Exemplo n.º 1
  * Override the init method for when this data source is unpersisted. We simply check the
  * imageList to see if this object came from a legacy bundle.
 public void initAfterUnpersistence() {
   List tmp = getTmpPaths();
   if (tmp != null) {
     List obs = getRDS().getSoundingObs();
     AddeSoundingAdapter asa = (AddeSoundingAdapter) getRDS().getSoundingAdapter();
     for (int i = 0; i < tmp.size(); i += 2) {
       SoundingOb ob = (SoundingOb) obs.get(i / 2);
       ob.setMandatoryFile(tmp.get(i + 1).toString());
Exemplo n.º 2
  /** Initialize after we have been unpersisted */
  public void initAfterUnpersistence() {

    // Check if we were created with the background layers. If so then use the new list
    if (wmsSelections != null) {
      List backgroundImages = getDataContext().getIdv().getBackgroundImages();
      for (Object o : wmsSelections) {
        if (backgroundImages.contains(o)) {
          wmsSelections = backgroundImages;

Exemplo n.º 3
   * A utility method that will wait until all displays are finished being created. This looks at
   * the DisplayControls, data sources, global wait cursor count, the visad thread pool and looks at
   * any active java3d threads
   * @param uiManager The ui manager. We use this to access the wait cursor count
   * @param timeToWait (milliseconds) elapsed time to wait for nothing to be active
  public static void waitUntilDisplaysAreDone(IdvUIManager uiManager, long timeToWait) {
    Trace.call1("Waiting on displays");
    int successiveTimesWithNoActive = 0;
    int sleepTime = 10;
    long firstTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
    int cnt = 0;
    while (true) {
      boolean cursorCount = (uiManager.getWaitCursorCount() > 0);
      boolean actionCount = ActionImpl.getTaskCount() > 0;
      boolean dataActive = DataSourceImpl.getOutstandingGetDataCalls() > 0;
      boolean anyJ3dActive = anyJava3dThreadsActive();
      boolean allDisplaysInitialized = uiManager.getIdv().getAllDisplaysIntialized();

      //            System.err.println ("\tAll displays init:" + allDisplaysInitialized +" cursor
      // cnt:" + uiManager.getWaitCursorCount() + " action cnt:" +actionCount + " data active: " +
      // dataActive);
      //            if ((cnt++) % 30 == 0) {
      //                System.err.println ("\tcnt:" + uiManager.getWaitCursorCount() + " "
      // +actionCount + " " + dataActive);
      //            }
      boolean anyActive =
          actionCount || cursorCount || dataActive || !allDisplaysInitialized || anyJ3dActive;
      if (dataActive) {
        firstTime = System.currentTimeMillis();

      if (anyActive) {
        successiveTimesWithNoActive = 0;
      } else {
      if ((timeToWait == 0) && !anyActive) {
      if (successiveTimesWithNoActive * sleepTime > timeToWait) {
      // At most wait 120 seconds
      if (System.currentTimeMillis() - firstTime > 120000) {
        System.err.println("Error waiting for to be done:" + LogUtil.getStackDump(false));
    Trace.call2("Waiting on displays");
Exemplo n.º 4
  public Element saveParameterSet() {
    if (imageDefaults == null) {
      imageDefaults = getImageDefaults();
    if (newCompName.length() == 0) {
      newComponentError("parameter set");
      return null;
    Element newChild = imageDefaultsDocument.createElement(TAG_DEFAULT);
    newChild.setAttribute(ATTR_NAME, newCompName);

