  * Performs {@link AccessControlManager#setAuthenticationCredentials(String, String)} or {@link
  * AccessControlManager#setFullAuthenticationCredentials(String, String)}, depending on whether
  * the authPassword or authApiPassword parameter is specified.
  * <p>TODO: auth requests should be factorised to an Access service (they're not used by other WS
  * requests). TODO: it's being done in an inefficient way (authentication done twice).
 public User setAuthenticationCredentials(
     @FormParam("login") String authEmail,
     @FormParam("login-pwd") String authPassword,
     @FormParam("login-secret") String authApiPassword)
     throws SecurityException {
   AccessControlManager mgr = getAccessControlManager(authEmail, authPassword, authApiPassword);
   User result =
       authPassword == null
           ? mgr.setAuthenticationCredentials(authEmail, authApiPassword)
           : mgr.setFullAuthenticationCredentials(authEmail, authPassword);
   return result;