaultRule rule : defaultRules) {
     DefaultRule preprocessed = preprocess(rule);
         new Clause(
                 preprocessed.antecedent().literals(), preprocessed.consequent().literals())));
   Matching m = new Matching();
   Set<DefaultRule> retVal = new HashSet<DefaultRule>();
   for (Clause c : m.nonisomorphic(candidates)) {
     List<Literal> head = new ArrayList<Literal>();
     List<Literal> body = new ArrayList<Literal>();
     for (Literal l : c.literals()) {
       Literal newLiteral =
           new Literal(
               l.predicate().substring(l.predicate().indexOf(":") + 1), l.isNegated(), l.arity());
       for (int i = 0; i < l.arity(); i++) {
         newLiteral.set(l.get(i), i);
       if (l.predicate().startsWith("antecedent:")
           || l.predicate().startsWith(SymmetricPredicates.PREFIX + "antecedent:")) {
       } else {
     retVal.add(new DefaultRule(new Clause(body), new Clause(head)));
   return retVal;
Пример #2
 public int compare(Clause clause1, Clause clause2) {
   if (clause1.getNumOfLiterals() < clause2.getNumOfLiterals()) {
     return -1;
   } else {
     return 1;
Пример #3
 public static void main(String args[]) throws IOException {
   // Main array where we will store our initial clauses.
   ArrayList<Clause> Clauses = new ArrayList<Clause>();
   BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;
   // Creating data structure.
   System.out.println("How many clauses does your formula in the Conjuctive Normal Form have?");
   int nClauses = Integer.parseInt(in.readLine());
   System.out.println("Please introduce your clauses.");
   System.out.println("(Input description in the readme file.");
   for (int i = 0; i < nClauses; i++) {
     String literalsList = in.readLine();
     String[] literals = literalsList.split(" ");
     Clause clause = new Clause();
     for (int i1 = 0; i1 < literals.length; i1++) {
   // End of data structure
   if (DLL(Clauses)) {
     System.out.println("Result: The formula is satisfactable.");
   } else {
     System.out.println("Result: The formula is  not satisfactable.");
Пример #4
  * If the fomula contains a unit clause, return a list of unit clauses
  * @return
 public ArrayList<Clause> getUnits() {
   ArrayList<Clause> retval = new ArrayList<Clause>();
   for (Clause c : clauses) {
     if (c.isUnit()) retval.add(c);
   return retval;
Пример #5
   * Remove clauses where variable v has value newValue. Also remove variables from clauses where it
   * has !newValue.
  public void reduce(int val, int newValue) {
    int newVariable = 0;
    int notVariable = 0;
    if (val < 0 && newValue == -1) {
      newVariable = val;
    } else if (val < 0 && newValue == 1) {
      newVariable = val * -1;
    } else {
      newVariable = val * newValue;
    notVariable = -newVariable;

    Iterator<Clause> iter = clauses.iterator();
    while (iter.hasNext()) {
      Clause c =;
      for (int i = 0; i < c.getVariables().size(); i++) {
        int var = c.getVariables().get(i);
        if (var == newVariable) {
          /* remove this clause */
        } else if (var == notVariable) {
Пример #6
  * Gets the "flip value" of setting this var to newValue. If setting var to newValue resulted in
  * breaking two expressions and fixing one, the retval would be -1.
  * @param val the variable to set
  * @param newValue the value of the variable (1 for true, -1 for false)
 public int getFlipValue(int val, int newValue) {
   int newVariable = 0;
   int notVariable = 0;
   int flipVal = 0;
   if (val < 0 && newValue == -1) {
     newVariable = val;
   } else if (val < 0 && newValue == 1) {
     newVariable = val * -1;
   } else {
     newVariable = val * newValue;
   notVariable = -newVariable;
   for (Clause c : clauses) {
     int varSize = c.getVariables().size();
     for (int i = 0; i < varSize; i++) {
       int var = c.getVariables().get(i);
       if (var == newVariable) {
       } else if (c.isSatisfied() && c.getSatisfiedVar() == notVariable) {
   return flipVal;
  // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // find the literal that minimizes the number of UNSAT clauses
  private int findLiteral(boolean[] minterm) {
    int num_lits = cnf.num_lits, best = -Integer.MAX_VALUE, tos = 0;

