Пример #1
 public void test() {
   AABB copy = blocks.get(0).bounds.copy();
   copy.offset(0.025f, 0, 0);
   if (!copy.collides(blocks.get(1).bounds)) {
     blocks.get(0).bounds = copy;
Пример #2
  protected static Collision AABBvsCircle(AABB A, Circle B) {

    Vector2 AtoB = B.getPosition().cpy().sub(A.getCenter());

    float xe = A.getDimensions().x / 2;
    float ye = A.getDimensions().y / 2;

    Vector2 closest =
        new Vector2(MathUtils.clamp(AtoB.x, -xe, xe), MathUtils.clamp(AtoB.y, -ye, ye));

    boolean inside = false;
    if (AtoB.epsilonEquals(closest, (float) 1e-4)) {
      inside = true;

      if (Math.abs(AtoB.x) > Math.abs(AtoB.y)) {
        if (closest.x > 0.0f) {
          closest.x = xe;
        } else {
          closest.x = -xe;
      } else {
        if (closest.y > 0.0f) {
          closest.y = ye;
        } else {
          closest.y = -ye;

    Vector2 normal = new Vector2(AtoB).sub(closest);
    float d = normal.len2();
    float r = B.radius;

    // No collision
    if (d > r * r && !inside) {
      return null;

    d = (float) Math.sqrt(d);

    float penetration = r + d;
    if (inside) {
    } else {

    return new Collision(normal, penetration);
Пример #3
  public void Draw(Canvas canvas) {
    canvas.drawBitmap(ret, pos.x, canvas.getHeight() - (pos.y + scale.y), null);

    // testing line------------------------------------------------//
    if (state == STATE.DRAGGING) {

      // From startPos to current dragging pos
          canvas.getHeight() - startPos.y,
          canvas.getHeight() - fingerPos.y,

    // draw the rubbish------------------------------------------//
    for (int i = 0; i < totalDragged; ++i) {
      if (rubbishPile.get(i).GetActive()) rubbishPile.get(i).Draw(canvas);

    paint.setARGB(255, 255, 0, 0);
    paint.setStrokeWidth(120); // how thick you want the text to be in terms of pixel
    canvas.drawText("Active: " + totalDragged, 130, 80, paint);

Пример #4
  public boolean intersects(AABB aabb) {
    if (aabb.getDimensions() != 2) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException();

    if (x1 > aabb.getMaximum(0) || x2 < aabb.getMinimum(0)) {
      return false;

    if (y1 > aabb.getMaximum(1) || y2 < aabb.getMinimum(1)) {
      return false;

    return true;
Пример #5
 public AABB getAABB() {
   if (aabb == null) {
     aabb = new AABB(minX, minY, maxX, maxY);
   } else {
     aabb.set(minX, minY, maxX, maxY);
   return aabb;
Пример #6
   * *********************************************************************************** Call when
   * finger started dragging on screen
   * ***********************************************************************************
  public void StartDrag(float xTouchPos, float yTouchPos, AABB finger) {
    // if collide and still got rubbish-------------------------------------------------//
    if (bound.AABB_Det(finger) && totalDragged < rubbishPile.size()) {

      // increase index----------------------------------------------------//

      fingerPos.Set(xTouchPos, yTouchPos);
      state = STATE.DRAGGING;
      dragging = true;
    } else dragging = false;
Пример #7
  public BroadPhase(AABB worldAABB, PairCallback callback) {
    if (debugPrint) {

    // array initialization
    m_proxyPool = new Proxy[Settings.maxProxies];
    pairBuffer = new BufferedPair[Settings.maxPairs];
    m_bounds = new Bound[2][2 * Settings.maxProxies];
    m_queryResults = new int[Settings.maxProxies];

    for (int i = 0; i < 2 * Settings.maxProxies; i++) {
      m_bounds[0][i] = new Bound();
      m_bounds[1][i] = new Bound();

    for (int i = 0; i < Settings.maxProxies; i++) {
      pairBuffer[i] = new BufferedPair();

    m_pairManager = new PairManager();
    m_pairManager.initialize(this, callback);

    assert worldAABB.isValid();

    m_worldAABB = new AABB(worldAABB);
    m_proxyCount = 0;

