public boolean cluster(String[] args) {
    boolean success = false;
    // handle command line arguments; sets dataFile and threshold
    success = parseArgs(args);

    Map<String, Map<Integer, List<Isolate>>> dataMap =
        new HashMap<String, Map<Integer, List<Isolate>>>();

     * Each isolate similarity matrix holds a correlation for both regions
    IsolateSimilarityMatrix partialCorrelations = new IsolateSimilarityMatrix();
    Map<Connectivity, IsolateSimilarityMatrix> isolateNetworks =
        new HashMap<Connectivity, IsolateSimilarityMatrix>();

    isolateNetworks.put(Connectivity.STRONG, new IsolateSimilarityMatrix());
    isolateNetworks.put(Connectivity.WEAK, new IsolateSimilarityMatrix());

    Cluster.distType type = null;
    String dataFileName = null;
    double lowerThreshold = -1, upperThreshold = -1;

    for (File dataFile : dataFileMap.keySet()) {
      FileSettings settings = dataFileMap.get(dataFile);

      dataFileName = dataFile.getName();
      IsolateRegion region = settings.getRegion();
      type = settings.getDistanceType();
      lowerThreshold = settings.getLowerThreshold();
      upperThreshold = settings.getUpperThreshold();

      if (dataFile != null) {
        IsolateFileParser parser = new IsolateFileParser(dataFile, settings);

        // MARKER old code
        // isolateMap = parser.extractData(similarityMatrix);
        // mIsolateNetworks = parser.extractData();
        parser.extractData(isolateNetworks, partialCorrelations);

      System.out.println("strong Network size: " + isolateNetworks.get(Connectivity.STRONG).size());

    // each point is a cluster, and we will combine two clusters in each iteration
    List<ClusterDendogram> clustDends = clusterIsolates(type, isolateNetworks);
    // System.err.println("clustDends length: " + clustDends.size());

    // if the isolates yielded NO clusters (wtf data disappear?) or
    // if clusterIsolates returned null, then this was *NOT* a success
    success = clustDends != null && !clustDends.isEmpty();

    String outputFileDir =
        String.format("ClusterResults/%s_%.02f_%.02f", type, lowerThreshold, upperThreshold);

    String outputFileName = String.format("%s/%s", outputFileDir,

    String origFileName =
            ? dataFileName.substring(0, dataFileName.indexOf(".csv"))
            : HClustering.mOutputFileName;
        "Writing to file "
            + origFileName
            + " even though outputFilename should be "
            + HClustering.mOutputFileName);
    String outputFileName = String.format("%s/%s", outputFileDir, origFileName);

    IsolateOutputWriter.outputClusters(clustDends, outputFileDir, outputFileName + ".xml");
    IsolateOutputWriter.outputCytoscapeFormat(clustDends, outputFileName);
    IsolateOutputWriter.outputTemporalClusters(clustDends, outputFileName);
    IsolateOutputWriter.outputTemporalCharts(clustDends, outputFileName);

    return success;
  private List<ClusterDendogram> clusterIsolates(
      Cluster.distType type, Map<Connectivity, IsolateSimilarityMatrix> isolateNetworks) {
    IsolateRegion region = settings.getRegion();
    double distanceThreshold = settings.getDistanceThreshold();
    double lowerThreshold = settings.getLowerThreshold();
    double upperThreshold = settings.getUpperThreshold();
    Cluster.distType type = settings.getDistanceType();

    // mappings represent days to isolates
    Map<String, Map<Integer, List<Isolate>>> technicianIsolateMap = null;
    // list of all constructed clusters
    List<ClusterDendogram> clusters = new ArrayList<ClusterDendogram>();
    List<ClusterDendogram> technicianClusters = new ArrayList<ClusterDendogram>();

     * Marker

    // MARKER new code. get the isolateMap from the similarity matrix now
    // also, multiple similarity matrices are stored in the isolate networks
    // map so that it is possible to iterate on correlations based on their
    // strength instead of just going all willy nilly
    IsolateSimilarityMatrix similarityMatrix = isolateNetworks.get(Connectivity.STRONG);
    technicianIsolateMap = similarityMatrix.getIsolateMap();

    for (String technician : technicianIsolateMap.keySet()) {
      System.out.printf("clustering technician %s's dataset...\n", technician);
      Map<Integer, List<Isolate>> isolateMap = technicianIsolateMap.get(technician);

      for (int sampleDay : isolateMap.keySet()) {
        System.out.printf("clustering day %d...\n", sampleDay);
        // Cluster the list of isolates in this day
        List<ClusterDendogram> currClusters =
            clusterIsolateList(similarityMatrix, isolateMap.get(sampleDay), type);

        IsolateOutputWriter.outputClustersByDay(similarityMatrix, sampleDay, currClusters);
        System.err.println("currClusters length: " + currClusters.size());
        for (ClusterDendogram clustDend : currClusters) {

        // System.err.printf("on day %d there are a total of %d clusters", sampleDay,
        // clusters.size());
        // Cluster all previous days with this day
        clusters = clusterToDate(clusters, currClusters, type);

      clusters = new ArrayList<ClusterDendogram>();

    clusters = clusterGroup(technicianClusters, type);

        "\n\n================\nFINISHED STAGE 1. CLUSTERING SQUISHIES\n"
            + "===================\n\n");

    similarityMatrix = isolateNetworks.get(Connectivity.WEAK);
    technicianIsolateMap = similarityMatrix.getIsolateMap();

     * this is so that when doing the second pass through all of the clusters
     * squishy correlations will also be known
    for (ClusterDendogram clust : clusters) {

    for (String technician : technicianIsolateMap.keySet()) {
      System.out.printf("clustering technician %s's dataset...\n", technician);
      Map<Integer, List<Isolate>> isolateMap = technicianIsolateMap.get(technician);

      for (int sampleDay : isolateMap.keySet()) {
        System.out.printf("clustering day %d...\n", sampleDay);

        for (Isolate isolate : isolateMap.get(sampleDay)) {
          // clusters = clusterWeakIsolates(similarityMatrix, clusters, isolate, type);

          if (!isolate.hasBeenClustered()) {
            Cluster newCluster = new Cluster(similarityMatrix, isolate);
            Dendogram newDendogram = new DendogramLeaf(isolate);
            clusters.add(new ClusterDendogram(newCluster, newDendogram));

    clusters = clusterGroup(clusters, type);

    System.out.printf("\n\n==================\nFINISHED STAGE 2.\n======================\n\n");
    return clusters;