    for (int i = 0; i < cnf.curr; i++)
      cnf.clauses[i].flag = cnf.clauses[i].satisfies(minterm) ? 1 : 0;

    for (int i = 0; i < num_lits; i++) {
      int sat = 0;
      for (Enumeration e = cnf.vars[i].occurs.elements(); e.hasMoreElements(); ) {
        Clause c = (Clause) e.nextElement();
        boolean was_sat = (c.flag == 1);
        minterm[i] = !minterm[i];
        boolean new_sat = c.satisfies(minterm);
        minterm[i] = !minterm[i];
        if (was_sat && !new_sat) sat--;
        if (!was_sat && new_sat) sat++;
      if (sat > best) {
        tos = 0;
        best = sat;
      if (best == sat) stack[tos++] = i;
    return (tos == 0) ? random(num_lits) : stack[random(tos)];
Пример #8
 private Clause make(Literal... e) {
   Clause c = new Clause();
   for (int i = 0; i < e.length; ++i) {
     c = c.add(e[i]);
   return c;
 public static Literal allDiffLiteral(Clause c) {
   Literal l = new Literal(SpecialVarargPredicates.ALLDIFF, c.variables().size());
   int i = 0;
   for (Variable v : c.variables()) {
     l.set(v, i++);
   return l;
Пример #10
  * Get all unsatisfied clauses
  * @return
 public ArrayList<Clause> getUnsatisfied() {
   ArrayList<Clause> retval = new ArrayList<Clause>();
   for (Clause c : clauses) {
     if (!c.isSatisfied()) {
   return retval;
Пример #11
 public void testChooseLiteral() {
   Clause c = cpqr;
   while (!(c.isEmpty())) {
     Literal l = c.chooseLiteral();
     c = c.reduce(l.getNegation());
Пример #12
  * Goes through every variable in c, and if the flip value did not break anything, add it to
  * retval.
  * @param val the variable to set
  * @param newValue the value of the variable (1 for true, -1 for false)
 public ArrayList<Integer> getPositiveFlips(Clause c) {
   ArrayList<Integer> retval = new ArrayList<Integer>();
   int varSize = c.getVariables().size();
   for (int i = 0; i < varSize; i++) {
     int var = c.getVariables().get(i);
     int newValue = (var < 0) ? -1 : 1;
     if (isPositiveFlip(var, newValue)) retval.add(var);
   return retval;
Пример #13
 // make private?
 public Clause maxClause() {
   Clause maxClause = null;
   for (Clause clause : clauses) {
     if (maxClause == null || clause.ordinal() > maxClause.ordinal()) {
       maxClause = clause;
   assert maxClause != null;
   return maxClause;
Пример #14
  * Copy constructor
  * @param f
 public Formula(Formula f) {
   for (Clause c : f.getClauses()) {
     Clause temp = new Clause();
     int varSize = c.getVariables().size();
     for (int i = 0; i < varSize; i++) {
       Integer newVar = new Integer(c.getVariables().get(i));
 private static MultiMap<Variable, Variable> surelyDifferent(DefaultRule rule) {
   Clause body = rule.antecedent();
   Clause head = rule.consequent();
   final MultiMap<Variable, Variable> different = new MultiMap<Variable, Variable>();
   for (Literal literal :
           head.getLiteralsByPredicate(SpecialVarargPredicates.ALLDIFF))) {
     for (Term a : literal.terms()) {
       if (a instanceof Variable) {
         Variable v1 = (Variable) a;
         for (Term b : literal.terms()) {
           if (b instanceof Variable) {
             Variable v2 = (Variable) b;
             if (v1 != v2) {
               different.put(v1, v2);
   return different;
Пример #16
  public final Object nextElement() {
    final Clause dbCurrentClause = (Clause) m_selProgramEnum.nextElement();

