  * Randomly add to or subtract from the input a fixed percentage of the input
  * @param output output of the Rosenbrock function
  * @return output plus or minus a fixed percentage.
 public static double plusOrMinus10(double output) {
   double newVal =
           + output
               * 1
               * Math.pow(
                           + 1)); // Math.pow(-1, (double)(rand.nextInt(2) + 1)) * 2 * output *
   // Math.random() + output;
   return newVal;
   * Run an experiment, iterating through all possible combinations of parameters.
   * @param sizes
   * @param dimensions
   * @param repeats
   * @param rbfBasisFunction
   * @param activationFunction
   * @param learningRate
   * @param clusters {number of hidden nodes in each layer, number of clusters}
   * @param momentum
   * @param hiddenNum number of hidden layers
  public static void runExperiment(
      int[] sizes,
      int[] dimensions,
      int[][] repeats,
      int[] rbfBasisFunction,
      ActivationFunction[] activationFunction,
      double[] learningRate,
      int[][] clusters,
      double[] momentum,
      int[] hiddenNum) {

    // Check for empty and null-valued arguments and initialize to default values.
    if (sizes == null || sizes.length == 0) {
      sizes = new int[] {100000};
    if (dimensions == null || dimensions.length == 0) {
      dimensions = new int[] {4};
    if (repeats == null || repeats.length == 0) {
      repeats = new int[][] {{1, 1}};
    if (rbfBasisFunction == null || rbfBasisFunction.length == 0) {
      rbfBasisFunction = new int[] {0};
    if (activationFunction == null || activationFunction.length == 0) {
      activationFunction = new ActivationFunction[] {ActivationFunction.LOGISTIC};
    if (learningRate == null || learningRate.length == 0) {
      learningRate = new double[] {0.01};
    if (clusters == null || clusters.length == 0) {
      clusters = new int[][] {{100, 10000}};
    if (momentum == null || momentum.length == 0) {
      momentum = new double[] {0.01};
    if (hiddenNum == null || hiddenNum.length == 0) {
      hiddenNum = new int[] {1};

    // calculate the number of experiments
    int experimentCount =
            * repeats.length
            * dimensions.length
            * rbfBasisFunction.length
            * activationFunction.length
            * learningRate.length
            * clusters.length
            * momentum.length
            * hiddenNum.length;

    double[][][][] results = new double[2][experimentCount][][];
    int experimentIndex = 0;

    // Loop through all possible combinations of variables (most arrays should be of size 1)
    for (int a = 0; a < sizes.length; a++) {
      for (int b = 0; b < dimensions.length; b++) {
        // Retrieve a dataset of size a with b inputs, or generate one if it does not exist
        double[][] datasets = DataTools.getDataFromFile(dimensions[b], sizes[a]);

        for (int c = 0; c < repeats.length; c++) {
          for (int d = 0; d < rbfBasisFunction.length; d++) {
            for (int e = 0; e < activationFunction.length; e++) {
              for (int f = 0; f < learningRate.length; f++) {
                for (int g = 0; g < clusters.length; g++) {
                  for (int h = 0; h < momentum.length; h++) {
                    for (int i = 0; i < hiddenNum.length; i++) {

                      // Print information about the next experiment
                      System.out.println("Experiment " + experimentIndex);
                      System.out.println("Number of training examples: " + sizes[a]);
                      System.out.println("Number of inputs: " + dimensions[b]);
                      System.out.println("Repeats: {" + repeats[c][0] + "," + repeats[c][1] + "}");
                      System.out.println("RBF basis function: " + rbfBasisFunction[d]);
                      System.out.println("FF activation function: " + activationFunction[e]);
                      System.out.println("Learning rate: " + learningRate[f]);
                      System.out.println("Clusters: " + clusters[g][1]);
                      System.out.println("Momentum: " + momentum[h]);
                      System.out.println("Hidden layers: " + hiddenNum[i]);

