Пример #1
  /** Sanity checks the AST. This is by verifing the normalization passes do nothing. */
  private void sanityCheckNormalization(Node externs, Node root) {
    // Verify nothing has inappropriately denormalize the AST.
    CodeChangeHandler handler = new CodeChangeHandler.ForbiddenChange();

    // TODO(johnlenz): Change these normalization checks Preconditions and
    // Exceptions into Errors so that it is easier to find the root cause
    // when there are cascading issues.
    new PrepareAst(compiler, true).process(null, root);
    if (compiler.isNormalized()) {
      (new Normalize(compiler, true)).process(externs, root);

      boolean checkUserDeclarations = true;
      CompilerPass pass = new Normalize.VerifyConstants(compiler, checkUserDeclarations);
      pass.process(externs, root);
