Exemplo n.º 1
  // Once collected, you get only one visit from the root tag block (hopefully HTML)
  public void visit(TagBlock tb) {
    // We are not going to parse attribute information in pages that don't have an HTML tag block
    if (tb.startTag.tagName.equalsIgnoreCase("HTML")) {
      HTMLElement he;
      TagBlock tbe;

      // Let's go looking for the head tag
      for (Enumeration be = tb.body.elements(); be.hasMoreElements(); ) {
        he = (HTMLElement) be.nextElement();

        if (he.getClass() == TagBlock.class) {
          tbe = (TagBlock) he;

          if (tbe.startTag.tagName.equalsIgnoreCase("HEAD")) {
            // Found the head tag block, now let's look for the page title and any meta tags
            for (Enumeration hbe = tbe.body.elements(); hbe.hasMoreElements(); ) {
              he = (HTMLElement) hbe.nextElement();

              if (he.getClass() == TagBlock.class) {
                tbe = (TagBlock) he;

                if (tbe.startTag.tagName.equalsIgnoreCase("TITLE")) {
                  // Should only be one item in title body, hopefully it's a text element
                  for (Enumeration e = tbe.body.elements(); e.hasMoreElements(); ) {
                    he = (HTMLElement) e.nextElement();

                    if (he.getClass() == Text.class) {
                      pageTitle = HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(((Text) he).text).Trim();
              } else if (he.getClass() == Tag.class) {
                Tag tg = (Tag) he;

                // See if this is a META tag
                if (tg.tagName.equalsIgnoreCase("META")) {
                  // Convert this tag and it's attributes into a more .NET
                  // friendly collection
                  MetaTag metaTag = new MetaTag(tg);

                  // Copy attributes in Java vector into .NET ArrayList...
                  for (Enumeration ae = tg.attributeList.attributes.elements();
                      ae.hasMoreElements(); )
                    metaTag.get_Attributes().Add((Attribute) ae.nextElement());


            // Once we've found the head element, we can leave...
Exemplo n.º 2
    private void GetMetaTags(MetaTags tags, String Name, boolean stopAfterFirst) {
      MetaTag tag;

      for (int x = 0; x < tagList.get_Count(); x++) {
        tag = get_Item(x);
        if (tag != null) {
          if (tag.get_Name().equalsIgnoreCase(Name)) {
            if (stopAfterFirst) break;