   * resets the classifier, i.e., the best model, last known restart and iteration, etc.
   * @see #m_BestModel
   * @see #m_LastIteration
   * @see #m_LastRestart
  public void reset() {

    m_BestModel = null;
    m_LastIteration = -1;
    m_LastRestart = -1;
    m_LastRMSTrain = 1.0;
    m_LastRMSTest = 1.0;
    m_LastRMSTestOriginal = 1.0;
    m_LastRMS = 1.0;
    m_RMSTrain = 1.0;
    m_RMSTest = 1.0;
    m_RMSTestOriginal = 1.0;
    m_RMS = 1.0;
    m_AccTrain = 0.0;
    m_AccTestOriginal = 0.0;
    m_LastAccTrain = 0.0;

    // for logging
    m_LogEntries.addFilename("RMS", createFilename("-rms.csv"));
    m_LogEntries.addFilename("RMSTrain", createFilename("-rms_train.csv"));
    m_LogEntries.addFilename("RMSTest", createFilename("-rms_test.csv"));
    m_LogEntries.addFilename("RMSTestOriginal", createFilename("-rms_test-original.csv"));
    m_LogEntries.addFilename("AccTrain", createFilename("-acc_train.csv"));
    m_LogEntries.addFilename("AccTestOriginal", createFilename("-acc_test-original.csv"));
    m_LogEntries.addFilename("FlippedLabels", createFilename("-flipped.csv"));
   * builds the necessary CollectiveInstances from the given Instances
   * @throws Exception if anything goes wrong
  protected void generateSets() throws Exception {
    int i;


    m_CollectiveInstances = new CollectiveInstances();

    m_TrainsetNew = new Instances(m_Trainset);
    for (i = 0; i < m_Testset.numInstances(); i++) m_TrainsetNew.add(m_Testset.instance(i));

    m_FlipHistory = new FlipHistory(m_TrainsetNew);
   * Parses a given list of options.
   * <p>
   * <!-- options-start -->
   * Valid options are:
   * <p>
   * <pre> -I &lt;num&gt;
   *  Number of iterations.
   *  (default 10)</pre>
   * <pre> -R &lt;num&gt;
   *  Number of restarts.
   *  (default 10)</pre>
   * <pre> -log
   *  Creates logs in the tmp directory for all kinds of internal data.
   *  Use only for debugging purposes!
   * </pre>
   * <pre> -U
   *  Updates also the labels of the training set.
   * </pre>
   * <pre> -eval &lt;num&gt;
   *  The type of evaluation to use (0 = Randomwalk/Last model used for
   *  prediction, 1=Randomwalk/Best model used for prediction,
   *  2=Hillclimbing).
   * </pre>
   * <pre> -compare &lt;num&gt;
   *  The type of comparisong used for comparing models.
   *  (0=overall RMS, 1=RMS on train set, 2=RMS on test set,
   *  3=Accuracy on train set)
   * </pre>
   * <pre> -flipper "&lt;classname [parameters]&gt;"
   *  The flipping algorithm (and optional parameters) to use for
   *  flipping labels.
   * </pre>
   * <pre> -folds &lt;folds&gt;
   *  The number of folds for splitting the training set into
   *  train and test set. The first fold is always the training
   *  set. With '-V' you can invert this, i.e., instead of 20/80
   *  for 5 folds you'll get 80/20.
   *  (default 5)</pre>
   * <pre> -V
   *  Inverts the fold selection, i.e., instead of using the first
   *  fold for the training set it is used for test set and the
   *  remaining folds for training.</pre>
   * <pre> -verbose
   *  Whether to print some more information during building the
   *  classifier.
   *  (default is off)</pre>
   * <pre> -verbose
   *  Whether to print some more information during building the
   *  classifier.
   *  (default is off)</pre>
   * <pre> -S &lt;num&gt;
   *  Random number seed.
   *  (default 1)</pre>
   * <pre> -D
   *  If set, classifier is run in debug mode and
   *  may output additional info to the console</pre>
   * <pre> -W
   *  Full name of base classifier.
   *  (default: weka.classifiers.trees.J48)</pre>
   * <pre>
   * Options specific to classifier weka.classifiers.trees.J48:
   * </pre>
   * <pre> -U
   *  Use unpruned tree.</pre>
   * <pre> -C &lt;pruning confidence&gt;
   *  Set confidence threshold for pruning.
   *  (default 0.25)</pre>
   * <pre> -M &lt;minimum number of instances&gt;
   *  Set minimum number of instances per leaf.
   *  (default 2)</pre>
   * <pre> -R
   *  Use reduced error pruning.</pre>
   * <pre> -N &lt;number of folds&gt;
   *  Set number of folds for reduced error
   *  pruning. One fold is used as pruning set.
   *  (default 3)</pre>
   * <pre> -B
   *  Use binary splits only.</pre>
   * <pre> -S
   *  Don't perform subtree raising.</pre>
   * <pre> -L
   *  Do not clean up after the tree has been built.</pre>
   * <pre> -A
   *  Laplace smoothing for predicted probabilities.</pre>
   * <pre> -Q &lt;seed&gt;
   *  Seed for random data shuffling (default 1).</pre>
   * <!-- options-end -->
   * Options after -- are passed to the designated classifier.
   * <p>
   * @param options the list of options as an array of strings
   * @throws Exception if an option is not supported
  public void setOptions(String[] options) throws Exception {
    String tmpStr;
    String[] tmpOptions;

