Пример #1
  // If we're becoming coordinator, we need to handle TMP_VIEW as
  // an immediate change of view. See JGRP-1452.
  private void handleTmpView(View v) {
    List<Address> mbrs = v.getMembers();
    if (mbrs.isEmpty()) return;

    Address new_coord = mbrs.get(0);
    if (!new_coord.equals(coord) && local_addr != null && local_addr.equals(new_coord))
Пример #2
  public void sendGetMembersRequest(String cluster_name, Promise promise, boolean return_views_only)
      throws Exception {
    PhysicalAddress physical_addr =
        (PhysicalAddress) down_prot.down(new Event(Event.GET_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS, local_addr));
    PingData data =
        new PingData(local_addr, null, false, UUID.get(local_addr), Arrays.asList(physical_addr));
    PingHeader hdr = new PingHeader(PingHeader.GET_MBRS_REQ, data, cluster_name);
    hdr.return_view_only = return_views_only;

    Set<PhysicalAddress> combined_target_members = new HashSet<PhysicalAddress>(initial_hosts);

    for (final Address addr : combined_target_members) {
      if (addr.equals(physical_addr)) continue;
      final Message msg = new Message(addr, null, null);
      msg.putHeader(this.id, hdr);
      if (log.isTraceEnabled())
        log.trace("[FIND_INITIAL_MBRS] sending PING request to " + msg.getDest());
          new Runnable() {
            public void run() {
              try {
                down_prot.down(new Event(Event.MSG, msg));
              } catch (Exception ex) {
                if (log.isErrorEnabled())
                  log.error("failed sending discovery request to " + addr + ": " + ex);
Пример #3
 public boolean equals(Object obj) {
   if (this == obj) return true;
   if (obj == null) return false;
   if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) return false;
   User other = (User) obj;
   if (Address == null) {
     if (other.Address != null) return false;
   } else if (!Address.equals(other.Address)) return false;
   if (CcCode == null) {
     if (other.CcCode != null) return false;
   } else if (!CcCode.equals(other.CcCode)) return false;
   if (Contact == null) {
     if (other.Contact != null) return false;
   } else if (!Contact.equals(other.Contact)) return false;
   if (CreationDate == null) {
     if (other.CreationDate != null) return false;
   } else if (!CreationDate.equals(other.CreationDate)) return false;
   if (ExpirationDate == null) {
     if (other.ExpirationDate != null) return false;
   } else if (!ExpirationDate.equals(other.ExpirationDate)) return false;
   if (FirstName == null) {
     if (other.FirstName != null) return false;
   } else if (!FirstName.equals(other.FirstName)) return false;
   if (LastName == null) {
     if (other.LastName != null) return false;
   } else if (!LastName.equals(other.LastName)) return false;
   if (SecurityCode == null) {
     if (other.SecurityCode != null) return false;
   } else if (!SecurityCode.equals(other.SecurityCode)) return false;
   return true;
Пример #4
  /** Execute when new member join or leave Group */
  public void viewAccepted(View v) {
    memberSize = v.size();
    if (mainFrame != null) setTitle();

    if (v instanceof MergeView) {
      System.out.println("** " + v);

      // This is a simple merge function, which fetches the state from the coordinator
      // on a merge and overwrites all of its own state
      if (useState && !members.isEmpty()) {
        Address coord = members.get(0);
        Address local_addr = channel.getAddress();
        if (local_addr != null && !local_addr.equals(coord)) {
          try {

            // make a copy of our state first
            Map<Point, Color> copy = null;
            if (send_own_state_on_merge) {
              synchronized (drawPanel.state) {
                copy = new LinkedHashMap<Point, Color>(drawPanel.state);
            System.out.println("fetching state from " + coord);
            channel.getState(coord, 5000);
            if (copy != null)
              sendOwnState(copy); // multicast my own state so everybody else has it too
          } catch (Exception e) {
    } else System.out.println("** View=" + v);
Пример #5
   * An event is to be sent down the stack. The layer may want to examine its type and perform some
   * action on it, depending on the event's type. If the event is a message MSG, then the layer may
   * need to add a header to it (or do nothing at all) before sending it down the stack using <code>
   * PassDown</code>. In case of a GET_ADDRESS event (which tries to retrieve the stack's address
   * from one of the bottom layers), the layer may need to send a new response event back up the
   * stack using <code>up_prot.up()</code>. The PING protocol is interested in several different
   * down events, Event.FIND_INITIAL_MBRS - sent by the GMS layer and expecting a GET_MBRS_OK
   * Event.TMP_VIEW and Event.VIEW_CHANGE - a view change event Event.BECOME_SERVER - called after
   * client has joined and is fully working group member Event.CONNECT, Event.DISCONNECT.
  public Object down(Event evt) {