                      // Train and test an RBF neural net
                      results[0][experimentIndex] =

                      double aboveRight = results[0][experimentIndex][0][0];
                      double aboveWrong = results[0][experimentIndex][0][1];
                      double belowRight = results[0][experimentIndex][0][2];
                      double belowWrong = results[0][experimentIndex][0][3];
                      double varianceSum = results[0][experimentIndex][0][4];
                      double realSum = results[0][experimentIndex][0][5];
                      double predictionSum = results[0][experimentIndex][0][6];
                      double minError = results[0][experimentIndex][0][7];
                      double maxError = results[0][experimentIndex][0][8];
                      double percentError = results[0][experimentIndex][0][9] / (sizes[a] * 10);

                      double averageError = varianceSum / (sizes[a] * 10);

                      double standardDeviation = 0.0;
                      double averageReal = realSum / (sizes[a] * 10);
                      double averagePrediction = predictionSum / (sizes[a] * 10);

                      double[] errors = results[0][experimentIndex][1];
                      for (int j = 0; j < errors.length; j++) {
                        double error = results[0][experimentIndex][1][j];
                        standardDeviation += Math.pow(error - averageError, 2.0);

                      standardDeviation /= 10 * sizes[a] - 1;
                      standardDeviation = Math.sqrt(standardDeviation);

                      System.out.println("------------RBF Neural Network------------");
                      System.out.println("    Correct above guesses: " + aboveRight);
                      System.out.println("  Incorrect above guesses: " + aboveWrong);
                      System.out.println("    Correct below guesses: " + belowRight);
                      System.out.println("  Incorrect below guesses: " + belowWrong);
                      System.out.println("       Average real value: " + averageReal);
                      System.out.println("  Average predicted value: " + averagePrediction);
                      System.out.println("            Average error: " + averageError);
                      System.out.println("    Average percent error: " + percentError);
                      System.out.println("  Standard dev. of errors: " + standardDeviation);
                      System.out.println("            Minimum error: " + minError);
                      System.out.println("            Maximum error: " + maxError);
                          "Percent correctly guessed: "
                              + ((aboveRight + belowRight)
                                  / (aboveRight + belowRight + aboveWrong + belowWrong)
                                  * 100));

                      // Train and test a Feedforward neural net
                      results[1][experimentIndex] =

                      double[] statistics = new double[5];
                      for (int j = 0; j < 5; j++) {
                        for (int k = 0; k < 10; k++) {
                          statistics[k % 5] += results[1][experimentIndex][j][k];

                      statistics[4] /= 10;

                      double[] confidences = results[1][experimentIndex][6];

                      confidences[0] /= statistics[0];
                      confidences[1] /= statistics[1];
                      confidences[2] /= statistics[2];
                      confidences[3] /= statistics[3];

                      System.out.println("--------Feed Forward Neural Network--------");
                      System.out.println("  Correct above guesses: " + statistics[0]);
                      System.out.println("Incorrect above guesses: " + statistics[1]);
                      System.out.println("  Correct below guesses: " + statistics[2]);
                      System.out.println("Incorrect below guesses: " + statistics[3]);
                      System.out.println("     Average confidence: " + statistics[4]);
                      System.out.println("Average confidence when...");
                      System.out.println("      Correct and above: " + confidences[0]);
                      System.out.println("    Incorrect and above: " + confidences[1]);
                      System.out.println("      Correct and below: " + confidences[2]);
                      System.out.println("    Incorrect and below: " + confidences[3]);

   * Train and test the RBF net using 5x2-fold cross validation.
   * @param size
   * @param dimensions
   * @param repeats
   * @param rbfBasisFunction
   * @param activationFunction
   * @param learningRate
   * @param clusters
   * @param momentums
   * @param hidden
   * @param dataset
   * @return 2D array of results
  public static double[][] trainRBF(
      int size,
      int dimensions,
      int[] repeats,
      int rbfBasisFunction,
      ActivationFunction activationFunction,
      double learningRate,
      int[] clusters,
      double momentums,
      int hidden,
      double[][] dataset) {

    double[][] output = new double[4][10];
    double[] errors = new double[size * 10];
    double[] allValues = new double[size * 10];
    double[] allGuesses = new double[size * 10];

    double aboveRight = 0.0; // Total above and correct guesses
    double aboveWrong = 0.0; // Total above and incorrect guesses
    double belowRight = 0.0; // Total below and incorrect guesses
    double belowWrong = 0.0; // Total below and correct guesses
    double varianceSum = 0.0; // Sum of the error
    double realValue = 0.0; // sum of the actual values
    double estimatedValue = 0.0; // Sum of the approximated values
    double minError = 99999999.0; // minimum error
    double maxError = 0.0; // maximum error
    double percentError = 0.0; // sum of the percent errors
    System.out.println("RBF Neural Network:");
    // For 5 repetitions of 2-fold cross validation
    for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
      System.out.println("Running cross-validation, on part: " + i);
      int count = i + 1;
      System.out.println("Two-fold cross validation repetition " + count);
      double[][][] datasets = partitionData(dataset);
      double[][] buildingData;

      int buildingSize = Math.min(clusters[0], datasets[0].length);
      buildingData = new double[buildingSize][];

      for (int j = 0; j < buildingSize; j++) {
        buildingData[j] = datasets[0][j];

