Пример #1
  /** Converts the flat map data to a map. */
  private void convertToMap() {
    delegateMap = createDelegateMap();
    switch (size) { // drop through
      case 3:
        delegateMap.put(key3, value3);
      case 2:
        delegateMap.put(key2, value2);
      case 1:
        delegateMap.put(key1, value1);

    size = 0;
    hash1 = hash2 = hash3 = 0;
    key1 = key2 = key3 = null;
    value1 = value2 = value3 = null;
Пример #2
  * Checks whether the map contains the specified key.
  * @param key the key to search for
  * @return true if the map contains the key
 public boolean containsKey(Object key) {
   if (delegateMap != null) {
     return delegateMap.containsKey(key);
   if (key == null) {
     switch (size) { // drop through
       case 3:
         if (key3 == null) return true;
       case 2:
         if (key2 == null) return true;
       case 1:
         if (key1 == null) return true;
   } else {
     if (size > 0) {
       int hashCode = key.hashCode();
       switch (size) { // drop through
         case 3:
           if (hash3 == hashCode && key.equals(key3)) return true;
         case 2:
           if (hash2 == hashCode && key.equals(key2)) return true;
         case 1:
           if (hash1 == hashCode && key.equals(key1)) return true;
   return false;
Пример #3
  * Checks whether the map contains the specified value.
  * @param value the value to search for
  * @return true if the map contains the key
 public boolean containsValue(Object value) {
   if (delegateMap != null) {
     return delegateMap.containsValue(value);
   if (value == null) { // drop through
     switch (size) {
       case 3:
         if (value3 == null) return true;
       case 2:
         if (value2 == null) return true;
       case 1:
         if (value1 == null) return true;
   } else {
     switch (size) { // drop through
       case 3:
         if (value.equals(value3)) return true;
       case 2:
         if (value.equals(value2)) return true;
       case 1:
         if (value.equals(value1)) return true;
   return false;
Пример #4
  * Gets the value mapped to the key specified.
  * @param key the key
  * @return the mapped value, null if no match
 public Object get(Object key) {
   if (delegateMap != null) {
     return delegateMap.get(key);
   if (key == null) {
     switch (size) {
         // drop through
       case 3:
         if (key3 == null) return value3;
       case 2:
         if (key2 == null) return value2;
       case 1:
         if (key1 == null) return value1;
   } else {
     if (size > 0) {
       int hashCode = key.hashCode();
       switch (size) {
           // drop through
         case 3:
           if (hash3 == hashCode && key.equals(key3)) return value3;
         case 2:
           if (hash2 == hashCode && key.equals(key2)) return value2;
         case 1:
           if (hash1 == hashCode && key.equals(key1)) return value1;
   return null;
Пример #5
  * Gets the map as a String.
  * @return a string version of the map
 public String toString() {
   if (delegateMap != null) {
     return delegateMap.toString();
   if (size == 0) {
     return "{}";
   StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(128);
   switch (size) { // drop through
     case 3:
       buf.append((key3 == this ? "(this Map)" : key3));
       buf.append((value3 == this ? "(this Map)" : value3));
     case 2:
       buf.append((key2 == this ? "(this Map)" : key2));
       buf.append((value2 == this ? "(this Map)" : value2));
     case 1:
       buf.append((key1 == this ? "(this Map)" : key1));
       buf.append((value1 == this ? "(this Map)" : value1));
   return buf.toString();
Пример #6
  * Gets an iterator over the map. Changes made to the iterator affect this map.
  * <p>A MapIterator returns the keys in the map. It also provides convenient methods to get the
  * key and value, and set the value. It avoids the need to create an entrySet/keySet/values
  * object. It also avoids creating the Map Entry object.
  * @return the map iterator
 public MapIterator mapIterator() {
   if (delegateMap != null) {
     return delegateMap.mapIterator();
   if (size == 0) {
     return EmptyMapIterator.INSTANCE;
   return new FlatMapIterator(this);
Пример #7
  * Puts all the values from the specified map into this map.
