Exemplo n.º 1
   * Getting data for a single radar station, with time range.
   * @param sName radar station name
   * @param dateSelect the date time selection information
   * @param cancel _more_
   * @return list of radialDatasetSweep
   * @throws IOException _more_
  public List getData(String sName, DateSelection dateSelect, ucar.nc2.util.CancelTask cancel)
      throws IOException {
    if ((cancel != null) && cancel.isCancel()) {
      return null;
    TDSRadarDatasetInfo dri =
        queryRadarStation(sName, dateSelect.getStartFixedDate(), dateSelect.getEndFixedDate());
    List datasetList = new ArrayList();

    List datasetINVs = dateSelect.apply(dri.getInvList());

    Iterator it = datasetINVs.iterator();
    while (it.hasNext()) {
      InvDatasetInfo ifo = (InvDatasetInfo) it.next();
      InvDataset tdata = ifo.inv;
      ThreddsDataFactory tdFactory = new ThreddsDataFactory();
      ThreddsDataFactory.Result result;
      result = tdFactory.openFeatureDataset(tdata, null);
      if ((cancel != null) && cancel.isCancel()) {
        return null;

    return datasetList;
Exemplo n.º 2
   * get all radar station within box.
   * @param boundingBox the bounding box
   * @param cancel the cancel task
   * @return List Station objects
   * @throws IOException java io exception
  public List<Station> getStations(LatLonRect boundingBox, ucar.nc2.util.CancelTask cancel)
      throws IOException {
    Collection<Station> sl = stationHMap.values();
    List<Station> dsl = new ArrayList();

    if (!boundingBox.containedIn(radarRegion)) {
      return null;

    // for (Iterator it = sl.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
    //    Station         s        = (Station) it.next();
    for (Station s : sl) {
      // LatLonPointImpl latlonPt = new LatLonPointImpl();
      // latlonPt.set(s.getLatitude(), s.getLongitude());
      // if (boundingBox.contains(latlonPt)) {
      if (boundingBox.contains(s.getLatLon())) {
      if ((cancel != null) && cancel.isCancel()) {
        return null;

    return dsl;
Exemplo n.º 3
   * getting data uri list
   * @param sName station name
   * @param dateSelect the date selection
   * @param cancel the cancel task
   * @return the list of URIs
   * @throws IOException problem reading URIs
  public List<URI> getDataURIs(
      String sName, DateSelection dateSelect, ucar.nc2.util.CancelTask cancel) throws IOException {
    if ((cancel != null) && cancel.isCancel()) {
      return null;
    TDSRadarDatasetInfo dri =
        queryRadarStation(sName, dateSelect.getStartFixedDate(), dateSelect.getEndFixedDate());

    // create a list to hold URIs
    List<DatasetURIInfo> datasetsURIs = dateSelect.apply(dri.getURIList());
    List<URI> uriList = new ArrayList();

    for (DatasetURIInfo ufo : datasetsURIs) {
      URI u = ufo.uri;
      if ((cancel != null) && cancel.isCancel()) {
        return null;

    return uriList;