Пример #1
  /** Tests the case where we try to convert a string to a long incorrectly. */
      expected = org.apache.nifi.processors.kite.AvroRecordConverter.AvroConversionException.class)
  public void testIllegalConversion() throws Exception {
    // We will convert s1 from string to long (or leave it null), ignore s2,
    // convert l1 from long to string, and leave l2 the same.
    Schema input =
            .nullableString("s1", "")
    Schema output =

    AvroRecordConverter converter = new AvroRecordConverter(input, output, EMPTY_MAPPING);

    Record inputRecord = new Record(input);
    inputRecord.put("s1", "blah");
    inputRecord.put("s2", "blah");
    inputRecord.put("l1", null);
    inputRecord.put("l2", 5L);
Пример #2
  /** Tests the case where we don't use a mapping file and just map records by name. */
  public void testDefaultConversion() throws Exception {
    // We will convert s1 from string to long (or leave it null), ignore s2,
    // convert s3 to from string to double, convert l1 from long to string,
    // and leave l2 the same.
    Schema input =
            .nullableString("s1", "")
    Schema output =

    AvroRecordConverter converter =
        new AvroRecordConverter(input, output, EMPTY_MAPPING, LocaleUtils.toLocale("en_US"));

    Record inputRecord = new Record(input);
    inputRecord.put("s1", null);
    inputRecord.put("s2", "blah");
    inputRecord.put("s3", "5.5");
    inputRecord.put("l1", null);
    inputRecord.put("l2", 5L);
    Record outputRecord = converter.convert(inputRecord);
    assertEquals(5L, outputRecord.get("l2"));
    assertEquals(5.5, outputRecord.get("s3"));

    inputRecord.put("s1", "500");
    inputRecord.put("s2", "blah");
    inputRecord.put("s3", "5.5e-5");
    inputRecord.put("l1", 100L);
    inputRecord.put("l2", 2L);
    outputRecord = converter.convert(inputRecord);
    assertEquals(500L, outputRecord.get("s1"));
    assertEquals("100", outputRecord.get("l1"));
    assertEquals(2L, outputRecord.get("l2"));
    assertEquals(5.5e-5, outputRecord.get("s3"));
        public ValidationResult validate(String subject, String uri, ValidationContext context) {
          Configuration conf = getConfiguration(context.getProperty(CONF_XML_FILES).getValue());
          String inputUri = context.getProperty(INPUT_SCHEMA).getValue();
          String error = null;

          final boolean elPresent =
                  && context.isExpressionLanguagePresent(uri);
          if (!elPresent) {
            try {
              Schema outputSchema = getSchema(uri, conf);
              Schema inputSchema = getSchema(inputUri, conf);
              // Get the explicitly mapped fields. This is identical to
              // logic in onTrigger, but ValidationContext and
              // ProcessContext share no ancestor, so we cannot generalize
              // the code.
              Map<String, String> fieldMapping = new HashMap<>();
              for (final Map.Entry<PropertyDescriptor, String> entry :
                  context.getProperties().entrySet()) {
                if (entry.getKey().isDynamic()) {
                  fieldMapping.put(entry.getKey().getName(), entry.getValue());
              AvroRecordConverter converter =
                  new AvroRecordConverter(inputSchema, outputSchema, fieldMapping);
              Collection<String> unmappedFields = converter.getUnmappedFields();
              if (unmappedFields.size() > 0) {
                error = "The following fields are unmapped: " + unmappedFields;

            } catch (SchemaNotFoundException e) {
              error = e.getMessage();
          return new ValidationResult.Builder()
              .valid(error == null)
Пример #4
  /** Tests the case where we want to default map one field and explicitly map another. */
  public void testExplicitMapping() throws Exception {
    // We will convert s1 from string to long (or leave it null), ignore s2,
    // convert l1 from long to string, and leave l2 the same.
    Schema input = NESTED_RECORD_SCHEMA;
    Schema parent = NESTED_PARENT_SCHEMA;
    Schema output = UNNESTED_OUTPUT_SCHEMA;
    Map<String, String> mapping = ImmutableMap.of("parent.id", "parentId");

    AvroRecordConverter converter = new AvroRecordConverter(input, output, mapping);

    Record inputRecord = new Record(input);
    inputRecord.put("l1", 5L);
    inputRecord.put("s1", "1000");
    Record parentRecord = new Record(parent);
    parentRecord.put("id", 200L);
    parentRecord.put("name", "parent");
    inputRecord.put("parent", parentRecord);
    Record outputRecord = converter.convert(inputRecord);
    assertEquals(5L, outputRecord.get("l1"));
    assertEquals(1000L, outputRecord.get("s1"));
    assertEquals(200L, outputRecord.get("parentId"));
Пример #5
  public void testGetUnmappedFields() throws Exception {
    Schema input =
            .nullableString("s1", "")
    Schema output =

    // Test the case where the field isn't mapped at all.
    AvroRecordConverter converter = new AvroRecordConverter(input, output, EMPTY_MAPPING);
    assertEquals(ImmutableList.of("field"), converter.getUnmappedFields());

    // Test the case where we tried to map from a non-existent field.
    converter =
        new AvroRecordConverter(input, output, ImmutableMap.of("nonExistentField", "field"));
    assertEquals(ImmutableList.of("field"), converter.getUnmappedFields());

    // Test the case where we tried to map from a non-existent record.
    converter =
        new AvroRecordConverter(input, output, ImmutableMap.of("parent.nonExistentField", "field"));
    assertEquals(ImmutableList.of("field"), converter.getUnmappedFields());

