public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { OptionParser parser = new OptionParser(); parser .accepts("client-zone-id", "client zone id for zone routing") .withRequiredArg() .describedAs("zone-id") .ofType(Integer.class); OptionSet options = parser.parse(args); List<String> nonOptions = options.nonOptionArguments(); if (nonOptions.size() < 2 || nonOptions.size() > 3) { System.err.println( "Usage: java VoldemortClientShell store_name bootstrap_url [command_file] [options]"); parser.printHelpOn(System.err); System.exit(-1); } String storeName = nonOptions.get(0); String bootstrapUrl = nonOptions.get(1); String commandsFileName = ""; BufferedReader fileReader = null; BufferedReader inputReader = null; try { if (nonOptions.size() == 3) { commandsFileName = nonOptions.get(2); fileReader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(commandsFileName)); } inputReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(; } catch (IOException e) { Utils.croak("Failure to open input stream: " + e.getMessage()); } ClientConfig clientConfig = new ClientConfig() .setBootstrapUrls(bootstrapUrl) .setRequestFormatType(RequestFormatType.VOLDEMORT_V3); if (options.has("client-zone-id")) { clientConfig.setClientZoneId((Integer) options.valueOf("client-zone-id")); } StoreClientFactory factory = new SocketStoreClientFactory(clientConfig); try { client = (DefaultStoreClient<Object, Object>) factory.getStoreClient(storeName); } catch (Exception e) { Utils.croak("Could not connect to server: " + e.getMessage()); } System.out.println("Established connection to " + storeName + " via " + bootstrapUrl); System.out.print(PROMPT); if (fileReader != null) { processCommands(factory, fileReader, true); fileReader.close(); } processCommands(factory, inputReader, false); }
public SocketStore(String name, SocketDestination dest, SocketPool socketPool, boolean reroute) { = Utils.notNull(name); this.pool = Utils.notNull(socketPool); this.destination = dest; this.requestFormat = requestFormatFactory.getRequestFormat(dest.getRequestFormatType()); this.reroute = reroute; }
public static VoldemortConfig loadFromVoldemortHome( String voldemortHome, String voldemortConfigDir) { if (!Utils.isReadableDir(voldemortHome)) throw new ConfigurationException( "Attempt to load configuration from VOLDEMORT_HOME, " + voldemortHome + " failed. That is not a readable directory."); if (voldemortConfigDir == null) { voldemortConfigDir = voldemortHome + File.separator + "config"; } String propertiesFile = voldemortConfigDir + File.separator + ""; if (!Utils.isReadableFile(propertiesFile)) throw new ConfigurationException(propertiesFile + " is not a readable configuration file."); Props properties = null; try { properties = new Props(new File(propertiesFile)); properties.put("voldemort.home", voldemortHome); properties.put("", voldemortConfigDir); } catch (IOException e) { throw new ConfigurationException(e); } return new VoldemortConfig(properties); }
public StatusServlet(VoldemortServer server, VelocityEngine engine) { this.server = Utils.notNull(server); this.velocityEngine = Utils.notNull(engine); this.abstractSocketService = (AbstractSocketService) server.getService(ServiceType.SOCKET); try { this.myMachine = InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostName(); } catch (UnknownHostException e) { myMachine = "unknown"; } }
public SocketStore( String storeName, long timeoutMs, SocketDestination dest, ClientRequestExecutorPool pool, RequestRoutingType requestRoutingType) { this.storeName = Utils.notNull(storeName); this.timeoutMs = timeoutMs; this.pool = Utils.notNull(pool); this.destination = dest; this.requestFormat = requestFormatFactory.getRequestFormat(dest.getRequestFormatType()); this.requestRoutingType = requestRoutingType; }
@Override public void init() throws ServletException { super.init(); this.server = (VoldemortServer) Utils.notNull( getServletContext().getAttribute(VoldemortServletContextListener.SERVER_KEY)); this.velocityEngine = (VelocityEngine) Utils.notNull( getServletContext() .getAttribute(VoldemortServletContextListener.VELOCITY_ENGINE_KEY)); }
