// @todo Make sure units are meters
 public Array getElevation(Range range) throws IOException, InvalidRangeException {
   List section = new ArrayList(1);
   Array a = elevVar.read(section);
   if (elevVarUnitsConversionFactor == 1.0) return (a);
   for (IndexIterator it = a.getIndexIterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
     if (elevVar.getDataType() == DataType.DOUBLE) {
       double val = it.getDoubleNext();
       it.setDoubleCurrent(val * elevVarUnitsConversionFactor);
     } else if (elevVar.getDataType() == DataType.FLOAT) {
       float val = it.getFloatNext();
       it.setFloatCurrent((float) (val * elevVarUnitsConversionFactor));
     } else if (elevVar.getDataType() == DataType.INT) {
       int val = it.getIntNext();
       it.setIntCurrent((int) (val * elevVarUnitsConversionFactor));
     } else if (elevVar.getDataType() == DataType.LONG) {
       long val = it.getLongNext();
       it.setLongCurrent((long) (val * elevVarUnitsConversionFactor));
     } else {
       throw new IllegalStateException(
           "Elevation variable type <"
               + elevVar.getDataType().toString()
               + "> not double, float, int, or long.");
   return (a);
   * Create a new GridVertCoord for a layer
   * @param record layer record
   * @param levelName name of this level
   * @param lookup lookup table
   * @param level1 level 1
   * @param level2 level 2
      GridRecord record,
      String levelName,
      GridTableLookup lookup,
      double[] level1,
      double[] level2) {
    this.typicalRecord = record;
    this.levelName = levelName;
    this.lookup = lookup;

    // dontUseVertical    = !lookup.isVerticalCoordinate(record);
    positive = lookup.isPositiveUp(record) ? "up" : "down";
    units = lookup.getLevelUnit(record);
    usesBounds = lookup.isLayer(this.typicalRecord);

    levels = new ArrayList<LevelCoord>(level1.length);
    for (int i = 0; i < level1.length; i++) {
      levels.add(new LevelCoord(level1[i], (level2 == null) ? 0.0 : level2[i]));

    if (positive.equals("down")) {
    dontUseVertical = (levels.size() == 1);
Exemplo n.º 3
 /** get the shape */
 public int[] getShape() {
   int[] shape = new int[mydims.size()];
   for (int i = 0; i < mydims.size(); i++) {
     Dimension d = mydims.get(i);
     shape[i] = d.getLength();
   return shape;
  private LatLonRect getBoundingBox(List stnList) {
    ucar.unidata.geoloc.Station s = (ucar.unidata.geoloc.Station) stnList.get(0);
    LatLonPointImpl llpt = new LatLonPointImpl();
    llpt.set(s.getLatitude(), s.getLongitude());
    LatLonRect rect = new LatLonRect(llpt, .001, .001);

    for (int i = 1; i < stnList.size(); i++) {
      s = (ucar.unidata.geoloc.Station) stnList.get(i);
      llpt.set(s.getLatitude(), s.getLongitude());

    return rect;
  private void makeSelectStations(StringBuffer sbuff, List stations) {
    // ID id1,id2,id3,...idn
    // However, it will depend on the dataset as to the variable for the station ID.
    // For synoptic data it's IDN (e.g. 72469)
    // for METAR it's ID.
    // For profiler data, there are two variables IDA and IDB where IDA is the first 4 chars and IDB
    // is the second 4.

    sbuff.append("ID ");
    for (int i = 0; i < stations.size(); i++) {
      Station s = (Station) stations.get(i);
      if (i > 0) sbuff.append(",");
   * Create a new GridVertCoord with the appropriate params
   * @param records list of GridRecords that make up this coord
   * @param levelName the name of the level
   * @param lookup the lookup table
   * @param hcs Horizontal coordinate
      List<GridRecord> records, String levelName, GridTableLookup lookup, GridHorizCoordSys hcs) {
    this.typicalRecord = records.get(0);
    this.levelName = levelName;
    this.lookup = lookup;

    dontUseVertical = !lookup.isVerticalCoordinate(typicalRecord);
    positive = lookup.isPositiveUp(typicalRecord) ? "up" : "down";
    units = lookup.getLevelUnit(typicalRecord);

    usesBounds = lookup.isLayer(this.typicalRecord);

    if (typicalRecord.getLevelType1() == 109 && lookup instanceof Grib1GridTableLookup)
      checkForPressureLevels(records, hcs);

    if (GridServiceProvider.debugVert) {
          "GribVertCoord: "
              + getVariableName()
              + "("
              + typicalRecord.getLevelType1()
              + ") useVertical= "
              + (!dontUseVertical)
              + " positive="
              + positive
              + " units="
              + units);
  private void createProfiles(int nprofiles) throws IOException {
    this.nprofiles = nprofiles;

    // add the dimensions
    Dimension profileDim = ncfile.addDimension(profileDimName, nprofiles);

    Variable v = ncfile.addVariable(numObsName, DataType.INT, profileDimName);
        v, new Attribute("long_name", "number of children in linked list for this profile"));

    v = ncfile.addVariable(numProfilesTotalName, DataType.INT, "");
    ncfile.addVariableAttribute(v, new Attribute("long_name", "number of valid profiles"));

    v = ncfile.addVariable(firstObsName, DataType.INT, profileDimName);
        new Attribute("long_name", "record number of first obs in linked list for this profile"));

