/* * When paint is called, draw all the shapes currently in the model and draw a string showing the name of the shape * (non-Javadoc) * @see java.awt.Container#paint(java.awt.Graphics) */ public void paint(Graphics g) { shapesToDraw = model.getShapeArray(); for (Shape shape : shapesToDraw) { if (shape != null) { shape.draw(g); // draw shape at index i g.drawString( "Shape " + (shapesToDraw.indexOf(shape) + 1), shape.getX1(), shape.getY1()); // Draw labels on each shape } System.out.println(model); System.out.println(shape); } }
public String toString() { String s = "Crystal idx: " + (int) idx; s += "\nShape: " + shape.toString(); s += "\n\tAxial growth rates: " + Arrays.toString(axialGrowthRates); s += "\n\tInitial dimensions: " + Arrays.toString(initDims); s += "\n\tNucleation time: " + ne.getTime(); s += "\n\tNucleation location: " + ne.getLocation().toString(); return s; }
public boolean isInside(JVector pos) { return shape.isInside(curAxes, pos); }
public JVector[] getNucOrient() { return shape.getUnitAxes(); }