/** create and remove array formulas */
  public final void testRemoveArrayFormula() {
    Workbook workbook = _testDataProvider.createWorkbook();
    Sheet sheet = workbook.createSheet();

    CellRangeAddress range = new CellRangeAddress(3, 5, 2, 2);
    assertEquals("C4:C6", range.formatAsString());
    CellRange<?> cr = sheet.setArrayFormula("SUM(A1:A3*B1:B3)", range);
    assertEquals(3, cr.size());

    // remove the formula cells in C4:C6
    CellRange<?> dcells = sheet.removeArrayFormula(cr.getTopLeftCell());
    // removeArrayFormula should return the same cells as setArrayFormula
    assertTrue(Arrays.equals(cr.getFlattenedCells(), dcells.getFlattenedCells()));

    for (Cell acell : cr) {
      assertEquals(Cell.CELL_TYPE_BLANK, acell.getCellType());

    // cells C4:C6 are not included in array formula,
    // invocation of sheet.removeArrayFormula on any of them throws IllegalArgumentException
    for (Cell acell : cr) {
      try {
        fail("expected exception");
      } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
        String ref = new CellReference(acell).formatAsString();
        assertEquals("Cell " + ref + " is not part of an array formula.", e.getMessage());