    // time variable
    Variable timeVar = ncfile.addStringVariable(timeName, profileDims, 20);
        timeVar, new Attribute("long_name", "ISO-8601 Date - time of observation"));

    v = ncfile.addVariable(parentStationIndex, DataType.INT, profileDimName);
    ncfile.addVariableAttribute(v, new Attribute("long_name", "index of parent station"));

    v = ncfile.addVariable(nextProfileName, DataType.INT, profileDimName);
        v, new Attribute("long_name", "index of next profile in linked list for this station"));
  * Add this coord as a dimension to the netCDF file
  * @param ncfile file to add to
  * @param g group in the file
 void addDimensionsToNetcdfFile(NetcdfFile ncfile, Group g) {
   if (dontUseVertical) {
   int nlevs = levels.size();
   if (coordValues != null) nlevs = coordValues.length;
   ncfile.addDimension(g, new Dimension(getVariableName(), nlevs, true));
  /** check for Sigma Pressure Levels */
  boolean checkForPressureLevels(List<GridRecord> records, GridHorizCoordSys hcs) {
    GridDefRecord gdr = hcs.getGds();
    Grib1GDSVariables g1dr = (Grib1GDSVariables) gdr.getGdsv();
    if (g1dr == null || !g1dr.hasVerticalPressureLevels()) return false;

    // add hybrid numbers
    coordValues = new double[levels.size()];
    for (int i = 0; i < levels.size(); i++) {
      LevelCoord lc = levels.get(i);
      coordValues[i] = lc.value1;
    int NV = g1dr.getNV();
    // add new variables
    if (NV > 2 && NV < 255) { // Some data doesn't add Pressure Level values
      factors = g1dr.getVerticalPressureLevels();
    return true;
Exemplo n.º 10
 public Array getData(Range range, String parameterName)
     throws IOException, InvalidRangeException {
   Variable variable = ncfile.getRootGroup().findVariable(parameterName);
   int varRank = variable.getRank();
   int[] varShape = variable.getShape();
   List section = new ArrayList(varRank);
   for (int i = 1; i < varRank; i++) {
     section.add(new Range(0, varShape[i] - 1));
   Array array = variable.read(section);
   if (array.getShape()[0] == 1) {
     return (array.reduce(0));
   } else {
     return (array);
   // return( array.getShape()[0] == 1 ? array.reduce( 0 ) : array);
  private void writeHeader(ProfileFeature profile, PointFeature obs) throws IOException {

    Formatter coordNames = new Formatter().format("%s %s %s", profileTimeName, latName, lonName);
    List<VariableSimpleIF> coords = new ArrayList<>();
    if (useAlt) {
                  altitudeCoordinateName, "obs altitude", altUnits, DataType.DOUBLE)
              .add(new Attribute(CF.STANDARD_NAME, "altitude"))
                  new Attribute(
                      CF1Convention.getZisPositive(altitudeCoordinateName, altUnits))));
      coordNames.format(" %s", altitudeCoordinateName);

        coords, profile.getFeatureData(), obs.getFeatureData(), coordNames.toString());
Exemplo n.º 12
   * Match levels
   * @param records records to match
   * @return true if they have the same levels
  boolean matchLevels(List<GridRecord> records) {

    // first create a new list
    List<LevelCoord> levelList = new ArrayList<LevelCoord>(records.size());
    for (GridRecord record : records) {
      LevelCoord lc = new LevelCoord(record.getLevel1(), record.getLevel2());
      if (!levelList.contains(lc)) {

    if (positive.equals("down")) {

    // gotta equal existing list
    return levelList.equals(levels);
  private void writeStationData(List<ucar.unidata.geoloc.Station> stnList) throws IOException {
    this.stnList = stnList;
    int nstns = stnList.size();
    stationMap = new HashMap<String, StationTracker>(2 * nstns);
    if (debug) System.out.println("stationMap created");

    // now write the station data
    ArrayDouble.D1 latArray = new ArrayDouble.D1(nstns);
    ArrayDouble.D1 lonArray = new ArrayDouble.D1(nstns);
    ArrayDouble.D1 altArray = new ArrayDouble.D1(nstns);
    ArrayObject.D1 idArray = new ArrayObject.D1(String.class, nstns);
    ArrayObject.D1 descArray = new ArrayObject.D1(String.class, nstns);
    ArrayObject.D1 wmoArray = new ArrayObject.D1(String.class, nstns);

    for (int i = 0; i < stnList.size(); i++) {
      ucar.unidata.geoloc.Station stn = stnList.get(i);
      stationMap.put(stn.getName(), new StationTracker(i));

      latArray.set(i, stn.getLatitude());
      lonArray.set(i, stn.getLongitude());
      if (useAlt) altArray.set(i, stn.getAltitude());

      idArray.set(i, stn.getName());
      descArray.set(i, stn.getDescription());
      if (useWmoId) wmoArray.set(i, stn.getWmoId());

    try {
      ncfile.write(latName, latArray);
      ncfile.write(lonName, lonArray);
      if (useAlt) ncfile.write(altName, altArray);
      ncfile.writeStringData(idName, idArray);
      ncfile.writeStringData(descName, descArray);
      if (useWmoId) ncfile.writeStringData(wmoName, wmoArray);