      // First: train on datasets[0], test on datasets[1]
      long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
      RBFNeuralNetwork rbf =
              buildingData, datasets[0], learningRate, clusters[1], rbfBasisFunction, repeats[1]);
      long end = System.currentTimeMillis();
      System.out.println("Run time: " + (end - startTime));

      for (int j = 0; j < datasets[1].length; j++) {
        // Index of the output of the Rosenbrock function
        int index = datasets[1][j].length - 1;
        // Actual output of the Rosenbrock function
        double actualValue = datasets[1][j][index];
        realValue += actualValue;
        // Value plus or minus a constant percent of the actual value
        double offsetValue = plusOrMinus10(actualValue);
        // Approximated value
        double predictedValue = rbf.getResult(datasets[1][j]);
        estimatedValue += predictedValue;

        // Variance
        double variance = Math.abs(predictedValue - actualValue);

        // Store statistics aquired thus far
        errors[size * i + j * 2] = variance;
        allValues[size * i + j * 2] = realValue;
        allGuesses[size * i + j * 2] = predictedValue;

        // Calculate percent error
        percentError += 100 * ((predictedValue - actualValue) / actualValue);

        varianceSum += variance;
        if (minError > variance) {
          minError = variance;

        if (maxError < variance) {
          maxError = variance;

        // Predict above or below the function
        boolean abovePredicted = rbf.aboveValue(datasets[1][j], offsetValue);

        boolean aboveActual = actualValue < offsetValue;

        if (abovePredicted && aboveActual) {
          aboveWrong += 1.0;
        } else if (abovePredicted) {
          aboveRight += 1.0;
        } else if (aboveActual) {
          belowRight += 1.0;
        } else {
          belowWrong += 1.0;

      // Cross validation, swap testing and training sets
      rbf =
              datasets[1], datasets[1], learningRate, clusters[1], rbfBasisFunction, repeats[1]);

      for (int j = 0; j < datasets[0].length; j++) {
        // Index of the output of the Rosenbrock function
        int index = datasets[0][j].length - 1;
        // Actual output of the Rosenbrock function
        double actualValue = datasets[0][j][index];
        realValue += actualValue;
        // Value plus or minus a constant percent of the actual value
        double offsetValue = plusOrMinus10(actualValue);
        // Approximated value
        double predictedValue = rbf.getResult(datasets[0][j]);
        estimatedValue += predictedValue;

        double variance = Math.abs(predictedValue - actualValue);
        // Store statistics aquired thus far
        errors[size * i + j * 2 + 1] = variance;
        allValues[size * i + j * 2 + 1] = realValue;
        allGuesses[size * i + j * 2 + 1] = predictedValue;
        percentError += 100 * ((predictedValue - actualValue) / actualValue);

        varianceSum += variance;
        if (minError > variance) {
          minError = variance;

        if (maxError < variance) {
          maxError = variance;

        // Predict above or below the function
        boolean abovePredicted = rbf.aboveValue(datasets[0][j], offsetValue);

        boolean aboveActual = actualValue < offsetValue;

        if (abovePredicted && aboveActual) {
          aboveWrong += 1.0;
        } else if (abovePredicted) {
          aboveRight += 1.0;
        } else if (aboveActual) {
          belowRight += 1.0;
        } else {
          belowWrong += 1.0;

    // Store all data in the output array
    output[0][0] = aboveRight;
    output[0][1] = aboveWrong;
    output[0][2] = belowRight;
    output[0][3] = belowWrong;
    output[0][4] = varianceSum;
    output[0][5] = realValue;
    output[0][6] = estimatedValue;
    output[0][7] = minError;
    output[0][8] = maxError;
    output[0][9] = percentError;
    output[1] = errors;
    output[2] = allValues;
    output[3] = allGuesses;

    return output;