    // Test a valid case
    converter = new AvroRecordConverter(input, output, ImmutableMap.of("l2", "field"));
    assertEquals(Collections.EMPTY_LIST, converter.getUnmappedFields());
Пример #6
public class TestAvroRecordConverter {
  static final ObjectMapper OBJECT_MAPPER = new ObjectMapper();
  static final Map<String, String> EMPTY_MAPPING = ImmutableMap.of();
  static final String NESTED_RECORD_SCHEMA_STRING =
          + "    \"type\": \"record\",\n"
          + "    \"name\": \"NestedInput\",\n"
          + "    \"namespace\": \"org.apache.example\",\n"
          + "    \"fields\": [\n"
          + "        {\n"
          + "            \"name\": \"l1\",\n"
          + "            \"type\": \"long\"\n"
          + "        },\n"
          + "        {\n"
          + "            \"name\": \"s1\",\n"
          + "            \"type\": \"string\"\n"
          + "        },\n"
          + "        {\n"
          + "            \"name\": \"parent\",\n"
          + "            \"type\": [\"null\", {\n"
          + "              \"type\": \"record\",\n"
          + "              \"name\": \"parent\",\n"
          + "              \"fields\": [\n"
          + "                { \"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"long\" },\n"
          + "                { \"name\": \"name\", \"type\": \"string\" }\n"
          + "              ]"
          + "            } ]"
          + "        }"
          + "   ] }";
  static final Schema NESTED_RECORD_SCHEMA = new Schema.Parser().parse(NESTED_RECORD_SCHEMA_STRING);
  static final Schema NESTED_PARENT_SCHEMA =
  static final Schema UNNESTED_OUTPUT_SCHEMA =

  /** Tests the case where we don't use a mapping file and just map records by name. */
  public void testDefaultConversion() throws Exception {
    // We will convert s1 from string to long (or leave it null), ignore s2,
    // convert s3 to from string to double, convert l1 from long to string,
    // and leave l2 the same.
    Schema input =
            .nullableString("s1", "")
    Schema output =

    AvroRecordConverter converter =
        new AvroRecordConverter(input, output, EMPTY_MAPPING, LocaleUtils.toLocale("en_US"));

    Record inputRecord = new Record(input);
    inputRecord.put("s1", null);
    inputRecord.put("s2", "blah");
    inputRecord.put("s3", "5.5");
    inputRecord.put("l1", null);
    inputRecord.put("l2", 5L);
    Record outputRecord = converter.convert(inputRecord);
    assertEquals(5L, outputRecord.get("l2"));
    assertEquals(5.5, outputRecord.get("s3"));

    inputRecord.put("s1", "500");
    inputRecord.put("s2", "blah");
    inputRecord.put("s3", "5.5e-5");
    inputRecord.put("l1", 100L);
    inputRecord.put("l2", 2L);
    outputRecord = converter.convert(inputRecord);
    assertEquals(500L, outputRecord.get("s1"));
    assertEquals("100", outputRecord.get("l1"));
    assertEquals(2L, outputRecord.get("l2"));
    assertEquals(5.5e-5, outputRecord.get("s3"));

  /** Tests the case where we want to default map one field and explicitly map another. */
  public void testExplicitMapping() throws Exception {
    // We will convert s1 from string to long (or leave it null), ignore s2,
    // convert l1 from long to string, and leave l2 the same.
    Schema input = NESTED_RECORD_SCHEMA;
    Schema parent = NESTED_PARENT_SCHEMA;
    Schema output = UNNESTED_OUTPUT_SCHEMA;
    Map<String, String> mapping = ImmutableMap.of("parent.id", "parentId");

    AvroRecordConverter converter = new AvroRecordConverter(input, output, mapping);

    Record inputRecord = new Record(input);
    inputRecord.put("l1", 5L);
    inputRecord.put("s1", "1000");
    Record parentRecord = new Record(parent);
    parentRecord.put("id", 200L);
    parentRecord.put("name", "parent");
    inputRecord.put("parent", parentRecord);
    Record outputRecord = converter.convert(inputRecord);
    assertEquals(5L, outputRecord.get("l1"));
    assertEquals(1000L, outputRecord.get("s1"));
    assertEquals(200L, outputRecord.get("parentId"));

  /** Tests the case where we try to convert a string to a long incorrectly. */
      expected = org.apache.nifi.processors.kite.AvroRecordConverter.AvroConversionException.class)
  public void testIllegalConversion() throws Exception {
    // We will convert s1 from string to long (or leave it null), ignore s2,
    // convert l1 from long to string, and leave l2 the same.
    Schema input =
            .nullableString("s1", "")
    Schema output =

    AvroRecordConverter converter = new AvroRecordConverter(input, output, EMPTY_MAPPING);

    Record inputRecord = new Record(input);
    inputRecord.put("s1", "blah");
    inputRecord.put("s2", "blah");
    inputRecord.put("l1", null);
    inputRecord.put("l2", 5L);

  public void testGetUnmappedFields() throws Exception {
    Schema input =
            .nullableString("s1", "")
    Schema output =

    // Test the case where the field isn't mapped at all.
    AvroRecordConverter converter = new AvroRecordConverter(input, output, EMPTY_MAPPING);
    assertEquals(ImmutableList.of("field"), converter.getUnmappedFields());

    // Test the case where we tried to map from a non-existent field.
    converter =
        new AvroRecordConverter(input, output, ImmutableMap.of("nonExistentField", "field"));
    assertEquals(ImmutableList.of("field"), converter.getUnmappedFields());

    // Test the case where we tried to map from a non-existent record.
    converter =
        new AvroRecordConverter(input, output, ImmutableMap.of("parent.nonExistentField", "field"));
    assertEquals(ImmutableList.of("field"), converter.getUnmappedFields());

    // Test a valid case
    converter = new AvroRecordConverter(input, output, ImmutableMap.of("l2", "field"));
    assertEquals(Collections.EMPTY_LIST, converter.getUnmappedFields());