    } catch (InvalidRangeException e) {
      throw new IllegalStateException(e);
Exemplo n.º 14
   * Get the coordinate index for the record
   * @param record record in question
   * @return index or -1 if not found
  private int coordIndex(GridRecord record) {
    double val = record.getLevel1();
    double val2 = record.getLevel2();
    if (usesBounds && (val > val2)) {
      val = record.getLevel2();
      val2 = record.getLevel1();

    for (int i = 0; i < levels.size(); i++) {
      LevelCoord lc = (LevelCoord) levels.get(i);
      if (usesBounds) {
        if (ucar.nc2.util.Misc.closeEnough(lc.value1, val)
            && ucar.nc2.util.Misc.closeEnough(lc.value2, val2)) {
          return i;
      } else {
        if (ucar.nc2.util.Misc.closeEnough(lc.value1, val)) {
          return i;
    return -1;
Exemplo n.º 15
   * Add levels
   * @param records GridRecords, one for each level
  void addLevels(List<GridRecord> records) {
    for (int i = 0; i < records.size(); i++) {
      GridRecord record = records.get(i);

      if (coordIndex(record) < 0) {
        levels.add(new LevelCoord(record.getLevel1(), record.getLevel2()));
        if (dontUseVertical && (levels.size() > 1)) {
          if (GridServiceProvider.debugVert) {
                "GribCoordSys: unused level coordinate has > 1 levels = "
                    + levelName
                    + " "
                    + record.getLevelType1()
                    + " "
                    + levels.size());
    if (positive.equals("down")) {
Exemplo n.º 16
   * Create a new GeoGrid that is a logical subset of this GeoGrid.
   * @param t_range subset the time dimension, or null if you want all of it
   * @param z_range subset the vertical dimension, or null if you want all of it
   * @param bbox a lat/lon bounding box, or null if you want all x,y
   * @param z_stride use only if z_range is null, then take all z with this stride (1 means all)
   * @param y_stride use this stride on the y coordinate (1 means all)
   * @param x_stride use this stride on the x coordinate (1 means all)
   * @return subsetted GeoGrid
   * @throws InvalidRangeException if bbox does not intersect GeoGrid
  public GeoGrid subset(
      Range t_range, Range z_range, LatLonRect bbox, int z_stride, int y_stride, int x_stride)
      throws InvalidRangeException {

    if ((z_range == null) && (z_stride > 1)) {
      Dimension zdim = getZDimension();
      if (zdim != null) z_range = new Range(0, zdim.getLength() - 1, z_stride);

    Range y_range = null, x_range = null;
    if (bbox != null) {
      List yx_ranges = gcs.getRangesFromLatLonRect(bbox);
      y_range = (Range) yx_ranges.get(0);
      x_range = (Range) yx_ranges.get(1);

    if (y_stride > 1) {
      if (y_range == null) {
        Dimension ydim = getYDimension();
        y_range = new Range(0, ydim.getLength() - 1, y_stride);
      } else {
        y_range = new Range(y_range.first(), y_range.last(), y_stride);

    if (x_stride > 1) {
      if (x_range == null) {
        Dimension xdim = getXDimension();
        x_range = new Range(0, xdim.getLength() - 1, x_stride);
      } else {
        x_range = new Range(x_range.first(), x_range.last(), x_stride);

    return subset(t_range, z_range, y_range, x_range);
Exemplo n.º 17
   * Constructor.
   * @param dataset belongs to this dataset
   * @param dsvar wraps this Variable
   * @param gcs has this grid coordinate system
  public GeoGrid(GridDataset dataset, VariableDS dsvar, GridCoordSys gcs) {
    this.dataset = dataset;
    this.vs = dsvar;
    this.gcs = gcs;

    CoordinateAxis xaxis = gcs.getXHorizAxis();
    if (xaxis instanceof CoordinateAxis1D) {
      xDimOrgIndex = findDimension(gcs.getXHorizAxis().getDimension(0));
      yDimOrgIndex = findDimension(gcs.getYHorizAxis().getDimension(0));

    } else { // 2D case
      yDimOrgIndex = findDimension(gcs.getXHorizAxis().getDimension(0));
      xDimOrgIndex = findDimension(gcs.getXHorizAxis().getDimension(1));

    if (gcs.getVerticalAxis() != null)
      zDimOrgIndex = findDimension(gcs.getVerticalAxis().getDimension(0));
    if (gcs.getTimeAxis() != null) {
      if (gcs.getTimeAxis1D() != null)
        tDimOrgIndex = findDimension(gcs.getTimeAxis1D().getDimension(0));
      else tDimOrgIndex = findDimension(gcs.getTimeAxis().getDimension(1));
    if (gcs.getEnsembleAxis() != null)
      eDimOrgIndex = findDimension(gcs.getEnsembleAxis().getDimension(0));
    if (gcs.getRunTimeAxis() != null)
      rtDimOrgIndex = findDimension(gcs.getRunTimeAxis().getDimension(0));

    // construct canonical dimension list
    int count = 0;
    this.mydims = new ArrayList<Dimension>();
    if ((rtDimOrgIndex >= 0) && (rtDimOrgIndex != tDimOrgIndex)) {
      rtDimNewIndex = count++;
    if (eDimOrgIndex >= 0) {
      eDimNewIndex = count++;
    if (tDimOrgIndex >= 0) {
      tDimNewIndex = count++;
    if (zDimOrgIndex >= 0) {
      zDimNewIndex = count++;
    if (yDimOrgIndex >= 0) {
      yDimNewIndex = count++;
    if (xDimOrgIndex >= 0) {
      xDimNewIndex = count;
  protected void makeFeatureVariables(StructureData featureData, boolean isExtended)
      throws IOException {