public StreamingSlopPusherJob( StoreRepository storeRepo, MetadataStore metadataStore, FailureDetector failureDetector, VoldemortConfig voldemortConfig, ScanPermitWrapper repairPermits) { this.storeRepo = storeRepo; this.metadataStore = metadataStore; this.failureDetector = failureDetector; this.voldemortConfig = voldemortConfig; this.repairPermits = Utils.notNull(repairPermits); this.readThrottler = new EventThrottler(voldemortConfig.getSlopMaxReadBytesPerSec()); this.adminClient = null; this.consumerResults = Lists.newArrayList(); this.zoneMapping = Maps.newHashMap(); this.consumerExecutor = Executors.newCachedThreadPool( new ThreadFactory() { public Thread newThread(Runnable r) { Thread thread = new Thread(r); thread.setName("slop-pusher"); return thread; } }); }
public void initVelocity(ServletConfig config) { this.velocityEngine = (VelocityEngine) Utils.notNull( config .getServletContext() .getAttribute(VoldemortServletContextListener.VELOCITY_ENGINE_KEY)); }
private List<ReadOnlyStorageEngine> getReadOnlyStores(VoldemortServer server) { StorageService storage = (StorageService) Utils.notNull(server).getService(ServiceType.STORAGE); List<ReadOnlyStorageEngine> l = Lists.newArrayList(); for (StorageEngine<ByteArray, byte[]> engine : storage.getStoreRepository().getStorageEnginesByClass(ReadOnlyStorageEngine.class)) { l.add((ReadOnlyStorageEngine) engine); } return l; }
public BdbStorageEngine(String name, Environment environment, Database database) { = Utils.notNull(name); this.bdbDatabase = Utils.notNull(database); this.environment = Utils.notNull(environment); this.versionedSerializer = new VersionedSerializer<byte[]>(new IdentitySerializer()); this.versionSerializer = new Serializer<Version>() { public byte[] toBytes(Version object) { return ((VectorClock) object).toBytes(); } public Version toObject(byte[] bytes) { return versionedSerializer.getVersion(bytes); } }; this.isOpen = new AtomicBoolean(true); }
public static MetadataStore readFromDirectory(File dir, int nodeId) { if (!Utils.isReadableDir(dir)) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Metadata directory " + dir.getAbsolutePath() + " does not exist or can not be read."); if (dir.listFiles() == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "No configuration found in " + dir.getAbsolutePath() + "."); Store<String, String> innerStore = new ConfigurationStorageEngine(MetadataStore.METADATA_STORE_NAME, dir.getAbsolutePath()); return new MetadataStore(innerStore, nodeId); }
/** * Schedule a data retention cleanup job for the given store * * @param storeDef The store definition * @param engine The storage engine to do cleanup on */ private void scheduleCleanupJob( StoreDefinition storeDef, StorageEngine<ByteArray, byte[], byte[]> engine) { // Compute the start time of the job, based on current time GregorianCalendar cal = Utils.getCalendarForNextRun( new GregorianCalendar(), voldemortConfig.getRetentionCleanupFirstStartDayOfWeek(), voldemortConfig.getRetentionCleanupFirstStartTimeInHour()); // allow only one cleanup job at a time Date startTime = cal.getTime(); int maxReadRate = storeDef.hasRetentionScanThrottleRate() ? storeDef.getRetentionScanThrottleRate() : Integer.MAX_VALUE; "Scheduling data retention cleanup job for store '" + storeDef.getName() + "' at " + startTime + " with retention scan throttle rate:" + maxReadRate + " Entries/second."); EventThrottler throttler = new EventThrottler(maxReadRate); Runnable cleanupJob = new DataCleanupJob<ByteArray, byte[], byte[]>( engine, scanPermitWrapper, storeDef.getRetentionDays() * Time.MS_PER_DAY, SystemTime.INSTANCE, throttler, metadata); if (voldemortConfig.isJmxEnabled()) { JmxUtils.registerMbean("DataCleanupJob-" + engine.getName(), cleanupJob); } long retentionFreqHours = storeDef.hasRetentionFrequencyDays() ? (storeDef.getRetentionFrequencyDays() * Time.HOURS_PER_DAY) : voldemortConfig.getRetentionCleanupScheduledPeriodInHour(); this.scheduler.schedule( "cleanup-" + storeDef.getName(), cleanupJob, startTime, retentionFreqHours * Time.MS_PER_HOUR, voldemortConfig.getRetentionCleanupPinStartTime()); }