    switch (evt.getType()) {
      case Event.FIND_INITIAL_MBRS: // sent by GMS layer
      case Event.FIND_ALL_VIEWS:
        // sends the GET_MBRS_REQ to all members, waits 'timeout' ms or until 'num_initial_members'
        // have been retrieved
        long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
        boolean find_all_views = evt.getType() == Event.FIND_ALL_VIEWS;
        Promise<JoinRsp> promise = (Promise<JoinRsp>) evt.getArg();
        List<PingData> rsps = find_all_views ? findAllViews(promise) : findInitialMembers(promise);
        long diff = System.currentTimeMillis() - start;
        if (log.isTraceEnabled())
          log.trace("discovery took " + diff + " ms: responses: " + Util.printPingData(rsps));
        return rsps;

      case Event.TMP_VIEW:
      case Event.VIEW_CHANGE:
        List<Address> tmp;
        view = (View) evt.getArg();
        if ((tmp = view.getMembers()) != null) {
          synchronized (members) {
        current_coord = !members.isEmpty() ? members.get(0) : null;
        is_coord = current_coord != null && local_addr != null && current_coord.equals(local_addr);

        return down_prot.down(evt);

      case Event.BECOME_SERVER: // called after client has joined and is fully working group member
        is_server = true;
        return null;

      case Event.SET_LOCAL_ADDRESS:
        local_addr = (Address) evt.getArg();
        return down_prot.down(evt);

      case Event.CONNECT:
      case Event.CONNECT_USE_FLUSH:
        is_leaving = false;
        group_addr = (String) evt.getArg();
        Object ret = down_prot.down(evt);
        return ret;

      case Event.DISCONNECT:
        is_leaving = true;
        return down_prot.down(evt);

        return down_prot.down(evt); // Pass on to the layer below us
Пример #6
 protected void deliver(Message msg, Event evt, SequencerHeader hdr) {
   Address sender = msg.getSrc();
   if (sender == null) {
     if (log.isErrorEnabled())
       log.error(local_addr + ": sender is null, cannot deliver " + "::" + hdr.getSeqno());
   long msg_seqno = hdr.getSeqno();
   if (sender.equals(local_addr)) {
     if (hdr.flush_ack) {
       if (ack_mode && !flushing && threshold > 0 && ++num_acks >= threshold) {
         ack_mode = false;
         num_acks = 0;
   if (!canDeliver(sender, msg_seqno)) {
     if (log.isWarnEnabled())
       log.warn(local_addr + ": dropped duplicate message " + sender + "::" + msg_seqno);
   if (log.isTraceEnabled()) log.trace(local_addr + ": delivering " + sender + "::" + msg_seqno);
Пример #7
  /** Callback invoked by the protocol stack to deliver a message batch */
  public void up(MessageBatch batch) {
    if (stats) {
      received_msgs += batch.size();
      received_bytes += batch.length();

    // discard local messages (sent by myself to me)
    if (discard_own_messages
        && local_addr != null
        && batch.sender() != null
        && local_addr.equals(batch.sender())) return;

    for (Message msg : batch) {
      if (up_handler != null) {
        try {
          up_handler.up(new Event(Event.MSG, msg));
        } catch (Throwable t) {
          log.error(Util.getMessage("UpHandlerFailure"), t);
      } else if (receiver != null) {
        try {
        } catch (Throwable t) {
          log.error(Util.getMessage("ReceiverFailure"), t);
Пример #8
   * Invoked upon receiving a MERGE event from the MERGE layer. Starts the merge protocol. See
   * description of protocol in DESIGN.
   * @param views A List of <em>different</em> views detected by the merge protocol
  public void merge(Map<Address, View> views) {
    if (isMergeInProgress()) {
      if (log.isTraceEnabled())
        log.trace(gms.local_addr + ": merge is already running (merge_id=" + merge_id + ")");