    // LOOK why not unlimited here ?
    Dimension profileDim = writer.addDimension(null, profileDimName, nfeatures);
    // Dimension profileDim = isExtendedModel ?  writer.addUnlimitedDimension(profileDimName) :
    // writer.addDimension(null, profileDimName, nprofiles);

    // add the profile Variables using the profile dimension
    List<VariableSimpleIF> profileVars = new ArrayList<>();
        VariableSimpleImpl.makeScalar(latName, "profile latitude", CDM.LAT_UNITS, DataType.DOUBLE));
            lonName, "profile longitude", CDM.LON_UNITS, DataType.DOUBLE));
        VariableSimpleImpl.makeString(profileIdName, "profile identifier", null, id_strlen)
            .add(new Attribute(CF.CF_ROLE, CF.PROFILE_ID))); // profileId:cf_role = "profile_id";

                numberOfObsName, "number of obs for this profile", null, DataType.INT)
                new Attribute(
                    CF.SAMPLE_DIMENSION, recordDimName))); // rowSize:sample_dimension = "obs"

            "nominal time of profile",

    for (StructureMembers.Member m : featureData.getMembers()) {
      VariableSimpleIF dv = getDataVar(m.getName());
      if (dv != null) profileVars.add(dv);

    if (isExtended) {
      profileStruct =
              writer.addVariable(null, profileStructName, DataType.STRUCTURE, profileDimName);
      addCoordinatesExtended(profileStruct, profileVars);
    } else {
      addCoordinatesClassic(profileDim, profileVars, featureVarMap);
Exemplo n.º 19
 /** get the rank */
 public int getRank() {
   return mydims.size();
  private void createStations(List<ucar.unidata.geoloc.Station> stnList) throws IOException {
    int nstns = stnList.size();

    // see if there's altitude, wmoId for any stations
    for (int i = 0; i < nstns; i++) {
      ucar.unidata.geoloc.Station stn = stnList.get(i);

      // if (!Double.isNaN(stn.getAltitude()))
      //  useAlt = true;
      if ((stn.getWmoId() != null) && (stn.getWmoId().trim().length() > 0)) useWmoId = true;

    /* if (useAlt)
    ncfile.addGlobalAttribute("altitude_coordinate", altName); */

    // find string lengths
    for (int i = 0; i < nstns; i++) {
      ucar.unidata.geoloc.Station station = stnList.get(i);
      name_strlen = Math.max(name_strlen, station.getName().length());
      desc_strlen = Math.max(desc_strlen, station.getDescription().length());
      if (useWmoId) wmo_strlen = Math.max(wmo_strlen, station.getName().length());

    LatLonRect llbb = getBoundingBox(stnList);
        "geospatial_lat_min", Double.toString(llbb.getLowerLeftPoint().getLatitude()));
        "geospatial_lat_max", Double.toString(llbb.getUpperRightPoint().getLatitude()));
        "geospatial_lon_min", Double.toString(llbb.getLowerLeftPoint().getLongitude()));
        "geospatial_lon_max", Double.toString(llbb.getUpperRightPoint().getLongitude()));

    // add the dimensions
    Dimension recordDim = ncfile.addUnlimitedDimension(recordDimName);

    Dimension stationDim = ncfile.addDimension(stationDimName, nstns);

    // add the station Variables using the station dimension
    Variable v = ncfile.addVariable(latName, DataType.DOUBLE, stationDimName);
    ncfile.addVariableAttribute(v, new Attribute("units", "degrees_north"));
    ncfile.addVariableAttribute(v, new Attribute("long_name", "station latitude"));

    v = ncfile.addVariable(lonName, DataType.DOUBLE, stationDimName);
    ncfile.addVariableAttribute(v, new Attribute("units", "degrees_east"));
    ncfile.addVariableAttribute(v, new Attribute("long_name", "station longitude"));

    if (useAlt) {
      v = ncfile.addVariable(altName, DataType.DOUBLE, stationDimName);
      ncfile.addVariableAttribute(v, new Attribute("units", "meters"));
      ncfile.addVariableAttribute(v, new Attribute("long_name", "station altitude"));

    v = ncfile.addStringVariable(idName, stationDims, name_strlen);
    ncfile.addVariableAttribute(v, new Attribute("long_name", "station identifier"));

    v = ncfile.addStringVariable(descName, stationDims, desc_strlen);
    ncfile.addVariableAttribute(v, new Attribute("long_name", "station description"));

    if (useWmoId) {
      v = ncfile.addStringVariable(wmoName, stationDims, wmo_strlen);
      ncfile.addVariableAttribute(v, new Attribute("long_name", "station WMO id"));

    v = ncfile.addVariable(numProfilesName, DataType.INT, stationDimName);
        v, new Attribute("long_name", "number of profiles in linked list for this station"));

    v = ncfile.addVariable(firstProfileName, DataType.INT, stationDimName);
        v, new Attribute("long_name", "index of first profile in linked list for this station"));
Exemplo n.º 21
   * Add this coord as a variable in the netCDF file
   * @param ncfile netCDF file to add to
   * @param g group in file
  void addToNetcdfFile(NetcdfFile ncfile, Group g) {
    if (dontUseVertical) {
      typicalRecord = null;

    if (g == null) {
      g = ncfile.getRootGroup();

    // coordinate axis
    Variable v = new Variable(ncfile, g, null, getVariableName());

