Пример #1
  * This is the basic init function. It is provided so subclasses can compute various values before
  * initializing all the state in the base class. You really should call this method before
  * returning from your subclass constructor.
  * @param srcs The list of sources
  * @param bounds The bounds of the image
  * @param cm The ColorModel to use. If null it defaults to ComponentColorModel.
  * @param sm The Sample modle to use. If this is null it will construct a sample model that
  *     matches the ColorModel and is the size of the whole image.
  * @param tileGridXOff The x location of tile 0,0.
  * @param tileGridYOff The y location of tile 0,0.
  * @param props Any properties you want to associate with the image.
 protected void init(
     List srcs,
     Rectangle bounds,
     ColorModel cm,
     SampleModel sm,
     int tileGridXOff,
     int tileGridYOff,
     Map props) {
   super.init(srcs, bounds, cm, sm, tileGridXOff, tileGridYOff, props);
   tiles = createTileStore();
Пример #2
  * This is one of two basic init function (this is for single source rendereds). It is provided so
  * subclasses can compute various values before initializing all the state in the base class. You
  * really should call this method before returning from your subclass constructor.
  * @param src The source for the filter
  * @param bounds The bounds of the image
  * @param cm The ColorModel to use. If null it defaults to ComponentColorModel/ src's ColorModel.
  * @param sm The Sample modle to use. If this is null it will use the src's sample model if that
  *     is null it will construct a sample model that matches the ColorModel and is the size of the
  *     whole image.
  * @param tileGridXOff The x location of tile 0,0.
  * @param tileGridYOff The y location of tile 0,0.
  * @param tileStore The tileStore to use (or null).
  * @param props Any properties you want to associate with the image.
 protected void init(
     CachableRed src,
     Rectangle bounds,
     ColorModel cm,
     SampleModel sm,
     int tileGridXOff,
     int tileGridYOff,
     TileStore tiles,
     Map props) {
   super.init(src, bounds, cm, sm, tileGridXOff, tileGridYOff, props);
   this.tiles = tiles;
   if (this.tiles == null) this.tiles = createTileStore();