public void run() {
    // variables
    int randomTime, i;
    Stopwatch timer = new Stopwatch();

    // start simulation
    running = true;
    while ((timer.elapsedTime() * 1000) < this.runtime) {
      // request packets from the internet at random times (1-30 sec)
      randomTime = AccessPoint.randInt(1000, 3200);

      // request a series of packets from random webpage
      for (i = 0; i < AccessPoint.randInt(1, 10); i++) {

      // delay
      try {
      } catch (InterruptedException e) {
    running = false;
  public void RequestFromInternet() {
    // load frame and header with information
    Frame frame = new Frame();
    frame.loadNetworkData("request for webpage from " + Websites.getRandom() + ".com");
    frame.macHeader.sourceMAC = this.MAC;
    frame.macHeader.destinationMAC = this.AP.getMAC();
    frame.size = 20 + frame.networkData.length();

    // "sense" the channel to see if it's in use
    while (AP.channel_2G.inUse) {
      // there was a collision so increase counter & wait random amnt of time
      try {
        Thread.sleep(AccessPoint.randInt(50, 150));
      } catch (InterruptedException e) {

    // send request frame to the AP
    AP.channel_2G.inUse = true;

    try {
      Thread.sleep((100 - signalStrength));
    } catch (InterruptedException e) {
    AP.channel_2G.inUse = false;
 public void receiveAssociationReply(AccessPoint ap, int distance) {
   this.AP = ap;
   this.metersAwayFromAP = distance;
   obstacles = AccessPoint.randInt(0, 2);
  public void ReceiveReplyFromInternet() {
    // for parsing content in frame
    Frame IPdatagram[] = new Frame[4];
    int i = 0;

    // "sense" the channel to see if it's in use
    while (AP.channel_2G.inUse) {
      // there was a collision so increase counter & wait random amnt of time
      try {
        Thread.sleep(AccessPoint.randInt(50, 200));
      } catch (InterruptedException e) {

    // receive frames from the access point
    AP.channel_2G.inUse = true;

    // package frames into IP datagram and send to network layer in wireless device
    while (!AP.channel_2G.isEmpty()) {
      IPdatagram[i] = AP.channel_2G.getFrameFromAP();
      System.out.println(Name + " received " + IPdatagram[i].networkData);

    try {
      Thread.sleep((100 - signalStrength));
    } catch (InterruptedException e) {
    AP.channel_2G.inUse = false;
    updateThroughput(IPdatagram[0].size, stopwatch.elapsedTime());
  public void getIPFromDHCP() {
    // variables
    String localIP = AP.getLocalIP();
    int num;
    String tokens[] = localIP.split("\\.");

    // look for last number
    num = Integer.parseInt(tokens[3]);
    num += AP.getLocationInAP(this) + 1;
    tokens[3] = "" + num;

    // set new local ip
    this.localIPaddress = tokens[0] + '.' + tokens[1] + '.' + tokens[2] + '.' + tokens[3];

    // set public ip
    this.publicIPaddress = AP.getPublicIP();
 public WirelessDevice(String name) {
   this.Name = name;
   this.AP = null;
   this.MAC =
       Integer.toHexString(AccessPoint.randInt(0, 255))
           + "-"
           + Integer.toHexString(AccessPoint.randInt(0, 255))
           + "-"
           + Integer.toHexString(AccessPoint.randInt(0, 255))
           + "-"
           + Integer.toHexString(AccessPoint.randInt(0, 255))
           + "-"
           + Integer.toHexString(AccessPoint.randInt(0, 255))
           + "-"
           + Integer.toHexString(AccessPoint.randInt(0, 255));
   this.localIPaddress = null;
   this.publicIPaddress = null;
   this.stopwatch = new Stopwatch();
   this.throughput = 0.0;
   this.runtime = 0;
   running = false;
 public void sendAssociationReq(AccessPoint ap) {
   // System.out.println(Name + " sending association request frame to " + AP.getSSID());