    String desc = lookup.getLevelDescription(typicalRecord);
    if (lookup instanceof Grib2GridTableLookup && usesBounds) {
      desc = "Layer between " + desc;

    v.addAttribute(new Attribute("long_name", desc));
    v.addAttribute(new Attribute("units", lookup.getLevelUnit(typicalRecord)));

    // positive attribute needed for CF-1 Height and Pressure
    if (positive != null) {
      v.addAttribute(new Attribute("positive", positive));

    if (units != null) {
      AxisType axisType;
      if (SimpleUnit.isCompatible("millibar", units)) {
        axisType = AxisType.Pressure;
      } else if (SimpleUnit.isCompatible("m", units)) {
        axisType = AxisType.Height;
      } else {
        axisType = AxisType.GeoZ;

      if (lookup instanceof Grib2GridTableLookup || lookup instanceof Grib1GridTableLookup) {
            new Attribute("GRIB_level_type", Integer.toString(typicalRecord.getLevelType1())));
      } else {
            new Attribute("level_type", Integer.toString(typicalRecord.getLevelType1())));
      v.addAttribute(new Attribute(_Coordinate.AxisType, axisType.toString()));

    if (coordValues == null) {
      coordValues = new double[levels.size()];
      for (int i = 0; i < levels.size(); i++) {
        LevelCoord lc = (LevelCoord) levels.get(i);
        coordValues[i] = lc.mid;
    Array dataArray = Array.factory(DataType.DOUBLE, new int[] {coordValues.length}, coordValues);

    v.setCachedData(dataArray, true);

    ncfile.addVariable(g, v);

    if (usesBounds) {
      String boundsDimName = "bounds_dim";
      if (g.findDimension(boundsDimName) == null) {
        ncfile.addDimension(g, new Dimension(boundsDimName, 2, true));

      String bname = getVariableName() + "_bounds";
      v.addAttribute(new Attribute("bounds", bname));
      v.addAttribute(new Attribute(_Coordinate.ZisLayer, "true"));

      Variable b = new Variable(ncfile, g, null, bname);
      b.setDimensions(getVariableName() + " " + boundsDimName);
      b.addAttribute(new Attribute("long_name", "bounds for " + v.getName()));
      b.addAttribute(new Attribute("units", lookup.getLevelUnit(typicalRecord)));

      Array boundsArray = Array.factory(DataType.DOUBLE, new int[] {coordValues.length, 2});
      ucar.ma2.Index ima = boundsArray.getIndex();
      for (int i = 0; i < coordValues.length; i++) {
        LevelCoord lc = (LevelCoord) levels.get(i);
        boundsArray.setDouble(ima.set(i, 0), lc.value1);
        boundsArray.setDouble(ima.set(i, 1), lc.value2);
      b.setCachedData(boundsArray, true);

      ncfile.addVariable(g, b);

    if (factors != null) {
      // check if already created
      if (g == null) {
        g = ncfile.getRootGroup();
      if (g.findVariable("hybrida") != null) return;
      v.addAttribute(new Attribute("standard_name", "atmosphere_hybrid_sigma_pressure_coordinate"));
      v.addAttribute(new Attribute("formula_terms", "ap: hybrida b: hybridb ps: Pressure"));
      // create  hybrid factor variables
      // add hybrida variable
      Variable ha = new Variable(ncfile, g, null, "hybrida");
      ha.addAttribute(new Attribute("long_name", "level_a_factor"));
      ha.addAttribute(new Attribute("units", ""));
      // add data
      int middle = factors.length / 2;
      double[] adata;
      double[] bdata;
      if (levels.size() < middle) { // only partial data wanted
        adata = new double[levels.size()];
        bdata = new double[levels.size()];
      } else {
        adata = new double[middle];
        bdata = new double[middle];
      for (int i = 0; i < middle && i < levels.size(); i++) adata[i] = factors[i];
      Array haArray = Array.factory(DataType.DOUBLE, new int[] {adata.length}, adata);
      ha.setCachedData(haArray, true);
      ncfile.addVariable(g, ha);

      // add hybridb variable
      Variable hb = new Variable(ncfile, g, null, "hybridb");
      hb.addAttribute(new Attribute("long_name", "level_b_factor"));
      hb.addAttribute(new Attribute("units", ""));
      // add data
      for (int i = 0; i < middle && i < levels.size(); i++) bdata[i] = factors[i + middle];
      Array hbArray = Array.factory(DataType.DOUBLE, new int[] {bdata.length}, bdata);
      hb.setCachedData(hbArray, true);
      ncfile.addVariable(g, hb);

      /*  // TODO: delete next time modifying code
      double[] adata = new double[ middle ];
      for( int i = 0; i < middle; i++ )
        adata[ i ] = factors[ i ];
      Array haArray = Array.factory(DataType.DOUBLE, new int[]{adata.length}, adata);
      ha.setCachedData(haArray, true);
      ncfile.addVariable(g, ha);

