   * Note, this test can only work as long as we have a single thread executor executing the state
   * update tasks!
  public void testPrioritizedTasks() throws Exception {
    BlockingTask block = new BlockingTask(Priority.IMMEDIATE);
    clusterService.submitStateUpdateTask("test", block);
    int taskCount = randomIntBetween(5, 20);

    // will hold all the tasks in the order in which they were executed
    List<PrioritizedTask> tasks = new ArrayList<>(taskCount);
    CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(taskCount);
    for (int i = 0; i < taskCount; i++) {
      Priority priority = randomFrom(Priority.values());
      clusterService.submitStateUpdateTask("test", new PrioritizedTask(priority, latch, tasks));


    Priority prevPriority = null;
    for (PrioritizedTask task : tasks) {
      if (prevPriority == null) {
        prevPriority = task.priority();
      } else {
        assertThat(task.priority().sameOrAfter(prevPriority), is(true));