    // il riuso dello stesso oggetto Rule evita la creazione di nuovi
    // oggetti che pesano sul garbage collector
    m_rule.m_cons = (Clause) dbCurrentClause.copy(true);
    m_rule.m_dbCons = dbCurrentClause;

    // controlla se module_transaprent
    if (!m_bModuleTranparent) {
      m_rule.m_strModule = dbCurrentClause.getModuleName();

    return m_rule;
Пример #17
 // This is a simple function to print a formula in a readable fashion.
 static void printClauses(ArrayList<Clause> Clauses) {
   String formula = "{";
   boolean first = true;
   if (Clauses.size() == 0) formula = "{EMPTY}";
   else {
     for (Clause c : Clauses) {
       if (first) {
         formula += c.printClause();
         first = false;
       } else formula += " && " + c.printClause();
     formula += "}";
Пример #18
  public boolean resolve(LinkedList<Clause> clauses) {
    // Storing onto the stack to verify clauses in reverse order
    // LinkedList<Clause> expansionStack = new LinkedList<Clause>();
    PriorityQueue<Clause> expansionQueue =
        new PriorityQueue<Clause>(10000, new ClauseSizeComparator());

    for (int count = 0; count < clauses.size(); count++) {

    while (!expansionQueue.isEmpty()) // Until the stack is empty

      Clause lastClause = expansionQueue.poll();

      for (int clauseCount = 0; clauseCount < lastClause.getClauseID() - 1; clauseCount++) {
        // If any new clauses are added since last execution
        // if(!clauses.getLast().equals(lastClause))
          // break;

        Clause tempClause = clauses.get(clauseCount);
        int numClausesBeforeExpansion = clauses.size();
        boolean result = lastClause.resolution(tempClause, clauses);

        if (!result) {
          return false;

        int numClausesAfterExpansion = clauses.size();

        // System.out.println(numClausesAfterExpansion - numClausesBeforeExpansion); //Size does not
        // change

        // If new clauses are added, expand the newly added clause before expanding any other clause
        if (numClausesAfterExpansion - numClausesBeforeExpansion > 0) {

    return true;
Пример #19
  * Returns true if flipping this variable breaks nothing, false otherwise
  * @param val
  * @param newValue
  * @return
 public boolean isPositiveFlip(int val, int newValue) {
   int newVariable = 0;
   int notVariable = 0;
   if (val < 0 && newValue == -1) {
     newVariable = val;
   } else if (val < 0 && newValue == 1) {
     newVariable = val * -1;
   } else {
     newVariable = val * newValue;
   notVariable = -newVariable;
   for (Clause c : clauses) {
     int varSize = c.getVariables().size();
     for (int i = 0; i < varSize; i++) {
       if (c.isSatisfied() && c.getSatisfiedVar() == notVariable) {
         return false;
   return true;
Пример #20
  * Once you have a Result of implementing a child relational expression, call this method to
  * create a Builder to implement the current relational expression by adding additional clauses
  * to the SQL query.
  * <p>You need to declare which clauses you intend to add. If the clauses are "later", you can
  * add to the same query. For example, "GROUP BY" comes after "WHERE". But if they are the same
  * or earlier, this method will start a new SELECT that wraps the previous result.
  * <p>When you have called {@link Builder#setSelect(org.eigenbase.sql.SqlNodeList)}, {@link
  * Builder#setWhere(org.eigenbase.sql.SqlNode)} etc. call {@link
  * Builder#result(org.eigenbase.sql.SqlNode, java.util.Collection, org.eigenbase.rel.RelNode)}
  * to fix the new query.
  * @param rel Relational expression being implemented
  * @param clauses Clauses that will be generated to implement current relational expression
  * @return A builder
 public Builder builder(JdbcRel rel, Clause... clauses) {
   final Clause maxClause = maxClause();
   boolean needNew = false;
   for (Clause clause : clauses) {
     if (maxClause.ordinal() >= clause.ordinal()) {
       needNew = true;
   SqlSelect select;
   Expressions.FluentList<Clause> clauseList = Expressions.list();
   if (needNew) {
     select = subSelect();
   } else {
     select = asSelect();
   Context newContext;
   final SqlNodeList selectList = select.getSelectList();
   if (selectList != null) {
     newContext =
         new Context(selectList.size()) {
           public SqlNode field(int ordinal) {
             final SqlNode selectItem = selectList.get(ordinal);
             switch (selectItem.getKind()) {
               case AS:
                 return ((SqlCall) selectItem).operand(0);
             return selectItem;
   } else {
     newContext = new AliasContext(aliases, aliases.size() > 1);
   return new Builder(rel, clauseList, select, newContext);
Пример #21
  public void printProofTree(Clause finalClause, LinkedList<Clause> clauseList) {
    PriorityQueue<Integer> proofTree =
        new PriorityQueue<
            Integer>(); // Will be used to order the ancestors of the finalClause for output
    LinkedList<Clause> treeQueue =
        new LinkedList<
            Clause>(); // Will take in the ancestors of the finalClause. Dequeue each element, add
                       // it to the proofTree, then add the parents to the queue
    int[] parentIDs;