    // we need the merge *coordinators* not merge participants because not everyone can lead a merge
    // !
    Collection<Address> coords = Util.determineMergeCoords(views);
    Collection<Address> merge_participants = Util.determineMergeParticipants(views);
    Membership tmp =
        new Membership(coords); // establish a deterministic order, so that coords can elect leader
    Address merge_leader = tmp.elementAt(0);
    if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("determining merge leader from " + merge_participants);
    if (merge_leader.equals(gms.local_addr)) {
      if (log.isDebugEnabled())
            "I ("
                + gms.local_addr
                + ") will be the leader. Starting the merge task for "
                + merge_participants);
    } else {
      if (log.isDebugEnabled())
            "I ("
                + gms.local_addr
                + ") am not the merge leader, "
                + "waiting for merge leader ("
                + merge_leader
                + ") to initiate merge");
 public boolean equals(Object obj) {
   if (this == obj) return true;
   if (obj == null) return false;
   if (!(obj instanceof Customer)) return false;
   Customer other = (Customer) obj;
   if (address == null) {
     if (other.address != null) return false;
   } else if (!address.equals(other.address)) return false;
   if (creditRequests == null) {
     if (other.creditRequests != null) return false;
   } else if (!creditRequests.equals(other.creditRequests)) return false;
   if (customerId != other.customerId) return false;
   if (disbursementPreference == null) {
     if (other.disbursementPreference != null) return false;
   } else if (!disbursementPreference.equals(other.disbursementPreference)) return false;
   if (firstName == null) {
     if (other.firstName != null) return false;
   } else if (!firstName.equals(other.firstName)) return false;
   if (lastName == null) {
     if (other.lastName != null) return false;
   } else if (!lastName.equals(other.lastName)) return false;
   if (middleName == null) {
     if (other.middleName != null) return false;
   } else if (!middleName.equals(other.middleName)) return false;
   if (openBalance == null) {
     if (other.openBalance != null) return false;
   } else if (!openBalance.equals(other.openBalance)) return false;
   if (rating == null) {
     if (other.rating != null) return false;
   } else if (!rating.equals(other.rating)) return false;
   return true;
Пример #10
 /** Checks whether the potential_new_coord would be the new coordinator (2nd in line) */
 protected boolean wouldBeNewCoordinator(Address potential_new_coord) {
   if (potential_new_coord == null) return false;
   synchronized (members) {
     if (members.size() < 2) return false;
     Address new_coord = members.elementAt(1); // member at 2nd place
     return new_coord != null && new_coord.equals(potential_new_coord);
Пример #11
 protected void handleView(View view) {
   view_size = view.size();
   Address tmp = Util.pickNext(view.getMembers(), local_addr);
   if (tmp != null && !tmp.equals(local_addr)) {
     next = tmp;
     if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("next=" + next);
Пример #12
 public boolean equals(Object obj) {
   if (this == obj) return true;
   if (obj == null) return false;
   if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) return false;
   User other = (User) obj;
   if (address == null) {
     if (other.address != null) return false;
   } else if (!address.equals(other.address)) return false;
   if (companys == null) {
     if (other.companys != null) return false;
   } else if (!companys.equals(other.companys)) return false;
   if (competences == null) {
     if (other.competences != null) return false;
   } else if (!competences.equals(other.competences)) return false;
   if (country == null) {
     if (other.country != null) return false;
   } else if (!country.equals(other.country)) return false;
   if (description == null) {
     if (other.description != null) return false;
   } else if (!description.equals(other.description)) return false;
   if (documents == null) {
     if (other.documents != null) return false;
   } else if (!documents.equals(other.documents)) return false;
   if (email == null) {
     if (other.email != null) return false;
   } else if (!email.equals(other.email)) return false;
   if (experiences == null) {
     if (other.experiences != null) return false;
   } else if (!experiences.equals(other.experiences)) return false;
   if (firstName == null) {
     if (other.firstName != null) return false;
   } else if (!firstName.equals(other.firstName)) return false;
   if (id != other.id) return false;
   if (languages == null) {
     if (other.languages != null) return false;
   } else if (!languages.equals(other.languages)) return false;
   if (lastName == null) {
     if (other.lastName != null) return false;
   } else if (!lastName.equals(other.lastName)) return false;
   if (mobile == null) {
     if (other.mobile != null) return false;
   } else if (!mobile.equals(other.mobile)) return false;
   if (password == null) {
     if (other.password != null) return false;
   } else if (!password.equals(other.password)) return false;
   if (phone == null) {
     if (other.phone != null) return false;
   } else if (!phone.equals(other.phone)) return false;
   if (posts == null) {
     if (other.posts != null) return false;
   } else if (!posts.equals(other.posts)) return false;
   if (stateUser != other.stateUser) return false;
   if (trainings == null) {
     if (other.trainings != null) return false;
   } else if (!trainings.equals(other.trainings)) return false;
   return true;
Пример #13
 /** Returns true if local_addr is member of mbrs, else false */
 protected boolean checkSelfInclusion(Vector mbrs) {
   Object mbr;
   if (mbrs == null) return false;
   for (int i = 0; i < mbrs.size(); i++) {
     mbr = mbrs.elementAt(i);
     if (mbr != null && local_addr.equals(mbr)) return true;
   return false;
Пример #14
 // @see java.lang.Object#equals(java.lang.Object)
 public boolean equals(Object obj) {
   if (this == obj) return true;
   if (obj == null) return false;
   if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) return false;
   Owner other = (Owner) obj;
   if (address == null) {
     if (other.address != null) return false;
   } else if (!address.equals(other.address)) return false;
   return requestId == other.requestId;
  * Debugging routine: returns the index (0..top() - 1) of the handle in this block, or -1 if the
  * handle was not contained in this block. Does not search successor blocks.
 public int indexOfHandle(Address jniHandle) {
   for (int i = 0; i < top(); i++) {
     Address addr = getOopHandleAddress(i);
     if (addr != null) {
       if (addr.equals(jniHandle)) {
         return i;
   return -1;
Пример #16
  public Object down(Event evt) {
    switch (evt.getType()) {
      case Event.TMP_VIEW:
      case Event.VIEW_CHANGE:
        handleViewChange((View) evt.getArg());