  * @param map the map to add
  * @throws NullPointerException if the map is null
 public void putAll(Map map) {
   int size = map.size();
   if (size == 0) {
   if (delegateMap != null) {
   if (size < 4) {
     for (Iterator it = map.entrySet().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
       Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry) it.next();
       put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
   } else {
Пример #8
  * Clears the map, resetting the size to zero and nullifying references to avoid garbage
  * collection issues.
 public void clear() {
   if (delegateMap != null) {
     delegateMap.clear(); // should aid gc
     delegateMap = null; // switch back to flat mode
   } else {
     size = 0;
     hash1 = hash2 = hash3 = 0;
     key1 = key2 = key3 = null;
     value1 = value2 = value3 = null;
Пример #9
  * Gets the standard Map hashCode.
  * @return the hash code defined in the Map interface
 public int hashCode() {
   if (delegateMap != null) {
     return delegateMap.hashCode();
   int total = 0;
   switch (size) { // drop through
     case 3:
       total += (hash3 ^ (value3 == null ? 0 : value3.hashCode()));
     case 2:
       total += (hash2 ^ (value2 == null ? 0 : value2.hashCode()));
     case 1:
       total += (hash1 ^ (value1 == null ? 0 : value1.hashCode()));
   return total;
Пример #10
  * Compares this map with another.
  * @param obj the object to compare to
  * @return true if equal
 public boolean equals(Object obj) {
   if (obj == this) {
     return true;
   if (delegateMap != null) {
     return delegateMap.equals(obj);
   if (obj instanceof Map == false) {
     return false;
   Map other = (Map) obj;
   if (size != other.size()) {
     return false;
   if (size > 0) {
     Object otherValue = null;
     switch (size) { // drop through
       case 3:
         if (other.containsKey(key3) == false) {
           return false;
         otherValue = other.get(key3);
         if (value3 == null ? otherValue != null : !value3.equals(otherValue)) {
           return false;
       case 2:
         if (other.containsKey(key2) == false) {
           return false;
         otherValue = other.get(key2);
         if (value2 == null ? otherValue != null : !value2.equals(otherValue)) {
           return false;
       case 1:
         if (other.containsKey(key1) == false) {
           return false;
         otherValue = other.get(key1);
         if (value1 == null ? otherValue != null : !value1.equals(otherValue)) {
           return false;
   return true;
Пример #11
  * Gets the values view of the map. Changes made to the view affect this map. To simply iterate
  * through the values, use {@link #mapIterator()}.
  * @return the values view
 public Collection values() {
   if (delegateMap != null) {
     return delegateMap.values();
   return new Values(this);
Пример #12
  * Gets the keySet view of the map. Changes made to the view affect this map. To simply iterate
  * through the keys, use {@link #mapIterator()}.
  * @return the keySet view
 public Set keySet() {
   if (delegateMap != null) {
     return delegateMap.keySet();
   return new KeySet(this);
Пример #13
  * Gets the entrySet view of the map. Changes made to the view affect this map. The Map Entry is
  * not an independent object and changes as the iterator progresses. To simply iterate through the
  * entries, use {@link #mapIterator()}.
  * @return the entrySet view
 public Set entrySet() {
   if (delegateMap != null) {
     return delegateMap.entrySet();
   return new EntrySet(this);
Пример #14
  * Removes the specified mapping from this map.
