public boolean spooler_open() { try { // classic or order driven if (spooler_task.job().order_queue() == null) { spooler_log.debug6( "retrieving mail files from directory: " + this.getQueueDirectory() + " for file specification: " + this.getQueuePrefixSpec()); this.mailOrders = SOSFile.getFilelist(this.getQueueDirectory(), this.getQueuePrefixSpec(), 0); this.mailOrderIterator = this.mailOrders.iterator(); if (this.mailOrders.size() > 0) + " mail files found"); return this.mailOrderIterator.hasNext(); } else { return true; } } catch (Exception e) { spooler_log.warn( "failed to retrieve mail files from directory [" + this.getQueueDirectory() + ", " + this.getQueuePrefixSpec() + "]: " + e.getMessage()); return false; } }
public boolean spooler_process() { Order order = null; String orderId = "(none)"; String host = spooler_log.mail().smtp(); int port = 25; String queueDir = spooler_log.mail().queue_dir(); String from = spooler_log.mail().from(); String to = ""; String cc = ""; String bcc = ""; String subject = ""; String body = ""; String contentType = "text/plain"; String encoding = "Base64"; String attachmentCharset = "iso-8859-1"; String attachmentContentType = "application/octet-stream"; String attachmentEncoding = "Base64"; boolean cleanupAttachment = false; String[] attachments = {}; try { try { if (spooler_job.order_queue() != null) { order = spooler_task.order(); orderId =; if (order.params().value("configuration_path") != null && order.params().value("configuration_path").length() > 0) { this.setConfigurationPath(order.params().value("configuration_path")); } else if (spooler_task.params().value("configuration_path") != null && spooler_task.params().value("configuration_path").length() > 0) { this.setConfigurationPath(spooler_task.params().value("configuration_path")); } if (order.params().value("configuration_file") != null && order.params().value("configuration_file").length() > 0) { this.setConfigurationFilename(order.params().value("configuration_file")); } else if (spooler_task.params().value("configuration_file") != null && spooler_task.params().value("configuration_file").length() > 0) { this.setConfigurationFilename(spooler_task.params().value("configuration_file")); } // load and assign configuration this.initConfiguration(); } // prepare parameters and attributes this.prepare(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception("error occurred preparing order: " + e.getMessage()); } if (doSendMail()) { try { if (this.getParameters().value("to") != null && this.getParameters().value("to").length() > 0) { to = this.getParameters().value("to"); } else { throw new Exception("no value was specified for mandatory parameter [to]"); } if (this.getParameters().value("subject") != null && this.getParameters().value("subject").length() > 0) { subject = this.getParameters().value("subject"); } else { throw new Exception("no value was specified for mandatory parameter [subject]"); } if (this.getParameters().value("host") != null && this.getParameters().value("host").length() > 0) { host = this.getParameters().value("host"); } if (this.getParameters().value("port") != null && this.getParameters().value("port").length() > 0) { try { port = Integer.parseInt(this.getParameters().value("port")); } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception( "illegal, non-numeric value [" + this.getParameters().value("port") + "] for parameter [port]: " + e.getMessage()); } } if (this.getParameters().value("queue_directory") != null && this.getParameters().value("queue_directory").length() > 0) { queueDir = this.getParameters().value("queue_directory"); } if (this.getParameters().value("from") != null && this.getParameters().value("from").length() > 0) { from = this.getParameters().value("from"); } if (this.getParameters().value("cc") != null && this.getParameters().value("cc").length() > 0) { cc = this.getParameters().value("cc"); } if (this.getParameters().value("bcc") != null && this.getParameters().value("bcc").length() > 0) { bcc = this.getParameters().value("bcc"); } if (this.getParameters().value("body") != null && this.getParameters().value("body").length() > 0) { body = this.getParameters().value("body"); } if (this.getParameters().value("content_type") != null && this.getParameters().value("content_type").length() > 0) { contentType = this.getParameters().value("content_type"); } if (this.getParameters().value("encoding") != null && this.getParameters().value("encoding").length() > 0) { encoding = this.getParameters().value("encoding"); } if (this.getParameters().value("attachment_charset") != null && this.getParameters().value("attachment_charset").length() > 0) { attachmentCharset = this.getParameters().value("attachment_charset"); } if (this.getParameters().value("attachment_content_type") != null && this.getParameters().value("attachment_content_type").length() > 0) { attachmentContentType = this.getParameters().value("attachment_content_type"); } if (this.getParameters().value("attachment_encoding") != null && this.getParameters().value("attachment_encoding").length() > 0) { attachmentEncoding = this.getParameters().value("attachment_encoding"); } if (this.getParameters().value("attachment") != null && this.getParameters().value("attachment").length() > 0) { attachments = this.getParameters().value("attachment").split(";"); } if (this.getParameters().value("cleanup_attachment") != null && this.getParameters().value("cleanup_attachment").length() > 0) { if (this.getParameters().value("cleanup_attachment").equals("1") || this.getParameters().value("cleanup_attachment").equalsIgnoreCase("true") || this.getParameters().value("cleanup_attachment").equalsIgnoreCase("yes")) { cleanupAttachment = true; } } } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception("error occurred checking parameters: " + e.getMessage()); } try { // to process order SOSMail sosMail = new SOSMail(host); sosMail.setPort(Integer.toString(port)); sosMail.setQueueDir(queueDir); sosMail.setFrom(from); sosMail.setContentType(contentType); sosMail.setEncoding(encoding); String recipientsTo[] = to.split(","); for (int i = 0; i < recipientsTo.length; i++) { if (i == 0) sosMail.setReplyTo(recipientsTo[i].trim()); sosMail.addRecipient(recipientsTo[i].trim()); } String recipientsCC[] = cc.split(","); for (int i = 0; i < recipientsCC.length; i++) { sosMail.addCC(recipientsCC[i].trim()); } String recipientsBCC[] = bcc.split(","); for (int i = 0; i < recipientsBCC.length; i++) { sosMail.addBCC(recipientsBCC[i].trim()); } sosMail.setSubject(subject); sosMail.setBody(body); sosMail.setAttachmentCharset(attachmentCharset); sosMail.setAttachmentEncoding(attachmentEncoding); sosMail.setAttachmentContentType(attachmentContentType); for (int i = 0; i < attachments.length; i++) { File attachmentFile = new File(attachments[i]); SOSMailAttachment attachment = new SOSMailAttachment(sosMail, attachmentFile); attachment.setCharset(attachmentCharset); attachment.setEncoding(attachmentEncoding); attachment.setContentType(attachmentContentType); sosMail.addAttachment(attachment); } sosMail.setSOSLogger(this.getLogger()); this.getLogger().info("sending mail: \n" + sosMail.dumpMessageAsString()); if (!sosMail.send()) { this.getLogger() .warn( "mail server is unavailable, mail for recipient [" + to + "] is queued in local directory [" + sosMail.getQueueDir() + "]:" + sosMail.getLastError()); } if (cleanupAttachment) { for (int i = 0; i < attachments.length; i++) { File attachmentFile = new File(attachments[i]); if (attachmentFile.exists() && attachmentFile.canWrite()) { SOSFile.deleteFile(attachmentFile); } } } sosMail.clearRecipients(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception(e.getMessage()); } } return (spooler_task.job().order_queue() != null) ? true : false; } catch (Exception e) { spooler_log.warn("error occurred processing order [" + orderId + "]: " + e.getMessage()); return false; } finally { try { this.cleanup(); } catch (Exception e) { } ; } }