Пример #1
  public String execute(final String commandLine) {
    try {
      final Task task = CLI.parseTask(_persistit, commandLine);
      if (task == null) {
        return "Invalid task " + commandLine;
      return task.getStatusDetail();

    } catch (final Exception ex) {
      return "Failed: " + ex.toString();
Пример #2
  * Starts a long-running utility task, such as the integrity checker. The supplied className must
  * identify a subclass of {@link com.persistit.Task} . The number and format of the arguments is
  * specific to the utility task. The returned long value is a unique task ID value used in
  * subsequent calls to {@link #queryTaskStatus}.
  * @param description Readable description of this task
  * @param owner Hostname or username of the user who requested this task
  * @param className Class name of task to run, e.g., <code>com.persistit.IntegrityCheck</code>.
  * @param args Task-specific parameters
  * @param maximumTime Maximum wall-clock time (in milliseconds) this Task will be allowed to run,
  *     or 0 for unbounded time
  * @param verbosity Verbosity level, one of {@link Task#LOG_NORMAL} or {@link Task#LOG_NORMAL}.
  * @return Task identifier Unique ID for the running task
  * @throws RemoteException
 public synchronized long startTask(
     final String description,
     final String owner,
     final String commandLine,
     final long maximumTime,
     final int verbosity)
     throws RemoteException {
   try {
     final Task task = CLI.parseTask(_persistit, commandLine);
     if (task == null) {
       throw new WrappedRemoteException(
           new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown task " + commandLine));
     final long taskId = ++_taskIdCounter;
     task.setup(taskId, description, owner, maximumTime, verbosity);
     _tasks.put(new Long(taskId), task);
     return taskId;
   } catch (final Exception ex) {
     throw new WrappedRemoteException(ex);