    Vec2 d = worldAABB.upperBound.sub(worldAABB.lowerBound);
    m_quantizationFactor = new Vec2(Integer.MAX_VALUE / d.x, Integer.MAX_VALUE / d.y);

    for (int i = 0; i < Settings.maxProxies - 1; ++i) {
      m_proxyPool[i] = new Proxy();
      m_proxyPool[i].setNext(i + 1);
      m_proxyPool[i].timeStamp = 0;
      m_proxyPool[i].overlapCount = INVALID;
      m_proxyPool[i].userData = null;

    m_proxyPool[Settings.maxProxies - 1] = new Proxy();
    m_proxyPool[Settings.maxProxies - 1].setNext(PairManager.NULL_PROXY);
    m_proxyPool[Settings.maxProxies - 1].timeStamp = 0;
    m_proxyPool[Settings.maxProxies - 1].overlapCount = INVALID;
    m_proxyPool[Settings.maxProxies - 1].userData = null;
    m_freeProxy = 0;

    m_timeStamp = 1;
    m_queryResultCount = 0;
Пример #8
   * Tests the createAABB method.
   * @since 3.1.0
  public void createAABB() {
    Vector2[] vertices =
        new Vector2[] {new Vector2(0.0, 1.0), new Vector2(-1.0, -1.0), new Vector2(1.0, -1.0)};
    Polygon p = new Polygon(vertices);

    AABB aabb = p.createAABB(Transform.IDENTITY);
    TestCase.assertEquals(-1.0, aabb.getMinX(), 1.0e-3);
    TestCase.assertEquals(-1.0, aabb.getMinY(), 1.0e-3);
    TestCase.assertEquals(1.0, aabb.getMaxX(), 1.0e-3);
    TestCase.assertEquals(1.0, aabb.getMaxY(), 1.0e-3);

    // try using the default method
    AABB aabb2 = p.createAABB();
    TestCase.assertEquals(aabb.getMinX(), aabb2.getMinX());
    TestCase.assertEquals(aabb.getMinY(), aabb2.getMinY());
    TestCase.assertEquals(aabb.getMaxX(), aabb2.getMaxX());
    TestCase.assertEquals(aabb.getMaxY(), aabb2.getMaxY());

    Transform tx = new Transform();
    tx.translate(1.0, 2.0);
    aabb = p.createAABB(tx);
    TestCase.assertEquals(0.500, aabb.getMinX(), 1.0e-3);
    TestCase.assertEquals(0.634, aabb.getMinY(), 1.0e-3);
    TestCase.assertEquals(2.366, aabb.getMaxX(), 1.0e-3);
    TestCase.assertEquals(2.866, aabb.getMaxY(), 1.0e-3);
Пример #9
 public static boolean testBoxPoint(final AABB box, final float x, final float y) {
   AABB point = new AABB(1f, 1f);
   point.update(new Vector(x, y));
   return testBoxBox(box, point);
Пример #10
 public static boolean testCirclePoint(final Circle c1, final float x, final float y) {
   AABB box = new AABB(1f, 1f);
   box.update(new Vector(x, y));
   return testCircleAABB(c1, box);
Пример #11
 public AABB getBoundingBox() {
   return AABB.fromMinMax(min, max);
Пример #12
  // Call MoveProxy as many times as you like, then when you are done
  // call Flush to finalized the proxy pairs (for your time step).
  void moveProxy(int proxyId, AABB aabb) {
    if (debugPrint) {

    if (proxyId == PairManager.NULL_PROXY || Settings.maxProxies <= proxyId) {

    assert (aabb.isValid()) : "invalid AABB";

    int boundCount = 2 * m_proxyCount;

    Proxy proxy = m_proxyPool[proxyId];

    // Get new bound values
    BoundValues newValues = new BoundValues();
    computeBounds(newValues.lowerValues, newValues.upperValues, aabb);