private void doSwap(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) throws IOException, ServletException { String dir = getRequired(req, "dir"); String storeName = getRequired(req, "store"); ReadOnlyStorageEngine store = this.getStore(storeName); if (store == null) throw new ServletException("'" + storeName + "' is not a registered read-only store."); if (!Utils.isReadableDir(dir)) throw new ServletException("Store directory '" + dir + "' is not a readable directory."); store.swapFiles(dir); resp.getWriter().write("Swap completed."); }
/** * Retrieve the directory pointed by latest symbolic link * * @param parentDir The root directory * @return The directory pointed to by the latest symbolic link, else null */ public static File getLatestDir(File parentDir) { File latestSymLink = new File(parentDir, "latest"); if (latestSymLink.exists() && Utils.isSymLink(latestSymLink)) { File canonicalLatestVersion = null; try { canonicalLatestVersion = latestSymLink.getCanonicalFile(); } catch (IOException e) { return null; } if (canonicalLatestVersion != null && checkVersionDirName(canonicalLatestVersion)) return canonicalLatestVersion; } return null; }
public static VoldemortConfig loadFromEnvironmentVariable() { String voldemortHome = System.getenv(VoldemortConfig.VOLDEMORT_HOME_VAR_NAME); if (voldemortHome == null) throw new ConfigurationException( "No environment variable " + VoldemortConfig.VOLDEMORT_HOME_VAR_NAME + " has been defined, set it!"); String voldemortConfigDir = System.getenv(VoldemortConfig.VOLDEMORT_CONFIG_DIR); if (voldemortConfigDir != null) { if (!Utils.isReadableDir(voldemortConfigDir)) throw new ConfigurationException( "Attempt to load configuration from VOLDEMORT_CONFIG_DIR, " + voldemortConfigDir + " failed. That is not a readable directory."); } return loadFromVoldemortHome(voldemortHome, voldemortConfigDir); }
protected RoutedStore( String name, Map<Integer, Store<ByteArray, byte[], byte[]>> innerStores, Cluster cluster, StoreDefinition storeDef, boolean repairReads, TimeoutConfig timeoutConfig, FailureDetector failureDetector, Time time) { if (storeDef.getRequiredReads() < 1) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Cannot have a storeDef.getRequiredReads() number less than 1."); if (storeDef.getRequiredWrites() < 1) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Cannot have a storeDef.getRequiredWrites() number less than 1."); if (storeDef.getPreferredReads() < storeDef.getRequiredReads()) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "storeDef.getPreferredReads() must be greater or equal to storeDef.getRequiredReads()."); if (storeDef.getPreferredWrites() < storeDef.getRequiredWrites()) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "storeDef.getPreferredWrites() must be greater or equal to storeDef.getRequiredWrites()."); if (storeDef.getPreferredReads() > innerStores.size()) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "storeDef.getPreferredReads() is larger than the total number of nodes!"); if (storeDef.getPreferredWrites() > innerStores.size()) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "storeDef.getPreferredWrites() is larger than the total number of nodes!"); = name; this.innerStores = new ConcurrentHashMap<Integer, Store<ByteArray, byte[], byte[]>>(innerStores); this.repairReads = repairReads; this.readRepairer = new ReadRepairer<ByteArray, byte[]>(); this.timeoutConfig = timeoutConfig; this.time = Utils.notNull(time); this.storeDef = storeDef; this.failureDetector = failureDetector; this.routingStrategy = new RoutingStrategyFactory().updateRoutingStrategy(storeDef, cluster); }