    tmpStr = Utils.getOption('I', options);
    if (tmpStr.length() != 0) setNumIterations(Integer.parseInt(tmpStr));
    else setNumIterations(10);

    tmpStr = Utils.getOption('R', options);
    if (tmpStr.length() != 0) setNumRestarts(Integer.parseInt(tmpStr));
    else setNumRestarts(10);

    setLog(Utils.getFlag("log", options));

    setUpdateTraining(Utils.getFlag('U', options));

    tmpStr = Utils.getOption("eval", options);
    if (tmpStr.length() != 0)
      setEvaluationType(new SelectedTag(Integer.parseInt(tmpStr), CollectiveInstances.EVAL_TAGS));
          new SelectedTag(CollectiveInstances.EVAL_RANDOMWALK_LAST, CollectiveInstances.EVAL_TAGS));

    tmpStr = Utils.getOption("compare", options);
    if (tmpStr.length() != 0)
          new SelectedTag(Integer.parseInt(tmpStr), CollectiveInstances.COMPARE_TAGS));
          new SelectedTag(CollectiveInstances.COMPARE_RMS, CollectiveInstances.COMPARE_TAGS));

    tmpStr = Utils.getOption("flipper", options);
    if (tmpStr.length() != 0) {
      tmpOptions = Utils.splitOptions(tmpStr);
      tmpStr = tmpOptions[0];
      tmpOptions[0] = "";
      setFlipper(Flipper.forName(tmpStr, tmpOptions));
    } else {
      setFlipper(new TriangleFlipper());

  /** performs initialization of members */
  protected void initializeMembers() {

    m_NumIterations = 10;
    m_NumRestarts = 10;
    m_LastRestart = -1;
    m_LastIteration = -1;
    m_RMSTrain = 1.0;
    m_RMSTest = 1.0;
    m_RMSTestOriginal = 1.0;
    m_RMS = 1.0;
    m_AccTrain = 0.0;
    m_AccTestOriginal = 0.0;
    m_LastRMSTrain = 1.0;
    m_LastRMSTest = 1.0;
    m_LastRMSTestOriginal = 1.0;
    m_LastRMS = 1.0;
    m_LastAccTrain = 0.0;
    m_BestModel = null;
    m_CollectiveInstances = null;
    m_UpdateTraining = false;
    m_EvaluationType = CollectiveInstances.EVAL_RANDOMWALK_BEST;
    m_ComparisonType = CollectiveInstances.COMPARE_RMS_TRAIN;
    m_Log = false;
    m_TrainsetNew = null;
    m_FlipHistory = null;
    m_Classifier = new weka.classifiers.trees.J48();
    m_Flipper = new TriangleFlipper();
    m_LogEntries = new CollectiveLog();