    while (!treeQueue.isEmpty()) {
      Clause polledClause = treeQueue.poll();

      if (proofTree.contains(
              .getClauseID())) // Skip this iteration if the clause has already been added to the
                               // proofTree
      parentIDs = polledClause.getParentIDs();
      if (parentIDs[0]
          != -1) // if one parent exists, the other must exist and we add the parents to the queue
        treeQueue.add(clauseList.get(parentIDs[0] - 1)); // add the first parent to the queue
        treeQueue.add(clauseList.get(parentIDs[1] - 1)); // add the second parent to the queue

    // output all the clauses in the proof tree
    while (proofTree.peek() != null) {
      clauseList.get(proofTree.poll() - 1).outputClause();
 public static boolean isomorphic(DefaultRule a, DefaultRule b) {
   a = preprocess(a);
   b = preprocess(b);
   Matching m = new Matching();
   Clause ca = new Clause(Sugar.iterable(a.antecedent().literals(), a.consequent().literals()));
   Clause cb = new Clause(Sugar.iterable(b.antecedent().literals(), b.consequent().literals()));
   return ca.variables().size() == cb.variables().size()
       && ca.literals().size() == cb.literals().size()
       && m.isomorphism(ca, cb);
 private static Clause preprocessClause(Clause c, String prefix) {
   List<Literal> newLiterals = new ArrayList<Literal>();
   int specialID = 0;
   for (Literal l : c.literals()) {
     String predicate = l.predicate();
     if (predicate.equals(SpecialBinaryPredicates.NEQ)
         || predicate.equals(SpecialBinaryPredicates.EQ)
         || predicate.equals(SpecialVarargPredicates.ALLDIFF)) {
       predicate = SymmetricPredicates.PREFIX + prefix + predicate;
     } else {
       predicate = prefix + predicate;
     Literal newLit = new Literal(predicate, l.isNegated(), l.arity());
     for (int i = 0; i < l.arity(); i++) {
       newLit.set(l.get(i), i);
   return new Clause(newLiterals);
  public Object getValueAt(int row, int col) {