public StreamingSlopPusherJob( StoreRepository storeRepo, MetadataStore metadataStore, FailureDetector failureDetector, VoldemortConfig voldemortConfig, Semaphore repairPermits) { this.storeRepo = storeRepo; this.metadataStore = metadataStore; this.failureDetector = failureDetector; this.voldemortConfig = voldemortConfig; this.repairPermits = Utils.notNull(repairPermits); this.cluster = metadataStore.getCluster(); this.slopQueues = new ConcurrentHashMap<Integer, SynchronousQueue<Versioned<Slop>>>( cluster.getNumberOfNodes()); this.consumerExecutor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool( cluster.getNumberOfNodes(), new ThreadFactory() { public Thread newThread(Runnable r) { Thread thread = new Thread(r); thread.setName("slop-pusher"); return thread; } }); this.readThrottler = new EventThrottler(voldemortConfig.getSlopMaxReadBytesPerSec()); this.adminClient = null; this.consumerResults = Lists.newArrayList(); this.attemptedByNode = new ConcurrentHashMap<Integer, Long>(cluster.getNumberOfNodes()); this.succeededByNode = new ConcurrentHashMap<Integer, Long>(cluster.getNumberOfNodes()); this.zoneMapping = Maps.newHashMap(); }
public FailureDetectorConfig setTime(Time time) { this.time = Utils.notNull(time); return this; }
public FailureDetectorConfig setStoreVerifier(StoreVerifier storeVerifier) { this.storeVerifier = Utils.notNull(storeVerifier); return this; }
public synchronized void removeNode(Node node) { Utils.notNull(node); nodes.remove(node); }
public synchronized void addNode(Node node) { Utils.notNull(node); nodes.add(node); }
/** * Assigns a list of nodes in the cluster represented by this failure detector configuration. * * @param nodes Collection of Node instances, usually determined from the Cluster; must be * non-null */ @Deprecated public synchronized FailureDetectorConfig setNodes(Collection<Node> nodes) { Utils.notNull(nodes); this.nodes = new HashSet<Node>(nodes); return this; }
/** * Assigns a cluster which determines the source of truth for the topology * * @param cluster The Cluster object retrieved during bootstrap; must be non-null */ public FailureDetectorConfig setCluster(Cluster cluster) { Utils.notNull(cluster); this.cluster = cluster; return this; }
/** * Assigns the list of Java Exception types that are considered catastrophic. Some FailureDetector * implementations may not mark a given node as unavailable on each and every call to * recordException. Instead they may apply logic to determine if such an exception should cause * the node to be marked as unavailable. However, the list of so-called catastrophic errors * provides such FailureDetector implementations a hint that receipt of such errors should cause * the node to be marked as unavailable immediately, regardless of other logic. * * <p><b>Note</b>: this is only used by the {@link ThresholdFailureDetector} implementation. * * @param catastrophicErrorTypes List of fully-qualified Java Exception class names against which * to check the exception provided to recordException; this list should be immutable and * non-null * @see ThresholdFailureDetector * @see VoldemortConfig#getFailureDetectorCatastrophicErrorTypes * @see ClientConfig#getFailureDetectorCatastrophicErrorTypes */ public FailureDetectorConfig setCatastrophicErrorTypes(List<String> catastrophicErrorTypes) { this.catastrophicErrorTypes = Utils.notNull(catastrophicErrorTypes); return this; }
/** * Assigns the fully-qualified class name of the FailureDetector implementation. * * @param implementationClassName Class name to instantiate for the FailureDetector * @see VoldemortConfig#getFailureDetectorImplementation * @see ClientConfig#getFailureDetectorImplementation */ public FailureDetectorConfig setImplementationClassName(String implementationClassName) { this.implementationClassName = Utils.notNull(implementationClassName); return this; }