      case Event.GET_STATE:
        Address target;
        StateTransferInfo info = (StateTransferInfo) evt.getArg();
        if (info.target == null) {
          target = determineCoordinator();
        } else {
          target = info.target;
          if (target.equals(local_addr)) {
            log.error("%s: cannot fetch state from myself", local_addr);
            target = null;
        if (target == null) {
          log.debug("%s: first member (no state)", local_addr);
          up_prot.up(new Event(Event.GET_STATE_OK, new StateTransferInfo()));
        } else {
          Message state_req =
              new Message(target)
                  .putHeader(this.id, new StateHeader(StateHeader.STATE_REQ))
                  .setFlag(Message.Flag.DONT_BUNDLE, Message.Flag.OOB, Message.Flag.SKIP_BARRIER);
          log.debug("%s: asking %s for state", local_addr, target);

          // suspend sending and handling of message garbage collection gossip messages,
          // fixes bugs #943480 and #938584). Wake up when state has been received
              log.debug("passing down a SUSPEND_STABLE event");
          down_prot.down(new Event(Event.SUSPEND_STABLE, new Long(info.timeout)));*/
          waiting_for_state_response = true;
          start = System.currentTimeMillis();
          down_prot.down(new Event(Event.MSG, state_req));
        return null; // don't pass down any further !

      case Event.CONFIG:
        Map<String, Object> config = (Map<String, Object>) evt.getArg();
        if (config != null && config.containsKey("flush_supported")) {
          flushProtocolInStack = true;

      case Event.SET_LOCAL_ADDRESS:
        local_addr = (Address) evt.getArg();

    return down_prot.down(evt); // pass on to the layer below us
Пример #17
 private static boolean addressEquals(Address a1, Address a2) {
   if (!a1.equals(a2)) {
     return false;
   final String displayName1 = a1.getPersonal();
   final String displayName2 = a2.getPersonal();
   if (displayName1 == null) {
     return displayName2 == null;
   } else {
     return displayName1.equals(displayName2);
Пример #18
 public List<Address> selectConnections(Address leader, List<Address> servers) {
   List<Address> addresses = new ArrayList<>(servers.size());
   for (Address address : servers) {
     if (!address.equals(this.address)) {
   return addresses;
Пример #19
  public final void testEquals() {

    Address address1 = new AddressImpl();

    Address address2 = new AddressImpl();