    Clause tempClause = clauses.get(row);

    switch (col) {
      case TITLE_COL:
        return tempClause.gettitle();
      case KEYWORD_COL:
        return tempClause.getkeyword();
        return tempClause.getdescription();
      case TEXT_COL:
        return tempClause.gettext();
        return tempClause.getkeyword();
Пример #25
  * Sets the variable in the formula
  * @param val the variable to set
  * @param newValue the value of the variable (1 for true, -1 for false)
 public void setVariable(int val, int newValue) {
   int newVariable = 0;
   int notVariable = 0;
   if (val < 0 && newValue == -1) {
     newVariable = val;
   } else if (val < 0 && newValue == 1) {
     newVariable = val * -1;
   } else {
     newVariable = val * newValue;
   notVariable = -newVariable;
   for (Clause c : clauses) {
     int varSize = c.getVariables().size();
     for (int i = 0; i < varSize; i++) {
       int var = c.getVariables().get(i);
       if (var == newVariable) {
       } else if (c.isSatisfied() && c.getSatisfiedVar() == notVariable) {
 public static void main(String[] args) {
   DefaultRule a = new DefaultRule(Clause.parse("a(X)"), Clause.parse("a(Y)"));
   DefaultRule b = new DefaultRule(Clause.parse("a(A)"), Clause.parse("a(B)"));
   DefaultRule c = new DefaultRule(Clause.parse("a(A)"), Clause.parse("a(A)"));
   DefaultRule d = new DefaultRule(Clause.parse("a(A,a)"), Clause.parse("b(B,b)"));
   DefaultRule e = new DefaultRule(Clause.parse("a(A,b)"), Clause.parse("b(B,a)"));
   DefaultRule f = new DefaultRule(Clause.parse("a(A,c)"), Clause.parse("b(B,d)"));
   for (DefaultRule r : selectNonisomorphicDefaultRules(Sugar.list(a, b, c, d))) {
       partitionInterchangeableConstants(Sugar.list(a, b, c, d, e, f), Sugar.<Clause>set()));
Пример #27
  * Adds the provided clause to this WHERE clause.
  * @param clause the clause to add.
  * @return this WHERE clause.
 public Where and(Clause clause) {
   statement.maybeAddRoutingKey(, clause.firstValue());
   return this;
Пример #28
  /*	This is the main algorithm.
   * 	It receives a formula and processes it until
   * 	it can return true or false.
  static boolean DLL(ArrayList<Clause> Clauses) {
    // Unitary Propagation
    while (true) {
      String literalToRemove = searchSingleLiteral(Clauses);
      if (!literalToRemove.equals("NotFoundYet")) {
        System.out.println("Performing unitary propagation with: " + literalToRemove);
        removeClauses(literalToRemove, Clauses);
        cutClauses(literalToRemove, Clauses);
        if (Clauses.size() == 0) {
          System.out.println("All clauses removed. Returning true.");
          return true;
        if (hasFalsehood(Clauses)) {
          System.out.println("Falsehood detected. Returning false.");
          return false;
        } else if (hasEmptyClause(Clauses)) {
          System.out.println("Empty clause detected. Returning false.");
          return false;
      } else {
        System.out.println("No single literals.");
        System.out.println("Cannot perform unitary propagation.");
    ArrayList<Clause> copy1 = new ArrayList<Clause>();
    ArrayList<Clause> copy2 = new ArrayList<Clause>();
    for (Clause c : Clauses) {
      Clause c2 = new Clause();
      for (String s : c.literals) {
    for (Clause c : Clauses) {
      Clause c2 = new Clause();
      for (String s : c.literals) {
    Clause clause1 = new Clause();
    Clause clause2 = new Clause();
    String l1 = pickLiteral(Clauses);
    String l2 = "";

    if (l1.startsWith("-")) l2 = l1.substring(1);
    else l2 = "-" + l1;
    // Moment of the truth
    System.out.println("Adding clause: [" + l1 + "]");
    if (DLL(copy1) == true) {
      return true;
    } else {
      System.out.println("Trying opposite clause: [" + l2 + "]");
      return DLL(copy2);
Пример #29
  private Clause resolve(Clause mainPremise, Clause sidePremise, int mainPremiseAtomIndex) {

    // Rename the variables of the side premise
    int numberOfVariablesMainPremise = mainPremise.getVariables().size();
    Clause sidePremiseRenamed =
            this.m_saturator.getTermFactory(), numberOfVariablesMainPremise);