      // add hybridb variable
      Variable hb = new Variable(ncfile, g, null, "hybridb");
      hb.addAttribute(new Attribute("long_name",  "level_b_factor" ));
      //hb.addAttribute(new Attribute("standard_name", "atmosphere_hybrid_sigma_pressure_coordinate" ));
      hb.addAttribute(new Attribute("units", ""));
      // add data
      double[] bdata = new double[ middle ];
      for( int i = 0; i < middle; i++ )
        bdata[ i ] = factors[ i + middle ];
      Array hbArray = Array.factory(DataType.DOUBLE, new int[]{bdata.length}, bdata);
      hb.setCachedData(hbArray, true);
      ncfile.addVariable(g, hb);
Exemplo n.º 22
  * Get the number of levels
  * @return number of levels
 int getNLevels() {
   return dontUseVertical ? 1 : levels.size();
Exemplo n.º 23
 // @todo Make sure units are degrees_east
 public Array getLongitude(Range range) throws IOException, InvalidRangeException {
   List section = new ArrayList(1);
   return (lonVar.read(section));
Exemplo n.º 24
 public List getTrajectories() // throws IOException;
   List l = new ArrayList();
   return (l);
Exemplo n.º 25
 public List getTrajectoryIds() {
   List l = new ArrayList();
   return (l);
Exemplo n.º 26
  * get the ith dimension
  * @param i : which dimension
  * @return ith Dimension
 public Dimension getDimension(int i) {
   if ((i < 0) || (i >= mydims.size())) return null;
   return mydims.get(i);
  private void writeDataFinish() throws IOException {
    // finish global variables
    ArrayInt.D0 totalArray = new ArrayInt.D0();
    try {
      ncfile.write(numProfilesTotalName, totalArray);
    } catch (InvalidRangeException e) {
      throw new IllegalStateException(e);

    // finish the station data
    int nstns = stnList.size();
    ArrayInt.D1 firstProfileArray = new ArrayInt.D1(nstns);
    ArrayInt.D1 numProfileArray = new ArrayInt.D1(nstns);
    ArrayInt.D1 nextProfileArray = new ArrayInt.D1(nprofiles);

    for (int i = 0; i < stnList.size(); i++) {
      ucar.unidata.geoloc.Station stn = stnList.get(i);
      StationTracker tracker = stationMap.get(stn.getName());

      numProfileArray.set(i, tracker.numChildren);

      int first = (tracker.link.size() > 0) ? tracker.link.get(0) : -1;
      firstProfileArray.set(i, first);

      if (tracker.link.size() > 0) {
        // construct forward link
        List<Integer> nextList = tracker.link;
        for (int j = 0; j < nextList.size() - 1; j++) {
          Integer curr = nextList.get(j);
          Integer next = nextList.get(j + 1);
          nextProfileArray.set(curr, next);
        Integer curr = nextList.get(nextList.size() - 1);
        nextProfileArray.set(curr, -1);

    try {
      ncfile.write(firstProfileName, firstProfileArray);
      ncfile.write(numProfilesName, numProfileArray);
      ncfile.write(nextProfileName, nextProfileArray);

    } catch (InvalidRangeException e) {
      throw new IllegalStateException(e);

    // finish the profile data
    ArrayInt.D1 nextObsArray = new ArrayInt.D1(recno);
    ArrayInt.D1 firstObsArray = new ArrayInt.D1(nprofiles);
    ArrayInt.D1 numObsArray = new ArrayInt.D1(nprofiles);

    for (int i = 0; i < stnList.size(); i++) {
      ucar.unidata.geoloc.Station stn = stnList.get(i);
      StationTracker stnTracker = stationMap.get(stn.getName());

      Set<Date> dates = stnTracker.profileMap.keySet();
      for (Date date : dates) {
        ProfileTracker proTracker = stnTracker.profileMap.get(date);
        int trackerIndex = proTracker.parent_index;
        numObsArray.set(trackerIndex, proTracker.numChildren);

        int first = (proTracker.link.size() > 0) ? proTracker.link.get(0) : -1;
        firstObsArray.set(trackerIndex, first);

        if (proTracker.link.size() > 0) {
          // construct forward link
          List<Integer> nextList = proTracker.link;
          for (int j = 0; j < nextList.size() - 1; j++) {
            Integer curr = nextList.get(j);
            Integer next = nextList.get(j + 1);
            nextObsArray.set(curr, next);
          Integer curr = nextList.get(nextList.size() - 1);
          nextObsArray.set(curr, -1);

    try {
      ncfile.write(firstObsName, firstObsArray);
      ncfile.write(numObsName, numObsArray);
      ncfile.write(nextObsName, nextObsArray);

    } catch (InvalidRangeException e) {
      throw new IllegalStateException(e);

    // finish the obs data

        null, new Attribute("time_coverage_start", dateFormatter.toDateTimeStringISO(minDate)));
        null, new Attribute("time_coverage_end", dateFormatter.toDateTimeStringISO(maxDate)));
Exemplo n.º 28
   * This reads an arbitrary data slice, returning the data in canonical order (rt-e-t-z-y-x). If
   * any dimension does not exist, ignore it.
   * @param rt if < 0, get all of runtime dim; if valid index, fix slice to that value.
   * @param e if < 0, get all of ensemble dim; if valid index, fix slice to that value.
   * @param t if < 0, get all of time dim; if valid index, fix slice to that value.
   * @param z if < 0, get all of z dim; if valid index, fix slice to that value.
   * @param y if < 0, get all of y dim; if valid index, fix slice to that value.
   * @param x if < 0, get all of x dim; if valid index, fix slice to that value.
   * @return data[rt,e,t,z,y,x], eliminating missing or fixed dimension.
  public Array readDataSlice(int rt, int e, int t, int z, int y, int x) throws java.io.IOException {

    int rank = vs.getRank();
    int[] start = new int[rank];
    int[] shape = new int[rank];
    for (int i = 0; i < rank; i++) {
      start[i] = 0;
      shape[i] = 1;
    Dimension xdim = getXDimension();
    Dimension ydim = getYDimension();
    Dimension zdim = getZDimension();
    Dimension tdim = getTimeDimension();
    Dimension edim = getEnsembleDimension();
    Dimension rtdim = getRunTimeDimension();