/** * Set the tier at which routing occurs. Client-side routing occurs on the client, and server-side * routing on the server. * * <p>NOTE : Server side routing is not used, as yet. The java client only supports client-side * routing. * * @param routingTier The routing tier to use for routing requests */ public ClientConfig setRoutingTier(RoutingTier routingTier) { this.routingTier = Utils.notNull(routingTier); return this; }
/** * Set the request format type used for network communications (for example protocol buffers) * * @param requestFormatType The type of the network protocol */ public ClientConfig setRequestFormatType(RequestFormatType requestFormatType) { this.requestFormatType = Utils.notNull(requestFormatType); return this; }
/** * Set the bootstrap urls from which to attempt a connection * * @param bootstrapUrls The urls to bootstrap from */ public ClientConfig setBootstrapUrls(String... bootstrapUrls) { this.bootstrapUrls = Arrays.asList(Utils.notNull(bootstrapUrls)); if (this.bootstrapUrls.size() <= 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Must provide at least one bootstrap URL."); return this; }
/** Set the SerializerFactory used to serialize and deserialize values */ public ClientConfig setSerializerFactory(SerializerFactory serializerFactory) { this.serializerFactory = Utils.notNull(serializerFactory); return this; }
/** * This method handles submitting and then waiting for the request from the server. It uses the * ClientRequest API to actually write the request and then read back the response. This * implementation will block for a response from the server. * * @param <T> Return type * @param clientRequest ClientRequest implementation used to write the request and read the * response * @param operationName Simple string representing the type of request * @return Data returned by the individual requests */ private <T> T request(ClientRequest<T> delegate, String operationName) { long startTimeMs = -1; long startTimeNs = -1; if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { startTimeMs = System.currentTimeMillis(); } ClientRequestExecutor clientRequestExecutor = pool.checkout(destination); String debugMsgStr = ""; startTimeNs = System.nanoTime(); BlockingClientRequest<T> blockingClientRequest = null; try { blockingClientRequest = new BlockingClientRequest<T>(delegate, timeoutMs); clientRequestExecutor.addClientRequest( blockingClientRequest, timeoutMs, System.nanoTime() - startTimeNs); boolean awaitResult = blockingClientRequest.await(); if (awaitResult == false) { blockingClientRequest.timeOut(); } if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) debugMsgStr += "success"; return blockingClientRequest.getResult(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) debugMsgStr += "unreachable: " + e.getMessage(); throw new UnreachableStoreException( "Failure in " + operationName + " on " + destination + ": " + e.getMessage(), e); } catch (UnreachableStoreException e) { clientRequestExecutor.close(); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) debugMsgStr += "failure: " + e.getMessage(); throw new UnreachableStoreException( "Failure in " + operationName + " on " + destination + ": " + e.getMessage(), e.getCause()); } finally { if (blockingClientRequest != null && !blockingClientRequest.isComplete()) { // close the executor if we timed out clientRequestExecutor.close(); } // Record operation time long opTimeNs = Utils.elapsedTimeNs(startTimeNs, System.nanoTime()); if (stats != null) { stats.recordSyncOpTimeNs(destination, opTimeNs); } if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug( "Sync request end, type: " + operationName + " requestRef: " + System.identityHashCode(delegate) + " totalTimeNs: " + opTimeNs + " start time: " + startTimeMs + " end time: " + System.currentTimeMillis() + " client:" + clientRequestExecutor.getSocketChannel().socket().getLocalAddress() + ":" + clientRequestExecutor.getSocketChannel().socket().getLocalPort() + " server: " + clientRequestExecutor.getSocketChannel().socket().getRemoteSocketAddress() + " outcome: " + debugMsgStr); } pool.checkin(destination, clientRequestExecutor); } }