public List makeRow(String pDataString) { ArrayList row; if (mFormat != null) { // we have a format row = new ArrayList(mFormat.getNumFields()); dbgMsg("makeRow(" + pDataString + "," + mFormat + ")"); int[] groups = mFormat.getNumFieldsArray(); dbgMsg( "Groups of the format: " + StringUtils.collectionToString(ConversionUtils.asList(groups), " ")); dbgMsg("Row(" + pDataString + "," + mFormat + ")"); String[] tokens = StringUtils.split(pDataString, columnSeparatorRegex, groups); dbgMsg("Tokens: " + StringUtils.arrayToString(tokens, "\n")); for (int i = 0; i < tokens.length; i++) { row.add(mFormat.makeFieldRep(i, tokens[i])); } } else { // we do not have a format String[] tokens = pDataString.split(columnSeparatorRegex); // note: -1 indicates that the number of fields is not fixed! if (mNumFields != -1 && tokens.length != mNumFields) { throw new RuntimeException( "Cannot make row: numFieds = " + mNumFields + " != numTokens = " + tokens.length); } else { row = new ArrayList(Arrays.asList(tokens)); } } return row; }
public JSONObject resetPwd(Map map) throws Exception { boolean isSuccess = true; String message = ""; String userId = (String) map.get("userId"); String email = (String) map.get("email"); String verifyCode = (String) map.get("verifyCode"); String verifyCodeInSession = (String) map.get("verifyCodeInSession"); if (!verifyCode.equals(verifyCodeInSession)) { isSuccess = false; message = "验证码错误."; } List userList = null; if ((StringUtils.isNotEmpty(userId)) && (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(email))) { User paramUser = new User(); paramUser.setUserId(userId); paramUser.setEmail(email); userList = selectByCriteria(paramUser); } if ((userList == null) || (userList.size() != 1)) { isSuccess = false; message = "用户名或邮箱错误."; } if (isSuccess) { User user = (User) userList.get(0); String newPassword = RandomStringUtils.random(6, true, true); String title = "密码重置"; String content = user.getUserId() + ",您好:<br/>您的新密码是:" + newPassword; boolean rs = ServletHelp.sendEmail(email, title, content); if (rs) { User paramUser = new User(); paramUser.setUserId(userId); paramUser.setPassword(MD5Utils.getMD5String(newPassword)); update(paramUser); } else { isSuccess = false; message = "邮件发送失败."; } } JSONObject res = new JSONObject(); res.put("success", Boolean.valueOf(isSuccess)); res.put("message", message); return res; }
/** * 解压缩Cookie * * @param cookie Cookie * @throws IOException */ public static final void unCompressCookie(Cookie cookie) throws IOException { ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(cookie.getValue())) { return; } byte[] compress = new BASE64Decoder().decodeBuffer(cookie.getValue()); InflaterInputStream iis = new InflaterInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(compress)); try { byte[] b = new byte[1024]; int count; while ((count = >= 0) { bos.write(b, 0, count); } iis.close(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { if (ObjectUtils.isNotNull(iis)) { try { iis.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } if (ObjectUtils.isNotNull(bos)) { try { bos.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } }
/** * 压缩Cookie * * @param cookie Cookie * @param response HttpServletResponse */ public static final void compressCookie(Cookie cookie, HttpServletResponse response) { if (new NullChecker().add(cookie).add(response).hasNull()) { return; } String value = cookie.getValue(); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(value)) { return; } ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); DeflaterOutputStream dos = new DeflaterOutputStream(bos); try { dos.write(value.getBytes()); dos.close(); String compress = new BASE64Encoder().encode(bos.toByteArray()); bos.close(); response.addCookie(new Cookie("compress", compress)); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { if (ObjectUtils.isNotNull(dos)) { try { dos.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } if (ObjectUtils.isNotNull(bos)) { try { bos.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } }
public String toString() { if (mAtomicParts == null) { return super.toString(); } else { return StringUtils.collectionToString(mAtomicParts, " "); } }
@Test public void test7() { Layout l = Layout.createDefault(); String s = StringUtils.insertWhitespaces(l.serialize(), 1.0f, 3); Layout ls = Layout.deserialize(s); assertThat(ls, not(sameInstance(l))); assertThat(ls, equalTo(l)); assertThat(ls.equals(l), is(true)); assertThat(ls.hashCode(), equalTo(l.hashCode())); }
/** * 获取Cookie值 * * @param cookies Cookie数组 * @param name 键 * @return name对应的value */ public static final String getCookie(Cookie[] cookies, String name) { if (ObjectUtils.isEmpty(cookies) || StringUtils.isEmpty(name)) { return null; } for (Cookie cookie : cookies) { if (name.equals(cookie.getName())) { return cookie.getValue(); } } return null; }
public JSONArray selectAlbumForTree(String parentId) { JSONArray res = new JSONArray(); Album paramAlbum = new Album(); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(parentId)) { paramAlbum.setParentId(Integer.valueOf(Integer.parseInt(parentId))); } List albumList = new ArrayList(); albumList = selectByCriteria(paramAlbum); res = getAlbumTreeFromList(albumList, parentId); return res; }