    if (datachoice == null) {
      datachoice = getDataChoice();
    dataSource = getDataSource();
    if (!(dataSource.getClass().isInstance(new AddeImageParameterDataSource()))) {
      return newChild;
    AddeImageParameterDataSource testDataSource = (AddeImageParameterDataSource) dataSource;
    List imageList = testDataSource.getDescriptors(datachoice, this.dataSelection);
    int numImages = imageList.size();
    List dateTimes = new ArrayList();
    DateTime thisDT = null;
    if (!(imageList == null)) {
      AddeImageDescriptor aid = null;
      for (int imageNo = 0; imageNo < numImages; imageNo++) {
        aid = (AddeImageDescriptor) (imageList.get(imageNo));
        thisDT = aid.getImageTime();
        if (!(dateTimes.contains(thisDT))) {
          if (thisDT != null) {
      String dateS = "";
      String timeS = "";
      if (!(dateTimes.isEmpty())) {
        thisDT = (DateTime) dateTimes.get(0);
        dateS = thisDT.dateString();
        timeS = thisDT.timeString();
        if (dateTimes.size() > 1) {
          for (int img = 1; img < dateTimes.size(); img++) {
            thisDT = (DateTime) dateTimes.get(img);
            String str = ',' + thisDT.dateString();
            String newString = new String(dateS + str);
            dateS = newString;
            str = ',' + thisDT.timeString();
            newString = new String(timeS + str);
            timeS = newString;
      if (aid != null) {
        String displayUrl = testDataSource.getDisplaySource();
        ImageParameters ip = new ImageParameters(displayUrl);
        List props = ip.getProperties();
        List vals = ip.getValues();
        String server = ip.getServer();
        newChild.setAttribute(ATTR_SERVER, server);
        int num = props.size();
        if (num > 0) {
          String attr = "";
          String val = "";
          for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) {
            attr = (String) (props.get(i));
            if (attr.equals(ATTR_POS)) {
              val = new Integer(numImages - 1).toString();
            } else if (attr.equals(ATTR_DAY)) {
              val = dateS;
            } else if (attr.equals(ATTR_TIME)) {
              val = timeS;
            } else {
              val = (String) (vals.get(i));
            newChild.setAttribute(attr, val);
    Element parent = xmlTree.getSelectedElement();
    if (parent == null) {
      parent = (Element) lastCat;
    if (parent != null) {
      Element exists = XmlUtil.findElement(parent, "default", ATTR_NAME, newCompName);
      if (!(exists == null)) {
        JLabel label = new JLabel("Replace \"" + newCompName + "\"?");
        JPanel contents = GuiUtils.top(GuiUtils.inset(label, newCompName.length() + 12));
        if (!GuiUtils.showOkCancelDialog(null, "Parameter Set Exists", contents, null)) {
          return newChild;
    try {
    } catch (Exception e) {
      logger.error("write error!", e);
    imageDefaults.setWritableDocument(imageDefaultsDocument, imageDefaultsRoot);
    return newChild;
Exemplo n.º 5
  private Hashtable makeParameterValues() {
    Hashtable parameterValues = new Hashtable();
    //    	Document doc = XmlUtil.makeDocument();
    //    	Element newChild = doc.createElement(TAG_DEFAULT);

    if (datachoice == null) {
      datachoice = getDataChoice();
    dataSource = getDataSource();
    if (!(dataSource.getClass().isInstance(new AddeImageParameterDataSource()))) {
          "dataSource not a AddeImageParameterDataSource; it is: {}",
      return parameterValues;
    AddeImageParameterDataSource testDataSource = (AddeImageParameterDataSource) dataSource;
    List imageList = testDataSource.getDescriptors(datachoice, this.dataSelection);
    int numImages = imageList.size();
    List dateTimes = new ArrayList();
    DateTime thisDT = null;
    if (!(imageList == null)) {
      AddeImageDescriptor aid = null;
      for (int imageNo = 0; imageNo < numImages; imageNo++) {
        aid = (AddeImageDescriptor) (imageList.get(imageNo));
        thisDT = aid.getImageTime();
        if (!(dateTimes.contains(thisDT))) {
          if (thisDT != null) {