    // construct the shape of the data volume to be read
    if (rtdim != null) {
      if ((rt >= 0) && (rt < rtdim.getLength())) start[rtDimOrgIndex] = rt; // fix rt
      else {
        shape[rtDimOrgIndex] = rtdim.getLength(); // all of rt

    if (edim != null) {
      if ((e >= 0) && (e < edim.getLength())) start[eDimOrgIndex] = e; // fix e
      else {
        shape[eDimOrgIndex] = edim.getLength(); // all of e

    if (tdim != null) {
      if ((t >= 0) && (t < tdim.getLength())) start[tDimOrgIndex] = t; // fix t
      else {
        shape[tDimOrgIndex] = tdim.getLength(); // all of t

    if (zdim != null) {
      if ((z >= 0) && (z < zdim.getLength())) start[zDimOrgIndex] = z; // fix z
      else {
        shape[zDimOrgIndex] = zdim.getLength(); // all of z

    if (ydim != null) {
      if ((y >= 0) && (y < ydim.getLength())) start[yDimOrgIndex] = y; // fix y
      else {
        shape[yDimOrgIndex] = ydim.getLength(); // all of y

    if (xdim != null) {
      if ((x >= 0) && (x < xdim.getLength())) // all of x
      start[xDimOrgIndex] = x; // fix x
      else {
        shape[xDimOrgIndex] = xdim.getLength(); // all of x

    if (debugArrayShape) {
      System.out.println("read shape from org variable = ");
      for (int i = 0; i < rank; i++)
            "   start = "
                + start[i]
                + " shape = "
                + shape[i]
                + " name = "
                + vs.getDimension(i).getName());

    // read it
    Array dataVolume;
    try {
      dataVolume = vs.read(start, shape);
    } catch (Exception ex) {
          "GeoGrid.getdataSlice() on dataset " + getFullName() + " " + dataset.getLocation(), ex);
      throw new java.io.IOException(ex.getMessage());

    // LOOK: the real problem is the lack of named dimensions in the Array object
    // figure out correct permutation for canonical ordering for permute
    List<Dimension> oldDims = new ArrayList<Dimension>(vs.getDimensions());
    int[] permuteIndex = new int[dataVolume.getRank()];
    int count = 0;
    if (oldDims.contains(rtdim)) permuteIndex[count++] = oldDims.indexOf(rtdim);
    if (oldDims.contains(edim)) permuteIndex[count++] = oldDims.indexOf(edim);
    if (oldDims.contains(tdim)) permuteIndex[count++] = oldDims.indexOf(tdim);
    if (oldDims.contains(zdim)) permuteIndex[count++] = oldDims.indexOf(zdim);
    if (oldDims.contains(ydim)) permuteIndex[count++] = oldDims.indexOf(ydim);
    if (oldDims.contains(xdim)) permuteIndex[count] = oldDims.indexOf(xdim);

    if (debugArrayShape) {
      System.out.println("oldDims = ");
      for (Dimension oldDim : oldDims) System.out.println("   oldDim = " + oldDim.getName());
      System.out.println("permute dims = ");
      for (int aPermuteIndex : permuteIndex)
        System.out.println("   oldDim index = " + aPermuteIndex);

    // check to see if we need to permute
    boolean needPermute = false;
    for (int i = 0; i < permuteIndex.length; i++) {
      if (i != permuteIndex[i]) needPermute = true;

    // permute to the order rt,e,t,z,y,x
    if (needPermute) dataVolume = dataVolume.permute(permuteIndex);

    // eliminate fixed dimensions, but not all dimensions of length 1.
    count = 0;
    if (rtdim != null) {
      if (rt >= 0) dataVolume = dataVolume.reduce(count);
      else count++;
    if (edim != null) {
      if (e >= 0) dataVolume = dataVolume.reduce(count);
      else count++;
    if (tdim != null) {
      if (t >= 0) dataVolume = dataVolume.reduce(count);
      else count++;
    if (zdim != null) {
      if (z >= 0) dataVolume = dataVolume.reduce(count);
      else count++;
    if (ydim != null) {
      if (y >= 0) dataVolume = dataVolume.reduce(count);
      else count++;
    if (xdim != null) {
      if (x >= 0) dataVolume = dataVolume.reduce(count);

    return dataVolume;
  public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception {
    long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
    Map<String, ucar.unidata.geoloc.Station> staHash =
        new HashMap<String, ucar.unidata.geoloc.Station>();

    String location = "R:/testdata/sounding/netcdf/Upperair_20070401_0000.nc";
    NetcdfDataset ncfile = NetcdfDataset.openDataset(location);

    // look through record varibles, for those that have "manLevel" dimension
    // make a StructureData object for those
    StructureMembers sm = new StructureMembers("manLevel");
    Dimension manDim = ncfile.findDimension("manLevel");
    Structure record = (Structure) ncfile.findVariable("record");
    List<Variable> allList = record.getVariables();
    List<VariableSimpleIF> varList = new ArrayList<VariableSimpleIF>();
    for (Variable v : allList) {
      if ((v.getRank() == 1) && v.getDimension(0).equals(manDim)) {
        // public VariableDS(NetcdfDataset ds, Group group, Structure parentStructure, String
        // shortName, DataType dataType,
        // String dims, String units, String desc) {
            new VariableDS(
        // (String name, String desc, String units, DataType dtype, int []shape)
            new int[0]); // scalar