public static String encryptMD5(String s) { String rvalue = ""; try { MessageDigest digest = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5"); byte[] ret = digest.digest(s.getBytes()); rvalue = StringUtils.getHexString(ret); return rvalue; } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException ex) { Logger.getLogger(Util.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } finally { return rvalue; } }
public String usage() { String progName = mProgName != null ? mProgName : "progname"; String optsString1 = (mValidOptionNames != null && mValidOptionNames.size() > 0) ? " <options>" : ""; String nonOptArgsString = (mNonOptParamNames != null && mNonOptParamNames.size() > 0) ? " <" + StringUtils.listToString(mNonOptParamNames, "> <") + ">" : ""; String optsString2 = (mValidOptionNames != null && mValidOptionNames.size() > 0) ? "\nOPTIONS:\n" + optsWithValString() + "\n" + optsWithoutValString() : ""; return "Usage: " + progName + optsString1 + nonOptArgsString + optsString2; }
public void insert(User user) { String userId = SessionUtils.getCurrentUserId(); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(userId)) { userId = user.getUserId(); } user.setPassword(MD5Utils.getMD5String(user.getPassword())); user.setDelflag("1"); Timestamp sysdate = new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis()); user.setCreateUser(userId); user.setCreateTime(sysdate); user.setUpdateUser(userId); user.setUpdateTime(sysdate); this.userDao.insert(user); }
public String toString() { // @todo: improve? List fields = formatFields(); return StringUtils.listToString(fields, " "); }
public String toString(int[] pFieldWidhts) { List fields = formatFields(); return StringUtils.formatList(fields, pFieldWidhts); }
public JSONObject register(Map map) throws Exception { boolean isSuccess = true; String errorMsg = ""; User paramUser = new User(); BeanUtils.populate(paramUser, map); paramUser.setBirthday(DateUtils.formatStr2Date(paramUser.getBirthdayStr(), "yyyy-MM-dd")); paramUser.setStatus("1"); if ((StringUtils.isEmpty(SessionUtils.getUserRole())) || ("3".equals(SessionUtils.getUserRole()))) { paramUser.setRole("3"); } String userId = map.get("userId").toString(); String password = map.get("password").toString(); String repassword = map.get("repassword").toString(); String verifyCode = map.get("verifyCode").toString(); String verifyCodeInSession = map.get("verifyCodeInSession").toString(); if ("1".equals(SessionUtils.getUserRole())) { if ((!"2".equals(paramUser.getRole())) && (!"3".equals(paramUser.getRole()))) { isSuccess = false; errorMsg = "角色设置错误."; } } else if (!"3".equals(paramUser.getRole())) { isSuccess = false; errorMsg = "角色设置错误."; } if (!password.equals(repassword)) { isSuccess = false; errorMsg = "两次输入的密码不一致."; } if (!verifyCode.equals(verifyCodeInSession)) { isSuccess = false; errorMsg = "验证码错误."; } List<User> userList = selectByCriteria(new User()); if (userList != null) { for (User user : userList) { if (userId.equals(user.getUserId())) { isSuccess = false; errorMsg = "账号已存在."; break; } if (paramUser.getEmail().equals(user.getEmail())) { isSuccess = false; errorMsg = "邮箱已被使用."; break; } } } if (isSuccess) { insert(paramUser); Map userMetaMap = new HashMap(); userMetaMap.put("theme", (String) map.get("theme")); userMetaMap.put("homePage", (String) map.get("homePage")); userMetaMap.put("showTodo", (String) map.get("showTodo")); userMetaMap.put("showNote", (String) map.get("showNote")); userMetaMap.put("showPicture", (String) map.get("showPicture")); userMetaMap.put("showAccount", (String) map.get("showAccount")); userMetaMap.put("showFeed", (String) map.get("showFeed")); userMetaMap.put("showDocument", (String) map.get("showDocument")); if ("3".equals(paramUser.getRole())) userMetaMap.put("showSystem", "off"); else { userMetaMap.put("showSystem", "on"); } this.userMetaService.insert(userId, userMetaMap); String uploadFilePath = ServletHelp.getRealPath( (HttpServletRequest) map.get("request"), MessageUtils.setParamMessage("/websrc/file/{0}/document", new String[] {userId})); FileUtils.createDirs(uploadFilePath); String uploadPicturePath = ServletHelp.getRealPath( (HttpServletRequest) map.get("request"), MessageUtils.setParamMessage("/websrc/file/{0}/picture", new String[] {userId})); FileUtils.createDirs(uploadPicturePath); FileUtils.createDirs(uploadPicturePath + "/" + "thumbnail"); String feedFilePath = ServletHelp.getRealPath( (HttpServletRequest) map.get("request"), MessageUtils.setParamMessage("/websrc/file/{0}/feed", new String[] {userId})); FileUtils.createDirs(feedFilePath); } JSONObject res = new JSONObject(); res.put("success", Boolean.valueOf(isSuccess)); res.put("message", errorMsg); return res; }
/** * *************************************************************************** A string containing * the class names returned by classes(), joined by dots. */ public String classChain() { if (classes == null) { return ""; } return StringUtils.join(classes, "."); }