private final int getCharOrder(int ch) { int order = mapping.elementAt(ch); if (order >= RBCollationTables.CONTRACTCHARINDEX) { Vector groupList = getContractValuesImpl(order - RBCollationTables.CONTRACTCHARINDEX); EntryPair pair = (EntryPair) groupList.firstElement(); order = pair.value; } return order; }
/** * If the given string has been specified as a contracting string in this collation table, return * its ordering. Otherwise return UNMAPPED. */ private int getContractOrder(String groupChars) { int result = RBCollationTables.UNMAPPED; if (contractTable != null) { int ch = groupChars.codePointAt(0); /* char ch0 = groupChars.charAt(0); int ch = Character.isHighSurrogate(ch0)? Character.toCodePoint(ch0, groupChars.charAt(1)):ch0; */ Vector entryTable = getContractValues(ch); if (entryTable != null) { int index = RBCollationTables.getEntry(entryTable, groupChars, true); if (index != RBCollationTables.UNMAPPED) { EntryPair pair = (EntryPair) entryTable.elementAt(index); result = pair.value; } } } return result; }
/** Adds the contracting string into the collation table. */ private final void addContractOrder(String groupChars, int anOrder, boolean fwd) { if (contractTable == null) { contractTable = new Vector(INITIALTABLESIZE); } // initial character int ch = groupChars.codePointAt(0); /* char ch0 = groupChars.charAt(0); int ch = Character.isHighSurrogate(ch0)? Character.toCodePoint(ch0, groupChars.charAt(1)):ch0; */ // See if the initial character of the string already has a contract table. int entry = mapping.elementAt(ch); Vector entryTable = getContractValuesImpl(entry - RBCollationTables.CONTRACTCHARINDEX); if (entryTable == null) { // We need to create a new table of contract entries for this base char int tableIndex = RBCollationTables.CONTRACTCHARINDEX + contractTable.size(); entryTable = new Vector(INITIALTABLESIZE); contractTable.addElement(entryTable); // Add the initial character's current ordering first. then // update its mapping to point to this contract table entryTable.addElement(new EntryPair(groupChars.substring(0, Character.charCount(ch)), entry)); mapping.setElementAt(ch, tableIndex); } // Now add (or replace) this string in the table int index = RBCollationTables.getEntry(entryTable, groupChars, fwd); if (index != RBCollationTables.UNMAPPED) { EntryPair pair = (EntryPair) entryTable.elementAt(index); pair.value = anOrder; } else { EntryPair pair = (EntryPair) entryTable.lastElement(); // NOTE: This little bit of logic is here to speed CollationElementIterator // .nextContractChar(). This code ensures that the longest sequence in // this list is always the _last_ one in the list. This keeps // nextContractChar() from having to search the entire list for the longest // sequence. if (groupChars.length() > pair.entryName.length()) { entryTable.addElement(new EntryPair(groupChars, anOrder, fwd)); } else { entryTable.insertElementAt(new EntryPair(groupChars, anOrder, fwd), entryTable.size() - 1); } } // If this was a forward mapping for a contracting string, also add a // reverse mapping for it, so that CollationElementIterator.previous // can work right if (fwd && groupChars.length() > 1) { addContractFlags(groupChars); addContractOrder(new StringBuffer(groupChars).reverse().toString(), anOrder, false); } }