    ArrayStructureMA manAS = new ArrayStructureMA(sm, new int[] {manDim.getLength()});

    // need the date units
    Variable time = ncfile.findVariable("synTime");
    String timeUnits = ncfile.findAttValueIgnoreCase(time, "units", null);
    timeUnits = StringUtil.remove(timeUnits, '('); // crappy fsl'ism
    timeUnits = StringUtil.remove(timeUnits, ')');
    DateUnit timeUnit = new DateUnit(timeUnits);

    // extract stations
    int nrecs = 0;
    StructureDataIterator iter = record.getStructureIterator();
    while (iter.hasNext()) {
      StructureData sdata = iter.next();
      String name = sdata.getScalarString("staName");
      ucar.unidata.geoloc.Station s = staHash.get(name);
      if (s == null) {
        float lat = sdata.convertScalarFloat("staLat");
        float lon = sdata.convertScalarFloat("staLon");
        float elev = sdata.convertScalarFloat("staElev");
        s = new StationImpl(name, "", lat, lon, elev);
        staHash.put(name, s);
    List<ucar.unidata.geoloc.Station> stnList =
        Arrays.asList(staHash.values().toArray(new ucar.unidata.geoloc.Station[staHash.size()]));

    // create the writer
    WriterProfileObsDataset writer =
        new WriterProfileObsDataset(location + ".out", "rewrite " + location);
    writer.writeHeader(stnList, varList, nrecs, "prMan");

    // extract records
    iter = record.getStructureIterator();
    while (iter.hasNext()) {
      StructureData sdata = iter.next();
      String name = sdata.getScalarString("staName");
      double timeValue = sdata.convertScalarDouble("synTime");
      Date date = timeUnit.makeDate(timeValue);

      // transfer to the ArrayStructure
      List<String> names = sm.getMemberNames();
      for (String mname : names) {
        manAS.setMemberArray(mname, sdata.getArray(mname));

      // each level is weritten as a seperate structure
      int numMand = sdata.getScalarInt("numMand");
      if (numMand >= manDim.getLength()) continue;

      for (int i = 0; i < numMand; i++) {
        StructureData useData = manAS.getStructureData(i);
        writer.writeRecord(name, date, useData);


    long took = System.currentTimeMillis() - start;
    System.out.println("That took = " + took);
Exemplo n.º 30
  private void makeCoordinateDataWithMissing(
      int datatype,
      Variable time,
      Variable elev,
      Variable azi,
      Variable nradialsVar,
      Variable ngatesVar,
      List groups) {

    Array timeData = Array.factory(time.getDataType().getPrimitiveClassType(), time.getShape());
    Index timeIndex = timeData.getIndex();

    Array elevData = Array.factory(elev.getDataType().getPrimitiveClassType(), elev.getShape());
    Index elevIndex = elevData.getIndex();

    Array aziData = Array.factory(azi.getDataType().getPrimitiveClassType(), azi.getShape());
    Index aziIndex = aziData.getIndex();

    Array nradialsData =
        Array.factory(nradialsVar.getDataType().getPrimitiveClassType(), nradialsVar.getShape());
    IndexIterator nradialsIter = nradialsData.getIndexIterator();

    Array ngatesData =
        Array.factory(ngatesVar.getDataType().getPrimitiveClassType(), ngatesVar.getShape());
    IndexIterator ngatesIter = ngatesData.getIndexIterator();

    // first fill with missing data
    IndexIterator ii = timeData.getIndexIterator();
    while (ii.hasNext()) ii.setIntNext(MISSING_INT);

    ii = elevData.getIndexIterator();
    while (ii.hasNext()) ii.setFloatNext(MISSING_FLOAT);

    ii = aziData.getIndexIterator();
    while (ii.hasNext()) ii.setFloatNext(MISSING_FLOAT);

    // now set the  coordinate variables from the Cinrad2Record radial
    int last_msecs = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
    int nscans = groups.size();
    try {
      for (int scan = 0; scan < nscans; scan++) {
        List scanGroup = (List) groups.get(scan);
        int nradials = scanGroup.size();

        Cinrad2Record first = null;
        for (int j = 0; j < nradials; j++) {
          Cinrad2Record r = (Cinrad2Record) scanGroup.get(j);
          if (first == null) first = r;

          int radial = r.radial_num - 1;
          timeData.setInt(timeIndex.set(scan, radial), r.data_msecs);
          elevData.setFloat(elevIndex.set(scan, radial), r.getElevation());
          aziData.setFloat(aziIndex.set(scan, radial), r.getAzimuth());

          if (r.data_msecs < last_msecs)
            logger.warn("makeCoordinateData time out of order " + r.data_msecs);
          last_msecs = r.data_msecs;

    } catch (java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException ae) {
      logger.debug("Cinrad2IOSP.uncompress ", ae);
    time.setCachedData(timeData, false);
    elev.setCachedData(elevData, false);
    azi.setCachedData(aziData, false);
    nradialsVar.setCachedData(nradialsData, false);
    ngatesVar.setCachedData(ngatesData, false);