    // Get old bound values
    BoundValues oldValues = new BoundValues();
    for (int axis = 0; axis < 2; ++axis) {
      oldValues.lowerValues[axis] = m_bounds[axis][proxy.lowerBounds[axis]].value;
      oldValues.upperValues[axis] = m_bounds[axis][proxy.upperBounds[axis]].value;

    for (int axis = 0; axis < 2; ++axis) {
      Bound[] bounds = m_bounds[axis];

      int lowerIndex = proxy.lowerBounds[axis];
      int upperIndex = proxy.upperBounds[axis];

      int lowerValue = newValues.lowerValues[axis];
      int upperValue = newValues.upperValues[axis];

      int deltaLower = lowerValue - bounds[lowerIndex].value;
      int deltaUpper = upperValue - bounds[upperIndex].value;

      bounds[lowerIndex].value = lowerValue;
      bounds[upperIndex].value = upperValue;

      // Expanding adds overlaps

      // Should we move the lower bound down?
      if (deltaLower < 0) {
        int index = lowerIndex;
        while (index > 0 && lowerValue < bounds[index - 1].value) {
          Bound bound = bounds[index];
          Bound prevBound = bounds[index - 1];

          int prevProxyId = prevBound.proxyId;
          Proxy prevProxy = m_proxyPool[prevBound.proxyId];


          if (prevBound.isUpper() == true) {
            if (testOverlap(newValues, prevProxy)) {
              m_pairManager.addBufferedPair(proxyId, prevProxyId);

          } else {


          // b2Swap(*bound, *prevEdge);
          Bound tmp = new Bound(bound);

      // Should we move the upper bound up?
      if (deltaUpper > 0) {
        int index = upperIndex;
        while (index < boundCount - 1 && bounds[index + 1].value <= upperValue) {
          Bound bound = bounds[index];
          Bound nextBound = bounds[index + 1];
          int nextProxyId = nextBound.proxyId;
          Proxy nextProxy = m_proxyPool[nextProxyId];


          if (nextBound.isLower() == true) {
            if (testOverlap(newValues, nextProxy)) {
              m_pairManager.addBufferedPair(proxyId, nextProxyId);

          } else {

          // b2Swap(*bound, *nextEdge);
          // wasn't actually swapping! bounds[index] and
          // bounds[index+1] need to be swapped by VALUE
          Bound tmp = new Bound(bound);

      // Shrinking removes overlaps

      // Should we move the lower bound up?
      if (deltaLower > 0) {
        int index = lowerIndex;
        while (index < boundCount - 1 && bounds[index + 1].value <= lowerValue) {
          Bound bound = bounds[index];
          Bound nextBound = bounds[index + 1];

          int nextProxyId = nextBound.proxyId;
          Proxy nextProxy = m_proxyPool[nextProxyId];


          if (nextBound.isUpper()) {
            if (testOverlap(oldValues, nextProxy)) {
              m_pairManager.removeBufferedPair(proxyId, nextProxyId);

          } else {

          // b2Swap(*bound, *nextEdge);
          // Bound tmp = bound;
          // bound = nextEdge;
          // nextEdge = tmp;
          Bound tmp = new Bound(bound);

      // Should we move the upper bound down?
      if (deltaUpper < 0) {
        int index = upperIndex;
        while (index > 0 && upperValue < bounds[index - 1].value) {
          Bound bound = bounds[index];
          Bound prevBound = bounds[index - 1];

          int prevProxyId = prevBound.proxyId;
          Proxy prevProxy = m_proxyPool[prevProxyId];


          if (prevBound.isLower() == true) {
            if (testOverlap(oldValues, prevProxy)) {
              m_pairManager.removeBufferedPair(proxyId, prevProxyId);

          } else {

          // b2Swap(*bound, *prevEdge);
          // Bound tmp = bound;
          // bound = prevEdge;
          // prevEdge = tmp;
          Bound tmp = new Bound(bound);

    if (s_validate) {