  * @param key the mapping to remove
  * @return the value mapped to the removed key, null if key not in map
 public Object remove(Object key) {
   if (delegateMap != null) {
     return delegateMap.remove(key);
   if (size == 0) {
     return null;
   if (key == null) {
     switch (size) { // drop through
       case 3:
         if (key3 == null) {
           Object old = value3;
           hash3 = 0;
           key3 = null;
           value3 = null;
           size = 2;
           return old;
         if (key2 == null) {
           Object old = value3;
           hash2 = hash3;
           key2 = key3;
           value2 = value3;
           hash3 = 0;
           key3 = null;
           value3 = null;
           size = 2;
           return old;
         if (key1 == null) {
           Object old = value3;
           hash1 = hash3;
           key1 = key3;
           value1 = value3;
           hash3 = 0;
           key3 = null;
           value3 = null;
           size = 2;
           return old;
         return null;
       case 2:
         if (key2 == null) {
           Object old = value2;
           hash2 = 0;
           key2 = null;
           value2 = null;
           size = 1;
           return old;
         if (key1 == null) {
           Object old = value2;
           hash1 = hash2;
           key1 = key2;
           value1 = value2;
           hash2 = 0;
           key2 = null;
           value2 = null;
           size = 1;
           return old;
         return null;
       case 1:
         if (key1 == null) {
           Object old = value1;
           hash1 = 0;
           key1 = null;
           value1 = null;
           size = 0;
           return old;
   } else {
     if (size > 0) {
       int hashCode = key.hashCode();
       switch (size) { // drop through
         case 3:
           if (hash3 == hashCode && key.equals(key3)) {
             Object old = value3;
             hash3 = 0;
             key3 = null;
             value3 = null;
             size = 2;
             return old;
           if (hash2 == hashCode && key.equals(key2)) {
             Object old = value3;
             hash2 = hash3;
             key2 = key3;
             value2 = value3;
             hash3 = 0;
             key3 = null;
             value3 = null;
             size = 2;
             return old;
           if (hash1 == hashCode && key.equals(key1)) {
             Object old = value3;
             hash1 = hash3;
             key1 = key3;
             value1 = value3;
             hash3 = 0;
             key3 = null;
             value3 = null;
             size = 2;
             return old;
           return null;
         case 2:
           if (hash2 == hashCode && key.equals(key2)) {
             Object old = value2;
             hash2 = 0;
             key2 = null;
             value2 = null;
             size = 1;
             return old;
           if (hash1 == hashCode && key.equals(key1)) {
             Object old = value2;
             hash1 = hash2;
             key1 = key2;
             value1 = value2;
             hash2 = 0;
             key2 = null;
             value2 = null;
             size = 1;
             return old;
           return null;
         case 1:
           if (hash1 == hashCode && key.equals(key1)) {
             Object old = value1;
             hash1 = 0;
             key1 = null;
             value1 = null;
             size = 0;
             return old;
   return null;
Пример #15
   * Puts a key-value mapping into this map.
   * @param key the key to add
   * @param value the value to add
   * @return the value previously mapped to this key, null if none
  public Object put(Object key, Object value) {
    if (delegateMap != null) {
      return delegateMap.put(key, value);
    // change existing mapping
    if (key == null) {
      switch (size) { // drop through
        case 3:
          if (key3 == null) {
            Object old = value3;
            value3 = value;
            return old;
        case 2:
          if (key2 == null) {
            Object old = value2;
            value2 = value;
            return old;
        case 1:
          if (key1 == null) {
            Object old = value1;
            value1 = value;
            return old;
    } else {
      if (size > 0) {
        int hashCode = key.hashCode();
        switch (size) { // drop through
          case 3:
            if (hash3 == hashCode && key.equals(key3)) {
              Object old = value3;
              value3 = value;
              return old;
          case 2:
            if (hash2 == hashCode && key.equals(key2)) {
              Object old = value2;
              value2 = value;
              return old;
          case 1:
            if (hash1 == hashCode && key.equals(key1)) {
              Object old = value1;
              value1 = value;
              return old;

    // add new mapping
    switch (size) {
        delegateMap.put(key, value);
        return null;
      case 2:
        hash3 = (key == null ? 0 : key.hashCode());
        key3 = key;
        value3 = value;
      case 1:
        hash2 = (key == null ? 0 : key.hashCode());
        key2 = key;
        value2 = value;
      case 0:
        hash1 = (key == null ? 0 : key.hashCode());
        key1 = key;
        value1 = value;
    return null;
Пример #16
  * Gets the size of the map.
  * @return the size
 public int size() {
   if (delegateMap != null) {
     return delegateMap.size();
   return size;