Пример #20
  // refer to Threads::owning_thread_from_monitor_owner
  public JavaThread owningThreadFromMonitor(Address o) {
    if (o == null) return null;
    for (JavaThread thread = first(); thread != null; thread = thread.next()) {
      if (o.equals(thread.threadObjectAddress())) {
        return thread;

    for (JavaThread thread = first(); thread != null; thread = thread.next()) {
      if (thread.isLockOwned(o)) return thread;
    return null;
 // ------------------------------------------------------------
 public void removeModule(Address addr) {
   Enumeration e = virtual.keys();
   Address key = addr;
   while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
     Address k = (Address) e.nextElement();
     if (k.equals(addr)) {
Пример #22
  public void sendDiscoveryRequest(String cluster_name, Promise promise, ViewId view_id)
      throws Exception {
    PingData data = null;
    PhysicalAddress physical_addr =
        (PhysicalAddress) down(new Event(Event.GET_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS, local_addr));

    if (view_id == null) {
      List<PhysicalAddress> physical_addrs = Arrays.asList(physical_addr);
      data = new PingData(local_addr, null, false, UUID.get(local_addr), physical_addrs);

    PingHeader hdr = new PingHeader(PingHeader.GET_MBRS_REQ, data, cluster_name);
    hdr.view_id = view_id;

    Collection<PhysicalAddress> cluster_members = fetchClusterMembers(cluster_name);
    if (cluster_members == null) {
      Message msg = new Message(null); // multicast msg
      msg.putHeader(getId(), hdr);
    } else {
      if (cluster_members.isEmpty()) { // if we don't find any members, return immediately
        if (promise != null) promise.setResult(null);
      } else {
        for (final Address addr : cluster_members) {
          if (addr.equals(physical_addr)) // no need to send the request to myself
          final Message msg = new Message(addr, null, null);
          msg.putHeader(this.id, hdr);
          if (log.isTraceEnabled())
            log.trace("[FIND_INITIAL_MBRS] sending discovery request to " + msg.getDest());
          if (!sendDiscoveryRequestsInParallel()) {
            down_prot.down(new Event(Event.MSG, msg));
          } else {
                new Runnable() {
                  public void run() {
                    try {
                      down_prot.down(new Event(Event.MSG, msg));
                    } catch (Exception ex) {
                      if (log.isErrorEnabled())
                        log.error("failed sending discovery request to " + addr + ": " + ex);
  // ---------------------------------------------------------------
  public void entityShutdown(Address addr) {
    Enumeration e = external.elements();
    while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
      Address a = (Address) e.nextElement();
      if (a.equals(addr)) {

        // Inform listeners
        Enumeration ee = virtual.elements();
        while (ee.hasMoreElements()) ((VirtualMBusListener) ee.nextElement()).entityShutdown(addr);
  // ------------------------------------------------------------
  public void addModule(VirtualMBusListener mod, Address addr) {
    Enumeration e = virtual.keys();
    Address key = addr;
    while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
      Address k = (Address) e.nextElement();
      if (k.equals(addr)) {
        key = k;

    // Add module to listeners
    virtual.put(key, mod);
Пример #25
  private synchronized void handleViewChange(View view, boolean makeServer) {
    if (makeServer) initializeNewSymmetricKey(view instanceof MergeView);

    // if view is a bit broken set me as keyserver
    List<Address> members = view.getMembers();
    if (members == null || members.isEmpty() || members.get(0) == null) {
      becomeKeyServer(local_addr, false);
    // otherwise get keyserver from view controller
    Address tmpKeyServer = view.getMembers().get(0);

    // I am  keyserver - either first member of group or old key server is no more and
    // I have been voted new controller
    if (makeServer || (tmpKeyServer.equals(local_addr))) becomeKeyServer(tmpKeyServer, makeServer);
    else handleNewKeyServer(tmpKeyServer, view instanceof MergeView);
Пример #26
  @ManagedOperation(description = "Reads data from local caches and dumps them to a file")
  public void dumpCache(String output_filename) throws Exception {
    Map<Address, PhysicalAddress> cache_contents =
        (Map<Address, PhysicalAddress>)
            down_prot.down(new Event(Event.GET_LOGICAL_PHYSICAL_MAPPINGS, false));