      // Set the date and time for later reference
      String dateS = "";
      String timeS = "";
      if (!(dateTimes.isEmpty())) {
        thisDT = (DateTime) dateTimes.get(0);
        dateS = thisDT.dateString();
        timeS = thisDT.timeString();
        if (dateTimes.size() > 1) {
          for (int img = 1; img < dateTimes.size(); img++) {
            thisDT = (DateTime) dateTimes.get(img);
            String str = "," + thisDT.dateString();
            String newString = new String(dateS + str);
            dateS = newString;
            str = "," + thisDT.timeString();
            newString = new String(timeS + str);
            timeS = newString;

      // Set the unit for later reference
      String unitS = "";
      if (!(datachoice.getId() instanceof BandInfo)) {
            "dataChoice ID not a BandInfo; it is: {}", datachoice.getId().getClass().toString());
        return parameterValues;
      BandInfo bi = (BandInfo) datachoice.getId();
      unitS = bi.getPreferredUnit();

      if (aid != null) {
        String displayUrl = testDataSource.getDisplaySource();
        ImageParameters ip = new ImageParameters(displayUrl);
        List props = ip.getProperties();
        List vals = ip.getValues();
        String server = ip.getServer();
        parameterValues.put(ATTR_SERVER, server);
        //    			newChild.setAttribute(ATTR_SERVER, server);
        int num = props.size();
        if (num > 0) {
          String attr = "";
          String val = "";
          for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) {
            attr = (String) (props.get(i));
            if (attr.equals(ATTR_POS)) {
              val = new Integer(numImages - 1).toString();
            } else if (attr.equals(ATTR_DAY)) {
              val = dateS;
            } else if (attr.equals(ATTR_TIME)) {
              val = timeS;
            } else if (attr.equals(ATTR_UNIT)) {
              val = unitS;
            } else {
              val = (String) (vals.get(i));
            parameterValues.put(attr, val);
    return parameterValues;
Exemplo n.º 6
  protected JComponent getHistogramTabComponent() {
    List choices = new ArrayList();
    if (datachoice == null) {
      datachoice = getDataChoice();
    histoWrapper = new McIDASVHistogramWrapper("histo", choices, (DisplayControlImpl) this);
    dataSource = getDataSource();

    if (dataSource == null) {
      try {
        image = (FlatField) ((ComboDataChoice) datachoice).getData();
      } catch (Exception e) {

    } else {
      Hashtable props = dataSource.getProperties();
      try {
        DataSelection testSelection = datachoice.getDataSelection();
        DataSelection realSelection = getDataSelection();
        if (testSelection == null) {
        ImageSequenceImpl seq = null;
        if (dataSelection == null) dataSelection = dataSource.getDataSelection();
        if (dataSelection == null) {
          image = (FlatField) dataSource.getData(datachoice, null, props);
          if (image == null) {
            image = (FlatField) datachoice.getData(null);
        } else {
          Data data = dataSource.getData(datachoice, null, dataSelection, props);
          if (data instanceof ImageSequenceImpl) {
            seq = (ImageSequenceImpl) data;
          } else if (data instanceof FlatField) {
            image = (FlatField) data;
          } else if (data instanceof FieldImpl) {
            image = (FlatField) ((FieldImpl) data).getSample(0, false);
          } else {
            throw new Exception("Histogram must be made from a FlatField");
        if (seq != null) {
          if (seq.getImageCount() > 0) image = (FlatField) seq.getImage(0);
      } catch (Exception e) {
        logger.error("attempting to set up histogram", e);

    JComponent histoComp = histoWrapper.doMakeContents();
    JButton resetButton = new JButton("Reset");
        new ActionListener() {
          public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) {
    JPanel resetPanel = GuiUtils.center(GuiUtils.inset(GuiUtils.wrap(resetButton), 4));
    return GuiUtils.centerBottom(histoComp, resetPanel);
Exemplo n.º 7
  * _more_
  * @param comps _more_
 public void getPropertiesComponents(List comps) {
   maintainRatioCbx = new JCheckBox("Match Ration", maintainRatio);