    Term mainAtom = mainPremise.getBody()[mainPremiseAtomIndex];
    Term sideAtom = sidePremiseRenamed.getHead();

    Substitution unifier =
        Substitution.mostGeneralUnifier(mainAtom, sideAtom, this.m_saturator.getTermFactory());

    if (unifier == null) return null;
    Set<Term> newBody = new LinkedHashSet<Term>();
    // Copy the atoms from the main premise
    for (int index = 0; index < mainPremise.getBody().length; index++) {
      if (index != mainPremiseAtomIndex) {
        Term newBodyAtom =
            mainPremise.getBody()[index].apply(unifier, this.m_saturator.getTermFactory());
        ((FunctionalTerm) newBodyAtom).originIndex =
            ((FunctionalTerm) mainPremise.getBody()[index]).originIndex;
    // Copy the atoms from the side premise
    for (int index = 0; index < sidePremiseRenamed.getBody().length; index++) {
      Term newBodyAtom =
          sidePremiseRenamed.getBody()[index].apply(unifier, this.m_saturator.getTermFactory());
      ((FunctionalTerm) newBodyAtom).originIndex = ((FunctionalTerm) mainAtom).originIndex;

    // New body and head
    Term[] body = new Term[newBody.size()];
    Term head = mainPremise.getHead().apply(unifier, this.m_saturator.getTermFactory());

    Clause resolvent = new Clause(body, head);

    // Rename variables in resolvent
    ArrayList<Variable> variablesResolvent = resolvent.getVariables();
    HashMap<Variable, Integer> variableMapping = new HashMap<Variable, Integer>();
    for (int i = 0; i < variablesResolvent.size(); i++) {
      variableMapping.put(variablesResolvent.get(i), i);
    Clause resolventRenamed =
        resolvent.renameVariables(this.m_saturator.getTermFactory(), variableMapping);

    return resolventRenamed;
Пример #30
  public ArrayList<Clause> generateResolvents(
      Clause givenClause, Collection<Clause> workedOffClauses) {

    ArrayList<Clause> result = new ArrayList<Clause>();

    // If the head of givenClause is selected, then givenClause is the side premise
    if (givenClause.m_selectedHead) {
      for (Clause workedOffClause : workedOffClauses) {
        for (int mainPremiseIndex = 0;
            mainPremiseIndex < workedOffClause.getBody().length;
            mainPremiseIndex++) {
          // If the body atom B of workedOffClause is selected and B has the same arity/name as the
          // head atom of givenClause, then try to resolve
          // System.out.println("Given: " + givenClause.getHead().getName());
          // System.out.println(workedOffClause.getBody()[mainPremiseIndex].getName());
          if ((workedOffClause.m_selectedBody[mainPremiseIndex])
              && (workedOffClause.getBody()[mainPremiseIndex].getArity()
                  == givenClause.getHead().getArity())
              && (workedOffClause
                  .equals(givenClause.getHead().getName()))) {
            Clause resolvent = resolve(workedOffClause, givenClause, mainPremiseIndex);
            if (resolvent != null) {

    // If a body atom of givenClause is selected, then givenClause is the main premise
    for (int mainPremiseIndex = 0;
        mainPremiseIndex < givenClause.getBody().length;
        mainPremiseIndex++) {
      if (givenClause.m_selectedBody[mainPremiseIndex]) {
        for (Clause workedOffClause : workedOffClauses) {
          // If the head atom B of workedOffClause is selected and B has the same arity/name as the
          // body atom of givenClause, then try to resolve
          if (workedOffClause.m_selectedHead
              && workedOffClause.getHead().getArity()
                  == givenClause.getBody()[mainPremiseIndex].getArity()
              && workedOffClause
                  .equals(givenClause.getBody()[mainPremiseIndex].getName())) {
            Clause resolvent = resolve(givenClause, workedOffClause, mainPremiseIndex);
            if (resolvent != null) {

    return result;