    List<PingData> list = new ArrayList<>(cache_contents.size());
    for (Map.Entry<Address, PhysicalAddress> entry : cache_contents.entrySet()) {
      Address addr = entry.getKey();
      PhysicalAddress phys_addr = entry.getValue();
      PingData data =
          new PingData(addr, true, UUID.get(addr), phys_addr).coord(addr.equals(local_addr));
    OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(output_filename);
    write(list, out);
Пример #27
 protected void handleConsumerFoundResponse(long threadId, Address address) {
   final Runnable runnable = _awaitingConsumer.poll();
   // This is a representation of the server side owner running our task.
   Owner owner;
   if (runnable == null) {
     owner = new Owner(address, threadId);
     // For some reason we don't have a runnable anymore
     // so we have to send back to the coordinator that
     // the consumer is still available.  The runnable
     // would be removed on a cancel
     sendToCoordinator(Type.CONSUMER_READY, owner.getRequestId(), owner.getAddress());
   } else {
     final Long requestId = _requestId.get(runnable);
     if (requestId == null) {
       // requestId is not available - this means the result has been
       // returned already or it has been interrupted
     owner = new Owner(address, requestId);
     _awaitingReturn.put(owner, runnable);
     // If local we pass along without serializing
     if (local_addr.equals(owner.getAddress())) {
       handleTaskSubmittedRequest(runnable, local_addr, requestId, threadId);
     } else {
       try {
         if (runnable instanceof DistributedFuture) {
           Callable<?> callable = ((DistributedFuture<?>) runnable).getCallable();
               owner.getAddress(), threadId, Type.RUN_SUBMITTED, requestId, callable);
         } else {
               owner.getAddress(), threadId, Type.RUN_SUBMITTED, requestId, runnable);
       // This relies on the Mesasge class to throw this when a
       // serialization issue occurs
       catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
         ExecutorNotification notificiation = notifiers.remove(runnable);
         if (notificiation != null) {
         throw e;
Пример #28
  protected void getState(Address target, long timeout, Callable<Boolean> flushInvoker)
      throws Exception {
    if (!state_transfer_supported)
      throw new IllegalStateException(
          "fetching state will fail as state transfer is not supported. "
              + "Add one of the state transfer protocols to your configuration");

    if (target == null) target = determineCoordinator();
    if (target != null && local_addr != null && target.equals(local_addr)) {
              + ": cannot get state from myself ("
              + target
              + "): probably the first member");

    boolean initiateFlush = flushSupported() && flushInvoker != null;

    if (initiateFlush) {
      boolean successfulFlush = false;
      try {
        successfulFlush = flushInvoker.call();
      } catch (Throwable e) {
        successfulFlush = false; // http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JGRP-759
      if (!successfulFlush)
        throw new IllegalStateException(
            "Node " + local_addr + " could not flush the cluster for state retrieval");

    StateTransferInfo state_info = new StateTransferInfo(target, timeout);
    long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
    down(new Event(Event.GET_STATE, state_info));
    StateTransferResult result = state_promise.getResult(state_info.timeout);

    if (initiateFlush) stopFlush();

    if (result == null)
      throw new StateTransferException(
          "timeout during state transfer (" + (System.currentTimeMillis() - start) + "ms)");
    if (result.hasException())
      throw new StateTransferException("state transfer failed", result.getException());
Пример #29
  public boolean equals(Object o) {
    if (this == o) return true;
    if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false;

    Person person = (Person) o;

    if (checked != person.checked) return false;
    if (id != person.id) return false;
    if (version != person.version) return false;
    if (address != null ? !address.equals(person.address) : person.address != null) return false;
    if (birthDate != null ? !birthDate.equals(person.birthDate) : person.birthDate != null)
      return false;
    if (family != null ? !family.equals(person.family) : person.family != null) return false;
    if (firstName != null ? !firstName.equals(person.firstName) : person.firstName != null)
      return false;

    return true;
Пример #30
 public boolean equals(Object obj) {
   if (this == obj) return true;
   if (obj == null) return false;
   if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) return false;
   Account other = (Account) obj;
   if (alamat == null) {
     if (other.alamat != null) return false;
   } else if (!alamat.equals(other.alamat)) return false;
   if (id != other.id) return false;
   if (kontak == null) {
     if (other.kontak != null) return false;
   } else if (!kontak.equals(other.kontak)) return false;
   if (nama == null) {
     if (other.nama != null) return false;
   } else if (!nama.equals(other.nama)) return false;
   if (tanggalBuat == null) {
     if (other.tanggalBuat != null) return false;
   } else if (!tanggalBuat.equals(other.tanggalBuat)) return false;
   return true;